Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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started going away." jam-Up took pver the lead with . Front Row holding second and the Team Uno Yamaha FZ600 of Graham Clark and H.j. DiJcher in third. Schwing Racing's run LO the front ended with a seized FZ750 motor. "We were having a good day," Bryan Schwing said. "Both me and Billy were doing consistent 29s and 305 when the moror seized on us." RenlZell puta lap on Taylor Roadracing just before the end of lap 65. Two laps later, Renrzell pitted turning the bike over to Atwell as Brauneck came by gelling back at? the tail end of the lead lap before pitling the next lap and giving the bike LO Schlosser. "It got so hot out there my hand weill to sleep," Brauneck said. "I got it working again and got down LO 26s, but right after that I started gelling heat prosmttion," At the end of 70 laps, New Haven continued to lead with Taylor second on the same lap, West Florida third, Escargot fourth and the S&L Enterprises GSXRlloo fifth; third through fifth were a lap down on the leaders. jam-Up continued LO lead GTU with Front Row second and Team Uno a lap down in third place. . As the race neared the 90 lap mark, Brauneck, who was now back on the Taylor bike, turned the fastest lap of the day at 1:25.77 as the team closed on an engine-troubled New Haven. "I think we have a plug going bad," Renrzell said. "We're going to bring Jeff in and change the plug." As has been the case so many times this year, the race was won and lost in the pits. ew Haven was losing four seconds a lap to the hard-charging Brauneck. .ew Haven pilled with a long and sloppy pit stop and Brauneck flashed by the pits to take the lead. "It would only run at 9000 rpm and we couldn't use fifth gear," Atwell said. Brauneck now increased the lead over New Haven LO IS seconds, and started adding lWO seconds a lap LO that margin. Brauneck sellied into a consislent I:27 range and al the end ofIOO laps it was Taylor Roadracing and New Haven Suzuki on the same lap wilh West Florida Racing, S&L Enterprises and Escargol rounding OUl the top five. jaf)1-Up held a one lap lead on Front Row Racing in lhe GTU class wilh Team Uno still third, butlhree laps behind Jam-Up. With the race settling into its closing laps, Brauneck built the Taylor lead LO 50 seconds over New Haven. On the while flag lap, pit trouble continued to plague New Haven with Rentzell pitting LO top off the fuel tank and allowing Taylor to lead by a lap. At the checkers it was Taylor Racing covering 139 laps around the 2.5-mile, IO-turn Toad course. Taylor had completed the 500 kilometers in three hours, 29 minutes and 42 seconds. New Haven held on for second with West Florida Racing, Miami Vice, and Escargot rounding outlhe LOp five. Eighth overall and first GTU was Front Row Racing. • Results OVERALL: 1. Teylor ROlIdnocing (Suz): 2. New Haven Suzuki (Suz); 3. Wesl Florlde Racing (Yam); 4. Miami Vice Racing (Suz); 5. Eacargot Racing (Suz); 6. S8Il Entarprises (Suz); 7. Cobara Racing (Suz); B. Front Row Racing (Yam); 9. Jam-Up Racing (Yam); 10. Norwegian Caribbean Unes (Yam); 11. Taam Uno (Yam); 12. Team Suffield Cycles (Kaw); 13. Team Gonzo (Yam); 14. Team Instinet(Suz); 15. More Racing (Yam); lB. Flying Brick Racing (BMW); 17. Second City Racing (Yam); 1B. Paragon Racing (Suz); 19. H.P. Racing (Suz); 20. Team Sunset (Kaw). GTO: 1. Taylor Roadracing (Suz); 2. New Haven Suzuki (Suz); 3. West Florida Racing (Yam); 4. Miami Vice (Suz); 5. Escargot Racing (Suz); B. S8IL Enterprises (Suz); 7. Cobara Racing (Suz); B. Norwegian Caribbean Lines (Yam); 9. Instinct(Suz); 10. FIVi"ll Brick (BMW). GTU: 1. Front Row Racing (Yam); 2. Jam-Up Racing (Yam); 3. Teem Uno (Yam); 4. Team Suffield Cycles (Kaw); 5. Team Gonzo (Yam); 6. More Racing (Yam); 7. Paragon Racing (Suz~ B. Team Sunset (Kaw); 9. Paul Smith Racing (Yam); 10. North and South Racing (Yam). OF RIVERSIDE HAS DONE ITAGAIN: lITHE MYSTERY SALE" • How can they do it? • What are they doing? , We're not telling, but we can guarantee you the Lowest Price in California (or anywhere for that matter) on NEW '84, '85 or '86 KX and KOX Models - Even Tecateal CAUFOR INFORMATION& PRICESIT'LL BE WORTH YOUR DIME, BUT HURRY! THEY WON'T LAST LONG!! '87's Also Best Deals Anywhere... ~.,,'W (714) 683-8839 1605 University Ave., Riverside, CA 9~507 15

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