Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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**Hodaka Parts** CHEAPlI (504) 925·1191, . . (T14-15) Porting (114-15) PORTIIIG TOOLS - M01OfS/_/eutten/llll...1 kits/_rols/Nr_s/,.rts/econ. fer.ay M/C. ATV. car .r dun. bUllY port joII•• t US Mlr.lDist ,.rtinl t...... CC Spaeiehy. Rl 4. Box 204, Lew,.nc.borg. Til 38464 (6151762-6995. 1986 Stock FZ60Q $2200. C.II (404) 320-6769. 19B3 CR250; VERY CLEAN. RUNS EXCELLENT. eXlr.s. $BOO/OBO.(B18) 352-6835. (314-15) Fe!' quality ~Io eptInI. F8It IaIe Ile*, 61_ Col. WI8IIIor a-ov, - . ...... ·Ior _ _ •• _ ... PlUlC_ LuIUrs Can-Am Goodies SOON TO BE ·INFAMOUS· MIKUNI calendars. The 1987 version is now available. Send $6.95 (include 6'h% s.les t.x in CAl to: MIKUNI AMERICAN CORP. Dept. C.lender. B910 Mikuni Ave. Northridge. CA 91324. First included. Hurryll Qu.mities .re limited. (213ITFN) R8c1...,...•• OEM 8. aftermarket pans &. accessories for you or your 1986 ASE 200. 250. 350. Red or blue se.t covers $ 19.95. Jerseys $21,95. Pants $69.95 to $99.95. UPS. Visa/MC. COD. MIKE'S CYCLE· SUPPLY. B.ton Rouge. LA. (BOO) 367-5209, (504) 355-4525. (214/TFN) California Dealer end. _line "'lid. _ Rudy III C8IIyoII King ....plleI ..iIL Molt 1_lollDci< rudy lor you to 1ry.n ..d buy. S..dS3 lor compl'" uIIlDg. oe_ SDTERIA CYCLE - Or.... C_tt·. M· St.r 4••I.r for all y•• dirt iii•• D. . . . W. f...... 8ft me ""t in .hermln.t prod.a. 3303 H'''-r 81ft.. Fl. C_ ...... CA 92626. (7t41 540-4216. Op.o T·F 10 t. 6. S.l10 t. 3 (213) Ul1551, _ . I . 51.. lIr. lAIoot _ . CA. u.. iucII FWY (111) & Poclftc e- Hwy. Are You Too Tired To Finish? My booklet "Physical Training" for off-road racers will get you to the front of the pack...where you Pennsylvania Dealer . **New In Crate** Sima•• KB2 8t Bimota SB4; complete engine & chassis. 4 piston caliper. Floating disc brakes. Pearl white paint. Best offer. Serious Inquiries only. (818) 999-5396. (314-17) Woods Pro Alum Handguards These handguards come p,edrilled and tapped to accept Maier Mfg #59512 plastic handguards. #59515 aluminum h.ndgu.rds-$34,75, #59512 plastic handguards, available all colors. 616.00. Free shipping, one year warranty. Calif residents add 6% sates tax, order under $30 add $5.00 handling. See your local dealer, Visa/Me. Send $2.00 for catalog. Information (916) 272-9036. Orde's only Calif (BOO) 55-MAIER. Order only N.tion.1 (BOOI 33-MAIER. (205127/EOII Singleshock Service 8.P. CVCLES - Guzzi. M_sa•••_ ..... & seniea.••w & .... parts. MG.OC _ _. .se. parts. V'1S8 & M/C. UPS. (717) 9212112. c•• after 5 II" ET. W. bay _ ..... "'lOt bikes. 1864 Rl 22-322. 0......... PA 17011. 10 Illilos •. '" H.r""" ... 322. belongll Send check or money order for $4.00 to: OJ's Publications. 819 Pochard Way. Suisun, CA 94585. (314-15) SHOCK REBUILD/REPAlRITU.IIIG. C....... serv. for OHlI.S & all Jep bib siegle Sltelts. bodies....... _ . & IIIW . .its _ . 0_ & _ . - . 2 D.y ..... UPS DIr _ i... MOTODESIG. 1941 Harbort. M T. 38104. 11 . .-8,....... -Sel (901 I 276-9006. _ks. : oS" HEID'S HODAKA AID BMW - lI.w .11II used p.rts.•• w B_ part........nd servic•. Cr•• r.builtli....,ti.... r boriog .... ,.,.... UPS & P.rcal POS1I1ei1y. 9-1 M~ t1wu Fril.y. Sel 9·l. Goreet lJIke _ . .V 12843. (511) 251-2110. Cobra/CBX/KZ1300 6/1 J_". Chrome/ (800) 327-1109. (BOO) 4327782. (214/TFN) Husqvamas Wanted I need 1966 through 1972 parts or complete bike. Also need Enduro or RT model. Cell (213) 8032200 days. (213) 540-2409 ....nings. (112-22) '86 VZ490; SET UP FOR DESERT. low miles. c'ean. $1850/0BO. (714) 846·9522. (114-15) Wtd lion CR 110/93/72 Race P.rt or complete bike. Tad (81 BI 763..()80() d.ys. (B1B) 980-3600 evenings. CA. (311/19/EOI) *FZ600 & 600 Ninja* **Caseguards** Can be used with lower cowl. Race proven.Approved for all race organizations. Call tod.y. CONN CYCLEWORKS. INC. (203) 2347000. . (213ITFN/EOI) Singleshock Service Steel Shoe mEL PRO-TEC - e - _. BOo-. _ _ _ .. .....-_ _ ribr set..... rolleilol or repair SHOES - Ita. MHIT, ••• 1950. Dirt Treck $15. Ll Wt. SpoIwe, 815. SeIIlI-. SpaciIy ree. ..".. 14· I.ea boats 185. E..fTlIoioI for Spo-,. 8580 - . . . M-...y. Co,""- CA 91720. (714) 735~. ce_ _ _k & _..... Oloick _ro_ - - ---- --. ~.L'"~t ~O'C'!'!l""'~ ~rT __ -..1.... c"""''''k&fork'''''''' .... ro........ sonic•. SIIefts. ...... spriop. sItim. .tc. ill s1Kk. Fed.., .......,.4 . . .,. 14 yell'S '1P1f"Ke! 262S _ _._,CAtll128(lll)2-.-E TRIUMPH TRIDENT; 1975 ELECTRIC st.rt. Runs greet. $1250/0BO. (305) 299-4158. (114·15) DAINESE ONE PIECE LEATHERS; d.rk blue top. BLOCKER E.TERPRISES - V _ . H.rtoy-Detill. _.PA·...r.... T.... V_CO r.Dmc-to Tan riIllts. Coooplete H·D c 8CC8L • parts i......". 0,0. M....·Set. Rt. 248. P.,.,... PA 18244. (215) 377-0440. UPS deilT. V'1S8 & M/C UPSD./Iy. Eurosport Inc. Save $70 On A 24 MPH Pacer Don't waste $180 for a brand X Computer when a COUNTOOWN 24 mph P.cer is only $110. (8181 348·B381. (207ITFN/EOII D's LEATHERS. (419) 729-9639. (303-27) 1800BIKBAR N. Can-Am Parts In Illinois call (B15) 778·3641. Made to your measurements.. FRANKS RACING. (714)546-3464. (114-16) 1985 XC250 HUSQVARNA; GOOD CONDITION. (113-151 $1200. (BOO) 245-2276. Pro Circuit 'Racer (214/TFN) 1986 GSXR750 Suzuki 11576 S. W. Pacific Hwy.. Tigard. OR 97223 ace""". (503) 245-1377 HI HYPERBIKE HEADQUARTERS Number Plates We ord8l' from ." s"",Iier c.ta/Ofs! 25% 0"'" cost Oft .11 01'l10Nl o~e, $100 20% ove, cost Oft .11 ol'l1.Nl 0"'" $200· BUFFALO .UMBER PLATES -11....r plate. & sticken ca.- _ . for ......rcycle & ATV·•. M.ny dirt track .ccnser". S.r AniC'. 1201 Killr", Sl.. Livenaoro. CA 94550. Cell M." (415)443-701 l. (Sloo Minimum Pu,chase) Shipptng Freel Money Orders and Personal Checks only 14382 Hoov., SUeet. St•. A-1S CA 92683 Excellent condition. never raced or down. Yoah "e.der. new tir.s. $3650/0BO. (414) 487-5209 days. (414) 4B7-5575 evenings. (314-151 ATK 560 _Fri Pennsylvania Dealer New Cagiva 81 Guzzi Always In Stock. Ducati/eagiva .nd Guzzi Perts & Tech Advice Ou, Specialty. (314-151 Custom Triple Clamps Un. GEORGIA DEALER CVCLE SPECIALTIES OF ATHE.S - Due••• Catin. M...-Goui. & M_Morioi . - _ sonic•. Mic_ & PiroIIi lira. SeatIlust·........ parts i_llC8" - _ ..., UPS senice. - - . . ; Set t...·2poo. 2&G e-rce _. 1leprt..GA 30622. (404) 543-0235. . Italian Motorcycle Specialists light blue bottom. Brand new, used once. Too small, size 52. Asking $300. Must sell. C.II (608) 365- ~ M/C, Vi••• 11750Se...... Circ... 5"""', CAtMIO (714)n5-1ltl (714) 738-l11i31. (213) 697-&759. 212 Gnoioi. Br••• CA 92&21. FLATTRACKERS CHAMPION ·FRAMED VZ250. Pro buih with spares. VZ80 with spares. $1200. For det.ils c.1I (51 B) 356-4690 .fter 6 pm. (113-15) 0722 d.ys. . 511: . . . .-. THE Singteshoc:k Sp.cialist Flelo', Autltoriz.d White Pow.r. Hond., SUZIIki. V.m.h•. Kawasaki. Fa' 12 Y'lfl Whit. Bras.. P,a Shack.ctds h." hen usetl by mare ,iders th.n .11 allile", combin.d. C.",pl.1I s.ction of ,arts, sp,in" & st••lltodies. 5•• your de.l" or clll direct. XR750 P.trick motor. lots of spares. $4500/0BO. KX250 Kawasaki Shornracker. some spares. 8650/080. (51B) 364-1013. (114-17) !!!!!!:!!!!& Iii I' • ~ I:IflO~ R.p.,. New York Dealer (714) 898-1211 Aok F., GARNEAU 1987 CR125. Complete r.cer. One ride. Must sell. 52300. (Bl B) 919·2861. (112-15) Riding School Helmet Ser'ice RUSS DAR.ELl MX/ATV SCHOOLS - ..... '69 lull pr....... of ell r.... toelooiqoo: MX/._.I ".a/dasert. ATV ribrlroclt ......... SVIA .art. P.D.Box 8004. Coayeo Lek•. CA 92380 (714) 244-1213. BELL HELMETS - Wilts yOI to know .baut tIIlei, f.ctory Customer S.r,ic. Dept. Th.y Cln ",•• e '01' B.lI laok .nd wart .... n.w! Fr.. ilspictiCNl w;th euet price qttOte. c.n ClIStome, Service Dept b._•• 8..... & 5 p.... M.... -Fri... (100)637-1198. HONDA SHOCK SPEaAUST Rear disc brake. extra rear wheel assembly 'lNOnh $500. Great condition. seldom ridden. $3000. (213)371-4207. (314-15) 1983 Honda CX650 Turbo The original Hondll Only Suspension Expert for 5 year. is ready with 1987 shock mods/ fade proofing. 1 day service. $3,895. Ruee Motorcycle Center (401) 295-8837 Four Rail M/C Trailer Wood floor. large storage box. spare tire. $475. (213)326-4509. (314-15) 'Too Tedllacirlg" H.D. XR750 Proven national contender has been raced by Jorg.ensen. #44. Rainey. #60. Hocking. #17. Spares. race reedy. Cell (714) 597·7366 ....n· ings. (113-16) *Tons Of Used Cycle Parts* --Honda. Yamaha. Kawasaki & Suzuki pans in stock nowl! 1961 through 19B6 dirt .nd street. UPS daily. Reasonable prices. "CALL TOLL FREE-- 1(BOO) 327-7304. MIKE'S CYCLE PARTS (503) 3997690. (113-117) Hurricane Race Stands. Etc. $49.95.nd others. RSC (404) 321-3192. (213/ TFN) RIck ......... 19333 Sture_ Dr~ T.....IIC•• CA 90503 (213) 371·3887 SRX600 YAMAHA; LIKE NEW. 1500 MILES. (114-15) eXlr.s. $2095. (513) 675· 7001. 1985 KTM 500MX Low hours. everything fresh. fantastic condition I $1600. Will deliver in Midwest. (313) 6B2-0704 evenings. (114-16) HEIN GERICKE LEATHER RIOING SUIT; size 46. Excellent condition. $250. (21 3) 238-8180 d.ys. (213) 735·4876 .venings, (114-15) 681 miles. mint condition .. _. Rhode Island Singleshock Service South Carolina Dealer OHlI.S SPECIALISTS - Fee..., AIo_izod oMsl se"';e. Ohlies .... /twio sIIocb. G..... parts io _k. AeboilIIing/ro........ 1..., _ _. 0I0Ii.. IXelai.. U.S. dis<. S _ Ioe.. 2570 ......r. SI. C•• M... Vi.w. CA!I4D43. (415) 962-88". RAY'S SUlUKl/KAWASAKI- Saztlki. KewaNi & HlISqdlnl. - I.rpst pans ce.... SeudI Ceroliell. Eatlur. Hd'lt,s. Repairs 011 raost lUior broads. Deil, UPS se"';ea. T.... til,. Fri. 9-6. Set. 9-3. closed S... & _ : I D5D SootII Pik. Wast. Sunne,. SC 29150. (1031469.2573. i.,. i. 1986 YZ250 Bark Busters Adds up to 2 inches LESS to handlebar width than the Imltatorsl That's why BARK BUSTERS have outsold all the others combined. Visa/MC. ICO. Box 430. L.combe. LA 70445. (BOO) 331-0470. (207/TFNI Yamaha din bike. excellent condition plus extra. set tires .nd riding ge.r. $1600. (619) 922·6676 .sk for M.rk. (313-15) Complete Boring Bar Set Up Van Norman bar with table. m~rometers bore guage. Sunnen hones honing stand. $2500. (812) 423·0051. (114-16) Singleshock Ser'ice Teonessee Dealer PAUL THEDE'S RACE TECH -Re..... ,r_ _ _nsi•• e_1IS to work better ......... rest. . _....... Conoplote serwice. e _ r818 ...... ki-teek Spaetr. _ _ ftoids. 3227 Produc.r .127. P_u. CA 91768. (1141 594-n55. CYCLE PRO RACI.G - H ..,•• sal... parts.1III co""...."';c......rm. Husky predocts .........rters. free Oft Plrts 81 Kcasoria. S day UPS. COD. MC. Vise. 3501 _ _ A TlI37919. (615) 522·2050. ' _PIli..

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