Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 07 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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all. Sayers finished a strong second and Dwain Miller LOok a respectable third overall. [n the 250cc class, things were once again hotly contested between Atkins and Sayers, who blistered the track. [n the first moLO, Robbie Campbell took the holeshot but quickly hit a berm and lost the lead on his Suzuki. Sayers took advantage LO capture the lead, but itonly lasted two laps. Atkins once again applied a couple or slick moves in .the turns to get by Sayers. Atkins suddenly found himself outof control in the whoop-de-dos and he hit the dirt hard. Sayers came roaring by and went on LO win. [n the second moLO, Sayers opened up a Lead over all the other competitors on his way to an overall victory in the 250cc class. Brent Cole took third overall behind Atkins. Results PRO 1: 1. Gerald Wood (yam); 2. David Reynolds (Suz); 3. Mike Taylor (KTM). PRO 2: 1. Gereld Wood (Vam); 2. David Reynolds (Suz); 3. Mike Taylor (KTM). JR MINI: 1. Jimmy Carene (Vem); 2. Robert Ogle (Hon); 3. Stacy Lane (Hon). SR MINI: 1. Jeson Terver (Kew); 2. Marty Dyke (Vem); 3. Billy Shuler (Kaw). 125 B: 1. Rendy Atkins (Kaw); 2. Rusty Sayers (Hen); 3. Owein Miller (Kew). 125 C: 1. Trevis Peyne (Kaw); 2. Andy Berryhill (Kaw); 3. Randy Parker (Hen). 250 CC: 1. Rusty Sayars (Hen); 2. Brent Cole (Kaw); 3. Robbie Campbell (SUl). OPEN; 1. Mike BredBhew(Hon); 2. Randy Atkins (Khwl; 3. Brent Cole (Kaw). ENDURO: 1. Gery Keith (C-AI; 2. Michael Shaver (Kawl; 3. Randy Ferris (KTM). Wooten tops Pros at Sand Hill MX third-place riders Enke and Tirheimerduked it out until Lap three when Tirheimer cut to the inside in the front sweeper and grabbed Enke's line ror the second place slol. Tirheimer then set his sights on rrontrunner Weyrauch. -Going into the right hairpin curve berore the checkers, Tirheimer pulled up next LO Weyrauch and overtook him in a photo finish. Tirheimer's 2-1 gave him first overall in the l25cc Intermediate class race, rollowed by Weyrauch who took second overall with a 1-2 ta])y. Results 50: 1. Casey Johnson (Kew); 2. Johnny Cipollina (Kaw). 8OBEG: 1. Robert Gibber(Yam); 2. ScollWilliems (Hon); 3. Chris Sechi8lano (Vam). 80 JR: 1. D.J. NoB (Yam); 2. Bryan Noe (Hon); 3. Robert Gonsalves (yam). 80 INT: 1. Mall Furman (Vam); 2. Danny Nelson (Kaw); 3. Pate Pantanida (SUl). 125 BEG DIV 1: I.Alex Dietrich (Hen); 2. James Perry (SUl); 3. Ron Habig (Yam). 125 BEG DIV 2: 1. Ryan Stoneham (Hen); 2. Marty Johnson (Kaw); 3. Ricky Solano (Hon). 125 JR: 1. Kurt Kuhn (Vam); 2. Tyler Edwerds (Hen): 3. Sergio Fernendez (Yam). 125 INT: 1. Greg Tirheimer (Hon): 2. Steve Weyrauch (Kew); 3. Steven Hunter (Hen). 250 BEG: 1. Steven Wenger (KTM); 2. Michael Ponndelinger (KTM); 3. John Thomas (Vem). 250 JR: 1. John Novaresi (Kaw); 2. Michael Fine (Su%); 3. Mitch Cook (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Emmet Ramirez (Hon); 2. Casey Farrell (Hon); 3. Mickey O'Shaughnessy (Kaw). OPEN BEG: 1. Jeff Christensen (Hon);.2. Peul Dugan (Hen); 3. Tom Henng (Su%). OPEN JR: 1. Joel Christensen (Hon); 2. Dennis Wheeler (Hon); 3. Devid Shoemaker (Yem). OPEN INT: 1. Lance McPMe (Hen); 2. John Georgelle (Yam): 3. Bill Bloomfield (Hen). vet JR; 1. Scott Waldow (Hen); 2. Frank AlonZl (Kawl; 3. Mike Costillo (Kaw). VET INT: 1. John Cipollina (Suz). OT INT: 1. Mike Collins (Kaw). VET MSTR: 1. Russ Daley (Suz); 2. AI Pose (Hon); 3. Phil Gribneu (Vam). OT MSTR: 1. Gary Estes (Hen). 1251250 PRO: 1. Shaun Wooten (Hen); 2. Jimmy Robertson (Hen): 3. sean Conley (Khw). By Lee Denlinger BRE TWOOD, CA, JULY 4 Sparks flew as Honda pilot Shaun Wooten blasted his way to the checkers to take the mixed Pro class win tonight at Sand Hill. Arter following 250cc Yamahamounted Vernon Forsyth out of the gates in the rirst moLO, Wooten shadowed Forsyth around the track, taking him on at the corner before the double jumps in lap three. Forsyth was able LO momentarily close the gates, butadetermined Wooten opened up wide in the [ront sweeper and passed the white machine. Wooten left the pack in the dust as he cut his own line LO the finish. Wooten poured it on in the second moLO, followed by Honda rider Jimmy Robertson and Yamaha-mounted Ty Earl. As the gap widened to a 10second span between Wooten and Robertson, Sean Coley started to press third place rider Earl. Earl closed down Conley until the last lap. As Conley cut LO the inside line on the left berm before the doubles,_Earllost control and bit thedusl. Wooten took rirst overall, followed by Robertson in second and Conley in third overall. Honda rider Greg Tirheimer (HiPoint/Maxima Oil) won the l25cc Intermediate class in the closest race of the evening. In the first moto, Tirheimer grabbed the holeshot and pulled the pack through the first lap. When Tirheimer bobbled on a slick spot on an inside corner, SteveWeyrauch took over the lead, fol1owed by Steven Hunter and Todd Enke. Tirheimer recovered to take on Enke in the third lap, but again spun out in the next go around. As Enke reeled·in Hunter in lap four and went after front-runner Weyrauch, a persistent Tirheimer cut through the pack. As Enke leaned into the left corner before the final straightaway LO the checkers, Tirheimer took the Kawasaki's line and raced LO the finish behind Weyrauch. [n the second moto, Weyrauch shot out of the gates to pul1 the pack around the sweeper. Second and Booher burns Marion scrambles By Karen Lewis MARION, KY, JULY 6 Herb Booher was the man to beat in scrambles racing at Marion, Kentucky, today. Booher rode to wins in both the Open and Senior classes on a trck that grooved up and was extremely slick. Booher grabbed the holeshot in the combined 250cc/Open class and immediately began to build a huge lead. Todd Booten, Donnie Dunbar, and Denne Williams battled for second the whole race. Booher won by a large margin with Booten holding onto second after Dunbar slipped off the groove on the final lap, al1owing Williams LO grab third. Dunbar grabbed the lead in the Senior class and held Booher at bay until be gassed it too much and went down on the last Lap. This allowed Booher to score his second runaway win. Dunbar remounted to claim second over Lee Hibbs. Jackie Brown shot out of the hold in the200ccclass but Kevin Woodruff reeled him in on the backstraight LO lead lap one. They put ground on the battle ror third between Alan Dewey and Robbie Grief. Woodruff went on for the win with Brown second, while Robbie Grief slipped inside Dewey for third. Tim Peters repaired a clutch for the main and ran away with the Amateur final over ScOlt Martin and Randy Williams. Results AUTO: ,. Jenny Hayden (Yam): 2. Nicky Hayden (Yam); 3. Jeson Goodwin (Yem). 80: 1. Robbie Grief (Vam). 125: 1. Tommy Hayden (Kaw). 200: 1. Kevin Woodruff (Yem); 2. Jackie Brown (Hon); 3. Alan Dewey (C-A). 250: 1. Todd Booten (Kew); 2. Denne Williems (Hus). OPEN: 1. Herb Booher (Hen); 2. Donnie Dunber (Hen). AM: 1. Tim Peters (Hon); 2. Scott Martin (Kaw); 3. Randy Williams (Vam). SR: 1. Herb Boohar (Hen); 2. Donnie Dunber (Hon);3..... Hi~(Y m~'1 t •• , ' , . ' , . :••• .. That stack of Cycle News piled over in the corner could become an attractive addition to your living room or trophy shelf. All you need is our new bright-red, top quality binder. Each one holds 25 issues of America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper. They also pr.ovide a handy filing system when you need to refer back a few issues to an informative article, and they're a positive statement about the sport you like best: Motorcycling. Just fill out the order blank below, mail it to Cycle News, and we'll ship you the Cycle News Product that's bound to please. 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