Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 02 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ton exit (Highway 53), hang a left and in a few miles you'll come to the Road Atlanta entrance gate. You'll know you've overshot Road Atlanta when you get caught up in the traffic jams in Chestnut Mountain or Blackshear Place . .. Editor. Road race champ ~ 00 America's motorcycle newspaper - ....... Volume XXIV Sh:uon Clayton, Publj.fhn Mik(' Klin~'r,C()mptrollrr Skip Johnson, A,f,'.orinlf' Publi...h,..,/ NtIli01wl Snlf','i M(I1ragf'r Ja('k M:;IO~"U.~, AS.'ioriatf' I'ublishrr/ Editor RIl<'ba Smith, Circulatiml M(I1wgf'r Carolint' Gt'mlry, E:'o:f"CutitJ(' Srrrl'lary to tilt' /~ubli.\'''n Editorial Kil Palmt'r, As,wn'al;o Editor P:lUl c'arrllll1ns, A.f.wcifltr Editor Faffi.:11 Williams, A.'i.wciatr Edi(or Mikt, uu'son, Assist,,,,t Editor Euwina Mang"us, enln,dflr Editor Advertising Tt'rry ProJll SaIl'S Mllnflgrr Tim Ryan, Sail',\' Mmmgn Mark Thol11(', S"l,..\, Mfltla/{t'f Mikt, Church, Ea,\trrl1 S"l,.s MmUlgn Thomas R. Gontt'r. cast,.", Sal,.,\' Ma,mgf"T Lintb 81'OWI1 l1'rSlf'171 Ad Coordillfltur Carla Bordt'n·, Ens!,.,,, Aa Coordinator Lil1ua Von tit' Vdd, Adllnti.tinJ{ As.lit. Graphics and Production Mal olm Wilson, Production Manag~r Diaoo Hil~("nherR, Graphic Art;.tl P~RJn Smilh GMphir Art;st St'l~' GIK'S', c;rnplur Arti,,! M:u'iOll Ilal:lshit:I, T),p,..v/lrr (;;;11'01)'11 Br.anham, T),(x..o,.U('f IJt'nnil't Gn'C'Il(', Lab. T,.clt. Accounting/Data Processing Drolll1:! 8ryall, AI(ts R"('I'n>llbl,. Coordinator Gt'nt,,\';1 Rt'pa!'l.-', A,lfSiJlallt FI~111 t-l.lInwt')', Cr,.dil Circulation Sill~lh 1~,I)'lor, A,'i.~i.dnnt J\hn:! An~ui:l1lo, Assi.dJUlI Chni Chilpm:m. A.ui.)tant Mal'iw Ad.IIll:t, Assistant Want Ads l:>t'hbit· Winldt,l', 11',wt Ad S"I,.s Dealer Sales and Sanrice David Mt·II., J)('fll.,., .";fll,.,,\ M"rmgrr Service and Support Safety equipment I want to let you know Ihat both myself and Steve Kassanyi, Race Director for SCORE IntermHional, read with much interest Dave Holeman's column that appeared in your February II issue. SCORE International has always put the safety of its racers at a pre~ mium. Over theye-drs we h:olv('enjoyed having some of the finest motorcycle compctilOrs compete in SCORE events. Their partici p,lIion in the most demanding and challenging offroad races such as the Baja Internacional and the Baja 1000 has been a re:oll credit to their riding abilities. Professionalism and fine machinery :oIrepart of what makes a winner, but I truly helieve that in any profession, the person whe;> is prepared for the worst seems to have the best chance. 1 think Dave's column points outa very important need for additional safety equipment to protect the mo!orcyclerider. WeatSCORE would be very interested to hear nOL only from the SCORE competitors, but· any and all manufacturers who have equipmelll aV:olilable that C'dn reduce motorcycle rider injuries. I hope that soon there will be a time when we will Dot need to be contributing to funds to help the families of racers who have been involved in serious or faLaI motorcycle accidellls. Mavbe a column like Dave's will accelerate the manufacLuring and use of equipment tllAt will make this possible. SAL FISH Presidelll, SCORE 1111. Westlake Village, CA Chris AilC'lwson, f/,.lIdquflrlf'r.'1 R,.c,-ptio,,;...1 LI:onanl Ht-n'iuR, 8rnl;I',. IIl1d Support National Headquarters 2201 Clwrry 1\\'('.. LOOK &';I('h. CI\ 90806, P.O. Box ,198. u,n~ 11<'.,,11, CA 90801-0198 (213) <127-H33: 213 636-8801<1. Eastern Office 4190 Firsl Avt·" Tu('kt'r. GA. ~OO8·1: nl:lilin~ :uJdn's\ P.O. Box sor), Tud;,t'r. GA ~OO8r,~ 0805. (·10-1) 9:H·78'>O. C)'dt, Nc'wil (liSPS H 1.340) is publisht'(l l\'1'('l.:ly t'xn.'pt th(' rirs, and hlSI W('t:1.: ollhl' (;Ilt-nwlr ~'t':n rOl" $52.00 IX'r yt-;II' h~' Cydl' Nl'ws, Inc, 2201 CJwrry A\'('l1u(', LUll1{Bt';.a('h, (:1\ 908Ofi. St'coml dal'ts I)()SI:I~(' p;lid :11 LOIlK Bt::lt h, CA, :lIld addition:11 mailinf{ orrin~. POSTMASTER: send form 3579 to Cycle New•• P.O. Box 498. Long _ h . CA 90801.Q498. Subsniplion I"alt's: Ont' yt-;Ir, Sf.,t'oud (lass m:til. S:12.00. CH It, Nt'w, wt'!cnnu." unsoliciu·d t'Clitorial 1l1~ltt'rj:11 il)('llltlin~ I'tlorit~, (';;lnOOns, pIIOIOS. l'1(, Su~h Ill:llt'l"i;ll. ir,Jubl i~lll'd, Ix'Conw!'o Ihl' t'xdu';I\'c' propl'r1r 0 Cydt, Nt,\\,I't, SUdl ;1('l't'plt'(l m:llt'rml i!'o subjt~'l 10 n'\'ision ;I~ i~ 1lt'C't'SOkII')' in l11t, snit, disnl'liOll or C)'t It, Nt,,,,",, t Tnsolil'itt'CI m;u('r1411 whidl i~ nOl list'll will lx, n'lunH'(! ir a('(ump;mit'd b~' ;1 sdr ...cJdn'I'tS('(ll'ttampt'(l t"m·t'loIX', All unsolir;lt'd Olalc'ri:ll will ht, h:mcJlt'll wilh n.lsonablt, nlft', hO"';t,\·t'I", CYI It- r-.;t'WS;ISSIUlW~ llO n'I'tIXMl:.ihilily ror Ihl' 1'I:1Ct'1)', lo!'os or daOla",,'t' 10 such m:lU'ri:ll. Rt'pl'in1in~ in wholt'or pan (111)' b~' Ix'nni~~ion ortht' ptlbli .. ht'r, Adn'nisiIlKl'alt'!l iJmf drculilliol1 inrOl'lII:11ion wwl be ,'>1.'111 UPOIl r('qlll'si. S<'C' S.R.n.S. CopyrightCycle_.lnc. 1987. TradeITlIIrk Cycle New. registered U.S. Potent Office. All rights reserved. B,PA Consumer Audit Division Membership Applied 'For Oscembar 1986. 4 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Kit PaIIMr plows the torquey. 1987 Kawasaki KX250 through a sandy berm. See page 20 for KX250 test. Photo by Kinney Jones. lands, because of time, money or both. Many of us have looked forward to visiting some of these areas, now that we are financially able to. Unfortunately, well over 70% of us are physically unable to walk more than a mile, let alone backpack, into these areas, for a camping trip or just to take in Ihe scenic views. I am all for conserving our public lands, but to conserve the land by the methods you are proposing would be discriminating against one of the largest groups of tax paying citizens we have. We have worked long and hard for the past 20 years to stamp out discrimination. This measure, if allowed to pass, would be a huge step backwards in our fight for fairness, to say the leasl. Please, Senator Cranston, we senior citizens have paid our dues, give us a fair. shake. MARTIN HUBBS Nevada City, CA I strongly oppose the Desert Protectection Acl. To pass such a bill would severely limit the recreational needs of rock hounds, photographers, OR V enthusiasts, etc. throughout the western United States. I think it is absurd to close down roughly two-thirds of presently available land for the benefit of a very small minority of people who want it for themselves to enjoyas they see fil. The public lands are just that - public lands! I urge you ro withdraw S-7 immediately and take a good look at how many Americans you're really affect. ing with this sortoI one-sided legislation. Dear Senator Cranston: We both live on the same planet and breathe the same air. Is there not a way that we can both coexist with our own recreational ideas? I like to view pretty country atop an off-road motorcycle. You like to view pretty country on fool. As a representative of all the people of the State of California please leave the -limited current amount of areas open to motorcycles in Iheir current number. Two weeks ago I went riding on the existing OHV trail that is the only access to the Manchesna Wilderness. I enjoyed viewing the scenery from my motorcycle with about L5 of my friends. We did not see any other people using the existing wilderness area. Please let both our worlds coexist by not expanding current wilderness areas and effectively shutting myself and many others out of Ihe enjoyment of riding through this great country of ours on an off-road motorcycle. CLIFFORD A. RANNEY Balboa, CA I have just read, much to my dismay, that you have reintroduced Lhe Desert Protection Acl. I wish Lo protest this measure, due to the fact that it discriminates against the senior citizens of our free country. There are many of us out here, either retired or planning to, who have been unable to visit our public JIM WILLIAMS Costa Mesa, CA Rosarito GP Do you know if there will be a Rosarito Beach Grand Prix this year? And if so, the date and or Iheclub thai puts the race on? I'd really like to ride the race this year but since I work full time I need to plan time of[ from work well in advance. JANICE RUBIN Frazier Park, CA The Hilltopper's annual race in Baja will take place in May this year rather than in April. Information on e.ntry forms, etc. should be available in the very near future . .. Editor. No such place Re the May 16-17 AMA Camel Pro Series Road Race in Braselton, Georgia: There's no such place or city. I would like to go to this event and wouLd appreciate you listing the 'proper ci ty. BERT PHILLIPS Samson, AL Braselton is right next to Hoschton, Bert. Both are about 40 miles northeast of A tlanta. Take 1-85 north out of Atlanta and get off 1-85 at the Brasel- I am writing to correct an error in the Voicc;s section of your # I issue of L987. In an editorial response 10 Jimmy Adamo's leller, you say he is the AMA CCS Formula 2 Champion. This is in {act notlhe case as Malcolme Tunstall is the Formula 2 champ. I hope you will rectify Ihis error as this was a championship Malcolme worked particularly hard for. RON BARTON Roswell, GA We'll give this our best shot. Tunstall' is indeed the AMA CCS Formula 2 champ, but Kevil! Rentzell is the AMA CCS Pro-Am Formula 2 champ. Adamo is the AMA CCS Formula Supertwins champ . .. Editor. On the mend To all my concerned friends. I'm out of the hospital and at home recovering now, and I want to thank everyone for their cards and gifts, especially for the prayers when Ihings were so uncertain. Doctors used 15 screws and two stainless steel plates to reconstruct my lower knee joint. They also put a cast on the lower leg break with a knee joint and an upper casl. Only time will tell how well it will work. Thanks again to everyone. BOB BALENTINE Mojave, CA Viva Cagiva! Problem: My new ('86) Cagiva AIlazzura Sport wasn't up 10 Cagiva's obvious high quality standards, nor mine! Solution: Cagiva graciously offers me a new bike! Am I happy? Yes! And I believe others should know of this company that treats cuslOmers properly. Thank you, Cagiva North America, Mr. Alberto Cilrnelli, and a special thank you 10 Mr. Sonny Angel and his motorcycle shop in National City, California. CHUCK FAIRCHILD San Diego, CA We're going to writel OK, Dave "How You Can Win" Holeman, AMA District 37 is going to write!-We're selling aside one-half hour at every board and spons commillee meeting 10 write; all of our District clubs are being provided with material and being encouraged to do the same; a table wiJl be set up at all District 37 events wilh writing materials, postage, names and addresses, sample lellers and cards, and voter registration cards. A Dis.trict 37 legislative hotline (213/438-6527) is now in service and will provide all of the above to anyone who would like to call in. We are, going to do our utmost to create a loud and prolonged outcry. Now, we'd like to know what other organizations, promoters, publishers and manufacturers are going to do. We all stand to lose the desert; the laller three stand to lose their business! DANA BELL District 37 Legislative Officer Long Beach, CA

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