Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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_ Sliding sideways on the sole of
steer, a rooster tail from your back
wbeel...O~t of the comer charging hard,
looking for the cheering crowd,
hopmg thiS day to win, tomorrow
to do it all again
Of the many kinds of warriors to
me there is no doubt, the flat tr~ck
racer is the one I think about
motorcycle newspaper
More ultimate fear
I'll tell ya, 1. have to agree, Pau'l
Carruthers' glib, cavalier and nontechnical dismissal of Eddie Law.n's Wor.ld .Championship winrung GP bike In the article he wrote
The Ultimate Fear, did not sit wed
with me. Not only did he not
compare the power-to-weight ratio
of that bike to that of a YaIJ1il.ha
Venture Royale, but he didn't even
gi~e t~e bike's top speed, quarterffille ume or the rear wheel tire size.
I mean, come on, Paul, that's good
bench racing stuff I can use!
However, Paul did write about
mo~e than such trivial things. He has
a n~ce style and quality for writing
unlIke many others in his field. In
my opinion he has the ability to do
what a good editor does, or should
do beST, and that's make an article
fun. to read. Don't worry, Paul,
unl!ke ~e reader from Healdsburg,
Caltforma (wherever that is) the
billion or so other Cycle News
readers and myseU have that elusive
commodity called a sense of humor.
Keep IJP the good workl
Volume XXIV
Sharon Cl;l\ lOll. Pllbli.,hrr
Milt· KlillJ.;l't ,Co",plrullrr
.c.;lip JOhll'loOH, rhMH mIt'
.VltllO",,1 S"'n M,,"ar:r,
J:I< I.. l\1:lIl"uiI. A....w.x mIl' I'tlbbs/,,', I'Allor
Rhdl:! ~Illith. C,rn,lillwII .\I,uwc::rr
Caroline: C(.'mln. E\rf U/;l.,. S"at'tnr')' 10
Kit Palllll'l, 1'4 .....01;(1(,. Editor
P:lul C:lIl'lllht,,,,,. A.\~\Url(ltr t:tI,!or
F;u'n'n Willi:III1 A,u'()( ",(" ,.~tI;,or
Mikt' 1.a..-.. III , 1'1 ;/.\/11", ,.:"itor
Edwina Manf{tl"" (.'1t/,.,lIla1' ,,:dam
T(,l'r> Pmu S(,t,..~ i\lfflUlj{f'"
Mark Tholl\('. S,,/,.,\ M(ItI(I~,.r
O;I\'id Mell. Sa/~5 Mn"a.~n
~lik(' Clime-h. t:il.\tt'Y1I ."ial,..( MnmlJ,:r,
[1.ol11a", R. GOlllt'r. Etutrrn Sal,..~ MlHUll{f'r
Carny Corrao, Western Ad COOf'di1UltOY'
Carla Burckll. £,1\"'1'''' Ad C()()rt!innlor
Lmda VOll
Vl'Id. Adt'f'rt/,.i"g A.,.!.t.
Graphics and Production
M.alcolm. Wilson, Productioll Mnllnllt'r
Diana HIIRCuberK' Graphir Artist
PCRIin Smith GrnpJric Arti,,,t
~l~ln.'y GUt..... Crap/,;r Arli.'"
M;lIinn 11;lIm"hil;I,
C:lrul~1l Hr.lllh;ml,
l)c:llni~ (;n"'I1I',
Laguna Hills, CA
I.(lb. 7'rrll.
Accounting I Data Pl'OCltuing
(loun;1 Kry;ltl . .-In (, Ilrr'rit 'nh/r Cuortli",,'oT
{;('IlI"';1 Rt'lJ:I"'~. ,1\.\;.,/(1,,'
Fr.lll 11;111)\\'1')'. (;,('(/tl
S;II':111·1·,I,lnl . • '.\.,;,,'nnl
..\ltn;1 All~tli;lnn. A \I.'.ttmt
(:Iu'ri (:hapm;IIl, 11\ i,1I11I1
l\laril:l Ad;lIn'. .4,\.\i.,ttmt
Want Ads
Odlhi(' \\'inLIt'r.
11'(1'" Ad .~tI('s
Dealar Sales and Service
1);1\ ill MC·I/.
Ontlrr .'\(iI,.,\
SeNice and SUpport
i.... \iu hl''o(III, 1/('(,dqlUlrf,.r,\ Un "/)';011/.,1
u'oll;ml I kl rill~. Srn'itl' find ."'·uP/JOt't
National Halldquart8rs
2201 Clu:rq
J\\'t' .. L.ouJ.: &·:lch. <:1\ OOHOfi.
P.O. Sm: IHM. 1.0111-: l\co:lt h. CA
(2Ij) 1:!;-71jj; ~1:1li:Ui-tiHII.
1190 FiN ,\H'., rUt Lt'l, G.\. j()()M I: 1l1.lilillJ.:
;Illllll·.... 1.J.n. Ro~ M