Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; C"---Clefl&d trophies went to winners Scott Wolfersberger. MIutl Hyde. Tom Buc:Ides. Fred Hoea. Jeff Dawson. Kent Stenley. Herry Greenlee. , Fritz Kadlec (ebow) finished second lit High Mountein Here Scramble behind Husqvem8 teenvnete Merit Hyde. (Below) FII'lIt tum ection. AMA National Championship Hare Scrambles Series: Round 6 Hyde hot at High Mountain By Dennis Zurawski Jr. ST. JOHN'S, PA. JUNE I Team Husqvarna rider Mark Hyde took the overall victory at the High Mountain Dirt Riders National Hare Scramble aboard a 430 Automatic, followed by Husky teammates Fritz Kadlec and Fred Hoess, who finished second and third overall respectively. When the green flag dropped, 14 sending off the Open A and 250cc A classes, Can-Am's john Martin took the holeshot and led in the early stages of lap one. Martin was followed by a slew of other riders incl uding Hyde, Kadlec, Hoess, Can-Am's Geoff Ballard, Husky rider Mike Keen, and Yamaha-mounted Scott Plessinger. Immediately off the start it was a blistering pace. Mark Hyde later said "1£ we all kept up that pace, no one would have finished." The first lap speUed trouble for Ballard. In the first turn from the start Ballard got caught in the middle of the pack and someone ran into the side of his knee, causing it to "go numb for a while." Later in lap one, Ballard hit a rock on a powerline section causing him to fall hard and bend up his bike. Ballard explained, "I fell, and the shock from the fall caused sweat to spray the inside of my goggles and my bars got bent downward and I couldn't bang them up." Meanwhile, Hyde and Hoess were getting into the groove and had some serious racing going on. "Fred and I changed places a few times and we had ome good racing out there," stated Mark Hyde. As the rider came around to finish the Can-Am team finished in fifth lap one, Keen held a 15-second lead and sixth places overall. over Martin. It was 10 seconds later High Mountain's 10.5-mile course when Hyde appeared with Plessintested 161 riders. The course was ger, Tony Hendon and Hoess hot on composed of tight, rocky trails, linked his heels. together by sections of powerline and During lap two Hyde took the lead two tunnels which crossed under the as Keen dropped back into sixth Interstate. Mark Hyde explained how overall. Plessinger moved into first he rides the rocks, saying "You can't 250cc A, second overall at the end of go too fast that you get flats or fall," lap two, 54 seconds behind Hyde. Six which is exactly how he rode to capseconds later, Hoess limped into the tUTe the win. Martin said "The rocks pits with a flat tire. Hoess was on his were a challenge," and, disappointed way two and one-half minutes later, with his finish, added. "Today I new wheel and all, but now almost failed to meet the challenge. If I lived four minutes away from Hyde. Keen, here all my life I sure wouldn't ride Martin, Hendon and Kadlec all got motorcycles, [because of the rocks] I by Hoess. Leader Hyde explained "I would play golf or softball- but not got a good rhythm going, far enough basketball. " ahead so the other riders couldn't see Other riders turning in good scores me, allowing me to run my own pace." 'were Tom Buckles, on a Husqvarna Hoess had his work cutout for him four-stroke. Buckles battled with starting lap three. Hyde increased his Honda-mounted Scott Summers until lead to 90 seconds and Plessinger conSummers' rear sprocket disintegrated. tinued to hold off the other top riders. As Summers changed sprockets, Kadlec moved into third overall with Buckles passed him and went on to Hendon a bilrth called a "technical course, with much the drive, the ride and the work it tight woods and rough stuff, but with took to get this trophy. It's really plenty of places to pass," continued nice." Each class winner also received to keep his pace despite falling twice a High Mountain National T-shirt during this lap. "I fell twice on the diat had Class Winner printed on fifth lap, but the automatic didn't them. stall and I dido't get hurt," said Because of riders still coming to Hyde. Hendon, in this spot, had the track, the start was delayed about Hoess in hot pursuit. Hoess pulled to 15 minutes. The race started at 12:20 within eight seconds of Hendon, setp.m., and stopped after six laps at ting up a final-lap shootout. Martin 3:22 p.m. • dropped off the pace but still held Results fifth overall, and 47 seconds behind OPEN A: 1. Mork Hydo(HuII; 2. Fritz KlIdloc(HuII; was teammate Ballard. Ballard fell a 3. Geoff 8ollord (C-AI. second time, bending his bars back 250 A; 1. Fred Hoe.. (HUll; 2. Tony Hendon (Yom); 3. John Mortin (C-AI. into place; he was now trying to catch 200 A: 1. Kent Sl8nley (KlIw); 2. Jeff Miller (Kow); up whatever time he could. 3. Bred Sells (KlIwI. 125 A: 1. Jeff Oowson (HuI); 2. Cloronce Wolf As the spectators peered through (Han); 3. Merk Griggl (Han). the trees, Hyde cruised to the finish 4-STRK: 1. Tom Bucklol (HUll: 2. Ricky Gutlholl (Han); 3. Scott Summers (Han). line holding a two-minute, 54-second SR A: 1. Scott Wolferlberger (KTM); 2. John Foro lead over teammate Kadlec. Kadlec (C-AI; 3. Terry Meoler (HuI). got a flat tire five miles from the fin55: 1. Harry Greenle. (Han); 2. Charles Galbreith (HuI); 3. Jeff Smith IC-AI. ish, but said it was nor a factor. One OPEN B; 1. Cliff Tenney (HUll: 2. IIkko Jolalkori minuteand 20 seconds behind Kadlec (C-AI: 3. Kelly Gorosky (KTMI. 250 B: 1. Scan Cohpkovich (Suz): 2. Bob Andercame 250cc A class winner and third son (KTM); 3. Bill Sohosky (Hus). place overall Hoess, who edged out 200 B: 1. Robert Joneski (Yom); 2. Andy Billmo (Kowl; 3. Randy Henninger (Kowl. Hendon on the la t lap by the slim SR B: 1. Jomes Monzick (Yom); 2. Gry Doerr (Soz). margin of 15 seconds. Ballard got by 125 B: 1. Ken Mot_ (Kowl: 2. Williom Chi_ teamma,u;, Marti~

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