Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Porting RESULTS lIotocross Gr. . .'s Raceway Disputlnta. VA Sept 9 By Caryl Pigg 125A J(aw Scott Holliman Steve Wilkerson Hon J(aw Jimmy Ogles 250 A J(aw Mike Harris Darrell Davenpon SUl Sonny Mitchell Hon OPEN A Mike Harris Kaw Pete Shinautt Hon Mike Ryan Hon OPENB Jerry Dubberly Hon Jon Hetrick Yam Josh Abston Hon SR Sonny Mitchell Hon Buddy Holla nd Yam Cag Oavid Olds SUPSR Bob White Yam Lennie Anderson Kaw Geo. Murray Jr. 250 B Michael Henry SUZ John Parks Yom Andrew Reynolds Hon 125 B Pete Payne Hon Greg Guarnera Hon Stephen Nevins Hon PEE WEE J(aw Ben Ricks J(ow Tres Bruce Shawn Quillen J(aw JR MINI J(aw Ben Ricks J(aw Tres Bruce Shawn Quillen J(ow SRMINI Pete Payne Hon John Winslow Hon J(ow Cliff Markham 125C Steve Gaumer Yam Richard Whatlen Kaw Todd Marshall Hon 250C Joel Walker Hon Tim Mantooth Yam Harvey Holcombe Hon Motocross Pendletlln CO. M.C. Park Gardnemille. KY Sept. 14 JRMINI J(aw Randy Barger J(aw Ray Bell SRMINI J(aw Brian Brown Robin Parker Hon Mike Housewonh Suz 125 C Jeff Boeckmann Kaw J(aw David Russell Eddie Ring Hon 125 a Timmy Skidmore Kaw J(aw Brian Brown Darren parlingtonHon 200 Man Berry C-A 250 Scott Summers Hon Corky HouseworthSuz Mark Willis Yom OPEN Scott Summers Hon John Lang C-A Lance Wade Yom OPEN SR Ron Fischer Hon Carson Bentley Suz Keith Morgan C-A Motocross Marion County MX Reddick, FL Aug. 10 By Gwen Millan 60 Josh Latina Kenneth Jones Jeremy Hunter PP Dean Joiner MINI A Adam Smith Ch uck Coates MINI B Chris Umstead Josh Latina Travis Blackburn MINIC Todd Rousseau Tobias Pardue Jody Underwood SR Den ny Hunter O.L Mevs Robert Godfrey 125A Gary Paul Mark Peterson 125 B Marcus Pedrero J(aw Hon J(aw Suz Kaw Kaw Yam Yam Kaw Yam Kaw Kaw Kaw Hon Suz J(nw Hon Hon Wes Keenum Yam Don Horsley Hon 125 C Hugh Adams Yam Brent Bronson Han Lonnie Blackburn Kaw OPEN A Oav;d Adams Hon OPEN B David McPherson Kaw Michael Mims Yam Chris Nelson Yam OPEN C Bill Kasavage Hon Jamie Joiner Yam Doug Tilley Hon 250C Jon Grant Yam J(aw Mike Houston O.S. Mays Hon 250A Ala n Andrea u Kaw Jim Hull Suz Mark Peterson Kaw 250B Don Horsly Hon Brent Cole Kaw Ousty Holt Hon Motocross Gary's Warrior MX Warrior. At Sept. 20 By lIelanie Nobles JR CYC Damien Brown J(aw Joshua Nichols J(aw J(aw Shane Posey SR MINI C J(aw TyCrooit Ricky Allen Yam Paul Sharp Hon 125 B Eddie Fine Hon Mike Higuera Hon Mike Henn Yom 125C J(aw Rick Douglas Ken Couch Yam Rodney Phillips Hon 250B Brian Green Yem Bob Johns Yam Joel Howard Hon ENDURO J(aw Jell Gibbs Daniel Mask Yam Roy Dugger Jr. Hon 'B4 & OLDER Tim Mask Hon Bubba Bruce Hon Danny Britt Yam SRMEN J(ow Lewis Brown Cecil Atkins Hon MONEY RUN Mike Henn Yam Tyler Kyle Yam Ken Couch Yam M.otocross Ross ·Downs Colleyville. TX Sept. 19 MINIJR J(aw Brian Dowell Coby Owen Yom MINISR Health J(irkland Kaw J(aw Clint Carlton J(aw Jody North MINI BEG J(aw Jud Cary Jeremy Fipps Hon Chris Berry Suz 125 BEG Mike Mabry Hon J(aw Bobby Reed J(aw Greg Potter 125 NOV Erick Ehrenberg J(aw Phillip Skipworth Kaw J(aw ChriS Russell 250 BEG Steve Mack Yam Kip Barr Hon James Lutz Kow 250 NOV Art Kinney Yam Jay Cox Hon Marty Painter Sux OPEN NOV J(TM Brian Hill COMB INT Tim Porte Kaw Danny Wellborn J(aw Lorne Burton Hon COMB EX ~ason Upshaw Hon D. Hawthorne Kaw Mike Clement Yam I Short Track Midstate Fairgrounds Paso Robles, CA Sept 20 50 PEE WEE Jeff Gabhart Junior Alvernaz 60 MINI Jake Zemke William Luker aOMINI ZakeZamke 125 NOV/JR Gary Winningham Don Taylor Mark Malanson 125AM Todd Richone Fred Cerundolo Doug Henry 250/0PEN AM Russell Stetson Glenn Richetelle Mark Labonte 125 EX Joe Waddington Jo Jo J(eller Robert Martindale Philip Cagliero 250 NOV James Luker Greg Taylor JackCooIt 500 NOV Gary Ritchie John Pack Randy Johnson 250JR Todd Copley Bryan Berger 500JR Gary Vince let Mark. Butler Steve Sullenger VET Yam Hon Yam Hon Hon Obsorved Trials Okiahollll Champ Series Round 7 Sandsprings. 0 K MSTR Charles Mallow Shan Moore Mitch Bright EX Andy Dolph Mark Oolph James Hill AM Mike Conover Dewey Harper Stan Machart NOV John Panerson Joe Morti mer Joe Machart BEG Ryan Conover Matt Moore John Glen 16 20 66 59 59 62 4 7 a 1 5 9 19 21 31 Motocross CoUIIty Line Raceway VlIlce. At Sept 20 By Dillie Cash 60A J(aw SconAJlums 60B J(aw Bruce Pinson J(aw Jason Burt J(aw Scotty Pinson aOJR J(aw Scan Allums J(aw Kevin Jackson J(aw Matt Neal aOSRA J(aw Scott Wi Ison 80 SR a 2 YRS & OLDER Jeff Elliott Yam aOSR B Sem Gallogly J(aw J(aw Terry Franklin Heath Townsend Kaw 125 J(ow Mike Stringer Scott Hinsley Hon J(aw Scott Wilson 250 John Henderson Suz Doug Fox Yam Dan Boswell Hon 250 2 YR & OLOER Mike Wilder Kaw Dwayne Maddox Yam Mike Hall Hon OPEN 2 YR & OLDER Hugh Gatlin Hon Tracy Phifer Hon Ronald Granberry ENDURO Roger Thacker Hon J(aw Phil Williams Kevin Woods Hon ENDURO 2 YR & OLDER Roy Merrell Hus J(ow J(aw J(aw Suz Yam Yam Kaw J(aw Kaw Hon Hon Suz Suz Hon Suz Hon Hon Hon Han Yam Hon 250 EX Wemyss Scott Keith Johnson Chris Fischer Mark. Butler Yam J(aw Yam Scrambles Bolado Park Hollister. CA Sept. 6 50 PEE WEE Jeff Gabhart Ely Huerta Curtis Peebles 60 Jake Zemke BrianSgheiza BOEX Jake Zemke BONOV Robert Stevenson 125 NOV Doug Gillette Van Horsen 250 NOV KennyWaag Mike Brumit James Luker 500 NOV Steve Sullinger Gary Ritchie Melvin Elias 250JR Kerry Puccio Anthony Mitchell Kendel Grove 500JR Joe Carrera Anthony Giammanco Marty Aglibot VET Lynn George Gary Milewski 500 EX Danny Moore Robert Miller Motocross Gary's Warrior MX Warrior, At Sept. 6 By Melanie Nobles JR CYC Scon Alliums Kaw Damien Brown Kaw BrenWallace Kaw SR MINI A Dale Ulrich Kaw TyCrooit J(ow Brandon Smith Hon SR MINI B Paul Sharp Han Shane Palmer J(aw Ricky Small Yam 125 B Brian Tucker Hon Mike Higuera Hon David Armstrong Yam 125C Eddie Fine Hon Todd Goodwin Hon Bubba Bruce Hon 19B4 & OLDER Bubba Bruce hon Shawn Lowe Yam Casey Goodwin Hon ENOURO Roger Heaton Yam Danny Britt Yem Randy Goodwin Hon MONEY RUN Bryan Tucker Hon David Armstrong Yam Trophy Pickup JackRabbits 1986 Dual European Scrambles July 26·27 Irophy presentation at the JackRabbitsclubhouse. October 4. 1986. 10cated at 9135 Compo ton Blvd.. Bellflower, CA. Starting at 7 pm. Or, any Monday night at 8:30 pm for 60 days following the presentation. (137·401 for Iisling in this deparlmenl. pleaR: mail inJormation wilh $1.00 per week lhal it is run 10: Cycle News Trophy Pick-up. Box 498. Long IIuch. CA 90801. IT' ~Ga c. ON! J(aw Suz Hon Pat Barton Russell Barnet Tony De Lacugo Motocross NESC Watarhoro, ME Sept. 1 as NOV Steve Harris Scott Carter Mike Bastien B5 AM/EX David Fantini Craig Hoyt Wally Silva 125 NOV JR Alan Baynes Kun McGrath Ron Jackson 125 NOV Man Piedmonte Junius Hopkins Jeff Mercure 250 NOV Tomas Girona Dan Madden Peter Kane OPEN NOV Tony Dellofano M. Kraskowskas Brian Berry SR David Clemence PORnIG TOOLS - Matars/lIlOIs/Cllllars/_s/ ki../ ......../ . . . . . ./""...I ..c•. lot.., .. /C. ATV. c.. or d........y port j....., US IIfrJOist. porti.. tools. CC Sptcitlty. HI. 4. B.I 204. t.wrollC..... TI 38464 (615) 762-&l195. YOfOI'IC'I'O.l 5Aof£,TfOUNOATION For __Ity mo1orcyclt ."... fill ~ IIoIlI, 61_ Cold \IlIIIlIIr CIoIllIog, ....... PH1I·llrllllll ......d _ . Pille-. ~ .d. _1Iao oIlId.liZId 1lIodr1o .....,... . .. _ ........iIL _ _ ~Ki I._~ "" ,",U 10 try on .d buy. Slad $3,", campi. CIIII... a- _ .,l1li 1-4:. . . . . . '111'. hi 1-2:30 (213) 4351551." SI., lDIltIlNc\I, CA. Nt Lng ..... FWY (710) & Plclftc Com Hwy. ~ ~ (,,0 00 ~ 1""""1 ~ ~~ 00 l-< Radiator Repair PAUL THEOE'S RACE TECH -Ro""ir enckld 10 Hn! ,hailum radiators & oil coolers. W. fir wUt can't. All ,rlSS8r. tntetll .......teed. UPS dlily .nywhlro. 3227 Pr_., .,27. POOI.n.. CA 91768. (714) 594-7755. won Singleshock Semce c...-. SHOCK REBUlLD/REPAJRITUI'IG. IOn. lor OHLIIS 10 .. Jop llike ............. Sktfls. ~....... _ . 10 ••w 1IlIi.. 0 _ 10 tr........ 2 O.y ..n. UPS Olr. iOlllirits iov. ..OTOOESIGI1948 H.rII...... mplois. TN 38104. 11 ....,... Mon,'SII. (901) 276-9006. _ktd. Rentals .t:2 0 .... U a Singleshock Service OFf ROAD RENTALS - .. /C -dirt. strllt. ATC70-350X/Odys/Tri-".to 60-2250X/.....-41 Suz. QUid ricers/Quid Sports/jet skis. Plrtsl .ec/full serv/t"lI"s. los A1lmil•• (213) 5948901. (714) 821-1590. Orong. (714) 771-7390. (1.) WHITE 8ROS - 11750 SlIbDlrd Circlt. SllInt.n. CA 90680. Cocapill...rvi.1 10 ..t·up on .11 singl.· Ihocks. Uni·T"k, Pr.·link 10 Fl..." 10 Whilt P.w". 1-2 turlllr.und. (7141 891-2221. For p.rt. coH (714) 895-1991. Singleshock Service Steel Shoe PRO-TEC - Custom rid.r sel-up. rib..... or rlpair IA sitoglt.aock _nsi.... Bininllt _ ...... coustd buck 10 i.-III.ling. Qui.k turnoro"",, (714) 738-0631, (213) 697-6759. 282 Br••, CA 92621. STEEL SHOES - K.n ....Iy. sine. 1950. Dirt Trock $15. It. WI. Spdwoy .'5. S.od boot. Spocily roco typo. 14- Itc. Ho" '85. btrydoillg tor Spotdwoy. 85.0 BodIord M.torw.y. Cor•••• CA 91720. (714) 735·0540. $W". Singleshock Service C .....1t lork 10 sIoock ..rvic. DO oR .... . . - . flolttr. Prolitok, lJIoitrlk. 0I01ia. f... W.rks. Porti.. sit... II t4D.lIlI. 2627 Iloo...... A.... "Otlrno. CA 911120. (81') 248·6747. SCOTT'S - ....It & .... _ 6£,f\RS1' ll~~S dC~C\e. Rea Riding Applrel Alabama Diller OfFROAO ..OTORCYCLE APPAREL REPAIR .....rt ropoir OIl •• b.... 01 boots. Cut•• naodifieatioM a. "pair al bnDdl .t pllts ., sIIa"'" .... M.. p. e.1 pi IIII'I senon lui of yow aid or . . . an Idra setl For __ inf. co. OJ1llllr 503/67'-5175. DIXIE CYCLE - KTII. Cu-A-. "-Stir...tic. ...... sen. 10 portl. Big KCOI- dopt. WlStc. pistoas. cy!. bariag. Hi·Poitt. Bt•• Sid, Hol.... 10 ...rol UPS doily. T-f 8:30-6:30. SIt. 8:30-4:30, 6810 lit A... I .. Bi........... AL352D6. (205) '36-0232 or (205) '33-6299. '1 Riding Apparel C.lifornia Dealer VERA'S LEATHERS - Best porso••1 sorvicol 'IeIul/dllivery bini. Camparl raei... 1pp8"I/str"t woor/klrling. Tolk w/design c _ 1 l .r chock pricn. (714) 592-4735. Rtpoir/.lttr 'OY l.ttlMrr glnoIot. 466 W. Arrow Hwy.•It Sin 0 ..... CA OUCAn RACIIG & STAIOARO - whol_I.1 rolti~ twits 0II1y. Conti/01Ilarto/Vorlicchi/8ro"•. Alloy: ta.ks/lir ·caps/tork-b:raeas/s,rocklls. Clutch.s I cab:les I glsklll / sh iRlI / cI mblillIIIC. Tues.-Stt. 10:30-6:30. Duc.ti Amorico. (714•. 898-1211. 91~73. Riding School California Dealer RUSS OARlIEll ..X/ATV SCHOOLS - sine. '69 lull progro.. 01 011 rood ttcluoiq..: .. X/•••".I tr.~/do .. r< ATV ridor/roc.. stssion. SVIA c.r< O rs/cl..../ _ . groupl. P.O.1loz 8004. C.nyotI .... like. CA 92380 (7141 244-1213. OUCATI SPECIALISTS - portl. IC••lSOri... Itch. IilMcI for IU twias/siagln. f i N d cllar bevel coYln. '0. . . or Gil...• ties. Guz.zi. lorton. Tr;· umph p..... UPS doily. Eu~rt 11576 SW "rbur Blvd. Tiglrd. OR 97223 (503) 245-1377. Singleshock Semce California Dealer HONDA SHOCK SPECIAUST -"Too TI._ Rlcing" will rlbuild/"waJ" your shock tor mllimum plrf.rlAl.... 1986 fodl-proof mods roldy. 0.. "y servici. Rick J........ 19333 Sturg," Or. Torrlne•• CA 90503. (213) 371-3887. FOR THE EITHUSIAST. Auth.rizod dllltr lor In.rdl, Cagin, Dueati. Blnilli. Europe.n Cyel. Splci,'bes for saJ8S. SlrviCI. parts. accessorils. 10301 G.rdl. Gr.v. Blvd.. G.rd.n Gr.... CA 92643. (714) 530-2712. Singleshock Service OHlINS SPECIALISTS - Ftctory Auth.riz.d Slltll Slrvici Ohlins singfe/tMn shocks. G.nuin. parts in slock. Rebuilding/revalving. 1 day turnlround. Ohlins exclusive U.S. din. Simons Inc.• 2570 leghorn 51. CN. Vi.w. CA 94043. (415) 962-8899. "tn. South Carolina Dealer RAY'S SU2UKI/KAWASAKI- Swuki. 10 Husqwaml - I.fgest pans inw. in nnttll South Carolin•. Enduro Hdqlrs. Repairs on most major brlnds. Daily UPS service. Tues. Ihru Fri. 9·6. Sat. 9-3. cl.sed Sun. 10 Mon. 1050 South Pikl Sumtor. SC 29150. (803) 469·2573. Singleshock Service Tennessee Dealer PAUL THEOE'S RACE TECH -Rml.. production sapeRsion cOIIIponents to work better 1Mn . . fist. C pI•• seniCI. custDm r.11 springs. ... hi-Itch Spectra 1USpt..... nuids. 3227 Producor .127. _ . CA 91768. (714) 594-7755. CYCLE PRO RACING - H.......,.. SlI... c........... nic. " . . . - HUlky produc" beod.......rl. fr" shippiag 01 IIIrts , ICcnsorilS. S - "y UPS. COO. "C. Visa. 3501 Suthorl.od A.... llIIonillt. TN 37919. (615) 522·2050. 57

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