Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 07 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Defending 125cc World Champion Pekka Vehkonen is Finland's second MX world title holder; Heikki Mikkola won four titles in the 19708. Interview: 125cc World Champion 'eldea Vehkonen Following Heikki Mikkola's footsteps By Wil De Clercq In 1985, Pekka Vehkonen became the second motocross, World Champion to hail from Finland, a country which has produced plenty of world class talent but besides- the mighty Heikki Mikkola (1974, 1977 1978 _ 500 c and 1976 c. , - 250cc World Champion) never succeeded in landing top . . . honors tn European GP competition. . Vehkonen proved to be the revel~tlon of the 1983, 125cc Grand Pnx season when he nailed down a fourth place overall aboard a works Yamaha. Wh.e~ Yamaha pulled out of GP competition 10 1984, Pekka found a nde with the Italian motorcycle company, Caglva, and was labeled the odds-onfavorite along with Michele Rinaldi to win the 125cc world title. However, a serious practice accident in Finland saw him sid~lined for anumber of mont~s resulttng tn a wrue-off season - still, Vehkonen managed a 14th overall with continued support from Cagiva for the 1985 season. Their faith in the talented little Finn was not mIsplaced - he bounced back to win the I25cc World ChamplOnshlp after a season-long duel Wlt.~ the young Dutch upstart, Dave StrlJbos. We're certain you must be tired of hearing this, but without the infantile behavior of Strijbos in Germany, you wouldn't have been World Champion. Would you care to give us a comment? You're right, I am tired of hearing about il. What can I say? Motocross titles are won in more ways than one. Dave screwed up in Germany because he didrft abide by the rules, and yes, I did win the title because of his one mistake. It could have been something else that made him lose and people would have said I won only because of that mistake. I don't feel I need to apologize for the way I won. In reality we both won the same number of motos and also DNF the same number of motos. Believe me, I'm the first one to admit that the whole affair is one sad happening because it does, without question throw a cloud over my winning the title. Do you feel personally then that you are the true I25cc World Champion? Yes I certainly do - I have no doubts in my mind about it whatsoever. You're only the second Finn to win a world motocross title. How were you received back home when you were declared World Champion? It was fantastic, I never attended so many parties in my life. Also, even Vehkonen: .....yes. I did win the title because of his (Davey Strijbos) one mistake. It does throw a cloud over my winning the title." though my country has always had many good riders in the past, my becoming World Champion has had a very positive influence on the younger generation of riders. More and more of my countrymen are finding their way back onto the GP circuit and not without respectable results. This year the 125cc World Championship will go down between the Finns and the Dutch. Mike Kouki and my brother Ismo are right in there with me against Strijbos and John Van Den Berk. Do you find yourself riding for the honor of your country? It has a lot to do with il. I wanted very badl y to become the second rider after Heikki Mikkola to bring a world title back to Finland. You left Finland to take up residence in Andorra. Why the move? Mainly because of taxation reasons and because it's a little more central to the GP circuit than Finland. I still ride wi th a Finnish license and also return regularly to contest the NatiOnal Championship. Have you won any National titles? I won the I25cc National Championship in 1982 and 1983. In 1984 I didn't have a chance because of a bad leg injury which also kept me from most of theGPs - 1985 wasof course dedicated mainly to winning the World Championship. In Europe most of the importance has always been placed on the 500cc class by both public and factories alike. How important is winning the I25cc World Championship? I think it's as important as the 500 or the 250. Of course, most riders feel it necessary to progress to the 5OOs, and at any given time, you find the most experienced European riders in that class but that doesn't mean it's that much harder to win a 500cc title. In the past the factories considered the 500cc class the most important, but now rhey'rt' .rartinR [0 pay renewt'rl allention to the 125 and 2505. I believe it's a matter of record that more I25cc bikes are being sold now than 500s or 250s. Are you moving up to the 2505 and 500s? Eventually 1 think I will because it's the thing to do over here. You now have your number-one rival Strijbos on team Cagiva. How do you feel about that? Actually, we only have the Cagiva works bikes in common. Dave has his own independent team just as I have my own. Because of the controversy around us last year many people seem to think we can't stand each other but that's not the case. Do you get along well with Strijbos? Sure, why not? Of[ the circuit we're friendly enough but once we're racing it's of course every man for himself. Does Cagiva hope to ensure a 1-2 finish in the 125cc World Championship by employing the number one and two from last year? It makes sense doesn't it? Cagiva has put a lot of effort into its motocross competition and it has paid of£. Right now the works bikes they're putting out are 100% better ilian last year. This will also mean better production bikes for the general markel. Any plans to compete in the U.S.? There's been some discussion about it at Cagiva to send me over there after the GP season is over. It would be mainly to promote their bikes. Does that mean you don't expect to do well against the Americans? Not exactly - I make no illusions about ilie Americans - they're very tough and they have different circuits from what I'm used to. Can you repeat as World Champion this year? I can only try and do my best - it's my job. I know it will be harder than last year, not only is Strijbos riding very strong but also John Van Den Berk has come into the competition. We will see what happens.. •

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