Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 04 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Rick Daniel heads out on the trail Sunday moming. The Yamaha YZ490mounted rider from Southem California took third in the 500cc class. Washington's Reed Bright won a 250cc motocross special test on his Husqvarna and wound up taking 10th in class. Ed Loj~k finished 46 points behind winner Kurt Hough to place third in the ~50cc class. Tony Hendon took second. . class lead over Hines, while Crain sat in third place ahead of Daniel and Mark Hynes. Smith was top overall four-stroke, three points in front of Haaker. Buckles was third overall four-stroke. Day two sawall the front runners start on time and head out Cor two loops, totaling a little more than 100 miles, before the final motocross special test. Only one grass tratk test was used on the day, and there were no terrain tests. For the third straight time, Kadlec nailed the fastest grass track time, claiming 497 points (seconds). But the real surprise was Aaron Hough's ride on the grass track, which was actually a very sandy and long course laid out through a sandwash.' On a course that highly benefited the high-horsepowered motorcycles, Aaron Hough on his CRl25 motored to the second fastest score o£ the day, just eight seconds slower than Kadlec's time. Despite crashing after landing off a drop-off jump and having his front wheel wash Out, Hines tied with Kurt Hough and Lojak Cor the third fastest time, six seconds behind Aaron Hough. After completing the trail portion of the qualifier, only the motocross special test was left to run. Going into the firSt 125cc moto, Hough held a commanding 88-point lead 'Over Hogenson, and barring any mechanical breakdowns, Hough pretty much had the class win wrapped up. As it turned out, Hough's 88 point insurance cushion came in handy' when he and another rider collided in the sandy first turn. "Some guy came in front o£ me and knocked me down, and his bike landed on top of mine," said Hou~h. "It took me a while to get his bIke off, and after that 1 worked up to fourth, even though 1 crashed three times. 1 was pushing too hard to catch back up." Hodgenson went on to win the moto ahead of Shaun Scarlett. The three crashes ended up costing Hough 10 points, so at the finish, Hough maintained a comfortable 78point lead over' Hogenson. Ribolzi finish third, 33 points behind Hogenson. Scarlett and Donnie Simone rounded out the top rive. In the 250cc class, which ran four separate motos, Honda rider Kevin Brown had the fastest overall time after winning his moto with a 797 score, while Kurt Hough (who also won his moto) had' the second fastest time, 798 seconds, one second off Brown's pace. Third fastest in the 250cc class went to Hendon (800) who fought off Fredette the whole moto. Fredette had the fourth fastest time of 801 seconds. Husky rider Reed Bright won the. final 250cc moto with an 805 score. The first 500cc moto turned into a showdown between Kadlec and Hines. Hines took the early lead with Kadlec glued'to his rear fender. But a little over halfway through the first lap, Hines bit the dust and Kadlec motored into the lead. "I yelled at him to move," said Kadlec, "and be endoed. It wasn't' more than five seconds after 1 yelled, 'look out, look outl' and he went end over end." Hines said he just lost the front end in the sand - a problem he had all weekend. After crashing, Hines had no problem maintaining second place, but when they crossed the checkered flag, Kadlec held a 25 second lead on Hines. . Bruckbauer nailed- the fastest overall Four-Stroke time in the motocross special test with David . Rhodes finishing second, four seconds behind. Next was Smith (10 seconds back) followed by Haaker, who was rive seconds off Smith's score. "'I'm real happy with the way I rode," said Kadlec after it was all over. "I tried to be mellow for two days; cruised on the traJ.1 and hauled on the special tests. Something must of went right." • Results 125 (Inlenl): 1. Aaron Hough (Hon): 2, Scott Hogenson (Hon); 3. Ron Ribolli (Hon); 4. Shaun Scarlett (Hon); 5, Donnie Simone (Kaw); 6. Tal E. Harvey (Hon); 7, Ed Marchini (Hon); B. Ford Tannock (SUl); 9. Tim Singleton (Hon); 10, Larry Arrington (Hon); 11. Richard Dooms (Hon); 12, Chris BOllomy; 13. Kavin Chase (Yam); 14, Kan Giles; 15, Craig Hayes; 16. Don Hoagland; 17. Bradley R, Lowe; .IB. Todd Singlelon; 19. Mike McCarren; 20 Larry Lacey (Hon). 250 (Inlenl): I ..Kun Hough (Hon); 2. Tony Hendon (C-A); 3. Ed Lojak (Hus); 4. Kevin Brown (Hon); 5. Jeff Fradette (Kaw); 6, Fred Hoess (Hus); 7. Kevin Foley (Hon); B. David Burke; 9, Tim Shephard (Yam); 10. Reed Brighl (Hus); 11. Ray Mun~enast; 12. William E. Burgener; 13. Todd Harros; 14. Joe Zierman; 15. Dennis Larratt (Hon); 16. Alan WicltSlrand (Hus); 17. Dwighl Rudder; 1B, Manin Baldwin; 19. Chris Willbanks; 20. Phil Lindeman . (Hon). . . 500 (Inlenll: 1. Fritz Kadlec (Hus); 2. Kevin Hines (KTM); 3. Rick Daniel (YamI; 4, Mark Hynes (KTM); 5. David Crain (Hus); 6. Alan Ranelt (KTM); 7. Tim Willbanks; B, Tom Ehmke; 9. Mike Medick; 10, Bob Bean (KTM); 11. Larry Crosby; 12. Tim Wilson. 0-350 FOUR-STROKE (Inlenl): 1. Drew Smith (Hon); 2. Bill Fulmer (Honl; 3. Brian Mull (Hon); 4. Bruce Rust (Hon). 500 FOUR-SmOKE: 1. John Haake. (Hus); 2, John Bruckbauer (Hus); 3. Tom Buckles lHus); 4, David Rhodes lHus); 5. Douglas Hodge tHus). , 125 A: 1, Kelby Pepper; 2, Ty Wallers; 3, Paul A. Frederick. 200 A: 1. Roger C. Cox; 2. Mike Null, 250 A: 1, Barry Franklin; 2. George H. McMahon: 3. Terry Maxwell. 500 A: 1. Jerry Spence; 2, Larry Heilman; 3. Kirk Hulslander. FOUR-STROKE A: 1. Gordon Gagen; 2. Mark Atkins. 125 B: 1. Chrissa Douglass. 200 B: 1. DUlch Culp; 2. Chris Espinoza; 3, Mike 'Null. 250 B: 1. SIeve Fox; 2. Mark Mondshine: 3, Stephen Griner. 500 B: 1. Kenl Smith; 2. Howard J. Cheney; 3. Rick Menning,

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