Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Rain poured during the second 125cc moto, putting an end to George Holland's moto lead. Holland (11) leads first moto winner Keith Bowen. Rick Johnson claimed two thirds on the day and lost ground to points leader Bailey, who now has a 15-point cushion over second-place Johnson. gave in and held Leisk to fourth. After Leisk followed Kawasaki rider Rick Ryan, Holland, Bowen and Kehoe. With a few laps to go, the rain had nearly stopped, and Holland and Bowen were going at it for sixth. but Bowen cooled-it near the end after a couple of near collisions with Holland. Warren took the checkered £Jag for the win and overall, while Dymond took second, ahead of Vohland, Leisk, Ryan, Holland and Bowen. "It really feels great winning," said Warren. "I've always felt I could win, but I didn't think it would happen this soon. 500cc National Johnson's chance at win-;;ing the 500cc class ended about 100 yards into the first moto. He and Kawasaki 's Ron Lechien tangled and crashed in the first turn, while Bailey found himself exiting the first turn in the lead. "I just wem too fast and ran imo the back of Ward," said Johnson. Yamaha's Eric Eaton had the holeshot but went wide in the first turn, letting Bailey and Ward by on the inside. In fourth was Canadian Ross Pederson, followed by Honda's Johnny O'Mara. By the third lap, O'Mara had taken over third, while Lechien and Johnson had worked up to 10th and 15th. But a lap later, Lechien pulled into the mechanic's area for adjustments to his bike, costing him many positions. Up from, Bailey and Ward had already pulled far ahead of the thirdplace rider O'Mara, engaged in a tight battle for the lead. While Bailey and Ward fought way out in from nearly 40 seconds ahead of O'MaraJohnson was on the gas and moving up through the field. By the halfway point, Johnson had pulled alongside Pederson and passed the Yamaha rider for fourth. Then Johnson saw O'Mara up ahead and set after his teammate. Johnson quickly caught up to O'Mara and evemually snuck by him through a section of jumps. But while third, Johnson had no chance of catching Bailey or Ward. Meanwhile, the duel for the lead became even tighter. With two laps remaining, Ward was inches behind Bailey and diving his front wheel Eddie Warren (23) nailed the holeshot in the first 125cc moto and went 3-1 for his first-ever National win. underneath Bailey's Honda in some of the turns. "There were a couple of times I could've stuffed him," said Ward, "but we probably would've collided and crashed. Earlier in the race, I wasn't relaxed and was having problems geuing around lapped riders and started to lose ground on David. When I was close to him, he was eating me up with rocks." As they crossed the checkered flag, Bailey led Ward by inches. Far behind in third and fourth finished Johnson and O'Mara, then followed Pederson, Kawasaki-mounted Alan King, Yamaha's Danny Storbeck and Kawasaki rider Billy Liles. During the first race, Bailey said he banged his knee through a series of jumps, and it didn't bother him at the time, but in between motos the knee stiffened up. "I could barely walk," said Bailey. He had the knee worked on and taped before the second moto and was ready to go. By the second 500cc moto, the rain was over but the track was still slick and muddy, so the moto length was cut in half because scoring was nearly impossible, since the number plates were covered in mud. Knowing a holeshot in the second moLO ~ould be crucial, Johnson blasted out of the gate and led the pack imo the first turn. But Johnson went wide and found himself losing traction in a thick muddy section, while Bailey dove to the inside and found a better line, putting him into the lead. With no one ahead of him, Bailey had clear sailing, while Johnson, Ward and Lechieo followed in his roost. King was fifth, followed by Storbeck, Pederson, Yamaha's Jim Holley and O'Mara. As the race continued, Bailey began pulling away from Johnson, who was being hounded by Ward. By the founh lap, Ward roosted by Johnson and began pulling away, while Lechien stayed close to Johnson in fourth. By this time, Storbeck had crashed and dropped out of the picture, while Pederson overtook King for fifth. O'Mara wasn't handling the muddy conditions very well and dropped way off the pace in 10th. When the checkers flew signaling the end of the short race, it was Bailey, once again, out in front, followed by Ward, Johnson, Lechien, Peder-. son, King, Holley and O'Mara. "I had a great time out there," said Bailey. "I dig on the mud. I'm preuy accustomed to it, and my knee didn't bother me at all out there like 1 thought it would. I'm finally gelling my starts down but I've always been a good starter on 5005." A depressed Johnson was very quiet in the pits afterwards "It was a bad day for me. 1 just can't ride the sticky mud like this," said Johnson. "The mud was actually fun," said Ward. "The only real problem I had happened in the first turn when Bailey roosted mecomi)1~outof the turn and covered my goggles with mud. 1 had to waste a tear-off right away. The mud was so heavy later on, I had problems with my goggles falling down on my face." • Results 125: 1. Eddie Warren (Kaw) 3-1; 2. Keith Bowen (Vam) 1-7; 3. MickV Dymond (Hon) 5-2; 4. George Holland (Suz) 2-6; 5. Jeff Leisk (HonI6-4; 6. Tyson Vohland (Kaw) 9-3; 7. Erik Kehoe (Suz) 4-8; 8. Guv Cooper (Han) 8·10; 9. Keith Turpin (Han) 11-11; , o. Seon Burnworth (Yam) 10-'3: "'1. Rick Ryan (Kaw) 19-5; 12. sader Manneh (Vam) 15-9; 13. Ronnie Tichenor IKaw) 12·12; 14. William Surran (Hon) 13-15; 15. Larry Brooks (Hon) 7-21; 16. Ray Somma (Yam) 7-14; 17. Brian Myerscough (Yam) 14-17; 18. Craig Canoy (Hon) 26- 16; 19. Eddie HicksIV~m) 16-40; 20. Gary Coleman (Kaw) 20-18. 500: 1. David Bailey (Hon) 1-1; 2. Jeff Ward (Kaw) 2-2; 3. Rick Johnson (Han) 3-3: 4. Ross Pederson (Vam) 5-5; 5. Johnny O'Mara (Hon) 4-8; 6. Alan King (Kaw) 6-6; 7. Ron Lechien (Kaw) 12-4; B. Jim Holley (Vaml 9-7; 9. Danny Storbeck (Vam) 7-10;· 10. Billy Liles (Kawl B- 12; 11. Kurt McMillen (Hon) 15-11; 12. Andy Stacy (HonI37-9; 13. Scott Manning (VamI16-14; 14. Trampes Parker (Kaw)1 1-19; 15. Tom Carson (Hon) 13-18: 16. Dennis Hawthorne (Kaw) 10-29; 17. Mark McLaren IKawl 1715; 18. David McLean (Hon) 41-13; 19. Ted Van Nest (Hon) 18- 16; 20. Jim 'Kapiton (Hon) 14-38. POINTS STANDINGS 125: 1. Micky Dymond (314); 2. Keith Bowen (288); 3. George Holland (2771; 4. Erik Kehoe(267); 5. Guy Cooper (185): 6. Scott Burnworth (1801; 7. Larry Brooks (1 78); 8. A.J. Whiting (176); 9. Tyson Vohland (1 69)1; 10. Rick Ryan (1841. I 500: 1. David Bailey(1 42); 2. Rick Johnson (127); 3. Jeff Ward (122); 4. Johnny O'Mara (1 (0); 5. Ron Lechien (951; 6. Alan King (90); 7. Danny Storbeck (83); 8. Billy Liles 1721; 9. Tom Carson (55); 10. Ross Pedarson 150). 7

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