Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 07 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Kewl; 3. Mall Willml (K8wI. 80 MOO 7·11: 1. Man Wait (K8w); 2. Louie Cruz (Hon); 3. Troy Cruz (Hon). 80 STK 12-16: 1. Ronnia Lawi. (Vam); 2. Albart Villanueva (Suz). 80 MOD 12-16: 1. Mike Bacarra (Kaw); 2. David ~'6 SCHBV 12-16: 1. Mike Becerra (Yam). 260 B: 1. Gordy Heavrin (Yam); 2. Rick Smith (yam); 3. Charlie Jorgensen (Yam). 260A: 1. Albart Biecaglio (Yam); 2. Sean Plymale (Yam); 3. Tommy Lynch (Yam). 600 B: 1. Jim Long (Vam); 2. Jim Hastily (Hon). 600 A: 1. Lyle Dove (Han); 2. Thomas Carriger (Rtxl; 3. Todd Bridges (Rtx). OPEN: 1. Eddie Dodge (H-D): 2. Craig Peyron (Yam); 3. Bart Dodge (H-D). VET 30 • OVER: 1. Richard Schroeder (Yam); 2. Joe Winston (Rtx). OT 40 • OVER: 1. Joe Win..on (Rtx); 2. Dicky LeRoy (Yam); 3. Joe Soto (Vam). Aver, Ryan top Cycleland TT By Stan Chute CHICO, CA, JULY 12 Ralph Aver and Dave Ryan were some of the big winners at tonight's Cycleland Speedway TTracingin Chico. Aver, however, went home with two class wins under his belt - the 200 and 500cc Novice classes. Ryan smoked to the 500cc Expert division win. Aver swept both races in the '200cc Novice class, then came back and did the same in the 5005, totalling four race wins. The 500cc Expert class had some exciting racing. It was a tight battle between Ryan and John Tafis. In the heat races, Tafis edged Ryan, which set the stage for the main. But Tafis blew his chance for the main win after hejumped the staTlline and was set back a line for the restart. This gave Ryan a clear shot for the win. The Novice Expert handicap race saw Ryan and Tafis starting in the back. Aver jumped out LO the early lead, but after fighting his way from the back of the pack, Ryan passed Aver on the last lap to capture the win. Results 200 NOV: 1. Ralph Aver; 2. John Newhart. 250 NOV: 1. Jim Newhart: 2. Travis Shute. 500 NOV: 1. Ralph Aver; 2. Craig Humanagle. NOV/EX HNDCP: 1. Dave Ryan; 2. Ralph Aver. 500 EX; 1. Dave Ryan; 2. John Tafis. PEE WeE: 1. Dallas Smith; 2. Joshua Shute: 3. Cody McKolar. Nelson nabs Little Olde win By Beverly McCrory MADERA, CA, JULY 12 Honda rider Jon Nelson continues to dominate the 250cc Expert class at the Little Okie MX track in Madera, as well as the 125cc Pro class. Nelson spent most of the 250cc Pro race dicing with rival Doug Belcher. Jim Quaschnick and Kevin McCrory bauled in the 500cc Junior class. In the first moto, Quaschnick led every lap until the final go around when McCrory took an outside line 20 yards from the finish and nipped Quaschnick for the win. The second moto saw McCrory slip into the lead followed by Quaschnick. For most of the moto, Quaschnick stayed close but eventually backed off and wound up taking second. Mike Quaschnick sLOmped home for the 125cc Junior win, beating Titus Smith. During the first race, . Quaschnick had to settle with second, while Smith cruised in for the win. In round two, however, Smith blew his chance for the overall. While leading, he crashed and dropped to second, giving.Quaschnick the win. Results 80: t. Gar GIa_rs (Hon). PP: 1. Debbie Simrnons(Kawt 2. Shawn Summers (K8wI; 3. Kaeeie Gray (Han). 80 BEG: 1. Tyron Farley (Suzl; 2. Chris cake Randy Green won the Sidewinders TT in Clackamas. Oregon. (Kaw); 3. Tv Mathews (Yam). BO JR: 1. Todd Nelson (Suz); 2. John Culwell (Kaw); 3. Kennie McGrath (Kaw). BO INT: 1, Mike Brewer (Kaw); 2. Titus Smith (Suz). BO 1. Chris Neal (Vam); 2, Todd Hick. (y.m); 3. Doug Dalay (Vam). 125 BEG DIV 1: 1, Don Simone (Kaw); 2. Vince Cole (Suz); 3. Mike Colburn (Han). 126 BEG DIV 2: 1. Bobbie Baker (Kaw); 2. Randy Ritchie (Yam); 3. Shawn Dietz (Han). 260 BEG 'DIV 1: 1. Mark Simmons (Kaw); 2. Mark Mitzel (Hon); 3. Danny Jones (Yam). 260 BEG DIY 2: 1. Richard Hamblin (Hon); 2. Charles Hubbard (Suz); 3 .. Billy Coene (Kaw). 126 INT: 1. Darin Vanderpool (Kaw). 126 PRO: 1. Jon Nelson (Hon); 2. Dallen McKenney(Han). 260 PRO: 1. Jon Nelson (Hon); 2. Doug Balcher (Kawl; 3. Donald Franklin (Han). 600 BEG: 1. Danny Jones (Yam); 2. Bill Summ.... (Yam); 3. Nathan Kennicun (Kaw). 500 JR: 1. Kevin McCrory (Yam); 2. Jim Qu.schnick (Yam); 3. Ouinton Hawkin. (Hon). 600 INT: 1. Darin Lundqui.. (Han). 600 PRO: 1. Jack Hulse (Kawl. 125JR: 1. Mike Ouaschnick(Yamt 2. Titus Smith (Suz); 3. Pat Bannet (Vam). 260 INT: 1. Billy Woods (Kaw); 2. Uoyd Green (Hon). VET JR: 1. Bob Byers (Yam); 2. Keith Westmore· land (Han); 3. Brian Merchant (Hon). VETINT: 1. Mark Meadows (Han); 2. Terry Deegan (Yam). VET MSTR: 1. Phil Gribnau (Vam); 2. Michael 0 Alarcan (Hon); 3. Paul Huebart. OT JR: 1. Dave Simmons (Kaw); 2. Bob Smart (Vam); 3. Ron R.mon' Sr. (Hon). ex: Eakin, Demaris top Oregon OTHG National By Clay light ALBANY, OR, JULY 12-13 David Eakin (Honda) destroyed the 30-40 Professional class at the Fifth Annual Northwest Over The Hill Gang National Motocross held this time at Albany Supercross. Eakin dueled in the dust in all six motos with local favorite Bob Leach (Honda) in the class that paid out well over $1000 in purse. Three motos were run on Saturday as well as three on Sunday, combining the two day scores in determining the overall class winners. Desert speedster Dale Demaris thumped his Husky 510 to a rout of the Over The Hill Expert class. Riders in attendance came from a five-state radius that included Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho and Nevada. Demaris overcame dismal starts in Saturday's Over The Hill Expert class competition to log 2-6-2 rides. Demaris crashed in moLO two for a sixth while Honda-mounted Gary Gump was the day's most consistent performer in the class with 1-2-1 rides. Honda pilot Mike Tobia, from Washington, took moLO two after a lengthy battle with Gump for a 6-1-3 tally on Saturday. Sunday had Gump a noshow which made things much easier for Demaris, who took a 1-1-1 sweep of all three motos in the day's program and combined with his pre· vious day's tally of 2-6-2 took the ollerall in the class (2-6-2-1-1·1) to beat Tobias (6-1-3-4-2-2) and Nevada's David Eakin won the 30-40 Pro class at the Fifth Annual Northwest Over The Hill Gang National in Albany. Oregon. Harry McMahan who nabbed third via 3-4-5-3-3-3 finishes. The weekend's best racing carne in the six 30-40 Pro moLOS. Eakin and Leach dueled in moto one until Leach crashed and gave Eakin an easy win over Kawasaki riders Dan Summerlin and Gary Beaver and KTM speedster Tim Sullivan. Moto two again saw Eakin out front of Sullivan, exmotocross Pro Chris Washburn and Tom Pilcher. Leach came from last to third and took advantage of a crash by both Eakin ,and Sullivan to take the moto win over Eakin. Moto three was all Eakins for a 1-2·1 tally in the day's program to lead Leach and Summerlin. Sunday had the Honda CR250 of Eakin back out front in what was the fourth mow of the class. Leach again suffered from a miserable start, but after several laps had carved into the number two spot, 'where he would finish behind Eakin, but ahead of Sullivan, Beaver and Pilcher. Leach came back to land moLO five laurels and was pumped about the possibility of winning the sixth moto. In order for Leach to nab the overall class win, however, Eakin would have to finish fifth or worse. Leach did manage to bag the moto win for a 2·1·1 tally for Sunday, but combined with his 7·1-2 tally from Saturday, the overall win and a healthy chunk of the $1000 Pro purse went the way of Eakin after posting incredible 1-2-11-3-4 rides. Leach nabbed second with 7-1-2-2-1-1 finishes while third fell to Summerlin (2-3-3-7-2-3) over Sullivan (4-4-7-3-4-2) and Beaver, who took fifth via 3-6-4-4-9-5 rides. Results OVER 30 PRO: 1. Dava ~kin; 2. 80b Leach; 3. Dan Summerlin. OTHG EX: 1. Dale Damari.; 2. Mike Tobia.; 3. Harry McMahan. . OTHG INT: 1. Doug Wiley; 2. Doug Snider; 3. Ray Groiuaint. OTHG NOV: 1. Ken Porter; 2, John Collum; 3. Gary Eave•. OT EX: 1. Doug Rhay; 2. Bill Naylor; 3. leRoy Smith. OT INT: 1. Ray Fisher; 2. John Foeckler; 3. Georga Lew. OT NOV: 1. Dan McCarthy; 2. Paul Butl...; 3. Norm DuVall. MINI SUPPORT: 1. Harry McMahan Jr.; 2. Tony DuVall; 3. Ryan Leach. 260 SUPPORT: 1. Bryan Summerlin; 2. Ray 3. Eric Law. 126 SUPPORT: 1. Rick Aldriga; 2. Jeff DuVall; 3. Men Prutch. Green sweeps Sidewinders TT By Clay Light CLACKAMAS, OR, JULY II National Number 24 Randy Green turned in the most sensational performance thus far in the AMA Disuict 28 Professional TT season by making a clean sweep of the 250-500cc and Open Pro-Am classes, starting out with time trials, heat races and finally capturing both Pro main events at the Sidewinders TT. Green's first feat came in time trials, when he posted a blistering 14.60on his 250cc water-cooled Honda in 250-50Occ Qualifying on the fastest night of racing in the season. Green came back to shatter tbe clocks with a 14.27 on his 600cc Honda to beat former National Number 20 Brad Hurst's 1982 track record. National number holder Kirk Strong posted second fastest time with a 14.52 LO edge out Donald Wilson (14.53) and Honda-mounted Danny Bennett, who was fourth fastest at 14.63. Amateur racing was the best it's been all season as an overflow of riders in the Open ranks made for a spectacular I2-rider, 12-lap main event. Sitting on the pole was Yamaha YZ490-mounted David Anderson, who at the green light shot into the lead followed by similar mounted Steve Horsley and one of two females in the evening's program, Yamaha-mounted Becky Schnieder. Through traffic came Pro-Am rider Gerry Ouo, aboard one of two 250cc two strokes in the main. Otto suffered a miserable stan but had picked his way to third with three laps to go and nabbed both Anderson and Horsley late in the final for the win. After breezing to impressive heat race wins on the Woodland Honda/ Simpson/Megacycle Hondas, Green's next task were the accompanying main events. In the 256/500cc Pro-Am finals it was National Number 55, John Wincewicz, nabhipg the lead on the Lou KiniSh Yamaha with Del Schnitzer on a Honda and Green dose behind. Each of the trio took 35

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