Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 01 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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there was none for his fans, family and friends. David is one of the few riders today who remains completely unaffected by all the stardom. The Baileys are motocross in its purest form. We need them. And I ask you all to join me in prayer that David can walk again soon. DREW LIEN President, 100% Products Canoga Park, CA America's motorcycle newspaper ,Volume XXIV Sharon Oayloo, PuhlishN Mike lUinger,Comptrollnkip Johnson. Associate Publ;sh~rl National Sal~s M01Ulga Jack Mangus, Associate Publ'Uhn-1 Editor Rheba Smilh, Circulation Ma1UJger Caroline Gendry, ExecutM Secretary to th,. Publisher Editoriel Kil Palmer, ASJoc;ale Editor Paul OJrrulhcrs, Associat~ Editor Farren Williams. Associat~ Editor Mike Larson. Assi.ftant Editor Edwina Mangus, Caltmdar Editor Advertisi"ll Soles Manager Tim Ry'an, So In Manoger Mark TIlome, Sales Mandg~r Mike O1urch, Eastern Sales Manager Thomas R. Conler. Eastan Sales Manager Linda Brown W,.stem Ad Coordinator Carla Bord('Il, Easlnn Ad Coordinator Cllhy Corroio, Advntising Asst. Linda Von de Veld. AtbJntising As.rt. Terry Pf3U Grephics end Production Ginger Machado. Produt:tion Manager Malcolm Wilson, Graphi€ Artist Diana Hilgolbo'g. Graphic Artist Peggy SmHh, Graphic Arti.ft Marion Hatotmila, Typesetter Carolyn Branham. Ty~~Un Dennis Creme, Lab. Tech. Accounting/D8Ul Processing Donna Bryan, ACCLJ Reuivable Coordinator Gen('\13 Repass, Assistant Fr.m Hamwey. Credit C;rculetion Samh T ..ylor. Assistant Alma An~"Ui~no, Assistant Cheri Ch:Jpman, Assistant Marita Adams, Assistant Went Ad. Debbie Winkler, Warn Ad Sal,.s Dee.... SelN end Service OiAvid Men, /)ea.ln Sales Manager Service end Support Chris Ailclu"50n, H,.ad9uarters R~ct'ptionist uoniArd Herring, S,.rvtce and Support NationelHeedque~ , 2201 Cherry Avt"., Long Beach. CA 90806. P.O. Box 498. LonK 8 News, Unsolicited O1;II('rial which isnol used will Ix' t1'luffwd if accompanit.'tI by a sdf addn'sscd stamJX'd ('n\'(')opt', All unsolicited m'lU'rial will be h:mdlc'd with re:olsonablt, I:3rf.... how<"Vt"r, Cyelf' N("ws Olssumt"S no rt'5pon· sibilil)' for IhC' lWl(CIY. loss ord'lm;l~e 1.0 such rnalc~ Cycle Neww. Inc. 1987, Trade- merk Cycle New. regl.t"",d U,S. Petent Office. All rights ..... rved. SPA Consumer Audit Division M.mber~ Ihip Applied For December 1986. 4 ONTHEFRONTPAGE:RKing ection heets Up at the Florida Winter AM MX Series. See pege 22 for letest rece coverege et Dade City. Photos by Mike end Anne Adeir. New England champ says ... Now that the 1986 New England Hare Scrambles season is over, I would like to extend a thank you to the following with whose help I was able to win the NETRA New England Scramble Grand Championship: Dave Van Epps and Husqvarna Motorcycles, Hi-Point Racing Products, Metzeler Tires, and Pat Broderick of Broderick Cycles in Dahon, Massachusetts, 22-cent stamps is a small price to pay to keep our off-road vehicles operational on the public lands and not just as expensive door stOps in private garages. Let's all get involved this time; join your local ORV organization, the AMA or CORVA. We're all in this together and this time we've got to win or there won't be a next rime. CranstOn was re-elected for six years; we must stop him now! DUANE T. GOODERMOTE Petersburg, NY WARD CUMBIE Laguna Hills, CA Where to write I heard the bad news about David Bailey on Larry HuHman's radio show the day the accident happened. Of course, you'll help keep us informed on his condition and print an address for cards and letter. I am also interested in the names and addresses of politicians I can mail letters to concerning the proposed bill which would restri tour land use. DALE D. JONES Rialto, CA You'll find an update on David BaiLey in the1n The Wind section as well as the address of the hospital he is in. Readers shouLd write their senators and congressman/woman. Address mail to your senator, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510, and to your congressman/woman, House Office BuiLding, Washington,DC20515 . .. Editor. Beat him at the mailbox Well, Cycle News readers, after our Merry Christmas and Happy New Years greetings, here is our greeting froin the o(f-roaders favorite senator - none other than the infamous Alan Cranston of California, darling of the Sierra Club and every other' self-proclaimed "lock up the land for future generations" organ i7.a tion that wants to eliminate off-road vehicles from the planet earth and its neighboring planets in this solar system. Cranston's California Desert Proteelion Act died in committee in the 99th Congress and the off-roading community's hope was that Cran-ston would likewise expire at the polls in the November elections. Well, Cranston lives, and so does his wilderness bill. His first act in the historic looth Congress was to thumb hi nose at the off-roading community. who either could not or would not unite to prevent his re-election, and reintroduce the Desert Protection Act. We lost our chance to beat him at the ballot box, please don't lose our shot to beat him at the mailbox. California off-roaders. write to Senator Pete Wilson to oppose Cranston's bill (send a copy of your letter to Cranston). Off-roaders from other states who W3nt to prevent his antiOR V legislation from spreading should write to both thl'ir senators and congressman to vote against this elitist proposal. CranstOn didn't wait and neither hould we. Flood your eleCted repreentatives with protest cards and letters. A few minutes time and a few Vet champ says ... Many thanks to Cycle News and Tom and Anne Van Beveren for the fine coverage, hard work and extra eHort desert racing received in 1986. Together you are helping desert racing become more recognized by all Cycle News readers. I would also like to thank all those special people and firms who made my '86 season possi ble, I placed sixth overall in the AMA National Championship Hare & Hound Series, and first in the Veteran division. Special thanks to: Mike Gerra of Yamaha International, Floyd of Montclair Yamaha, Virginia of Sport Track Co., Answer Products, Silkolene, Garne, Bell Helmets, IMS, Graydon Products, A&B Superroller, Downhill Racing Specs., WD-40, Tsubaki Chain, Scott, Octamax, EBK, Circle Industries Garment Graphics, and to the Morrises, my girfriend Dawn and Chec~ers M.e. for pitting [or me. * MIKE SIXBERY Simi Valley, CA No one has done more I am the luckiest enthusiast who ever lived by being able to meet and befriend so many people in the sport. ,And of all the people I've met, no one has done more for the sport in the pa~t ~ew years than the Baileys, in my opmlOn. Gary Bailey has helped thousands of students in his famous schools and was one of the first Americans to beat the Europeans in the early seventies. As long as he's been a professional, David is one of the few riders today to act professional by bringing forth a ~Iean-cut, athletic and intelligent Image for us all when interviewed by the media. Not since Roger DeCoster has motocross had such a charming amba sador, in my opinion. Back in january 1985, I tried to get the nders, promoters and factories to work tOgether and improve things. No one worked harder on it with me than David. and many improvements and lines of communication resulted from David's efforts. In 1986, the Baileys showed everyone how it should be done bynolding their own National at David Bailey's Lake Sugar Tree MotOcross Park. They ran things their way and it was one of the best held races of the season for the fans. sponsors and riders. And everyone knows about Gary over the years building the best supercross track of the year at DaytOna which always lend to good racing. These are justa few of a long list of things that come tomind about David beside always making time when .Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Inc. Send letters to Voices, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach. CA 90801. How You Can Win (Continued from page 2) Is there a letter heaven in D.C.? You bet! Every single piece of written correspondence must be and is accounted for by each senator and congressman/woman. Every telegram. Every phone call. All correspondence is tallied once a week at all field offices and the capital. And each week every politician is given a tally of pro and con correspondence on every issue. Letters are not counted by length, literacy, bulk, your age or sexual persuasion. just the numbers. As a mauerof course, nasty (foul.language letters and multi-page epics r~ceive less attention than short, preCise notes. I'm for this or against that - period and ignature. So get that letter off today. This week at the latest. And send another next week, next month. Get your mom and grandpop to pen one up. Friends, neighbors, anyone and everyone. These bills e(fect every single one of them, not just you because you're a biker. Success I Thanks, guys. California Magazine (formerly New West) recently printed a oathing cover story on the desert and ORvs (bikes and ATVs particularl y). Among other quips, the author (Mr. Page Stegner) called bikers "troglodytes" (cave men) and Wished us a head-on collision with a speeding 18-wheeler. In a fury I sent the magazine (a long time supporter of the environmental theme) a heated letter. I just knew I would be the sole opponent of Stegner's view and it would fall on deaf ears. ' Very much to my shock and surprise, ~Iifornia Magazine (January, 1987) pnnted not only my letter, but those of five other irate readers. They made a feature page of the letters column and included an editorial essay response from Senator CranstOn. Further, it is my understanding that California Magazine will, in the future, target editorials on these issues with :'equal" balance instead of just one Sided Sierra Club-type views. So my congratulations go to the editOrs of <::alifornia Magazine and, most espeCiallv, tho e concerned letter writers (whoever you are) as follows: Gary English, Palo Alto; Fran Chauvie, Manhattan Beach; Wes Lingerfelt, Nipomo; Mark A, johnson, Rosamond; RobenE. Rex, Hi-Torque Pub., Mission Hills. The villains to write are as follows: Senator Alan Cran tOn, California (California Protection Act, 1987. Senate Bill #7); Congressman Meldon E. Levine, 27th Dist., California (House Bill #HR 371); Congressman Richard Lehman, 18th Dist., California (House Bills #HR 361 & HR 362). Dave Holeman Send mail for Senator Cranston to: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510. Mail for Congressman Levine and Congressman Lehman should be sent to: House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 . .. Editor.

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