Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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A.J. Whiting and Mike Healey. Through an lionest oversight, the Dunlop logo did not appear on a recent Cagiva ad featuring Dubach. Cagiva management regrets any misunderstanding this may have caused, but feels the strong tone of Dubacn's letter was a simple case of overreaction by a young, talented rider. America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXIV Sharon Clayton, Pubbhf'T . Mikt· Klin~wr,Comptrullt:'r A.~.\'(){:illtf' Pubiislu'rl Skip Johnson, NtllimUlI S(flt:',~ Mfmagf'T j;ll'k M.mKus. A,\',wx'ialp Publish,.rl Editor Rheba Smith. Circulation MfOlIlgf'r CaroJillt' Ct'ndry, E.\'t'CUt;lIt' S('c:r('tary to lht' Publishf'T Editorilll Kit P'llnlt'r. Assoriat,. Editor PO. C)'dt' N('w~ (llSPS 141-:HOJ j~ publi~ht'(l w('('kly ('xn'pl Iht· first ;1Ilt! last w('(.'k 01 lilt' ("ilh-'I1c.l:lf yt'ar for $52.00 IX'I" )'t'al" hy Cyd(' Nt'l\'S, Inc.. 2201 Chl'I'!')' AWIIlIl', LOIlA Ikach. CA 90SOti. S('t'oml C!;ISS !)()sw!-."t' p:lid ill L(m~ &"I('h. CA. anti additiou;,) rn;liJin~ OHi('l'S. POSTMASTER: Send form 3679 to.Cycle News. P.O. Box 49B. Long Beech. CA 90B01·049B. . Subscriplion l'alt.'S: 011(' )'1.'.11', st..'nmd da~s mi.,ii, $52.00. Cyt'k Nt'WS Wt'h'0t111'S unsoli('ill'd todilori:.1 millt'I'j'll ill('Judin/-; SI(wit's. r.ll'I(){)IIS', piIOloS. Such m.all'rial, if publislwd,lx'('ol1ws lht, ('xdusi\'l' prOpl.'!'I)' 01 C:ydt· Nt·ws. Such ;1('. ("('pl,('O m,alL'I'jill is SUbj\TI 10 I"t'\'isioll as is nl't:<.!SSilily for thl' :;;,1'('1)', loss Or cJama~I' 10 sudl malt'ri;ll, Rt'printinJ{ in ",hclk-OJ' pitrt oilly by pc.'rmission of 'ht, publisht,!'. Adn'I'1 isil1~' 1':llt'S and ('ir(uhllion infol'Ill:11iol1 will lx, Sl'n1 upon H'quI'SI. Sc."t' S.R.D.S. ('(t', Copyrighte> Cycle N_. Inc. 19B7. Tredemark Cycle Ne. . registered u.S. Patent Office, All righta .._ . BPA Consumer Audit Oivieton Member. ship Applied Fa< DKembe. 1986. ON THE FRONT PAGE: Husqva.M'S Fritz Kadlec took top honors at the opening round of the ISDE Qualif Series in Texas. See page ... 14 for race coverage. Photo by Kit Palme•. 4 "Lucked into?" Exception should be taken to Wayne Rainey's whining comments in the March 11 issue of Cycle News, re: "Merkel lucked into the 1986 championship. " I didn't hear Mike Baldwin say, "Wayne lucked into" the 1983 championship because of 'Mike's· misfortune at Willow Springs. Mike has too much class to be petty. It was Wayne's misfortune at MidOhio and his disregard for the rules at Sears Point that were responsible for his loss of the championship. The phrasing of "lucked into" by any racer sadly lacks class and intelligence. Racing is a demanding, expensive, and competitive sport. Luck may be a part of it but let's not blame others for our misfortunes or actions. On a happier note, it is great to see the motorcycle industry offer contingency programs for all road racers - local club racing to Nationals. This is the best way to promote road racing. Everyone has the chance to excel in racing and earn back some of the expense of racing. In 1988 it would be great to see no special equipped factory racers, only factory-backed contingency pro-' grams. Therefore all racers could have an equal chance to earn expense money while racing. We may then see racing by many, not just a few; the sport of motorcycle racing will be healthy then. PAT MERKEL Stockton, CA Sweep crews As a beginner at dirt biking and riding enduros, I'd bke to give a big thank you to the sweep crews of the sport. I attempted my very first enduro loop at the Frosty Cactus in . January, and never would have finished without the support, encouragement, tolerance and goodnatured attitude of the sweep team. Thank you Dave and Jerry. I also went out for the Bob Balentine Benefit Run this past weekend and would like to thank my personal sweep team; Candy Hartley, John Hartley, John Hateley, Pat Owens and his little brother Darryl. Ag

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