Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 08 13

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Wiltz Wagner and Bob Wachendorfer finished second and third. • Results EXP: 1. Ryan Voung IBet); 2. Scott Haad IBet); 3. Jack Stites (Vam); 4. Don Sweet IHon); 5. S,e"" Fracy IBet); 6. Ron Comma IBet); 7. Morgan Kavanaugh IBet); 8. Ron Schmelzle IVam); 9. SIeve MeNeaIIFan); 10. Cun Comer IMon). SPTSMN: 1. SIeve Clark (Fanl; 2. W. Garbrick (Vam); 3. Tarry Peacock (Fan). HIGH SCHOOL: 1. Monte Tucker (Vaml; 2. Todd Coffey (Fan); 3. Wayne Strohman (Fan). SR: 1. Robin Farmer (Yam); 2. Gary Sampsel (Vam): 3. CharIe. Mallow IVaml. SUP SR: 1. Je"y Voung (Fan); 2. Wiltz Wagner (Vam); 3. Bob Wachendorfer (Vam). VET: 1. Don Wilcox (Yam); 2. Pale Keen (Vam). Head heats up in Minnesota By Don Will THIELMAN, MN, JULY 5 Beta's Scott Head ran his ational Championship Trials winning streak to 16 after surviving the hot and humid weather conditions in the woodsy mountainside of the UMTA Thielman riding area for round five in the National Championship series. Head lost a total of 34.2 points for thewin, handily beating second place jack Stites, who dropped 52.4 points. Steve McNeal, Ryan Young and Morgan Kavanaugh rounded out the top five positions. The main concern of the riders was the boulder-filled sections, most of them covered with slippery moss. But Head made most of the sections look easy with his smooth riding style. Some sections were tough, even for Head, Section nine drew some comments due LO its extreme length. Many' of the riders simply got worn out by concentrating on all the slippery basketball-size rocks. In the Sportsman competition, the action was tight with less than a 20point spread in the top five places. Fantic-mounted Steve Clark edged out Illinois rider ven Bley for LOp honor. Todd Coffey and Monte Tucker diced it out in the High School division with Coffey eventually taking the win. Robin Farmer 'picked up his third Senior class win of 1986, and jerry Young continued his domination of the Super Senior. The heat took its toll in the Veteran class with only Don Wilcox finishing. Results • EXP: 1. Scott Head IBet); 2. Jack Stites (Yam); 3. S,e.e McNeal (Fa~); 4. Ryan Voung (8etl; 5. Morgan Kavanaugh (Be,); 6. Curt Comer (Man); 7. Ron Schmelzla (Vam); 8. Don Sweet (Han); 9. Mark Manniko (Fan); 10. Dave Pyle (Fan). SPTSMN: 1. Steve Clark(Fanl; 2. S""n Bley(Hon); 3. Ziggy Jedynak (Han). .HIGH SCHOOL: 1. Todd Coffey (Fan); 2. Monte Tucker (Vaml; 3. Wayne Strohman IFan). SR; 1. Robin Farmer (Vaml; 2. Gary Sampsel (Vam); 3. Bill DeGari. (Yam). SUP SR: 1. Jerry Voung (Fan); 2. Bill Wachendorfer (Vam); 3. Wiltz Wagner (Yam). VET: 1. Don Wilcox (Vam). World Championship Observed Trials Series: Round 7 Riding a single-shock Monte... Curt Comer placed sixth overall in Thielman, Minnesota. and 10th the following day in Hixton, Wisconsin. AMA/NATC National Championship Obsel'Yed Trials Series: Rounds 5-6 oung ends Head's winning streak By Don Will HIXTON, WI, JULY 6 Beta rider Ryan Young finally put Scott Head's 16 National trials winning streak to an end today in Hixton, during round six of the AMAIN ATC .National Championship Trials Series. Young defeated Head and his Beta mount by six points, while four points back finished Yamaha rider 22 jack Stites. Honda-mounted Don Sweet and Beta rider Steve Fracy rounded out the top five. ection II was the bruiser of the dav. which started with a downhill lefthand turn, climbed up some momentum killing quartzite rocks and ended with a tough vault up a mossy slab. The first rider through' was Chuck Sutton who took a two, but mud turned the slab into a five for almost all the other riders, except for Ryan, who also collected a two. Ryan hopped and backed his Beta into position and pulled the slingshot of the day to clear the slab. A few uncharacteristic fives by Head dropped him to a second-place battle between him and Stites. Another tough section was section five, which started with a tight left turn into a double step. Coming back down the wall, riders were immediately confronted with a left hand 1800 turn that many riders solved with a nose wheelie and front end hopping. Most found it necessary to back up in order to holeshot up the next rock face. Morgan Kavanaugh put on an amazing display by jerking his bike backwards and sideways at the same time. Kavanaugh wound up taking seventh overall on his Beta. When it was all over, Young prevailed totalling 97 points to Head's 91, while Stites finished up with a 101.8. Steve Clark found tough competition in the Sportsman class but held on for his second win in two da)'s. Monte Tucker and Todd Coffey exchanged positions from the Minnesota round with Tucker taking first this time. Only three points back finished Coffey. jerry Young seems to have the Super Senior cIas~ all sewed up with his fifth consecutive win. Lejeune beats Saunders in Canada By Derrick Edmondson lOCO, CA ADA, JUNE 8 Honda's Eddy Lejeune won the Canadian round of the World Trials Championship, beating Britain's Steve Saunders, Italy's Diego Bosis and Frenchman Thierry Michaud. Rounding out the top five was Aprilla rider Philippe Berlatier. It was another good day for Saunders, as he finished second once again, a placing that consolidates his third overall, but he'll be looking over his shoulder at quickly approaching Diego Bosis, who moved up to fourth overall on the Montesa after another third place. Some of the riders reckoned the Canadian round, held at loco just outside Vancouver on the west coast, one of the best world trials for ages, in complete comparison to last year's event which was reckoned a disaster. It was held over a three-lap, 17-section course in a mountainous, rocky area with hazards that were all possible, yet provided everything needed for a major event - sections that can be done but are not so difficult they are boring. There was a great variety, from dry grippy granite rocks to slippery. bill climbs and streams. Following his win a week prior, jordi Tarres was an early favorite, but when he fived the first section it was apparent he was suHering nerves and finally finished seventh. Michaud led at the end of the first lap from Berlatier and Saunders, but at the completion of two circuits, Saunders had edged into a narrow one-mark lead to try and claim a popular Canadian win. Marking was very strict and there were many small niggles between riders and observers, but it seemed to get a little less oHiciou~ as the trial progressed the observers appreciated the attempts and riders tried harder to keep on the move. It proved to be an interesting last lap with Saunders staying in the lead until a lapse in concentration twothirds of the way around allowed the ever-waiting Lejeune to pounce and snatch the win. Michaud had a clanger when he went over the bars at the third section - just as Saunders had done on lap two - but then saved a five with some arguing after breaking a marketing tape with his front wheel. But then he lost second place with a five on the last section of the day. It hasn't been LOO good a trip for Tony Scarlett and john Lampkin. Once again, in a trial dominated by the Europeans (and a European-based American) Scarlett could only manage 10th and Lampkin 15th - both behind their factory teammates, a fact which might yet go against them in their bid for 1987 sponsorsJ:ip. • Results 1. Eddy Lejeune (Han); 2. Steve Saunders (Han); 3. Diego Bosis (Mont; 4. Thierry Michaud (Fan); 5. Philippe Berlatjer (Aprl: 6. Renato Chiebeno IFan); 7. Jordi Ta"e. (Beta); 8. Gile. Burga, (Vaml; 9. Andreu CodinalMonl; 10. Tony Scarlen(Vaml; 11. Pascal Couturier (JCMI: 12. Bernie Schreiber (Yam~; 13. Eric Lejeune (Han); 14. Gabino Renal.. (G-G); 15. John Lampkin (Fan).

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