Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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nine, tWO crashes brought out the red flags and a restart. Going down the back straight alongside Kniss, Martin's leathers hooked into the handlebars of Kniss and both got unloaded with Martin doing a flying-W. Although able to get up and off the track, he was unable to continue and so the rstart was a great effort and win for K,uss. Cook came off the wall in race 10 for a win that really set the stage, Next to him was Bast, but the gate proved pivotal as Cook gassed it quickest and kept Bart in check on the inside. Sisemore kept his hopes up by winning event II over Pauson and Parsons, and Delacy came up with his first ace of the night in event 12 over Martz and McDaniel. Cook sewed up the championship early with a big win in event 17, as he took the checkers in front of Mike Solis and Mark Day. Parsons wrapped up race 18 with.a win over Delacy and Nick Geranio, while Crawford and Kniss had a great round in 19 with Crawford winning. The fight for second place was still up for grabs and it came up in the final round. In between. each set tht:, Division Two and Division Three Championships were run in Handicap fashion with Mike Harrington back on the Dave Faria racing special for the win over Shawn Reppert and Vance Felicio, while Brian Pecore easily won the Division Three rounds over Mike Kain flnd Dan Neilson. • Super Jersey - 50/50 Interlock • RlICe Penh - Antron 500. This 2 piece outfit features padded . elbows & knees, quality fabric and construction. Made in USA. Graphics and colors lor Honda, Yamaha Red, Yamaha Yellow, Suzuki & Kawasaki. SIZES: KIDS 2'- 4 - 6 8-10-12 Adult sizes a¥ailable. ALSO AVAILABLE: PIT KIT Cotton pants and short slee¥e T -shirts. Same quality graphics - padding - sizes.. ATTRACTIVELY PRICED IN STOCK NOW! Available at ,our Dealer. Dealers Please Call: USA (800) 423-5658 CA (818) 898-1402 * CYCLE NEWS READERS! Results * The First to knowf DIV I: 1. John Cook (t 5): 2. Ban Bast (14); 3. Jim Sisemore (13): 4. Mika Pasons(10~ 5. Mike Dalaey (9); 6. Steve Crawford (B); 7. (TIE) Chris Paulson/Greg Martz/Nick Garanio/Jaff Kniss (7); 11. Mika Solis (61; 12. TIEl Stave Volk (4); 14. TIEI2eisB'er/Stu McDaniel (3); t6. Mak Day (2). DIV II: 1. Mike Harrington; 2. Shawn Reppen; 3. Vance Felicia; 4. Derek Oorredstyn; 5. Scott McNeil; 6. Gordon Rudy, DIV III: 1. Brian Pecore; 2. Mike Kein; 3. Dan Neilson; 4. Chris Rudy; 5. Tony Morgan; 6. Lye leJ' CYCLE SERVICE leJ **PARTS** From '69 to Current LARGEST STOCK IN THE EAST UPSDAILY . Gossett. Norris tames Stoney Broke HS Husqvarna Currently In Stock 1987 510XC and TE (Enduro) 4-STROKE. WATER-COOLED By Rider Writer MIDDLEBROQK, VA, SEPT. 21 TItIa W...'. $pedal '85 510XC $1895 Many Ext. . . . Low Hours II"JI 'IJI II"JI 'IJI 1'503 S. Pacific San Pedro, California "'_(213) 548 6874_11i111" ICE RACING SCREWS #15,'1" .........1/......... -$33.00 ............ 3,11'" 1-911 $38.00 SIft' 1-911 $33.00 Il1-1911S2Ul1' 111-1911$2Il.OO . ~S2LOO ~S21OO A sulJsCri;,tioll is • boredom ",.escription. MICH.uN IIGAD RACE Tlll£S _IH SPOIl ~R1' 1WES wItIo. _ _ lS~5(~> eye" Ind. Rec:e TiNt 1845 Redondo Ave. Long Bach. CA 9080412131597·0339 ~ (ROTAX) ENGINES & PARTS D.M. BEST CAN·AM 6516 McCart Ave. Ft. Worth, Texas 76133 1(817) 294 8&34 1(800) 972-1119 . .... .f IlJII8IIT lOSS Alit TI'8Clcers CeUlog CHIli'.' Grimeca Br" sYs1eml. "tram.. or rolling chaail front 1pOCJI, quick change rear whee... IPf'C)Ckets. ceml, carbI. pipes, tpring kill. piatOni. gf.... forb. ...,... UN, Marzocchi. . l'DfORiliAJlcl: ACCUSOIIIU 30 . . . . . . . . 3141. . . . . CIIMIe ~3131GNU1 AlIA .."" CIIda CIYppIe J1W1t 1" 1-911 $31.00 11-1911$31.00 lJ ~S21.oo ." 1 or ....... J14-4U "., 'Sf. I L..J SiiNaaau #1 01flrY TRAILER - ·CAMPER SALES (818) 787-33n 7854'5epu1ved8 St, Van N,uya, CA .91405 REE~ 48 pages of f t best tor street & MX r.cJuding ~ SUporShoo<. , TracJcPaws. F<»t RainSult. DIltPaws, , Roost·D-fI«tOr, '00' Boon and rt!Ctf. just S I to CrNer postage and handHng to: MoIo-X Fox, Dept.C1Il ,Cam bell, CA 95008 . .. IlAlCO ~y~.."ARTS • SAlES • SERYIC~ . MOTORCYCilST SERVICES "We care about you end your cycle. " BBO Pi_ Rd. #43 .. 44 (707) 526-3804 s.- R _ CA 96401 .' , Cycletronics Husky of New Bern-sponsored Paul Norris finally broke his string of second- and third-place finishes to take all the gold as the overall winner oE Lhe .I lth round of the Virginia Championship Hare Scrambles Series. In the middle cif last season Norris commented; "I have one goal and that is to beat David White at least once." It took nearly two years but . Norris met that goal in style and led from flag Lo flag as White settled Eor an unfamiliar second overall and Eirst in the 2SOcc class after overalling the previous five series events. Charging into second behind White was KTM rider Roland King. Bricky Hughes stayed glued to King's Eender throughout the race but had to be content with third, as King ran a mistake-free ride. King"s finish marked an incredibre return after a neck injury last month that would have ended the season for most. King currentl y holds the class points lead and apparently doesn't plan to let it . slip away with only three races remaining this season. The eight mile coiJrse was laid out on the farmland of Stan Norris. Proceeds from the event went to the Aid Association for Lutherans with church members expertly manning all oE the checkpoints under the watchEul eye of referee John Baird. The race started in a valley with the riders immediately proceeding upward through a pasture and into the , meat of the course. Jeff Taylor appears 10 be on his way to a repeat performance as the series 12Scc class champion, as herode his Kawasaki away from the rest of the class_ Behind him, Suzuki rider Derek Kutcher nudged an ailing mount to second, while fellow team rider Richie Denzler powered his 'Kawasaki into third for his best show- I ing since adVancing out of the ranks oE the Mini riders. In the Open class, KTM.mounted I R.J. Faddis and Rob Toole kept a I close battle going for the first half of . the race, but as the race progressed, he fell off the pace by over three minutes. With Faddis clicking off consistent lap times for the win and third' overall, Toole was lucky to salvage second, as Mark Maddox moved up 10 chaTIenge for second but settled Eor third. Results too: 1. Billy Cox (Han); 2. George Greer (Han); 3. Robbie West (Yam). 125: 1. Jeff Taylor (Kaw): 2. Derek Kutcher (Suz); 3. Richie Denzler (Kaw). 200: 1. Chris Ratliff (Kaw); 2. Ron Kiser (Yam); 3. Harold Cooka (Kaw). . 250; 1. David White (Hus); 2. Roland King (KTM); 3. Bricky Hughes (Han). OPEN: t. R.J. Faddis (KTM); 2. Rob Toole (Han): 3. Mark Maddox (KTM). SR: 1. Tom Banlett (Han): 2. Gary Hatch (Yam); 3. Vic Jordon. 55: 1. Bill Edmundson (Han); 2. Stan Norris(HuB); 3. David Alban. 4-STRK: 1. Rick Smith (Han): 2. Keith Cox (Han): 3. Randy Asbury (Han). TRAlLRIDER; 1. Jessa Edenback; 2. J. Mitchall; 3. D. Stephenson. Donivan rocks Dirt Track, Inc. By Steve Manor MOOERS, NY, SEPT. 28 Marty Donivan hammered out a first place win in the 86-125cc dirt bike class at the Nonhern New York State's Din Track, Inc., and in the process, he collected another 40 points to easily claim the title oE track champion in the class. Donivan, who consistently took first place in the 86-12Scc dirt bike class in each contest, rode 10 victory last week and boosted his track poit:Jt total to 240 - the high point total at the track. In second place in the standings is Ralph Eckal'dt with 124 points and Rick Honahan o£ Malone with 100 points. Eckhardt and Honahan are expected LO do battle for second place in the championship race. . John' Rugar l:iolds the lead in the 126-2S0cc dil't bike class with 104 points and Kim Martin is close enough behind 10 catch:up and overtake Ruger with his 81 poin ts. In third is Dean Livernois with 68 points. Results ) B6-125: 1. Marty Donivan (240); 2. Ralph Eckardt J (124); 3. Rick Hanahan (100); 4. Todd Alterman (79); 5. Danny Morg.n (5B); 6. Kavin LUlSiar (5 t); 7. ' Brent McCartby (46); B. David Murray (45); 9. Sandra (32); to. Mike Lussiar (26).. 126-250: t. John Rugar (t04); 2. Kim Manin I (B1): 3. Dean UvernoiB (68); 4. (TIE) Mike Alaux/- [t Andy White (40); 6. Mark Lucas (24); 7. Mark Hawkinson (22); B. Glen Pelkowski (20): 9. Scott Bouvier, (16). Mercier wins title at Shannonville RR . By Jeremy Fleming SHANNONVILLE, ONT, CANADA, SEPT. 28 Newly crowned Canadian road racing champion Michel Mercier cemented his title with a. pair of dominant performances in the Canadian Tire Superbike Chal- ' lenge, the fifth and final round of the 1986 National Championship Series. ' Aboard his Mike Crompton-tuned, George Morin-managed factory Suzuki GSXR7.1>OR, Mercier was in top form - sliding through the turns, wheelieing down the straights and! giving the large crowd the show they anticipated.

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