Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Porting PDRnIG TOOtS - M._I_I.IIIlon/......1 kits/_ / rniftslpons/...... fer...., M/C. ATV. cor .r hggy port jM. 11 US Mfr.lDist. pe"" tealL CC Spe.iaIty. Rt. 4. IIez 204. Law..- . . TI J84&4 (615) 162-&995. Enduro RoIlc1tans JART - E-. Rllcharls -Euy .. raIlI-lblii .._-M..,...- _ IlL .. ~d_" - 85 Mac 1210 I AaIlIoiIa. CA '2107. (714) Ally _ •• lIlY lily: CIaII - . . SI.. SII. H. U6. ..._..."' . hr q••1l1y ........,......,...,. fill r.. llIMI, CIlll WIIlIIII' atIlIIlIII, JIdiIlI, PMlI-. 1IIllI _ _. PI.. e-lIIIllan c..,..1JIt _,... -, ......--. 1IIIl11lra 1.1lDcIl,.. .!M1Il by . . . 1lIIy.1IIad S3 ............... lIpn _ 1-4:...... 'a, I, III H:. (Z13) 435 .1, _ .11111 Sl........... CA. ... r..g ioa FWY t71Il & I'IcIllc e-t tlwy. Si.....ock RldiltDr Repair PAUL THEDE'S RACE TECH -Ro,air 0[. . . . I .... _ r _ I I i I W.lb_ _rs . .·L A I _ p r _ 1 _ _. UPS iIIily ...,-rs. 3227 P or .127..... - . CA '1711. (714) 514-7755. SIlOCK REBlIlD/IlEPAlRlTUlIIG.,lIlI .... . . DHI.IlIS I • "'" lib SIIIfIo. ' - ' -. _1- __ a-I ..... . . . . Z.D.y ..... UPS 1lIr ill. MDTDDESlSll!141 ""non. Tl381D4. 11 SIt. (.1) 275-_1. ExMust Sptlms Honda CR500-mounted Randy Norman captured the combined 125/ 250/0pen Expert class win at 0-38'5 Kamikaze Attack Hare Scrambles. Two separate races were run for one hour each. The Senior and Vet class riders ran first and were followed by the I25cc/25OcciOpen race. Right from the start, Cushing was the dominate force in the Vet/Senior race by finding the quick line to check one and rounding the first lap already pulling away from the field. Last year's winner, KTM-mounted Bill Silverthorn was the second bike through with the Senior class lead. He was followed closely by ay Kepple, Mike Ruhstorfer and Scott Hatfield, all Vet Experts. By lap two, Cushing was way out front. Hatfield was starting to get his rhythm and had worked his way into second. Hatfield had been practicing in the mud hills for the last few weeks and it looked to be paying off. . With just over a lap to go, Cushing's pace started to slow and Hatfield began to zero in. "Coming down the last wash I could see him about 50 yards in front. I held it open and almost caught him at the finish," said Hatfield. "Almost caught him" was a mild description of what happened as Hatfield lost to Cushing at the checkered flag by mere inches. Ruhstorfer held on for a third overall finish and Silverthorn totally dominated the Senior class for the third straight year, finishing fourth overall, 10 positions in front of second place Jack Neeley. Tom Moen obviously did his homework in Saturday's practice as he smoked his KTM into the lead and set a blistering pace to start the 125ccl 25Occ/Open race. Randy Morales ran second and did his best to keep Moen's dust in sight. Moen was amazing trackside spectators with the ease at which he pulled out a lead of over three minutes on second place. "You should have seen him launching off the check one hill!" exclaimed Floyd Hudson, who ran first check. Norman had been following Morales for two laps, then shot past to take o'!er second. Suddenly disaster struck for M.,oen and as he came down pit row sliding from side to side, it was obvious his rear tire had gone nat. Moen was able to hold first until the fourth lap when he crashed. That was the break that Norman needed as he shot by to take the .lead. From there on, it was all Norman as he streaked . across the finish giving his dad the birthday present he had asked for, first overall. Moen slithered through for second, followed by Morales in third. "I was riding the '85 Honda that we won the Baja 1000 on. The suspension was tired, but the course was really fun," said Morales at the finish. Moen was also happy with his finish even though he had trouble. "If I hadn't fallen, I still might have won with the flat. I have a new bike (KTM) and a new sponsor (Suzuki/Yamaha Lemon Grove) and I'm real happy." Many of the top 250cc riders were helping with this event instead of racing since there were no 250cc points for this event. Novice Jimmy McDaniel took full advantage of this and took the lead right from the first lap and never looked back. Expert JeU Boyd did his best to keep McDaniel in sight but came up short and had to settle for second. Ron March, back after a long absence from racing came away with a well deserved Amateur . win. •. Bruce Taylor came home wmner of the I25cc class after playing bridesmaid all day. Duane Summers led the first two laps and looked to be the rider to beal. By the halfway point, however, he and teammate John Rudder had dropped out with undisclosed problems. Rob Nolan had been trailing Summers and suddenly found himself with the lead. Nolin was on the gas and up as far as second overall on lap four, several minutes ahead of a now second Taylor. While the crowd waited anxiously for Nolin at the finish, Taylor surprised everybody, including himself, by coming through first for the win. "I never saw Nolin. I didn't know I had won until I was told at the finish," said Taylor. Nolin had run out of gas with only one mile to go. "It must have been a stuck float because I pitted," said a frustrated Nolin. • Results OPEN EX; 1. Randy Norman (Han); 2. Tom Moen (KTM); 3. Randy Morales (Han). OPEN AM: 1. Ch.rlie Walker (Han); 2. Steve Basin (Yam); 3. Mitch Thompson. OPEN. NOV: 1. Mike Barnhill (Han); 2. Bill Scan (Han); 3. Tim Croft (Han). 250 EX: 1. Jeff Boyd (Yam); 2. Robbie Pippin (Han); 3. Jemes Tucker (Han). 250 AM: 1. Ron March (Hus); 2. Richard Demeno (V.m); 3. Bob Johnson (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Jimmy McDaniel~ 2. Steven Prafke (Han); 3. Craig Brin (Suz). 125 EX: 1. Bruce Taylor (Hon); 2. Robert Nolin . (Vam); 3. Kirk Hester (Cag). 125 AM: l. Wes Enz (Kaw); 2. Ed Hatcher (Han); 3. Bruce Bell (V.m). 125 NOV: 1. Rick Flores (Vam); 2. Cole Mervin (Han). VET EX: 1. Bren Cushing (Vam); 2. Scan Hatfield (Yam); 3. Mik. Ruhstorfer (Han). VET AM: 1. Robert McCart.r (Husl; 2. Sheldon Hower (KTM); 3. Tom St. Pet.r (KTM). VET NOV: 1. Dav. Wells(Honl; 2. Kelli Hori (Yaml; 3. Jack R. ROl.n (ATK). SR EX: 1. Bill Silverthorn (KTM); 2. Jack Neeley (M-SI; 3. W.C. Thornton (Kaw). SR AM: 1. John Bilkey (Vam); 2. Mike Govern (Vam); 3. Dave Krider (KTM). SUPER SR: 1. Himey Means(Hon); 2. Bob Thompson (Suz); 3. Joe Muleneaua (Hus). Singlesltock S.rvic. A1RCDIE _ _ ••• kits or ..,.. .. year _ •. C - - ' _ 1lI111"'ricltioa •• plot. illl lickal. Chr_. Bras. ea"or. Galli Plati ~y ...iI. 5.01 EMIr.... All.. Las V•••• IV B.I22. 702/468-4177. WllITE BIIOS - 11750 Sa_~ Circl•• S ..... CA _10. nic.llIt.., I I ..I . e- "u. 1·2 _ r Uai-Trsk. "-or. Singl.sItoc:k S.rvic. ,.a'. lhoir:._ e - rilIor lit"'; _ PRO-TEC d ........ack or r5pIir . B_ _ _ _.liI....... (714) 738-0631. (2131 117-&751. 282 Gelaiai, - . CA.2621. LiM I F.....r I WIIils (714) 111-2221. For perts cd (714) B15-1891. Shoe STEEL SHOES - lin MHIy. .... 1150. Dirt Track 175. Lt. WI. SplMy SIS. _ ~_ Spacily rICO typo. 14" .... _ SIS. Ewr,tloiat .. Spo-,. 1510 - . . . M-.ny. Cor-. CA '1720. (714) 73s.-&4D. Tlanessee O Sillgleshock S.rvic. r CaIapIo1a ferll I . . . .nic• • all .... 1 ........ - . -.......... llIoliao. Fa.. W..... ...... slIrts at 140.00. 2627 _ All.. M_ _• CA .1 azO. lJailo"" IIfES MOTORS - BMW I Co.-Ala peril. . . . IIIrYic•. 21 ",ars u B_ r. M ... ...... e-,Iels . - ...... UPS iIoily Villi M/C. 101 lIelIill St_ ~. TI 37160. (615) 1111) 241-1747. &84-2.53. SCDTT'S - Frlm. Strliglttening AlIHAlI O.II.r THE FRAIIE SHOP - Pr ciIists.AI 1roaI _ _ ....... C -..Iacilily .. .-.. _lraat """ ....... . - _ _ or 1 11074 M•. . - . S _ CA !IlII1O. (7141113'700. DIlliE CYCLE - .,.. Willco...-. .yl....... Ifi-Peilll. Wi, _ I . . .f UPS...,. T-F 11;30-1:. Sol. B:_3O. lila 1st All. I .. Ii......... AL 35201. (2\15) 138-0232 or (205) 133-&299. Rilling Applr.1 .....1......, _r/brtiat. VERA'S LEATHERS - 1tTM. C• .-Aoa. M-S.... 1IIic:. .... .".I,.n..IIit Clliforni. O....r But p"....1 ."ic.1 liaoo. e-rs rs.... • -m/slrHl Talk wI.... _ a t or . . . . poi... (7141 512-4735. HI,.;r/..... lIlY IullIar II_at. 4&& W. Ar_ Ilwy.•It Sao 0.... CA 11773. DUCATI RACIIG I STAiDARD - ...._ ..1 rallil; oaIy..c.a/. . . ./VIItIc. ./ ........ A11.y;•• ,./I.rk·~r••••I.,r••k.t•. C1at I ••~..a/l·...·b/ i.. /•. T -Sst. 10:31-8:30. D ti Alarica. (714).....1211. Ridillg School H.I_t S.nic. RUSS DARlELL MX/ATV SCHOOLS - . . . ·0 fall ,..... aI all raIlI .......: MXI _ _I 1I1i1/4n1rt. ATV .r/rae.. _ SVIA cart. Du1IrsIclaIosI. . . . . . . P.O. Bu 1804. ~ lalli. CA .2310 (714) 244-1213. BEU HElilETS - W_ yea 11 . . . . . . . _ Iac1Iry Servic. Dapt. TIley •• - . _ .. _ _iko_IFrIO~ willI.- pricI Col Dapt. ....... 7 ••. I 5 p•. at (213) nl·Mlil Si..1esItack S.rvice HOlDA SHOCK SPECIAUST -"T. T... Ilociat.. wil _ 1.._ _ . . . . . _ _ per_ .... 1 . F ~ _ ruIy. Dos lily ...... Rick J..._ 1.333 S. . . . . Dr.. T.._ CA 1OliD3. (2131371 ·3117. e- e-_ _.-Tlooos. IU'illll • •reyde Specill1ists New Cogiv. & Guzzi AIw.yo In Stock. DuClti/Cigiv. and Guzzi PIns & Tech A _ Our Spcielty. UPS Dally. Eurosport Inc:. 11576 S. W. Pacific Hwy.. Tijlm. OR 9?223 (503) 245-1377 South C.roliRi O• •r Si..leshock S.rvic. DHUIS SPEClAUm - Fsctary AatIloriIIIlI ....1 ..... DloIias /twia 6IIoiao ports i. ............../ ll11y _ _.lIliIias .1IdaiII U.S. IIist. ~ ..... 2570 ........ SL CI. .... VIIW. CA S4D43. (4151912·1191. RArs SUZUICl/IlAWA$AIl- Sazaki. ~ I H_... - ....... perts i. _ _ ~ ConoIiu. EIIlIan H...... HI _ ...jar UPS .nice. T 110.. Fri. 9·6. SIt. Sao. & . . . 10&0 ~ Pill. W.... ~.a"'" Daily '-3••_ s-tor. SC 2'1&0.1103) 481-2573. T.nHSSl.O Si..leshock Sirvice . PAUt THEDE'S RACE TECH - _ .......... ...r s - ' CIaoplata1' ...........' _ . _ _ . .rat, .. ..,' Ioi-_.s,acn 3227_ '127. " - . CA 91711. (714)51M-77li5. CYCLE PRO RACIIS - r u .... perts • • .........nice...-. - , , . - _ ~. . . . . . peItO.1 . . . - . -s-.-FrIO Tl37911..('15) W-2D5D. ... day UPS. COD. Me. VIII. 3&01 Ala.. . 33

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