Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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tantly pressuring the somewhat rratic Hodes. Expert action featured an exciting wo-heat exhibition of c1ose-formaion flying by Jerry Farmer and James 'Ilion in the 250cc class. Although armer's tally for the day was I-I, the vera II outcome was decided midway orugh moto two. as Killion slid out 'n a slick turn while enjoying a comortable lead. So large was their ushion over the remainder of the opetition that Farmer, upon enoumering the unfortunate Killion, paused in his chores to give the owned rider a gentle nudge with his from tire and whisper a few words of ncouragemem. Grinning sardonially, Farmer later stated thar he was "trying LO help the boy up out of the mud. you know, just being of assistance to a fellow pilgrim." Killion finally struggled LO an upright position and motored home quietly ahead of a rapidly-closing Gary Stevenson. Results MINI MINI: 1. C.lint Latham (Kaw); 2. Dustin Trav· lor (Kawl; 3. Brian Cestrick (Kawl. MINI BEG: 1. Toby Steele (Yam); 2. Billy Baldwin IKaw); 3. Chris Shugan (Han). MINI JR: 1. Rowdy Flanagan (Kaw); 2. Shawn Abraham (Kaw); 3. Eric Gartman (Hon). MINI SA: t. Tyler Larson (Yam); 2. Jason Krempin (Kaw); 3. Jerry Gibson (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. James Drain IKaw); 2. Eric HoYISuz); 3. Bradley (Gray IYam). 250 BEG: 1. Mark Marshall (Hon); 2. John Reine (Han); 3. Glenn Outon (Han). 125 STK: 1. Kirk Clovis (Han); 2. Eric Hoy(Suz); 3. Rick Campbell IKaw). 125 NOV: ,. Xavier Vasquez (Kawl: 2. Kirk Clovis (Han); 3. Jeff Barnard IHon). 250 NOV: ,. Dave Fluchel (Kaw); 2. Emerson Lee (Yam); 3. Oavid Bauser (Vam). 125 STK: 1. Kirk Clovis (Han); 2. 'Eric Hoy(SuzD; 3. Rick Campbell IKawl. OVER 30: 1. Mike Farmer (Yam); 2. Don Hicks IHon); 3. Ralph Rust (Han). VET: ,. Richard Stelter (Hus); 2. Smokey Joe (Yam): 3. Walt Zenner (Hon). 125 INT: 1. Troy Dungey (Han); 2. Shawn Cle· venger (Han); 3. Chris Deas (Kaw). 250 INT: 1. Paul Honan IHon); 2. Hank Hodes (Kaw): 3. Shawn Clevenger (Hon). OPEN INT: 1. Hank Hodes IKaw); 2.Cody Mitchell Mai); 3. Jimmy Kollman (Vam). 125 EX: 1. Jack Beckham (Cag): 2. Roben Tiemann (Hon); 3. Scon RenIck (Hon). 250 EX; 1. Jerry Farmer (Hon); 2. James Killion (Yam): 3. Gary Stevenson (Hon). All British Meet Motorcycle Show By Leo Levis OVERLANDPARK,KS,AUG.29-31 This is the fifth year the All British Car Club Association has held its All British Meet, but new for I ~86 it also included motorcycles. It seemed many of today's owners of British cars were yesterday's riders of British motorcycles so the idea of adding motorcycles met with overwhelming approval. The next question that arose was, in addition LO having a show and swap meet for the cycles, what else could they do? To be speci fie, what could the motorcyclist do while the aULOmobilist was competing in the autocross? This problem was quickly solved by having a motorcycle field meet. Saturday afternoon's field meet consisted of four events starting with a contest LO see how any times a competitor could tan his engine (and sLOp it again) in one minute. This wa followed by a bean bag toss. ext came trying to balance ping pong balls on LOp of traffic cones and when a tie developed it was solved by 'picking up the ping pong balls from . the traHic cones. The final event was a slow race. The overall field meet winner was Steve Spencer. Sunday was judging day and the judges had 'quite a job before they came up with (the following results. Results BEST IN SHOW: 1. Karl Grant ('79 Tri). PEOPLE'S CHOICE: 1. Doug Rollen 1'57 G-S). BEST PRE-WAR: 1. Banon Otti 1'40 BSA). BEST CLASSIC: 1. Banon Otti 1'52 Tril. BEST POST CLASSIC: 1. Charles Pruett ('79 Tri). BEST CUSTOM/CAFE: ,. Jay Hahner ('74 Tri). BEST COMPETITION: 1. Jerry Barger ('71 BSA). BEST ORIGINAL: 1. Karl Grant ('75 Nor). BEST RESTORATION: 1. Lonnie Harmon 1'64 Tri). BEST LT-WT: ,. Harold Hoff I'B3 Ryl). THE GOOD NEWS IS THERE'S MORE NEWS. THE BAD NEWS IS .JUST FOR OUR COMPKI'ITION It's True! You Can Have .4 TV NewlI DeUvered To Your HODle Every Other Week! ~ 00 ~ v ~ o ..... , u o NOW YOU CAN GET: MORE RACE COVERAGE MORE NEW PRODUCTS MORE PLACES TO RIDE A~U ~RE NEWS WHILE IT'S STILL NEWS-NOT HISTORY! The All British Motorcycle Show was held in conjunction with the All British Auto Show in seaford, DE. OLDEST CYC: 1. teland Cowie 1'12 lev). WORST GROT: 1. Steve Spencer 1'51 Tri). Smith wins Middleford ST By Woody Miller SEAFORD, DE, SEPT. 4 With the absence of Georgie Price, who suffered a broken collarbone a week before, another ew Jersey rider took over where he left off. Rob Smith took a wire-to-wire win in the 125cc class over Harold Jersey, who had to ride his 80 when his 125 seized in practice. Local rider ScOll Hovatter picked up a third in only his fourth ride after switching over from ATCs last year. Smith repeated his 125 feat by leading every lap of the 250cc final. mith got a lot of pressure from local favorite, Roy Collings and his Suzukipowered mount with Mark Miller putting his Honda in the third spot. In the 500cc final Cam Bartlett spoiled Smith's attempt to become only the second rider in the track hisLOry to capture three feature wins in one evening. Smith briefly held Bartlett at bay in the heat, but he was having none of it in the final. Bartlett led every lap to take the win; Smith held a solid second over Kiselnicki. Results 125: 1. Rob Smith IBul); 2. Harold Dorsey (Yam); 3. Scon Hovatter (Yaml. 250: 1. Rob Smith IBul); 2. RoyCollings(Suz); 3. Mark Miller (Han). 500: 1. cam Banlett IHon); 2. Rob Smith (Bul); 3. Tom Kiselnicki (Yam). Smail slugs 'em at Kent MX By Jay Marcell KE T, WA, AUG. 29 Federal Way Cycle Center's Lance Smail led wire-to-wire in the 125cc Expert class today at the final round of the Seattle International Raceway Motocross eries. Smail took the first moto win ahead ofteammatesJason Norton and John , Vendenbergwith Kawasaki-mounted Tom Kittelman finishing fourth ahead of Jamie Richardson. In the shortened second moto, Nonon took the winover Vandenberg, Richardson, Kittelmanand Smail. Smail's 1-5 tally, however, was good enough for the overall win. The first moto of 250cc Expert action went to Wayne Dixon followed by Smail, Jim Pittman and Mike Johnson. Smail had gone of[ A TV News has ju.t lapped tha competition by charging aheed and bringing you TWICE a. many iuue. of exciting, timely and infOl'mative coverage of all that'. news concerning All Terrain Vehicle•. 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