Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 07 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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THE GOOD NEWS IS TBEBrS MeRE NEWS. THE BAD NEWS IS ..1JST FOR elJR OOMPE1lneN It'. TrIIe! You ~an Have AT"Ne..,. DeUvered To Your Ho.e Every Other Week! NOW YOU CAN GET. MORE RACE COVERAGE lH:ORE NEW PRODUCTS MORE PLACES TO RIDE Mickey Pentoney 12p) I_ds Todd Wolfe 136) end ~rry ~bontel60) in 126cc Expert action at Trail-Wily Speedway. Todd Stith won. ~RE NEWS WHILE IrS Huston sweeps at Trail-Way MJC STILL NEWS-NOT HISTORY! By Paul Willis HANOVER, PA, JUNE 15 John Huston, Jr. put on a show of motocross mastery, sweeping both Open Expert motos at the AMA District 7 A TV N.w. ha. juat lapped the competition by charging ahead and bringing you TWICE a. many _ _ ofaxc:iting, timely and Infor· mative coverqe of all that'. newa ~mlng All Tarrain Vahlel... To reeeiving A TV News every other week juat fiR out tha coupon billow and mall it in today. You'U be _red of a first place finl.h In _rt ATVc_~. ____ .Subscription Coupon/Order Form- - - - I 0 YES! Send me one full year (25 issues) of ATV NEWS I I for only $13.00! I I 0 I want to SAVE MONEY! Send me two years (50 issues) I of ATV NEWS for only -$23.00 - $27.00 off the I I newsstand price! I I I NAME I I (please print clearty) I I ADDRESS I I I I CITY STATE _ _ ZIP I I PHONE ---,----_______ I I I I Please check box I o Payment enclosed I 0 MasterCard 0 Visa ' _" " I I 0 Bill me I f_l I Charge Customers: I We must have complete : account number & card expiration date : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Card expires Date of this order I Signature I Canada, Mexico and all other foreign countrie. - 1 year, 2nd I cia••• $27.00 (U.S. Funds). Firat class and airmail rate. available I upon request. I 0 This is a renewal I I Plea.e mall to: A'I'fl••111$ ~ P,O, Box 1030 I Long Beach. CA 90801-1030 I I 01' cal (213) 696-4753 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 64 L ::.- ----------~--~-~--' . Expert points event at Trail-Way Speedway. Brian Wastier grabbed the holeshot in the first Open Expert moto, but Huston quickly took COlT'mand and set a blistering pace that the other riders were hard-pressed lo match. jeff Russo, Pete Shinault and jedd Mercer seuled·intoagreat threeway baule for second. As Huston ran away with the win, Russo was able lo hold onto second for most of the moto. Mercer made a late charge, and on the last lap, passed Russo to take second. Brimming with confidence, HusLOn nailed the holeshot in the second Open Expert moLO, and never had a reason LO look back. He was a picture of perfect motocross technique, and his competition could barely keep him in sight. Russo and Mercer resumed their fight for second, and Russo held the early advamage. Mercer forced his Yamaha past Russo on the third lap, and set out after the leader. But even though there was plenty of time left in the 30-minute moLO, Huston was not about to be caught. Mercer rode hard, and took a welldeserved second. Russo held on to a distant third. Todd Stith claimed his self-ported Yamaha is the fastest 125 in the area, and he had '!n opportunity to prove it in the first 125cc Expert molO. Trying too hard lo get an advantage at the gate, Stith blew the start. "I was watching the starter's leg," he said. "I jumped a little too quick and went under the gate." By the time Stith got lO the first tum, the pack was already in the back section of the track. Out in front was Todd Wolfe, heavily pressured by Mickey Pentaney and Kurtis Barron. Wolfe tried hard to hold off Pentoney, but Pentoney triumphed and soon opened up a comfortable lead. But all eyes were on Stith, who had charged from a distant last place lo fifth in two lapsl Pentoney· stretched out his lead even more, leaving Wolfe in second. Stith continued his drive to the front, passing Barron to move into third. Taking the white flag, Pentoney looked unbeatable, holding a censid- erable advantage over WoJ( and Stith. Stith out-cornered Wolfe in the grandstand area to take second, and then set out after the leader. It appeared that Pentoney would win easily, but a faulty rear sprocket caused his chain to break in the next-to-last tum, leavin~ him with a 75-yard push to the f!Dish line. Stith cruised by to take the win, shaking his head in disbelief. WoJ(e and Barron took second and third before Pentoney pushed across the line for fourth. Pentonev claimed the holeshot in the second 125cc Expert molO, with Ted Orr. Rick Pinney, Jr. and Stith hot on his heels. Pentoney quickly opened up a four-second lead, but Stith just as quickly passed Pinney and Orr, and began to dose on the Kawasaki-mounted leader. On the fourth lap, Stith passed Pentoney for the lead, but he couldn't shake his opponent. Pen toney kept the pressure on, and then took advantage of a last-lap bobble by Stith to take the lead and the molO win. But Stith's second was good enough lo dinch the overall. Results 125 A: 1. Todd Stith; 2. Mickey Pentoney; 3. Todd Wolfe. 25OA: 1. Ricky Pinney Jr.; 2. MickeyPentoney; 3. Wade MethltWll. OPEN A: 1. John Huston Jr.. 2. Jeff Mercer; 3. Jeff Russo. 125 B: 1. Andre Harper; 2. Bradley McClelland; 3. Jim Chiasson. 125 C: 1. David Allan; 2. Richard Calp; 3. Walter Humphreys. 250 B: 1. John S u _ ; 2. Scoll Cooney; 3. \ Oerrin Younker. 250 C: 1. Tom Heitehue; 2. Derek Huzzy; 3. BredleyWe..ler. SR: 1. Donald Morningogr; 2. Peul Dziwenowoki; 3. Art Roeper. SUP SR: 1. Mitchell Willis; 2. Fred Rathert; 3. _Arbuthnot. 80 SA A: 1. Rodney BI• . 80 SR B: 1. Lee Schmelyun; 2. W. Randy R _ ; 3. Arth ... Roeper. Atldns, Sayers spit Smoky WIt. MJC By Terry Cook PIGEON FORGE, TN, JUNE 29 Randy Atkins' on a Kawasaki and Rusty Sayers (Honda) battled it out here Sunday as both riders entered two classes. In the first 125cc B molO, Atkins pulled the holeshot. and with Sayers in hot pursuit, left the other riders in the dust. Atkins took the first-moto win, and Sayers finished second by a bike1ength. In the second moto, Sayers grabbed the holeshot and held an early lead. Atkins relentlessly chased Sayers until midway through the moto, when he found daylight and gassed his Kawasaki past Sayers. Atkins held on to win the 125cc B over-

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