Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ap. EldihphiAu PhlAM: 18th YEAR AT Jeff Frectette took the 200cc A class win at Loretta Lynn's. more consistent racer. Brown's smooth style had him passing the entire Open A class by lap two and leading the race overall. Hyde was pushing his Automatic Husky hard but couldn't keep the Honda rider in sight. Lojak was mowing through the Tennessee woods and had physically moved into third overall. CanAm rider Tony Hendon sat on the heels of the 250cc Husky rider, momentarily. Lojak passed Brown in the pits· when Brown's Honda required two gas stops, and himself a shot of water on the final lap. Lojak never looked back. Hyde won the Open class and finished second overall followed closely by his teammate, Kadlec. Brown finished second 250, running a little over two minutes behind the flying Lojak. Hoess tallied a third 250, followed by Hough and his screaming l25cc Honda. II NATION'S LONGEST NIGHT o ADDITIONAL RACE FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 7 p.l11. ENTRY FEE $14.00 (I NCLU DES GATE FEE) 30% TROPHIES • 130% PRO PAYBACK REGULAR Results OVEJIALL: Ed Lajok ...... 2. ~ IrVM1 (Hon~ 3....... ...,. CHuC 4. Fritz It..-.c CHu* 6. _ ..... (Hual; I; A8r0n Hough (Mont 7. s-t n . _ IYaIII 8. 8ruce 8uerf< (Monl; I. Scaa Ie •• CHon); 10. Jeff Fr_e (K.wI; 11. T_ 4:00 GATES OPEN e CLASSES PLUS ATV' 6:00 SIGN-UP CLOSES 5:30-6:30 PRACTICE e .e 7:00 FIRST RACE HIndon (C·A~ 12. O.vid Rhodes (Hus); 13. St.nley Lojek (; 14. Eldon Keen (Cog); 15. Tom H.rris lY.m); 18. Tim Sheph.rd (V.m); 17. Steve Johnson (Hon); 18. R.y (Hon); 19. R.ndy Slephenson (Hus); 20. Kelly Getz (C-A). OPEN A: ,. M.rk Hyde (Hus); 2. Fritz Kedleck (Hus~ 3. St.nley Lojek (V.m); 4. Tom H."is (V.m); 6. Gerold Hem.nn (Hus); 6. Mike Keen (Hus); 7. John Ayers (Hus); 8. Todd Cuprys (Hus); 9. John Rutherford (KTM); 10. John Vincent (Hus). 250 A: 1. Edw.rd Loj.k (Hus); 2. Kevin Brown (Hon~ 3. Frede Hoes (Hus); 4. Scott Plessinger lY.m); 5. Bruce Buerk (Hon); 6. Tony Hendon (C~ 7. Tim Shepherd lY.m); 8. R.y Mungenast (Hon~ 9. Kelly Getz (C-A~ 10. Bob Elliott (KTM). 200 A: 1. Jeff Fr~ (KIw); 2. Ben Hamrick (Klw); 3. Don.1d Bigley lYam); 4. Amos Bennett (Yom); 5. Kevin Corr (Kew); 6. Hervey Whipple (KIw); 7. A.J. Spicer (C-A); 8. Willard Root (C-A); 9. SCOll Wolfenberge< (Kew); 10. Jim Mallba (Y.m). • 125 A: 1. Aaron Hough (Hon); 2. Eldon Keen (Cog); 3. Steve Johnson (Honl; 4. Ron.ld Ribolzi (HeIn); 5. Larry Surles (Caa~ 6. Brad Lowe (KTM); 7. M.rk Gillum (Suzl; 8. ~ Lowerre (Cogl; 9. M.... McCorren (; 10. Donny Gr.hem (KIw). 4-STRK A:. 1. Scott Summers (Hont 2. Oevid Rhodes (Hus); 3. R.ndy Stephen--. (Hus); 4. John G.llegher (Hust 5. Deniol Verzi (ATK); 6. Cherles DeIIey(Hon); 7. Dor.n Correll (Hus); 8. Corey Stump «c·At 9. Tom Buckles (Hus). SR A: 1. Henry Stankiewicz (Hus); 2. George Burch (KTMt 3. Joseph Hull (KTM); 4. W_ Summers (Hon); 5. J.mes Hem (KTM). S/SR A: 1. Cherles G.lbraith (Hus); 2. Jeffrey Smith (C-A); 3. Ronald Rosa (y.m); 4. Devid Albert (Hust 5. Lawrence H.yes (C-A). JR: 1. Tom Webb (Suzl; 2. Thom.s M.rchese (KTMt 3. Don Connon (Y.m); 4. Eric K.von lY.m); 6. S _ zatezelo (Hus). OPEN B: 1. Paul Michels (C-A); 2. Kevin Condon (KTMt 3. Gregory Bunn (C-A); 4. Joey Parkar (KTM); 5. Edwin Lamb (Hus). 250 B: 1. Buren H.mrick (Hon); 2. Scott Roberts (Y.m~' 3. Mike Monroe (Hont 4. Chris Gr.ber (Y.m ; 5. Ricky MlIlleSOn (Klw). 2 B: 1. Tim Lee (K.w); 2. D.nny Berkley (K.w); 3. Mark Sperks (C-A); 4. Buddy West (K.w); 5. Mullen.x (C-A). 4-STRK 8: 1. M.rk Niggemyer (Hem); 2. J.mes Stanley (Hon); 3. Kevin Howser (Hon); 4. Troy W."ington (Hont 5. Mike Johnson (Hon). SR B: 1. Donald Duv.1I (Y.m); 2. Ch.rles Laster (Y.m); 3. Don Rye (Y.m); 4. Jlmes Nickolopoulos (y.m); 5. John Smith (Kew). . S/SR B; 1. Johnny Lee (Y.m); 2. F. H.mmond Hust 3. Lee K....lring ( 4. Roger Rh~s CoAt 5. 'Phillip R _ (Hus). 200 8: 1. Tim Lee (K.w); 2. D.nny Berkley (Klw); 3. Mark Sperks (C-A); 4. 8uddy West (Kaw); 5. Mullenax (C-A). MSTR: 1. Leon Smith (Hon); 2. Will.rd Root (CAt 3. Cheri.. Hyde (Hus); 4. Bill H.....II (Y.m). l TICKETS ALL AGES 9 AND OVER $7.00 e 8 AND UNDER $3.00 INFORMATION (714) 261-6116 18300 S. VERMONT ~Olh ANNIVERSARYJ] GARDENA, CALIF. FREE VIP PARKING FOfII STREET MOTC)RCYCLlES "WHERE THE HARBOR, SAN IIEGO Ir 91 FREEWAYS MEET" - . Motorcycle World with Larry Huffman ~ -~qj/.IJ ~~~~ This Sunday's special guests are: ** CARTER LOWRY ** ** WILLY MUSGRAVE ** and 1st Supercross Team to go to India It comes 10 you live, every Sunday night from 10 to 11 p.m. KOLA 99.9 FM KTIM 100.9 FM KSCO 1080 AM Los An~d(.'s Riv('rsidc: San Frallci~(,o, Oakland Orang'(' Co. San Bernardino Call in and lark wilh all Ihr lOp prrsonalilirs and br pari or mOlorcyclr world. 1-(800) 228-5249 Santa Cruz XTRA "Extra Gold" 690 AM S'I'OIl~t'SI \\' ..SI .. ,." Sponsored by ANI 1I.S. Slalioll ill SUZUKI

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