Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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mounted 10 finish fifth. Honda riders Greg Elijah and Allen Rucker had a back·and·forth war over second that saw Elijah with the advantage at the checkered over Rucker. Elijah took the serie point lead, again ahead of second place Rucker. Tim Blalock led the' I 25cc Amateur race from start 10 finish, while hane Graham moved up from a sixthplace start 10 finish second. In the series, Blalock now has fourth and fir t overall finishes 10 his credit, leading the point race over Graham. Results 65 MINI: 1. Vince Hardy (Kaw); 2. Phil Hayes (Han); 3. Willie Able (Kaw). JR MINI: 1. Corl Fogle (Vam); 2. Wayne Davis (Vam); 3. Palrick Ashworth (Vam). SR MINI: 1. Stacey Barnett (Kaw); 2. Carl Fogle (Yam); 3. Gary Dalton (Kaw). 125 NOV: 1. Johnny Ware (Yam); 2. Jim Hardy (Han); 3. Richard Barnes (Suz). 125 AM: 1. TIm Blalock (Vam); 2. Shane Graham (Vam); 3. Keith Almond (Yam). 250 NOV: 1. Jeff Allen (Han); 2. Greg Elijah (Han); 3. Allen Rucker (Han). 250 AM: 1. Grant Wood (Han); 2. John Warren (Han); 3. Howie Biggers (Kaw). OPEN AM/SR (30+): 1. Lewis Poore (Han); 2. Ricky Lamb (Suz); 3. John Krieger (Kaw). 250/0PEN PRO: 1. Robby Neeley (Kaw); 2. Eddie Almond (Kaw); 3. Gary Brantley (Han). Fuller zaps 'em at AscotMX John Ware flies his Ya~ha through the mud at Secession's night motocro.., where he finished first in the 125cc Novice class. (Vam); 3. Sle"" May (Yaml. STK 0; 1. Marl< Hensley (Yam); 2. TIm Sheedy (Yamt 3. Jason Pareia (Suz). SUPERBlKE A; 1. Wall Nino (Yam); 2. Craig Mar· lin (Yaml; 3. Richard Kahn (Kawl. SUPERBIKE B; 1. Nigel Gale (Yam); 2. Willie Adams (Suzt 3. Wall Nino (Vaml. SUPERBIKE c; 1. Henry Tecza (Yam); 2. Mille (Yamk 3. o.le lGefler (Yaml. SUPERBIKE 0; 1. Rick Williams (Yam); 2. . - . . -(Suz). F-l: 1. Kallv Byrd (Yam); 2. Brian Joder lSuzI. F-2: 1. Eric _(yaml; 2. Michael_(Yam); 3. Gil Lnca'-u (Due). F-3: 1. TIm Be._om (Yam~ BoTT: 1. Gil. _ .. (Duet 2. .-lIimie (Suz). VINTAGE 1: ,. AI Lncarbeeu (M·G); 2. John _ (Trik 3. PIliIIip - . . . (laY). ~ 0 _-COOLED: 1. Brian Sanders (Yamk 2. _ Legris (Yam); 3. Kevin Elliot (Yam). W_ Spear, Maybery top Glen Helen MX By David Procida SAN BERNARDINO, CA, JULY 20 With the 250cc and Open Pro classes run together o'n Don Brown's nicely-prepped Glen Helen Motocross track, Tony 26 Spear and Jdf Maybery came away Lhe big winners with their respective class wins. The 25Occ: Pros and Open Pros weR aJlDbined in one moto which madr lor some' real exciting racing. Brad McLeod 100 !!he pack into the first tum ",ith Tnny Spear and Chris Heinrich close bel lind. 00 the second line ~ me Inte.rmediates aDd imo the fiT5l a.-orr lhe order was Enc Colbren, Rob Brand and Guy Deckert. At the halfwa.y point YZ-mounted Brand madea hot passon Colbrerton a tricky down hill curve. With Honda· mounted McLeod turning lap times in the I ;30-second range the pack had to really work 10 keep up and at the finish it was McLeod followed by Spear Heinrich. In the secoQd molO Kenny Zahrt led the Pro class from the second comer to the finish, but not without a baule. JeH Maybery came out of the pack to challenge lahrt and the two went for it tooth-and·nail for the last three laps -riRht up to the checkered flag. Maybery's finishes gave him the overall with lahn taking the runner-up spot. Tony Spear finished first in moLO two to Lake Open Pro honors. In the overall for Intermediates, 5OOa: winner Robert Tippell edged out Yamaha pilot Greg Pierce. Also on a Yamaha, Robbie Brand scored lOp 250cc followed by Craig Davis and Kenny Parry. JeH Stanford was followed by Jeff Maybery as Bobby Moore suffered from mechanical ills all day in the 125cc class. Results OPEN PRO: 1. Tany Spear; 2. Brad McLaod. 250 PRO: 1 . ' - Maybery; 2. Kenl2ahrt; 3. Chris Heinrich. 125 PRO: 1. . - Stanford; 2. . - Maybery; 3. Bob Moore. OPEN INT: 1. Robert TIppetl; 2. Greg Pierce. 250 INT: 1. Robbie Brand; 2. Craig Davis; 3. Kenny Parry. 125 INT: 1. Guy Deckart; 2. Jamie Morabito; 3. Steve Phillips. OPEN BEG: 1. Kelly Wade; Z. Charlie Waddell; 3. Damon Mann. 250 BEG; 1. Mike Menning; 2. scon Adams; 3. Kurt Prather. . 125 BEG: 1. Eddie Subias; 2. Cole Gress; 3. Roger linton. ~ VET EX: 1. Robert Fortier. VET NOV: 1. Rob Lowe; 2. Mik Norris. VET BEG: 1. Steven Carter; 2. Bob Adams; 3. Russ Davis. PEE WEE A: 1. Robby Hammond; 2. Dustin Nelson. PEe WEe B: 1. Man Pickering; 2. Chris Nietzel; 3. Tony catalde. 50 O·B YR: 1. Dustin Nelson. 60 NOV: 1. Eric SChnel; 2. Jeran Gamby; 3. Travis Preston. . 60 INT: 1. Shane Morales. 50 EX: 1. Bobby Morales. Ware, Wood top Secession MX .By Gary Crider ANDERSON, sc, JULY 19 Johnny Ware and Grant Wood earned wins in round two of the Secession Night MX Series to maintain their perfect series scores in the 125cc Novice and 250cc Amateur classes. After just five motos, the program was delayed by a thunderSlOrm. Due to time constraints and sloppy track conditions, riders agreed with track officials that each class should run one molO only. The 250cc Novice division was the last class to run in dry conditions. Jeff Allen claimed the holeshot and opened a good lead, while Tracey Clements sliced his way through traffic aLter getting a poor start. With two laps remaining, Clements pulled alongside going into the far section of the course, but Allen emerged out front and alone. Afterwards, Clements said, "I passed Allen and had the lead for about one second and then I hit a lapped rider." Allen held on and claimed top gold, while Clements re- By Chris Boice GARDENA, CA, JULY 18 Kawasaki rider Tony Fuller turned a 2-3· finish into an overall win in the 125cc Intermediate class tonight in the fourth round of the CMC Summer Series at Ascot Park. In molO one Nicky Pounds had a healthy lead while Fuller, Rob Sassen and Scotty McDonaugh had an excit· ing three man race for second. Fuller narrowly edged out theother two riders and followed Pounds across the line. McDonaugh holeshot molO two, but a crash put him back to seventh place and gave Steve Sequeira the front spot. Pounds came charging up LO challenge Sequeira in the whoops and after some bike-to-bike combat, both riders went down. Forrest Hayashi inherited the lead and the second molO win with John Griffin in second and Fuller in third for the overall win. Sassen was second overall with a 3-5 and Hayashi was third with an 8-1. Honda-mounted Mike Hooker took care of the 250cc Intermediate class with a 1-2 score while Larr): Gros's was second (3-3) and Donnie DeArman was third with a 6-1. Chris Parks finished a consistent 2-2 in the 250cc Beginner Division One contest and came away with the top prize. John Atenucci was second with a 1-3 and Frank Feikema picked up a third with 3-7. Brett Michael dominated both the 80cc Beginner Division One motos, taking the checkers ahead of Yamahamounted Chris Edwards and Suzuki rider Eric Mytys. Cagiva rider Matteo Cosentino topped the 125cc Junior Division One with a 2-1 tally. Levi Noble rode his Honda 10 a 4-2 finish for second overall and Mike Collins was third with a 6-4. Honda rider Todd Peterson dusted the competition in the 500cc Pro class, winning both molOS with relative ease. Yamaha support rider Russ Wageman challenged Peterson on the last lap of the second moLO, but had to settle for a 2-2. Pete Murray was third with a 3-4 finish. Dirt Rider magazine's Willy Simons showed up tonight for the first time at a regular Friday night MX. By the second moto Simons had made the adjustment to the sometimes very slick and hard track urface and, after a brief soil sampling, finished a very respectable third for. a fourth overall. Results 60: 1. Je..... Jam. . (Kaw); 2. '-Willoh(Kaw);3. Cody Porter (Kaw). . BO BEG DIV 1: 1. Brett Michael (Suz); 2. Chris Edwards (Yam); 3. Eric Mytys (Suz). BO BEG DIV 2: 1. Colin Couto (Han); 2. Jesse Schmidt (Vam); 3. Daryl Kagryana (Han). BO BEG DIV 3: 1. Charlie Kim (KiIw); 2. Keith Shores (Han); 3. Sam Hawley (Kaw). BO JR: 1. Wane DeArman (Kaw); 2. Damon Kempt (Kaw); 3. Jeff Landis (Yam). BO INT: 1. RuslV Somers (Kaw); 2. Scott Takacs (Suz); 3. Mike Cox (Suz). BO EX; 1. Damon Bradshaw (Yam). 125 BEG DIV 1: 1. David l.octthart (Han); 2. Robert Collins (Han); 3. Don Springer (Kaw). 125 BEG DIV2: 1. DannyMachado(Kaw); 2. Greg Thomas (Hon); 3. Mark Field (Yam). . 125 BEG DIV 3: 1. Wade Gatlin (Kaw); 2. Don Forester (Hon); 3. Michael Boyer (Han). 125 JR DIV 1: 1. Matteo Cosentino (Cog); 2. Lavin Noble (Han); 3. Mike Collins (Hon). 125 JR DIV 2: 1. Van Wallace (Kaw); 2. Oaniel Bush (Han); 3. Jon Berg (Suz). 125 INT: 1. Tony Fuller (Kaw); 2. Rob Sassan (Cag); 3. Forrest Hayashi (Kaw). 125 PRO: 1. Duane Summers (Cag); 2. TIm Rutherford (Kaw). • 250 BEG DIV 1: 1. Chris Parks (Han); 2. John Atenucci (Yam); 3. Frank Feikema (Han). 250 BEG DIV 2: 1. Bob Jones (Yam); 2. Anthony Arthur (Kaw); 3. Jason Van Beer (Han). 250 BEG DIV 3: 1. Tony Moreta (Kaw); 2. Dale Covington (KTM): 3. Robert Duster (Kaw). 250 JR DIV 1: 1. Ron Buccieri (Yam); 2. David Banedetti (Kaw); 3. Joey Lane (Han). 250JR DIV 2: 1. Roy Welch (Han); 2. Major Alford (Han); 3. Mike Schexnyder (Kaw). 250 INT: 1. Mike Hooker (Han): 2. Larry Gross . (Yam); 3. Donnie DeArman (Han). 250 PRO: 1. Pele Murray (M-S); 2. Kevin AI/man (Yam); 3. Jim Perry (Han). 500 iEG DIV 1: 1. Kevin Barda (Han); 2. Andrew Vaiciunas (Yam I; 3. Dave Spaniol (Kaw). 500 BEG DIV 2; 1. John Stroup (Han); 2. Darren Davenport (yam); 3. Steve Cordero (Vam). 500 JR: 1. Robert Failing (Han); 2. Brian Brown (Yam); 3. Brad Sloan (Han). 500 BEG DIV 2: 1. John Stroup (Han); 2. Darren Davenport (Yam); 3. Steve Cordero (Yam) 500 JR: 1. Robert Failing (Han); 2. Brian Brown (Yam); 3. Brad Sloan (Hon). 500 INT: 1. St.... Coster (Vam); 2. David Bagwell (Han); 3. Matt Petro (Han). 500 PRO: 1. Todd Peterson (Han); 2. Russ Wagaman (Yam); 3. Pete Murray (M·D). VET JR: 1. Brad Sloan (Han); 2. Rich Hanean (Han); 3. Roy Cae (Yam). VET INT: 1. Robert Hedland (Vam); 2. Vietor Triepke (Vam); 3. Bob Watson (Hon). VET MSTR: 1. Ray Lopez (Hon). VET PRO: 1. Randy Rodriguez (ATK). OT JR: 1. Jack Kill (Yam); 2. Paul Bums (Yam); 3. Larry Sequeira (Yam). Faria wins 46th at Ventura Spwy By.BiII Locey VENTURA, CA, JULY 22 Track Champion Mike Faria wqn the Scratch main - his 46th career win at Ventura and young Bart Bast took the Handicap main 0[[ the 30-yard line for his first-ever Tuesday night vicLOry. Also, for the first time if) memory. 100 many riders showed up to ride and two never did get a ride. Handicap racing was typically franuc and frightening as the back yardage riders. methodically dusted 0[£ the low-yardage competition. Seven of the eight40-yard-line riders transferred, all but Gary Hicks, who was thrown out after smashing into Faria in his heat race. Somehow, Faria saved it coming out of four, completed the lap riding with one hand, pulled of[ the track and made straight for the ambulance. Faria suf· fered skinned knuckles. but restarted and took second behind JeH Jones; he then came back to win his semi. In the main, Bast got a strong gate and immediately fell in behind Rocky Robinson. Bast flew around him on the second lap, then held 0[£ Faria on the last lap for the trophy. Bast is the points leader on the NorCaJ circuit. In Scratch racing, Faria was in his usual rut- he won all of his rides. In the main, he got the gate and kept Steve Lucero a few lengths behind for the entire four-Iapper. Impressive Australian rider Chris Martin easily handled the competition in Second Division main event action. And former £lat tracker Rob Hassay hammered all the others in the Division Three main. Johnny Karnes who flew all the way to Ventura from the Bay Area, suffered a broken leg in ihe Division Three main. Karnes hit the wall just around turn two then caromed out

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