Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hoover on the fifth of seven laps. It was Hoover, Andy Stacy, B.C.'s Darren Poulsen and Zecca transferring to the final. Yamaha-mounted AJlan Dyc1uook the lhird qualifier as a formality,leading it wire-to-wire. Ro Pederson did exactly the same in the next and last qualifier. Dyck was chased in by Mario Paqueue, Tom Carson and Jerr Sutherland; Pederson by Mark McLaren, Darren Sharuga and Steve Vis er. Guy Cooper wa again only one SPOI orr lhe qualifying group in the lasl qualifier aft r a fall pushed him back LO 18th pOlan the firsllap. He thus had LO pUl up a fighl, once again, in semi-final action. Cooper led the firs I oflhree semis all the way. Second was Quebec' 16-year-old sensation Carl Vaillancourt, third SIeve Visser and fourth ttphane Alarie. David Rudnicki won the second semi, leading Michael Robinson, Richard Sirois and Ontario' Pal Basledo. Arnaud Bernard landed a win in lhe third one, in fraOlofGlen Hoar, Ted Van Nestand Randolph, MassachusellS' John Camelio Jr. Brent Shury won lhe con olalion and lhe 251h and lasl SpOl inlo the final. Allhe start of the final, Allan Dyck again ShOl ahead. Thi Lime. though, LOp Canadian Ro s Peder on wa not on hi rear fender. The locky Albertan was a few SPOIS ba k coming out of the fir I comer and third behind Guy Cooper after on full lap. The trio was followed by D ug Hoover, Arnaud Bernard, Mario Paquette, Carl Vaillancourt, Jos Waddinglon and Tom Carson. On a track covered with deep ruts, Guy Cooper got out of shape on a short straightaway, leading lhe frqOl runners LO langle all across the track. Ross Pederson gOl out of the mess relatively clean, while Glen Nicholson slipped lhrough 10 take fourth. place. Allan Dyck was 'stretching his lead over Guy Cooper on the second lap, with Pederson, Nicholson, Paqueue, Hoover, McLaren and Tom Carson in LOW. Atthe halfway point,theorder was identical for the first three, bUl Doug Hoover had taken fourth place (rom Nicholson, who was now chased by Carson and Andy Stacy. BUlthe best battle, by far, piued Guy Cooper against Ross Pederson. The Canadian, seeing the seconds ticking away and his chances of a fifth Montreal win getting slimmer, was pounding on Cooper with all he had. The Oklahoma rider would have nothing of that, of course. Still, Pederson found a way around Cooper on lhe 12th lap. Relentlessly, Cooper fought back, and in the last corner of the last lap, the two were side-by-side. Pederson had the inside line, and Cooper had to go around lwo riders who were SlOpped on the course. He crossed lhe line inches behind the Albertan. Dyck had taken the checkers almosl 10 seconds earlier. Jeff W.rcI Nabs Color. . ISOCe AMA N8tIonaI Motocrou with BeI-Rq + Me-, Rudy Renfrow Domlnatel Br.incrcl, MN AMA F-' N.tlon.' ReNd Race with Bel-R.y To beat the toughest competition and survive grueling conditions, champions like Jeff Ward and Randy Renfrow go with Bel-Ray. Formulated with the finest base stocks and additives, MC-l + delivers the power to get you out in front and the film strength and heat stability to keep you there. Isn't that were you want to be? Bel-Ray. The best is all we do. BEL-RAY COMP~ INC.· P.o. Box 526· Farmingdale, NJ 07727 Results FRIDAV: 1. Roa -.on (Yaml; 2. Allan Dydt Guy e-(Hon); 4. Doug _IHon); 5. Tom Cwoon lHon~ 8. Arn.ud Bernard (Hon); 7. A,.."., Stacy (Hon); 8. Glen Nichol-. (Yom); 9. Jeff Surwall (Kawt; 10. Joo Waddington (Hon); 11. Br.nt Shury (Hon~ 12. St_ Vi_ (Hon); 13. M.rIt Mclaren (Kaw); 14. Ted V.n Neot (Hon); 15. Jeff Sutherland (Hon); 111. Bred King (SUI); 17. Dave IIemy (Kaw); 1B. Cor. V.iII.ncoun (Honl; 19. Barry F.rg&aon (KTM): 20. Glen Ho.r IHonl; 21. Richard SirDia (Honl; 22. SCott Wilson (Hon); 23. Doug Brown (Kaw); 24. T.J. Bryk (Hon); 25. Serge Gregoire ( SATURDAV: 1. Allan Dyck (Vam); 2. Ross Peder· son IY.m); 3. Guy Cooper (Honl; 4. Doug Hoover (Honl; 5. Glen Nicholson (Yom): 8. Andy Stacy (Honl; 7. Tom C.rlon (Hon); St..... Viner(Hon): 9. . Jos Waddington IHonl; 10. Jeff Surw.1I /Kaw); 11. Ted Von Nelt (Hon); 12. David Rudnicki (SUI); 13. Darren Sharuga ISuzl; 14. Richerd Sirois (Honl: 15. Glen Hoar (Hony, 16. Mark NcLoren (Kawl: 17. Pot a.stedo (Yom); lB. Corl V.illancoun IHon); 19. Michael Robinson (SUz); 20. John Camelio Jr. (Hon); 21. Brent Shury (Hon); 22. Arnaud Bernord (Hon); 23. AI.rie (Vaml; 24. Mario Pa· quette lHanI; 25. D.rren Poulsen (SUI). POINT STANDINGS: 1. Ross P_rson (72~ 2. Allan Dyck 1651; 3. Doug Hoover 1531; 4. Glen Nicholoon (37); 5. Stove Viller (311; 8. Jeff Surw.1I (231; 7. Arnaud Bernard (19); B. (TIE) Brent Shury/Tad V.n -(17); 10. OWren Sharug. (IS). (Y.m~ 3. CA" J_ ,....Cat.".... ~ TlnIIIt ........ %7, 111 O/A DAVE IEII1ItAII HlIIIly Am 2l1li O/A TERRY CII••IGIIAII H..q Am IIETlELER IImElfR . . . .,. J50"......, &duro A..... ON"-Y U, Ist O/A a. 1st O/A 2l1li O/A J_ TERRY CUNNINGHAM Husky AUlD IImElfR • . . . . N.,.,.., End_ ~, LA • ., 25, J" TERRY CUNfMGIIAM H..q AIIlD IImElfR RANDY HAWKINS Husky 250 WR IImElfR METZELER~ 4520 107th S.W. #1 Where it Counts 11800) 433-3960 ~ Everett. WA 98204 206) 348 4000 27

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