Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ricky Graham (31 unintentionally drills Scott Parker (111 at the start of the fourth heat. Despite appearances. Parker was not seriously hurt. Semis Scott Adams powered away on lhe firsllap of lhe inilial Expen semi and never looked back. Day worked his way from sixlh imo s,ec6nd on the firsl go-around, then followed Adams for the full 10 laps lO finish second. Dave Hebb moved from well back LO lake third place al lhe flag. Graham buill up a big lead durin'g lhe firsl four laps of lhe second semi, bUl crashed OUl of lhe program on lap four when lhe Wood-Rolax squirled a lilLIe lOO sideways exiling the infield. Tim Menens inheriled Lhe lOp Spol, bUl was under hOl pressure from Springsleen and Freilas. Menens managed to break away on lap eighl, lhen cruised lhe final lWO laps LO viclory. Springsleen held off lhe Rookie for second. Last Chance Qualifier Excepl for a brief challenge from Honda-moumed Ted Boody, the Lasl Chance Qualifier was a Keilh Day walkover. Day was firs: off lhe line, followed by Boody, Freilas and Harley-mouDled Springsleen. Boody pUl pressure on Day for lhe firsl few laps, bUl gOl sideways twice on the slippery infield during lap six, allowing Day lO gain some daylighl. Boody finished second, and Springer rounded out lhe LOp three after an early-on tussle wilh Freilas. The firsl-year Expen dropped OUl of lhe race on lap lWO wilh apparem mechanical problems. Junior National junior Nalional lJOimleader Bryan McDowell devaslaled lhe field in lhe junior feature race al Hinsdale, laking his sevemh Nalional win of 1986 by a wide margin. McDowell-nemesis Bryan Villella, who is far from a TT specialisl, had lO resign himself LO IOlh place. McDowell, backed by Shoei/ Bruce's Body Shop/Diamond/KalGard/Uke's H-D/Hi-Poim/Ron McCabe Trenching/Ben's Backhoe/ Diamond/K&N/CamoIlH-D MOlor Co., jumped lO lhe lead off lhe line, followed by Dallas Mayer, jeff jones, and Dan Buller; Villella gOl a lerrible stan. By lhe end of lap lWO, McDowell was pulling away, Buller had locked himself solidly imo second and Mayer was cruisin~ lhe circuil in lhird place. Frankie Garcia moved from sevemh on lhe firsl lap LO sleal lhird from Mayer on lap six. McDowell wheel ied across lhe line lO lake an easy win, BUller finished an almosl efforlless second, and Garcia LOok a comfortable third. Willie McCoy edged Cunis Cannon for founh, and Mayer look sixth over Randy Dewyse. William ewkirk, james Hauplffian and Villella rounded oUlthe LOp 10. National TWO-lime Hinsdale winner Fay nabbed lhe holeshol in lhe final, and was followed imo the firsl lurn by Carr, jorgensen, Hames and Chandler. Eklund, anolher Sama-Fe TT specialisl, suffered a lerrible Slan, and Parker's race was all bUl over when he crashed his faclory Harley going inlo lhe infield., dumping lhe bike in almoslthe same Spol where he wem down in his heal race. Day also wem down in lhe firsl tum. Chandler moved inlo lhird place before lap one was complele, then passed Carr for second al lhe end of lap lWO, coming OUl of lhe sweeper, omo the from straighl. Chandler sluck his Freddie Spencer/SuperTrapp Honda high on the cushion, and powered around Carr on lhe outside, spewing din all the way. He used lhe same move al the end of lap lhree LO lake lhe lead from Fay, and by lheend of lap five - wilh 20 laps lO go -the race was all Chandler's - he firmly held his ground in the infield seclion, and used his high line lhrough lhe lasl comer cushion LO pull away from lhe field, lap afler lap. BOlh jorgensen and jones, who is sponsored by GiII/GFRacing/Shoei/ Knighl/Megacycle, scooled around Carr and sel OUl after Fay on lap five. By lhe eighlh lap Hames and Green had bumped Carr lO sevemh, and jones was pushing jorgen~sen, knocking on lhe door lO lhird place. Allhe midway poim, Chandler was running away from a second place fighl lhal included Fay, jorgensen and jones, while Hames, Green, Carr and Ingram fou~hl for fifth. The pressure from jorgensen and jones began LO wear on Fay by lap 15, and bolh riders gOl under Fay on lap Alex Jorgensen leads Ronnie Jones (161. Chris Carr (20). Pete Hames (321 and Randy Green through the dust early in the feature race. , 17 in lhe lighl infield comer leading lO lhe second jump; Fay, who seemed LO-be liring, moved lO lhe oUlside of lhe wrn and lel lhe pair mOlor by. Scott Pearson moved imo fifth place behind Fay on lhe 20th lap, bUllhrew il away on lap 21, surrendering fifth lO Hames. Chandler wheelied down the shon srraighl going imo lhe lasl corner on lhe (inal lap, then look lhe checkers Wilh a straighlaway lO spare over jorgensen and jones. The Oklahoma rider finished lhe race in lhird place despile an engine mat smoked badly lhe final few laps, bUl refused lO blow. Fay held on lO finish fourth, Hames took fifth, and Green finished SiXlh. Rounding oUllhe LOp 10 were Cornwell, Carr, Eklund and Adams. "I came OUl of lhe (irsl turn in aboul lhird," said Chandler. "On lhis lrack if you wailLOo long you gel bunched up. You have LO use slralegy early in lhe race LO gel OUl fronl." Chandler won lhe race on his backup bike, Wilhoul praclicingon il. He wem OUl in praclice lwiceon his firslchoice mOLOrcycle, bUl swilched lO his second Honda RS600 when he couldn'l correCl a miss in lhe firsl bike's engine. He qualified 24lh on convemional rubber, lhen swilched LO the Universal when lhe larger lire didn'l work. jones almosl was as happy as he would have been had he won the National. "Seven laps (rom lhe end il slarled vibraling," he said. "I thoughl, 'Here I am in the winner's circle and I'm nOl going lO make il.' Thal's whal was going lhrough my mind. We gOl lucky - real lucky." Results 25-LAP NATIONAL: 1. Doug Chandler (Hen); 2. Alex Jorgensen (W-R); 3. Ran Jones (Hon); 4. MICkey Fey (Hen); 5. Pete Hemes (H-D); 6. Rendy Green (Hen); 7. Jon Cornwell (H·D); 8. Chris Cerr (W-R): 9. Steve Eklund (H-D): 10. Scott Adams (Hon); 11. Keith Dey (Han); 12. Tim Mertens (Hon)' 13. Den Ingram (H-D): 14. Scott Parkar (H·Dt. 15: Scott Pearson (H-D). 12-LAP JUNIOR NAnONAl: 1. Bryan McDowell (RlX); 2. Dan Butlar (Hont. 3. Frankie Garcia' 4. Willie McCoy (Hon): 5. Curtis Cannon {H-Dt. 6. Dallas Mayer (C-AI; 7. Randy Dewyse (Hon); B. William Newkirk (Hen); 9. James Hauptman; 10. Bryan Viilalla (W-R): 11. Donald Myers (H-D): 12. Jeff Jones (RlX). AMA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPlONSHIP/ CAMEL PRO SERIES POINTSTANDINGS: 1. Bubbs Shobert (173); 2. Scott Parker (139): 3. Chris Carr (133): 4..Doug Chandler (112): 5. Rick Graham (77); 6. Ronnie Jones (731: 7. Tad Boody (69): B. Pete Hames (641: 9. Steve Eklund (60): 10. Steve Morehead (54); 11. Randy Go.. (51): 12. Sammy Sw_ (49): 13. Hank Scon (47); 14. Alex Jorgensen (43): 15.. Scott Pearson/Rodney Farris (42); 17. Jay Springsteen (34); 18. Tom Maitland/Tim Mertens (27): 20. Tarry Poovey (24). JUNIOR NAnONAl POINTSTANDINGS: 1. 8ryan McDowell (178); 2. Bryan Villella (148); 3. Erik Sasseman (77): 4. Tad Taylor (77): 5. Curtis Cannon (58); 6. Frank Garcia (531; 7. Las Washbon (501; 8. Stave Duff (49); 9. Erik Graybeal (45); 10. Brian Bonesteel (44). 15

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