Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 07 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,.------------------------:-------,z J: o a: S " C C ~ z o I- > al DIV 3, 1. Don Madison (Gdn); 2. Scott Schl_ (Jaw); 3. Mike DeGroat (Jaw). I- o a: > al o o g J: o 0. J: 0. AltA National Champlonshlp Hiklimb Series: Round 5 Williams, Bowlby top Royal Mountain Ted Fey (001 leeds Den Fellon et Action Perk Eest Speedwey. -. Kenny Kopecky demonstretes whet surfers cell "digging e feU" in roed feeing ection et Willow Springs. Kopecky wes unhurt. win of the moto. Hanson finished second, Lundstrom third and Rader fourth. The second moto was much the same. Camp once again took control of the moto and went on to win it. Hanson, Lundstrom and Rader rounded out the top fouT. Results 60: 1. Ronnie Pfeil; 2. Neal Whi1more; 3. Mer" Johnson. MINI A: 2. James Fuller; 2. Willie Nash; 3. Bred· IeyWagnar. MINI B: 1. Johnny Huntington; 2. Bobby Bec:t<. man; 3. Craig Goode~. MINI C: ,. lei Oesa\ledo; 2. John Goerss; 3. Jason Dale. 125 A: 1. Mika Friend; 2. Chris R-..; 3. Curt Hyde. 125 B: 1. Scon Alden; 2. Richie Lundstrom; 3. WillieNesh. 125 C: 1. Scon Johnson: 2. Chris Leue; 3. Scott l.oIIe. 250 A: 1. Tom cemp; 2. Danny Hanson: 3. Chad Lundstrom. 250 B: 1. Cody Bendigo; 2. Edward Detevemier; 3. Bleina Meyer. ENDURO: ,. OeWayne Men; 2. Robert Buj-". OLD IRON: 1. Wes Jobgen; 2. Wade Rhodes; 3. Curt Anderson. Brinkman hot at Willow Springs RR By Ron MacLain WILLOW SPRINGS, CA, JULY 6 Northern California's Brian Brinkman dominated the big bore action at the American Road Racing Association's event at Willow Springs Raceway. The Suzuki-mounted rider scored his first wins ever at Willow, finishing first in the Formula One, Open Superstreet, and Open Stock Production classes. In the Formula One event, Brinkman gated first and led the field at the one lap mark, with pressure coming from class points leader Kenny Kopecky. At the start of lap two Brinkman was still in front with Kopecky closing. As he drove out of turn one Kopecky's front end washed out and he bailed o££, without serious injury. Brinkman appeared to be in good shape to cruise home for the win, as he held a commanding lead on the third lap. Meanwhile, Dave Langford was doing some serious motoring to close the gap between he and Brinkman. By the fourth lap Langford was hot on Brinkman's heels as he tried to outbrake him into turn three, only to have Brinkman out drive him up the hill. The pair remained glued together with Langford ready to take advantage orany lapse on Brinkman's part. On the fifth lap Langford charged out the left hand turn five, looking to beat Brinkman into the right hand kink of turn six. Once again Brinkman got a better drive and closed him o££ as they went full tilt through turn eight. Langford got by for the first time exiting tum eight, only to have Brirtkman repass him into the tightening arc of turn nine. Then it was Langford's turn to take the lead as they crossed under the white flag for the last lap. Brirtkman blew into turn one and retook the lead for good. Brinkman took the checkered flag by half a bikelength over Langford, with Terry Statum taking third. Results F·l: 1. Brian Brinkman (Suz); 2. Dave Lengford (Suz); 3. Terry Statum (Kawl· OPEN 55: 1. Brian Brinkman (Suz); 2. Kenny Kopecky (Kaw); 3. Chris Mallory (Suz). OPEN MOD PROD: 1. Kanny Kopecky (Kew); 2. Chris Mallory (Suzl; 3. Jean Mayne! (Yam). OPEN STK PROD: 1. Brian Brinkman (Suz); 2. Chuck Graves (Sud; 3. Chris Mallory.£iuzl. 750 55: 1. Chuck Graves (Suz); 2. era'll Beecher (Suo); 3. Berry Burke (Kew). 750 MOD PROD: 1. Jemes Domay (Sud; 2. Chuck Graves (Suz); 3. Craig Beecher (Suz). 750 STK PROD: 1. Dave Lengford (Suz): 2. James Dorney (Suz); 3. Greg Hillman (Suz). 600 55: 1. Earl Roloff (Kaw); 2. Terry Statum (Kew); 3. David Morris (Yam). 600 MOD PROD: 1. Earl Roloff (Kaw); 2. Ste.. Cardillo (Yam); 3. David Gibbons (Yam). 600 STK PROD: 1. Steve Cardillo (Yaml; 2. Troy Rauh (Yam); 3. David Neal (YamI. 45055: 1. David Morris (Yam); 2. Tony MSllhews (Yaml; 3. Stuart Wilken (Yom). 450 MOD PROD (2 STRKI: 1. David Morris (Yam); 2. Chris Van Buskirk (Yam); 3. David Gibbons (Yoml. 450 MOD PROD (4 STRK): ,. Eric Liebtlcher (Su"; 2. Mika Wilson (Han); 3. Walt Levinder (Han I. 450 STK PROD (2 STRK): ,. Kenneth Furlo"ll (Yam); 2. Don Warren (Yam); 3. James Yeo (Yo")). 450 STK PROD (4 STRK): 1. Eric Liebscher (Suo); 2. Rich Doney (Suo); 3. Bruce Beally (Suo). 305 55: 1. Paul Pecoraro (Kaw); 2. Willy Sarzi (Kaw). 305 STK PROD: ,. Poul Pecoraro (Kew); 2. Willy Sarzi (Kew); 3. Louis Otto (Kawl. F·2: 1. Andrew Leisner (Hon); 2. lance Tilghman (Han); 3. Rye Hefley (Yam). . F·3: 1. Rye Helley (Han); 2. Ken Bruce (Yaml; 3. Stephen Brousseau (Yam). BOn (HVYWT]: 1. Daniel Cae (Cag); 2. Esrl Cempbell (Cag); 3. Jim Schmidt (Nor). BOn (LTWT): 1. Trevor Dunne (Ceg); 2. Mark McClain (Yam); 3. Eric Liebscher (Suz). 600 SINGLES: 1. Philip Smith (Han); 2. Mike Wil· son (Han); 3. Gary Penon (Yam). 601·0PEN NOV: 1. Tom Kopp (Suz); 2. Barry Burke (Kew); 3. Jamie Lewis (Suz). 451·600 NOV: 1. Troy Rauh (Yaml; 2. Jeff Herzog (Kew); 3. Todd Rawson (Kew). 0·450 NOV: 1. Jeff Schultz (Yam); 2. Alen Fernandez (Yam); 3. Russell Wagy (Yam). Fey scores at A.P.£. Spwy By Todd Kroh GREENE, NY. JULY 5 "Terrible Ted" Fey has had a long dry spell since his last main event victory, but that streak ended as Fey pulled off the win in the Handicap main event at New York's Action Park East Speedway today. After a series of restarts resulting from multiple pile-ups in turn one, Fey roared through the pack on his Griffen Racing Godden taking the victory. The first start aw eventual winner Fey go down in the first lUrn with Jim Nabinger and Tom Burge. No d'i qualification ensued and the gates went up once more. The econd incident invoh,ed Nabing-er ag-ain. but this time with George Lazor. Again a complete restart was ordered. The third time was the charm as Pat Cliff took the initial lead, but was passed by Len McBride on lap two. McBride held the lead for two laps while Fey was making his way through the field from the 40-yard line. Fey, who has looked strong for the past month, took the lead for good coming out of turn four on the fourth circuit. McBride captured second with Lazor third followed by Burge and Cliff. Nabinger went down on the third lap. The win by Fey continued to keep the Action Park East streak alive. Fey became the ninth different winner of the Handicap main event this season. The Division One main event went LO Bruce Nelson for the fifth time in 1986. john 'Boogie' Lewis showed that he wasn't going LO make it easy for elson as he hot out of the gate in their heat race and relegated Nelson to a second place finish. In the main event, Lewis looked to have the gate again but a traction problem caused a wheelie off the line letting Nelson and his Lamplighter/Racetech Godden into the first corner with the lead. Although Lewis was relentless and pressed Nelson hard for four laps it wasn't to be as Nelson took the checkered. 'The jersey jolt,' Dale Wakefield looked like the loss of part of his thumb in a trail riding accident hasn't a££ected his riding one bit. Wakefield took tbird place away from john Racin on lap three. Racin made the Scratch main in his first relUrn trip to Action Park East after a two month suspension. Greg Didas, part of the Rochester Connection that travels to Action Park each week, took his first main event win of the year in the Division Two final. Didas has been consistently improving all season and everyone knew it would only be a matter of time before he got the track dialed in. Didas attributed the win to clutch modifications made during the past week, allowing him a better holeshol. Didas left no doubt that he was in control as he led the entire four laps. Pennsylvanian MarshaU Shunk returned from a month-long absence to pick up second place followed by Chris Rudy and Damien Cornwell. With Dan Slick getting the bump into Divison Two racing it was anyone's guess as to who would take this week's top honors. Don Madison was the answer. Madison won his heat race to qualify to the main and came back out for a repeat performance. It was Madison's first career main event victory. He had Scott Schleede, Mike DeGroat and Dave McFall's in tow. Schleede was impressive in his first outing in speedway. Results DIV 1: 1. Bruce Nelson (Gdn); 2. John Lewis (Wes); 3. Osle Wakefield (Wes). HANDICAP: 1. Ted Fey (Gdn); 2. Len McBride (Jaw); 3. George Lazor (Jaw). DIV 2: 1. Greg D'das (Jawl; 2. Marshall Shunk (Jaw); 3. ChriS Rudy (Gdn). By Maxine Casey CAROGA LAKE, NY, JULY 6 Greg Williams of Markham, Ontario, Canada rode his STP Special to first place in the 500cc class and fast time of the day at Caroga Lake. Williams blasted the 800-foot hill in 12.86 seconds. Earl Bowlby piloted his 750cc BSA to victory with a 1!I.08-second ride. Bowlby hails from Logan, Ohio. BSA-mounted Rod Riddle was second in the 500ccclass with a 14.I!I-second ride. Rick Hunter, on a Honda, finished third with Doug Kreeger earning fourth place aboard a Triumph. Rounding out the top four in the 750ccclass were XR-Harley riders Lou Gerencer and Tom Reiser, who were second and third, respectively, while Yamaha pilot Charlie Casey finished fourth. The hiU at Royal Mountain is rocky and full of holes. A natural spring at the 500-foot mark turns a 50foot section into a muddy bog that is from one to two feet deep. The highly tuned motors are screaming when they Oy o££ a rocky ledge into the bog. The motors are pulled way down and then have to fight through 20 to !l0 feet of mud before tackling the steepest part of the hill. Broken bikes and bruised bodies were the order of the day. Only seven bikes in each class were capable of making a second attempt and some of them broke on the second ride. At least one-third of the 750ccclass were among the walking wounded. A controversial new rule allowing only the top 12 riders in each class to compete in the Invitational National instead of the traditional 15 made this a very important hillclimb for some riders. It was the last one to count for points toward riding the 1986 Invitational. While points for the number one plate are all earned this season, points to qualify for the National accumulate from the first hillclimb following the previous National until 15 days before the next one. While the top spots were settled before the new season began, several riders were scrambling for the last few places and the 12th rider was in doubt in both classes. Newcomer Rick Hunter, on a Honda, nailed down 12th place in the 500cc class with a strong third place finish. The last spot in the 750cc class was earned the hard way. Veteran Tom Reiser was in 11th and john Williams, former 500cc champ, was in 12th when the season began. Charlie Casey, who was injured on his first ride after the National in 1985, had to sit out all but the last climb in the second haH of the '85 season. But he finished second at Elkhart and bumped Williams to 13th. This held until Casey's bike broke at Freemansburg and new 750cc pilot jim Clark took over 12th place. Tom Reiser rode hard after a 12th place finish at Elkhart and was climbing up the chart. Danny Halcomb

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