Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ 8 ~ ...... _£-00 IJ . ~: •• .... ' ... 00 250 EX; 1. Paul Crumling (Hon); 2. Tom Cen:iello 3. G.-gla PrIce. 250 AM: 1. Dave Smith (Yem~ 2. Herolcl Doreey (Kaw~ 3. Gary Foard (Yam~ 500 EX: 1. Eric Sa_men (H·D~ 2. Mickey Ruedan (Hon~ 3. Richerd Foard (Rtx~ . 500 AM: 1. Rey CollinsIH-D); 2. Johnny-' (Yem~ 3. Jerry H""" (Yem). 750 EX: 1. Jim Hollister (Han); 2. Rendy T _ IH-D~ 3. Bob S_ _ n (Rtx). SR: 1. Riclierd Foard (Rtxl; 2. Bob Babcock (Han); 3. Herold Hillard (Yem). (Yem~ [iJ .Experience American Motorcyclist Magazine every month; Touring, Racing, Technical Spalding scores at .Join and understand the fight to protect your motorcycling rights; Road and Off· Road ROSEBURG, OR, MAR. 14 RoseburgMX By Clay Light Monty Spalding swooped up two class wins during Motocross Northwest-sanctioned Motocross at Clark's Branch • Plus: Insurance, Discounts, Trip Routing, Free Rule Books and Law Charts Call today to join or request information kit. Paul Crumling 12A) won the 260cc Expert class at Trail-Way Speedway's ST. Georgie Price 11 N) finished third. Distributors or Deelers CeI' fo, product (213) 946-3581 A subscription is a boredom prescription. «; bl....i.UtING= ~~ AlI1'UM. C,fo • (2131 ~ TA~C~ racing gasoline (619) 281-9133 Dealer Inquiries Invited miles. We gave them a breather across the valley, then a lull, followed by a 30 mph special test which was 10 miles long. "We didn't think that we would ~ke that much time away from the nders, that's why they didn't finish on time. As far as the marking, we had enough turn arrows and we know they were up at the start of the event." John Fero, 250cc AA class, said, "There was less ribbon in the faster sections than the slow ones. I ended up in a lot of ditches and stuff from overshooting turns in the second loop. I've got to go out there and find my minutes; they're out ·there on the course somewhere with the missing arrow and ribbon." Donnie Simone managed to take the win in the 200cc AA class and sixth overall despite a lot of problems. Simone said, "There was a lot of traffic, my roll chart is all messed up, my odo went haywire and I got lost three times." Simone only drop~d 6.416 with a lot of good guess1Og. Results Overall: .1. Robb Mesecher (KTM); 2. Lowell Spiva (Han); 3. Kirk Butler (Yam); 4. Jason Ingersoll (Han); 5. Tony (Yam); 6. Donnie Simone (Kaw); 7. SCOll Jacobsen (Kaw~ 8. Mark Glasmer (Yam); 9. Mark Cook (Han); 10. Steve Bebeck (Han). FAMILY RIDERS: 1. Brian Balag.. (Hon); 2. Darren Rivers (M-S); 3. Rodney Luker. Jr (Kaw); 4. Slein Peterson (Hon); 5. Steve Hanussak (Yam). Pros dominate Trail-Way ST By Len Breech HANOVER, PA, MAR. 22 ~I ~altetf~ HONDA KAWASAKI 958 North Maclay, San Fernando, ·CA (818) 366-6827 .......- - SelY"" _a"'", u.s.". - - - , CYCLE SPORT/RV CENTERS OF DANBURY, CONNECTICUT rum Green Cente, Distributor For OMC & Suspension ConceptS 5JCJ Pam· UPS Oaily 68 Mm Plain Rd. Oanbury, CT 06811 (203) 790-7519 ~ ~ 520=~y _ _ _AlrDlc:-.oa_ EK ....._ _ a.......Pllpa_ w_ Std. or Cuotom - 0eeIen 565 S p _ - 8ll3{8IS 28M lh.l ..... _ - T_ _.SC2...., Led by rookie Camel Pro ~xpert Eric Sassaman's romp 1':1 the 500cc Expert final, pro nders toppeq. the other two Expert classes as Trail-Way Speedway opened up its '87 dirt track season. Junior class riders Jim Hollister and Paul Ci-umling took the 750cc and 250cc Expert classes, respectively. In other years, pro riders competed in their own classes but this year the Pro classes ~ere dropped, due to the fact that after April rider turn-out' drops since !Dany pro riders are off chasing glory In OhIO or other parts of the country. One of the closest races of the day ~as the 250cc Expert final as five nders fought for the lead. Jim Haas, Ben ~acha;mer, Tommy Cerciello, Georgie Pnce and CrumJing traded spots ba<;k and forth. By the halfway mark Pnce had taken the lead with CrumJing moving into third and then into ~econd with two laps left. As they eXlt.ed the fourth tum Price's margin evaporated as a raditor hose came loose, letting Crumling's Pro Plates/Honda-Yamaha of York Honda slip by for the win. Cerciello also edged the slowing Price for second. . Jim Hollister put the Rabbi Racing Honda in front of the 750cc Expert final with Scon Saunders, Bob Sweeten and Randy Texter following. While Hollister was putting a little distance on the field 10 the middle laps, Texter moved into second and started to catch a tired Hollister Out came up a bike leng~h short at ~e flag. ~Ith many nders moving up to the E.xpert. ra?ks,. the opening race meet IS an l!ldicauon of who is ready to move into the vacated ranks. In the Amateur ranks all the winners of the displacement classes took their first win ever here. Collins won once last year on a 250. After three . tries, the 500cc final finally got going, w~th J.erry Hash, Gary Foard and CollIns 10 the front positions. Collins took over second on the second lap, with" Johnny Bowers taking over third not too long afterwards. On the next lap, Collins took the lead coming off the fourth tum. As he put his ex-Randy Texter Harley several bike lengths in front, Bowers battled Hash for second taking it with two laps left. ' Paul Southard grabbed the lead from Brian Strong and Mike Walton as the 200cc class sorted itself out. Strong took the lead on the second lap and started to pull away, only to fall with less than two laps left. This gave the lead to the Southard! Walton battle, with Walton edging out Southard for the win at the line by inches. Dave Smith took his first win at Trail-Way in the 250cc class, after a race-long battle with Harold D?rseyon Georgie Price's Kawaskai, with the hoses tightened down. Dorsey took the lead on the third lap, but had trouble keeping his line on the next lap, giving Smith the lead back. Dorsey appeared to regain the lea~n~e final lap, but drifted high com1Og off turn four to give Smith the win. Results 50: 1. John Winsett Jr. (yam); 2. Ricky Winsett (Yam); 3. Dan Halligan (Yam). 80 EX: 1. Kevin Varnes (Yam). 80 AM: 1. Brian Strong (Kaw); 2. Randy Shank (Kaw); 3. Jeremiah Alexander (Kaw). 50: 1. Ricky Winsett (Kaw); 2. Eric- Shoef (Kaw). 200 AM: 1. Mike Wallon (Yam); 2. Paul Southard (Kaw); 3. Jeremy Himme'-ight (Kaw). Raceway in Roseburg. Spalding and nemesis Curtis Cunningham dueled in two classes with Spalding coming out on top of the l25cc Band 250cc B events. Larry Lacey also pulled 'off a double win. Lacey took a stranglehold of the l25cc C and 30-40 C classes and was the only other· rider besides Spalding to net double class laurels. In the l25cc C class, Lacey I landed second in moto one behind Kawasaki rider Dalton Jeremiah and ahead of local ace Chad Berry. Lacey turned the tables on moto two for a 2-1 score and overall victory to beat· Jeremiah (1-2) and Berry (3-4). . Lacey also was the dominant force in the 30-40 C class, which was combined with the 30-40 Pro pack. Lacey trailed. pros Rod Nordstrom and Dana Hansen in both motos enroute to top brass. Californian Nordstrom rode a rapid pace to nab b?th moto wins and the accompanylO~ cash payoff over Hansen, Beh10d Lacey rode Steve Agee and Honda-mounted Doug McLean. Terry Nugent socked it to a huge field of 250cc C contestants. Nugent turned good starts into sensational rides. Honda rider Brian Senn was Nugent'S closest foe in the first moto wabbing second to Nugent. Third In the moto was Mike Wilkinson. Nugent nailed moto two and put together two good rides on a race dry track for the overall. Second in the moto as well as the overall fell to Wilkinson (3-2) ahead of Senn (2-3), Brad Beckett (4-4) and Dennis Pepple (6-5 ). The 80cc C class was the largest class of the day, much thanks to 100% trophies. The Band C classes ran combined and like usual, Ryan Huffman destroyed both motos with Joie DePew in second. The C portion was led by the 2-1 tally of Travis Berry, Californian Greg Church went 1-2 for second and Bret Brashears 3-3 for third. Spalding aced both motos in the l25cc B ranks, beating Cunningham and a hoarde of l25cc C riders. In the 2!>Occ B class, Spalding and Cunn10gham clashed in a first moto that saw Cunningham coming out on top. Moto two was reversed as Spalding shot down the hi~h hopes of Cunningham and took hiS second overall win of the day with 2-1 rides. Second went to Cunningham (1-2) and' KTM rider Bryon Beckett took third after 4-3 rides. Joe Don Ireland swept both 60cc C motos to continued dominance of the class. Eric Moak and Joey Jessell trailed Ireland both times out to land second and third in the overalls. Results PEE WEE: 1. Jessica Kirkman (Yam)' 2 Jim Kirkman (Itj). ' . 60 C: 1. Joe Don Ireland (Kaw); 2. Eric Moak (Kaw); 3. Joey Jessles (Kawl. 80 C: 1. Travi. Berry (Hon); 2. Greg Church (Han); 3. Bret Brashear. (Suz). 80 B: 1. Ryan Huffman (Yam); 2. Joie DePew (Han). 125 C: 1. Larry Lae-ey (Hon); 2. Dalton Jeremiah (Kaw); 3. Chad Berry (Hon).

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