Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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STATOR REPAIR Fer - ,. . . . t 'lI t • • • II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-cyWor . . . . . . C81Y SS..-. , . .XS15l1 XS85It7l.•. We _ COl 2 cycIo . . . . -llirt lib 14Hl1 ArrM. F _ . CA 92335. 1IIlII DIRT TRACK TIRES AI AIW:IIli SEIIVlCE - CIIIIIo Din T'" T_ AU .......... 1I/51.S _ 2lJ.S lor _ _ We lIoiIy So. Cal Franchised Dealetship Low overhead. btow-out location and lease; Gross over one million ,n 1982...retoring. call (6191 4230073 days or after 7 p.m. (6191479-3209_ (20lTFN) VlSA/.C KUJIIlI • C.O.D. 0,.. .fri. f.5 2llOlI s,rioIi SL '5........ City. CA !MOI3. (lOll) 551·7755. . . . . CA (415) 381-&259. L--(714) 829-3084----' 1985 YZ250N E_ra IIeIIdlens O_O....r BIlEYUY YAIIAIlA.IIt. - Y _ 1 Y_ Tri_.I1110 -.-.r. ,.rlIl_ u.s. Hatiot - ....-(lit. . . . ,ott? ColI .. ups lIoiIy. 11 B35 _ 114). . . . ....,.... OH 44133. (21') 237-4ti4J. ..,c·-,--...,.,---_r1I. EJMIor. IlIIclIIns -fay .. _ JART ~ AI, - 15 uy ..,. -1IsotI a- ..... S•• 1210 •. J SL.S•. H. . . . . . CA 92807. (714) &&1·11131. Must sell. w~e having baby. "350. AI"" WP shock. (123) used three times. 5200. (714) 351·4046. 1986 Suzuki RM250 Bike is stock and flawlass. "500. (714) 499·3555. (323/24) 1985 KDX200. GOOD CONDITION. stored sinca Decamber 19B5• • 900/OBO. (714) 870·9668. (123/241 Bolt " - I S.lYicl V-Max Exhaust System by D8aD Extra hp/torque. chrIblk. (800) 327-1109. (223/TFN) Kawasaki Triple Crankshafts H2s rebuilt. $175 exchange. H1s and aU others. $150 exchange. call (205) 677·7141 after 4 p.m. CST or writa: D.mon Kirkland. Rt. 3. Box 224-"Dothan. AL 36301. (323/EF1I311 Engine BuiIlIing ..d R.pair TAP·EX CO. - . - _4ioiotep ..... _ - ". . .1. . EZ_ .....,.. .... U.S.I _ic tllre_ _ iaslIIetI. 1.., oonic•• _ ,.rlI. 1125 W. 1_. Ga.... CA 10249. (213) 323-3134. CUSTOM MABUFACTUREO CYU.OER U.ERS. Prelolypo 2 Cyclo . ' - . 0 - ......... _ bIiu ....... Works, ..... 720 ......111 242. Gr-'" OR 97030. (5031 &&7·5224. & t..p C.rtificllBs Exhaust laSARO I U.DERWOOO -321 E. Hwy.. la H••• (213) &91·0553 or (714) 179-1252. lIulity HOlDA ...... soni... plrts & _re_ .iII.. 1!I4&. Op•• 7 days. _k. 3 oril.. _ 0157 Frwy. AJRCOIE boilds . _ . _ kits or pip.. 10 ,our .,.CI. CDIIIpI... custom ...taI turinti... and pllting slI.... lieul, Cbr_. Br.... C_r. Gold Plot· iot d....' ...iI. 5901 Elllroid A.... l .. V••••• IV 89122.702145&-4177. '-* *KTM 1 Husky1 Maico-ODOs* We have drive kits and Japanese odo heads for all European bikes and most MXers. Retail only COUNTDOWN (818) 348·8381. (231/ALT) 1986 Yamaha YZ125S Super clean, hardly ridden. four months old, need the money•• l 100. (6191722·78920r(7141738· 1067. (323/24) British Pins Tennessee Diller P.rts for Tr"~, ...... or BSA. . - - . . _k • USA. S......- _ ..,. COD. _rCan! or VISA. ColI (100) 527·5544, is REES MOTORS - BMW & Co.·"", c~ plrts, ..... & .. r';••. 21 yaon •• BMW doolor....1oioI ..,. C.p1... re..jlll ....... UPS Aily Vi.. 10 M IC. 101 .MIitt 51.. SItaIIytiH•• TI 371&0. (&15) &84-2953. TOU FREE' - _ 01 (405)717.3440. E. . C"IoI_rts, ..... 1925 Ia. ......-. ~ City. 01 73127. Ohio O.aIer ACTIO. SPORT CYCUs. IIC. - s... & ' • . ,..1 EDDIE LAWSON'S FACTORV KR250. restored to championship condition. Also many extra KR part., possible delivery. '6500. (2151867· 7940. (123) Precise Crankwork We are crankbuilders for the Motorcycle Industryl We can untwist, true, weld. stroke, regrind or do anything else to any crank. When all you do are crankshafts, , , you have to do them rightl Falicon Performance, 2041 Range Rd" Clearwater, FL 33575. (813) 461·4161. call or write for catalog. (245/EOI/TFN) 1982 Ducati 90055 Only 7000 miles, Hailwood fairing, 40mm Delonos, 2/1 pipe. Amola cams. '3995. (803) 295-4500 days. (8031 296-0801 evenings. (123/24) Frlme Str.ighlBaillll THE_ Al ..... ".. _ FIlAIIE SHOP - .... 1auII ... _I_parlI&_Din S.' . Fu. Dli. Hi- ~ 1·1i. V_. OH 44101. (21') 121-1177. Pr--.. ..... .,.. ....... CeoopIetI __ l11li. 5 ./e. Visa I UPS TIIen. 1-1. T.... ..... Fri...... SoL 1-4. 113331. UeiIe. ...... Cr_ SIIeft . . . . - ................................. .., ...... _...,.. FAUC. PERFII-.cE E.Ii. - We _ _ ... • /C - , . We ..... .. _ ...., F.... Porl. 2141 IWL a-. _ . Fl33li7&.(1l3)4Il....7. ColI. _ _ ...... _ IKiity ".. 11074 .... ".._.1 S _ . CA F_ SIl.,llI•• ORJOtIlIS- ....... _ . .... _ .... S1ICllloo-1 (714) 113- i., It's Illegal '11 _ _ llaulI_.·1I ' ..... ... ATY'._ ....... I • ..,..1524·A· . . . . . . hot St.. Ceoiaa. CA 81722. (III) 332·1511. That·. what they Mid throughout the ~ n Stilt. '78 Triumph 760 Silver Jubilee AI MW. _ - . . _ion. blue on lIreywith red trim. A .... Ihowpi«e. Mlling 86249 (canlldian). (123) (619) 289-6139. Simons Sale - while stock lasts e-- E1IIHI. T..... DYlD TUIIIIG - bIlao ..../,.utiae/,....., c:a.,IotI--. . . ., parII! -Sal. _ _ a. T 14411 V_ __ CA 814Z3. (Ill) . 711-2211. HHiH PEIIFO.-uc:E H.1met S.rvic. BEll HEUHTS W_ ~ - , e-r-Sonic lIIay ........ _ .................... _IF ouiIlI .... pria ....... ColI e - sna .... _ _ 7 .... I 5 .... _.,TIIen. at (213) 121·14li1 _ _ _I ea.r..... wa - ",/_ *'I1hIII/ ATV/.parII!_ Eae-1IMeI .....1 1., _. ...1 _ IlTII IIIIoIparII! lIPS lIoiIy. 7MlI E. ~. _ "7. Sal. 1-1. 1213) PElF. CYCU ....... .I·.-J. ./e'" We..-_ _ - ./e. "·L ...... CAUFOMlA. 1M . . . ,. _ eyclo .....,_ (714) 811-&222.1213) 137-17&1. P.O. . . 3871. ...... CAI2II3. Fork kits *49.95 - 7g.'83 Suzuki••11; '81·'83 Yamaha YZiIT. moat in _ ; ·Bl··83 Hondll125. Simon. 38mm lork parta (e.c.", M.I.I 5O'll. off. Simon. linka lor 'B3 HoncIII 250/480. t74. Ohlin shocko: .ingle .hockllor .11 off·road. lingle adju.· t.. (rabound only). *326; str_ lingle .hoc:ka lor VF700. '84 VFlooo. GS700E/ES .nd GI'z9OO. *360. Str_ dull piggyback, 5239. Str_ Emotion. "-38. AlIIhock prices include opringo. Buy a twin·edjuster shock and an anti-cevitator kit and get 10% off total. We ... now re·Y.hring '88 _ Y.m.h• •hocks. SIMONS. 2670 Laghorn St.. View. CA 94043. (416) 982·8899. (223/28) ** ** Nationals .nd et the World Mini GP about Kyle Lewi.· SO Racing CRIO. A ported cylinder•• Nt 01 Pro-Tenoion R _••nd .' F i _ Exhaust Sys. tam is ell it took for Kyle to _ e the ~• tion on his CRIO. LEGALLYI You too can " - the "IHag_I" H . . . - _ that Kyle he. with tile simple iMtaIlation of SO Racing'• •11 MW "Fire_ r " Motor P.c:klllI". Buy individually or SAVE .100 on complete Kyl. Lewis Replica Package. SO RACING. 6082 801M A..... #108. Humington Beach. CA 92849. (714) 81lfl..8813. (223/24) 500cc CHAMPION YAMAlIA. AXTELL. Dellorto. extr... clean. r _ reedy. 82000. (803) 224-6347. (323/26) '82 YAMAHA Yl490. FIVE SPEED TRANS. _ e lOP end. tIInk, " , , _ . etc. Set up for _ . many e.tra•. Runs a.e,ome, never quits, 8750/080. (2131 598·4943. (323) • 'I RZ360 13 hp incr..... 20 It.. lighlar than -,'wide _band.4 .-.._.nd center standi, .199 indu*, four aluminum silencers. R6-RD 260/360/400 Daytona ..........,.._._-....... e-&lileT'" .....,...,.. .•: I'" .....TEC -lie .................... __ _ ....... II • . . , . (714) 731-1131. (213) 117-1li1. 212lia1oiai. . . . CA 12121. .176 incl.-.- .lumil...m ........ Maico .....cycIn Kawasaki H 1/H 11 5210 incl.- aluminum lilencaro.nd~. Vi. ./Mat....rd. FACTORY PIPE PRODUCTS, 818-A WoughIMw.lJliah. CA96482. (707)463-1322. (223/TFNI W WEST IW:IIli - IIaiaIMI , . . ... _ • ... bIlao / ~· ...... AI Eeue I I ro,eiue& 1!141 C .... lIIIiI A. F--. CA 12133. (714) 52I-lI241. '85 Husky 600XC PSI's not only Ready to Race- c...P..... SUPERBlIES BY scorr ...... 1 FICIIfy "...--.yI s,.cilliziuil • _ ..,...,.. _n__ lumber Plates II . F. .. _ ~ . . . . . _ . Scllt 1IaoIelIenY. (714) Il1O-5214. BUFFAlO .U.BER PlATES - _ ...... I lor_.ycIo IATY'•. ..., lIirttnch ill. S- sa"'. 1207""'" St.. u..-. CA!I455ll ColI M., (415) 443-7012. ~~ ---READ~S-- 74 the first to know! WE'RE READY TO WIN'" HOT PIPES ARE IN STOCK. AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY'" PSI's High Tech - High Quality innovations guarantee you the bea investment for your '86 recing caraerl PSI HOT PIPES OFFER IMMEDIATE RESULTS TO FASTER LAP TIMES AND MORE CONSISTENT FINISHESI Combinad with PSI POWER BOOST PORTING. you will GAIN EFFORTLESS IMPROVEMENT TO YOUR RACING EFFORTSIII Whydo it Ihe hard way??? EASE TOTHE FRONT OF THE PACK AND FLY WITH PSIIII Pipesavailable for more '83-'86 Japanese bikes. 60 through 5001 Most '86 pipes will now be available in both custom cone or fully stamped designs. Power Boost Porting available for all popular models. PSI BUILDS MOTORS TO SUIT YOUR INDIVIDUAUTYIII NEW PSI 'PHAZE II' aluminum oval silencersl DMC & Answer silencers also available. Boynen reeds tool Pipes: (60·125) "29; (260) "39; 1500) "49. Partin';: '145, Pow.r Re.d Booster: 11 piece) 529.95. (2 pi...) 539.95. Silencers: *49-58. Plil. In... Rt. 2. 80lc 309. Wild RoM. WI 54984. (414) 787·2430. call or _its lor free catalogl (223) ATK fork kit. MW tir... very _n. little time on bika• • 23OO/0BO. (805) 948·1484. (123/24) VF1000R. NEW. ZERO MILES. PARTING OUT. C.II for"'-. (7141547·1988. (120/23) Rare '76 Suzuki RE6 Rotary 19.940miles.goodlh_.81200/0BO.eon-...tion ..... (9111) 488 4884. (32312~ l

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