Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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& GRAND SPORT TIRES A WINNING COMBINA HON IN 1987 . . . . N717t11 ..... c.,.eo...., . . . . N7 ............ Red Mountain, CA 3/01187 S-CrwIorISth 2liO - (1"" O/A) • ... N7 DIrt 1IlIPn Glen CIIIIic Son _ . CA 3/15/87 2nd O/A (2nd (lpon Prol Helen~. ..., . . . . N7 II,Il:...... , Red Mount.ein. CA 3/15/87 . . SbIlIry 10' Vol. • ~ , Red MountIIin. CA 3122/87 .... Sa.-... s.lIs "$SI '25"".._(3«1 O/AI ... 3«1'25 e-t(181h O/AI S"1ll2liO_ . . . . ~ .... II till . . r.IIn City. CA 3/22187 _ IIIItI y _ •• 250 12M DIAl 1M &..0 2nd 250 (4tIl O/A) . . . . ScIlIIII-1IIi .... 3/8187 CRC MX 3«1 80cc 3/20/87 G,..nd $18m MX 4Ch 80cc 3/22187 CRC MX 3«1 80cc Round '2. ConlOn. MO 3/22187 11011 ...... lSI O/A 8-Ply Grand Sport GS-780 Most din bikes come equipped with general purpose 4-ply tires that are "OK" f?r. pla.y riding until they wear out. But, rldlng In the desen is different. Our riders ~Charlie Morris. Mike Si"bery. JoAnna Brownell. and many others I demand more than just :·O~.·· Winning in the desen means finIshIng. The new GS-7BO is now avail!,~1e in 6-ply and a-ply thickness. proVIdIng real protection against flats caused by rocks. cactus and abuse. Available now at your dealer. SIZES' • 5.5lb18 8 ply 5.5lb188 ply 5.501186 ply 5.50118 6 ply r: ""'".- ~,_n ~ ~ ~I- ~"( ~I~ r GRAND SPORT TIRES Official Tire of 1987 Barstow to Vegas ~ Dealers Please eall: (Soh) (Hard) (Soh) (Hard) / USA (800) 423-5658 CA (818) 898-1402 Arc~ie Bryde (8) grabbed the hole~hot in the heat race of the 'Woods JUnior class. then went on to score the win in the main event. Becldngfon bags Morelands' MX • wIn By Kathie Verdugo '87 CR STANTON, MI, MAR. 8 With spring in the air, Morelands' supercross track, became the perfect place for area riders to shake off their cabin fever 125 - 250 - 500 3.3 Gallon Suggested Retail $8850 plus postage Can be _1Ited to all otIIer watercooled CRs - 1984, '85, '86 See Your Dealer or call: CIarIIe Qu/ItJ Plastic PndlICb 21032 S. Solo .......... OR 911142 • (503)129-2158 _ClfC/ffJi 1.7.0DELS~ IN STOCK . . . . . .t......., . . K1'II a...... -: The BanzaI BrOs, Pipe Skid. ICOME IN TODA Y I 330 East Or_lhatpe. Unit KIl - .. C/o 92670 A1umi.... or Steel- No Welding • AtIjoIsls to aJl12See til.. o,u 2-Stnke exlIaat ';pes. $34.'5 ... $39. 95 Ask yo.- Dealer or ",.,. Direct (714) 524-5441 Soul...... C _ 1Ht---g ~t87 ~ .. Stodi 250'. On TIle W., '. • P.0.8aJl·41457 ~_ • - ~ . EqIs Roell, CA!IlIlMl (213T256-4922 (714) 524-5441 '86 GSIR 750 $3,699.00 1.1 . . . ·•.. . . . . 900 W. Foothill Blvd. Azusa, CA 91702 SUZUKI. ~ (818) 334-1288 AlIAlBl IlACIlll AID DfYElllI'ElT .... _ Fe M .• Hea,.rta, C/o_ 1111' 244-2121 S8ei 12.• la, e.t8I.. and begin preparations for the upcoming District 14 AMA Series. Yamaha-mounted Jeff Beckington and brother David Beckington both scored class wins. . Older brother Jeff took top honors 10 both 125 and 250ccA classes while DaVid brought home first in the 125cc Junior event and with a strong performance in his first ever 125cc A main captured second behind Jeff for the topper to a perfect day. In the 250cc B battle, Canada's St~ve Bulyorsky made the lengthy tnp worthwhIle by overcoming many obstacles to finally take the lead away from hard charging Charles Pummel Jr. Pummel, who held the lead from the start just couldn't block Bulyorsky's onslaught at the finish and had to settle for the bridesmaid's spot with third belonging to the consistent riding of Robbie Dawson. Earlier in the day, Honda rider Doug Iddings rode away with an uncontested first place in the 125cc B class. Iddings had an intense conflict going on behind him for the second ami third spots, where Dave Curry Jr. doubled his way to a second place finish directly in front of Kawasaki-mounted Dan Boiuin. Action was the key word in describing the Woods Junior class. ~merging from a major pileup in the first tu~, Paul Rose piloted his Yamaha mto the lead only to relinquish his position motnents later as Archie Bryde found the faster inside line and took a commanding lead. Rose also felt the pressure of another Yamaha rider, Mike Horne, whose relentless pursuit finally got him pas~ Rose to secure the second place positIOn. R eSl,.I Its 0-65 7-'" YR OLD: ,. Justin Blake (Kaw)' 2 Steven Gasto (Kaw); 3. Jimmy Wilson (Kaw). • . 0-B5 7-11[: 1. Justin Blake (Kaw); 2. Brandon Drake (Yam); 3. Richard Godshall (Yam). 0-8512-15: 1. Chad Dehoop (Yam); 2. Bryan We,ler (Kaw); 3. Joshua Brown (Kaw). SUPER 80 (FEATURE): 1. Chad Dehoop (Vam);; 2. Sleve'Faber (Kaw); 3. Joshua Brown (Kaw). ,25 JR: 1. David Beckington (Hon); 2. SIeve Bulyorsky (Yam); 3. Bryan Meiler (Kaw). ,25 A: 1. Jeff Beckington (Vam): 2. David Beckington (l1on); 3. Allen Horne (Vam). 125 B: 1. Doug Iddings (Hon); 2. Dave Curry (Vam); 3. Dan Boivin (Kaw). 250 A: 1. Jeff Beckington (Yam); 2. John Sier (Hon); 3. Allen Horne.(Yam). 250 B: ,. Steve Bulvorsky (Kaw); 2. Charle. Pummel Jr. (Han); 3. Robbie Dawson (Hon). OPEN A: 1. Dave Mack; 2. Dale Ferguson' 3 Bart Newman. • . OPEN B: 1. Doug Ferguson; 2. Mick Suter; 3. D. Scon Bishop. WOODSJR:'. Archie Bryde(Hon); 2. Mike Home (yam); 3. Paul Rooe (Yam). WOODS SR: 1. Keith Collard (Mai); 2. Milton FaIrchIld (Yam); 3..Rosco Sloan (Kaw). Allman fops YamahaMX California Classic By Terry Whytal PERRIS, CA, MAR. 22 Despite an intense Saturday rainfall, the day dawned bright '":ld beautiful for the Sunday kickoff of the 2nd Aimual Yamaha California Classic MX Series, sponsored by a group of local Yamaha dealers and numerous accessory manufacturers. Taking advantage of the ideai track conditions were over 300 SMX riders all battling for their share of the .$100,~0 in cash, prizes and contmgenCles up for grabs in the 10 events. Appropriately, the day's top money earner was Yamaha .rider· Kevin Allman who posted a 2-1 score in the 250cc Pro race to take the overall win over Kawasaki rider Chris Heinrich_ The first moto featured a fierce four-way battle between Heinrich, Allman, Yamaha pilot Jeff Jennings and Suzuki flyer Tony Spear. After much bumping and some spectacular aerial displays, Heinrich was first to reach the checkers with Allman in tow ahead of Jennings and Spear. The second moto was literally a downer for Heinrich and Spear, with Spear unable to finish and Heinrich only capa.ble of working up to fourth at the flmsh. Out front Allman ani:! Jennings diced for the lead with South African Honda rider Gary Butcher. At the finish Allman held the lead over Butcher and Jennings. Allman's second moto win gave him the lion's share of the purse with Heinrich placing second, Jennings third, Butcher fourth and Suzuki rider Marc Johnson rounded out the top . five. Heinrich charged back in the 125cc Pro event to outclass and outpower the competition with a sweep of both motos to take the overall victory ahead of Honda pilot Andy Northrup and Kawasaki-mounted Tim Rutherford.

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