Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 07 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Yamaha-mounted Gary Spears leads Michael Norton (355) in the C Production Novice class at Texas World Speedway. Spears finished third. Brian Zek.y who took [irst and second, followed by Seth Avant on a Honda in third. Due 10 a reduced number of entrants, D Production and the BoTT classes were run concurrently with Expert rider Vernon Davis streaking ahead toa sizeable lead. Davis fielded a highly-modified Yamaha 920 Vtwin mounted in an aluminum frame. Novice Roy Lewis earned a very creditable first in D Production on a RZ350, finishing second overall behind Davis. james Haecker flashed his Daytona class style to win the Formula One. Riding up a class on his trick Yamaha TZR250, Haecker also took second in D Superbike Expert class, making up for a horsepower deficit with a gung-ho exhibition of skill. Haecker would keep his two-stroke wound out tight, high on the bowl only to dive down full speed into a difficult, flat left-hand turn one. Each lap witnessed Haecker gaining two or three places over the more timid riders who held low on the bowl. The D Superbike heat witnessed one of the day's most hotly contested duels between Ronnie Lunsford and Wesley Winchester on matching Honda VFRs. Lloyd Olson maintained a comfortable lead on his FZ750, leaving the two Honda riders to eight laps of wheel-IO-wheel dicing. Lunsford prevailed, leaving third to Winchester. Novice Craig Gleason placed an overall fourth and first in his class followed by Montemayor riding up a class on.his FZ600. Class C Production boasted a large enough field to warrant a separate Novice and Expert heat (the only' class at these sprints to do so). The Novice riders split fairly evenly between the Kawasaki Ninja 600R and the Yamaha Fl600 while the Experts preferred the newer Fl. Russell Collins garnered first in the Novice heat on a Kawasaki while Montemayor led the Experts on a Fl600. Olson showed consistent skill in the Sunday races, gaining second place finishes in A Superbike, B Production and A Production. Along with his first place win in B Superbike, Olson took third in Formula' One. Reigning Class A Superbike Expert David Cheek added points to his season lead with two first place wins in A Superbike and Formula One. One of this year's hot contenders for the Class A Production Championship, Ottis Lance, kept a low profile and entered only the A Production heat. In the last race of th~ day, Lance opened up a sizeable lead over the other riders 10 take an easy first. Results A PROD: 1. Ottis Lance (Suz); 2. Lloyd Olson ::=- (Yam): 3. Man Maschmann (Suzl. B PROD: 1. B.B. Montemayor (Suz); 2. Lloyd Olson (Vaml; 3. Weslay Winchester (Han). C PROD: 1. B.B. Montemayor (Vam); 2. Ban Winters (Han): 3. Dayid Roth (Vam). C PROD NOV: 1. Russell Collins (Kaw); 2. Rickey Bledsoe (Vam); 3. Gary Spears (Vam). o PROD TWINS: 1. Vernon Dayis (Vam); 2. Roy Lewis (Vaml; 3. Mika Cook (Vaml. A SUPBK: 1. David Cheek (Suzl: 2. Lloyd Olson (Yam): 3. Wesley Winchester (Han). B SUPBK: 1. Lloyd Olson (Vam); 2. Ronnie Lunsford (HanI; 3. Wesley WincheSler (Honl. C SUPaK: 1. B.B. Montemayor (Yam); 2. David Roth (Vam); 3. Mart< Andrews (Honl. o SUPBK: 1. Bradley Reh (Vam); 2. Johnny johnson (Vam); 3. Roy Lawis (Yam). CLUBMAN: 1. Michael Garren (Yaml; 2. Brian z.t,.y (Yam); 3. Seth Ayant (Han). F·l; 1. David Cheek (Suzl; 2. Man Maschmann (Suz); 3. Lloyd Olson (Yam). F-2: 1. Ames Haecker (Yam); 2. James Learmonth (Due): 3. .larmone Russo (BMW). F-3: 1. Kenny Traylor (Yaml; 2. Oon Nay (Kaw); 3. Roy Alaobrook (Yam). HONDA: 1. Ban Winters (Hon); 2. Mart< Andrews (Hon); 3. Douv Carmichael (Hon). Andrews, Agin top MSTMX By Peggy Adamic MALVERN, OH, JUNE 29 Yamaha support rider Fred Andrews and Honda-mounted Jon Agin each took double class wins at MotoSport Trails MX today. Andrews grabbed wins in both the I 25cc A and 250cc A classes, while Agin made a clean sweep of the I25cc Band 250cc B classes. Andrews took the lead to start the 250cc Open first molO with Emery Anden and john Ruper following. Anden [ollowed Andrews for the entire race, while Brunswich Suzuki/Hombre International's Harold Robinson passed Ruper for third. Ruper slowly faded 10 midpack with Mark Beamer moving into fourth. Dale Spangler worked his way from a 10th-place start to challenge Beamer. Spangler won the baule and finished fourth behind Robison with Beamer having to settle for £i£th. Andrews jumped toa quick lead in molO two, followed by Beamer and Robison. Anden was fourth through the ursttum but wilhin two laps, he had moved inlO second. Robison followed Anden past Beamer 10 take third, while Suzuki-mounted Mike Boggia and Spangler passed Beamer Wilh lwo laps to go, taking fourth and fifth. Agin's double cross wins were done in his normal style, finishing no less than 10 seconds ahead of the secondplace finishers. Brian Smith lOok second overall in the 250cc B class finishing 3-2 ahead of Demon Frey who chaJked up 2-3 molO finishes. Honda-mounted Steve Gardiner and Kawasaki rider Keith Perry £inished behind Agin in the 125cc B molOS. Gardiner grabbing second by scoring 3-2 molO finishes 10 Perry's 2-3 effort. Fred Andrews {B9) is followed by John Ruper (996) and Emery Anden (1) at the start of the first 250cc Pro moto at the MotoSport Trials MX. Results PEE WEE: 1. Kunis Fryer (Han); 2. Sean Kocher (Vaml. 60 7-11: 1. Randy Salamon (Vam); 2. Ron Meek (Han); 3. Mike Salamon (Vaml. BO 7- 11: 1. Mike Katin (Han); 2. Dan Johnson (Han); 3. Jeff Wooledge (Vaml. BO 12- 15: 1. Chris Bodo (Vaml; 2. Tim Boca (Kawl; 3. Ala n Bales (Kaw). SUP MINI: 1. Chris Bode (Vam); 2. Nike Katin (Han); 3. Rocco Casella (Han). 125 SCHBV: 1. Dave Spiegel (Kawl; 2. Bill Royce (KIW); 3. Scon Bassett (Hanl. 125 A: 1. Frad Andre_ (Vaml; 2. Emery Anden (Hon); 3. Jeff McCune (Honl. 125 B: 1. Jon Agin (Honl; 2. Steve Gardiner (Honl; 3. Keith Perry (KIW). 125 C: 1. Dave Spiegel (KIw); 2. Jim DeFranco (KIWI; 3. Keith Ward (KIwI. 250 A: 1. Frad Andrews (Yam); 2. Emery Ancien (Hon); 3. Harold Robison (Suzl. 250 B: 1. Jon Agin (Han); 2. Brian Smith (Han); 3. Dernon Frey (Hon). 250 C: 1. Da.. Harden (KIW); 2. Mike Musgrove (Yam); 3. Paul Knapp ISuz!. OPEN B: 1. Tim Hollinger (Han); 2. Jay Kremm (KIw); 3. Richard Wiseman (Yaml. SR 1: 1. Jay Smith (Yam); 2. Barnie Bellinger (Suz); 3. Stan Counland (Hanl. SR 2: 1. Larry Myers (Mai); 2. TerryBovs(Hon); 3. Tom Ashton (Hon). EXTRA: 1. Chuclt Nicholson (Hon); 2. Keith Perry (KIw); 3. Jim Lower (Suz). Elliott wins Portland MX· PORTLAND, TN, JULY 6 The 125cc class headed the Transouth Motocross Club action today at the Portland track as Tony Elliott and Arron Sanders battled for the win. In the end, however, it was Elliou who came away viclorious by taking the second molO win. As lhe gate dropped on the first moto of the I25cc class, Sanders put his Honda into the lead by tum one with Kevin Campbell's mount in hot pursuit. Throughoul the firsl two laps joey Smith moved his Kawasaki steadily to the front only to falter and finish in midpack. At the checker Sanders was followed by Campbell, Elliou and Eric Hirlston's Suzuki. Moto two saw the holeshot going to a fired up Ellion. Eddie Crouch and Sanders provided major excitement with a fast-paced dice for second . and third, swapping places until the last lap with Crouch getting the nod at the checker and a trophy posilion with his 9-2 score and fifth overall. Elliott earned the overall win on the lie-breaker with second going to Sanders. Campbell and HirlslOn earned hard-fought battles for third and fourth overall. The iron-man nod went to Kevin Campbell, who after taking third overall in the I25ccclass on his Yamaha SO, rode the Mini class and won going away. Carlisle Fogle gave good chase 10 Campbell, but had 10 seule for a 2-2 ride and second overalJ. Dan Kearns rode a steady third in both molOS for the third place trophy, but had 10 contend with pressure from Beginner Clay Wells on his Suzuki and the Honda of Steve Atkins. Results MINI BEG: 1. Clay Wells (Suz); 2. Jason McCreary (Vam); 3. Eric McAnally (KIwi. MINI NOV/AM: 1. Keyin Campbell (Yam); 2. Carlisle Fogle (Vam); 3. Dan Kearns (Vam). 125 BEG: 1. Richard Marker (Vam); 2. Ronnie Ladd (Kew); 3. Eric Hirtaton (Suzl. 125 NOV/AM: 1. Tony Ellion (Vam); 2. Arran Sanders (Han); 3. Kevin Campbell (Yaml. 250 NOV/AM: 1. Tray Batey (Han); 2. Tony limmerlee (Hon); 3. Jimmy Bates (Klw). OPEN: 1. Jim Batey (Honl. SR/TRAIL/ENDURO: 1. Dave Lambenh (Kew); 2. Jim Batey (Hon); 3. Tommy Ezzell (KTM). Martin, Perreard win Roseburg MX By Clay Ught ROSEBURG, OR, JUNE 29 Friu Martin (Husqvarna) and Ted Perreard (Honda) pounded the whoop-de-doos well enough to top the 250cc C and 250cc B classes at the first race of the AMA Summer Series in Roseburg at Clarks Branch Raceway. Martin went I-Ito win theCclass, beating Honda riders joe Gisholt (2-2) and third-place finisher Billy Dickerson (3-3). The Pro riders and 125cc B!25Occ B contestants ran combined in the day's fastest action, staged in lhree waves. Only two Pros were on hand due to the incredible draw 10 the Yamaha Gold Cup Series. Larry Brumwell (Kawasaki) and jeff MacDonald (Yamaha) represented the Pros, taking lhe 1-2 spots, while Perreard won the 250cc B class ahead of Kawasakimounted Chris Nichols and Ron Milligan (Honda). MOIO two had Milligan and Perreard dueling for firsl, bUI in the end, it was Perreard prevailing for a I-I win in lhe 250cc B ranks. Brumwell earned the Pro class laurels going I-I, and in the 125cc B class, it was Kawasaki rider Dennis McConnell taking the win with a double moto win to edge out Troy Davis (Kawasaki), who went 2-2 for second and Darren ClayIOn (Honda). Californian Rod Nordstrom rode two superb motos to win a combined 30-40 Pro!Amateur class. In the firsl molO it was Nordstrom out front of Yamaha rider Rick Roberts, Kenny Cullison (Honda) and Husqvarnamounted Steve Agee for a win. Moto two was again ex-Pro motocrosser Nordstrom aboard the booming 500cc ATK single for a I-I win and firsl place cash. Second and top C class rider was Roberts for a I-I win of his class to beat Cullison, who was making a comeback after a recent injury. Cllison took a 2-2 for a second and Agee netted a third (3-3). Yamaha rider Terry Davis used a 3-1 to win the day's largest class. the

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