Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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YAMAHA DEALERS LAGUNA SECA TOUR J ULY 11, 1 2, 1 987 Come see the hottest road racing in the western states, 'and take a lap around the track Tour ticket price - $35.00 Bryan Villella takes .a victory lap after his Junior National win. spot all race long, while las t year's winner, Jones, rounded ou t th e top five spots. " It just seems like the last 10 laps of the main event I seem to slow down," said Parker. " I think I just get ca u tious. I don 't want to fall down for something stupid. " Carr said, " If 1 would have had brakes the rest of th e race , 1 think 1 could have given Scott a good run for th e money a nd it would have been a hell of a race . 1 can 't take a thing away from Scott. H e flat out-rode us all . H e did a number on us. " Trophy Dash A special five-lap Trophy Dash was held after th e 20-lap National a nd it wa s a full -on battle for all five laps between Pa rker a nd Morehead. Morehead reportedl y had tire problems in the National , but gave Parker all he could handle in th e Trophy Dash. Parker and Moreh ead fought it out side-b y-side on almost every lap and the crowd loved it; Coming do wn to the last la p th e duo entered tu rn one neck-and-neck, but co ming ou t of turn two Parker go t th e dr ive a nd held the adv antage down the backstretch. Comin g o ut of tu rn four Parker held th e lead and beat Morehead to th e line by a bo u t four bike lengths. Estep and Bonesteel were a distant third and four th. " T hat was a great race," said Parker. " We we re goi ng a t i t handlebar-to-ha ndl ebar. That was a better race than the mai n even t." • Results 20-LAP NATIONAL: 1. Scott Parker (H-O); 2. Chris Carr (H-D); 3. Doug Chandler (Han); 4. Don Estep (H-D); 5. Ronn ie Jones (Han); 6. Scott Purson (Han); 7. ' Chris Evans (H-D); B. Sammy Sweet (H·D); 9. Terry Poovey (Han); 10. Ricky Graham (H-D); 11. Bryan Hardin (H-D); 12. Doug Davis (H-D); 13. Darrin Erich sen (H-D); 14 . Ted Boody (Han); 15. Steve Morehead (H· D). 12-LAP JUNIOR NATIONA L: 1. Bryan Vill ella (WRt 2. Kevin Atherton (W-R); 3. Darr ell Davis (W· R); 4. Recil Hart (RlX); 5. Todd Conant (Han); 6. Chance Darl ing IH-D); 7. Craig Johnson (H-D); B. James Hauptman IHon); 9. David Rayburn (H-D) 10. Ron Schroeder (W·R); 11 . Craig Estell e (H-D); 12. Mark Wyskiel (Han). TROPHY DASH: 1. Scott Parker (H-D); 2. Steve Mor ehead (H· D); 3. Don Estep (H·D); 4 . Brian Bonest eel (H-D). AMA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP DIRT TRACKSERIESpOINT STANDINGS : 1. Scott Parker (103); 2. Doug Chandler (94); 3. Chris Carr (BOI ; 4. Bubba Shobert (7B); 5. Ricky Gra ham (731 6. ; Scott Pearson (55); 7. (TIE) Terry Poovey/Ronnie Jones (52); 9. Don Estep (45); 10. Alex Jorgensen (41); 11. Steve Eklund (31); 12 . Ted Boody (30); 13. Rich King (24); 14 . Tim Mertens (lB); 15. (TIE) Jay Springsteen/Pete Hames (16); 17. Sammy Sweet (11); lB. (TIE) Jim Filice /Steve Morehead 111);20 . Aaron Hill (10). JUN IOR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP POINT STANDINGS: 1. Darrell Davi s (9B); 2. Brya n Villella (91); 3. Jon Nunez (55); 4 . Steve Aseltine (4 7); 5. Eric Graybeal (42); 6. Scott Stump (41); 7. Craig Howard (40); 8 . (TIE) Kevin Atherton/Chance Darling (40); 10 . Mark Corsetti (26); 11. (TIE) Kenneth Netto/Kris Kiser (19); 13_Reeil Hart (lB); 14. Jay Skidmore (15); 15 . William Newkirk (141; 16. Jeffery Jones (13t 17. (TIE)Randy Fisher/Scott Saunders (12t 19. Troy Norris (llt 20 . Todd Conant (10) . . Tour ticket includes 2 day admission w ith paddock pass, Yamaha tour parking (Sunday), Parade lap, cap and pin. Parade lap participants must be in Yamaha parking area by 11:30 a.m. Sunday. Participants must ride street legal motorcycle, wear a helmet, and follow officials' instroetions. This is a parade lap at controlled speeds. No tra ilers on the track. For tickets to the BudweiserjNissan 200 at LagunaSeca Raceway, see one of the following dealerse Davis Honda Vainaha Suzuki, D.v1.. Col . . • .. . (9161753-3466 Vamaha Country. San Jose. Col .••..•..• • • •. (4081287-2946 . Hayward Vamaha, H.,..rd, CA . • .. •• . . . . . . . (4151537-701 4 Wright Motors, LocI, Col (209)368-1139 Vamaha of San Mateo, S.n Mateo, Col (415)848·2309 Vamaha of Petaluma, Petalum., Col (707)763-3944 8erkeley Vamaha. Bertlele)', Col (415)525·5525 Santa Rosa Kawasaki Vamaha, S.nta Rosa, CA(707)546-3903 San Rafael Vamaha, S.n R.t. .1, Col ... . . •. . . (415)456-0337 Concord Vamaha, Concord, Col .... .. . . • • . • •(415)798-2580 Richmond Vamaha, Richmond, Col ..... . • • . •(415)235-7322 Golden Gate Cycles, San Francisco, Col .•.••. (415)771 -4535 Napa Valley Vamaha, Napa, Col ........ . • . . •(707)253-0468 PCP Vamaha, SlIer.mento, Col (916)428-4040 R80J Cycles, Vallejo, Col . . . . . . . .. . .. •..•. .. (707)644-9784 Martini V.amaha. Silartls, NV ....•.. •.• . • • • • •(702)359 -7117 Grand Pnx, S.nta CI.r., CA (408)246-7323 Vamaha of San Jose. San JOM, CA . . .• • •. .. •(408)226-5900 Motors West, C.mpbeR, Col .... . ... . . . • ... . (408)378-871 9 Malott's Honda Suzuki, Manteca, Col . . . . . . .• (2091823-7181 Fasts Palo Alto Vamaha Palo Alto, Col .... •. . •(415)493-3414 Fremont Vamaha, Fremont, Col (415)793-2368 J im & Jim's of Santa Rosa, S.nta Ros., Col . : (7 0 7 )54 5- 16 7 2 Gilroy Motorcycle Center, GUro)', CA (4081842-9955 John 8urr Cycles, Fontana, Col (7141823-1338 Sunwest Cycles, Coron., Col ... . . . . .• • • • . .. (7141735-7721 BVK of Oceans ide , Oceanside, Col . .. . • • • ... . (6191722-1941 . Beach Vamaha, Huntington Beach, CA • •• . . . . (7141549-9086 Dale's Modam Cycle. S.n Bem.nIIno, CA . . . •(714)884-6464 Montclair Vamaha. Montclair, Col ..... •. • • . •(714)624-9651 Capitol Vamaha, Sacramento, Col • • .. . • •• • • •(916)485-9200 Mission Vamaha. Lacuna NIKeI. Col .. • . . ..... (714)582-0351 La Habra Vamaha. La,-CA (213)694-1956 8eaumont Vamaha Kawasaki. Beaumont, Col (714)845-4882 Orange County Cycle. G.n1en Grove, Col ..... (7141530-7340 Malcolm Smith Motorcycles. Rivenlde, Col •.. (714)687-1300 Thousand Oaks Vamaha. Thouund O.ks, Col (8051497-3765 Hanford Suzuki & Vamaha. H.nford, CA (209)582-6716 Antelope Valley Vamaha, Lane••ter, CA •• . . . . (805)945·5994 Dick Allen Vamaha Honda, Ne.h.ll, Col (805)259-8460 Vamaha Suzuki Sports Center. Seaside, CA . • •(408)899-2401 Vamaha of Goleta, Goleta, Col • .• . . . . . . .•••• (805)964-7714 8urbank Vamaha. Bum.nk, Col .... •. . • .. ... (818)845-8738 City Cycle Center, PIco Rive Col (213)861 .4139 Motorcycle City, Lompoc, Col .... •. . . . . ..... (805)736-7777 Long 8each Vamaha. Lone Beach, Col (213)498-6578 T800 Vamaha. lomita, Col (213)534·231 1 Yamaha of Salinas, S.Hnas, Col (408)422-3232 Two Wheels Inc .• Merced, Col (209)722-8055 Vamaha of Ventura, Ventura, CA (805)653-5884 Granada Vamaha, Granada Hills, Col (818)360·3400 International Motorcycles, C.noga Park, Col (818)346-3700 Ted Evans Motorcycle Sales, Los Aneeless, CA(213)306-7906 Wilson 's Motorcycles, Fresno, Col (209)237-0215 Vamaha SLO, S.n Luis Obispo, CA .....• .... (80 5)54 3- 67 2 3 Nevada Yamaha, Las Vegas, NV (7 0 2 )384 -2 3 53 ON RACE WEEKEND BE SURE TO VISIT THE YAMAHA TENT. MAJORITY RULES! D.I.De mil ROUND 6 - AMA US ENDURANCE SERIES - LOUDON, NH . KAYO RACING -1st GTU 7 OF THE TOP 10 AMA ENDURANCE TEAMS DEPEND ON: D.I.D' MOTOICYCU By 5KAYO CIIAIIII COR POR A T ION r.t!lI . IiIiI By 5KAYO BAnDY C ORI=JOR ATION y~ By ZEIUlYO C O R PORATION TAKE A TIP FROM THE LEADERS. INSIST ON THE KA YO COMBINA TION Dealers, Can Kayo Corpor.t1on For These Fine Products (800) 526-3936

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