Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Uniao Gmo, WI 8111·12 -,IIJ 1120-21 Bi.......... Al 10111·12 11/8-1 ..... Aougo,LA MRAN Desert Series 6/22 716 8110 9/21 10/2$ 11·16 12·7 los los los los los los los Yega.1lV Yega.1lV Yega.1lY V.,a. NV AFM Road Race Series 1Io_d.CA Sonom.. CA _d.CA Sonom.. CA Sonom.. CA 1Io.......d. CA Sonom.. CA Raumond. CA Sonom.. CA Sonom.. CA 1Io d. CA 1Io d. CA 6/28-29 715·6 7119-20 7127 6116-17 8/23-24 9114 9/20-21 10/12 10/25-26' 10/25-26 11122·23' •EndurlllClt Willow Springs Toyota/Budweiser Coke Formula USA and Kerker Superbike Series Ras.mood, Roumond. Rosamond. Raumond. Raumond, Roumond. 6128·29 7119·20 8/23·24 9/20·21 10125·26 11/22-23 CA CA CA CA CA CA ARRA Road Race Series 715·6 8/2·3 Rosamond. Rosamond. ROSimond. Rosamond. 9/6-7 10/4·5 1111·2 1216·7 12120·21 CA CA CA CA Roumond. CA Rasmond. CA Riverside. CA AMA/MotoWorld U.S. Endurance RR Championship Series 6/14 713 812 8/9 . 5DlIc llludon. NH 250m Dl\'fona fl 5DlIc lexinglon. DH 5001< Brasenon GA 8/23 50Dm Summit PI.. WV 9/6 9127 10111 ! 0117 5DDk Charlotte, NC 5DlIc De",... CD 5DDk Sebring, Fl 5DDk Ol\'fo.a 8each. Fl AMA Championship Cup Road Race Sprint Series 6121-22 s. Beloil, Il 6/22 6128·29 6/28·29 7/5·6 7/6 7/12·13 7119·20 7120 7126·27 812-3 812-3 813 8/9,10 8/9-10 8116·17 8123·24 8/23·24 8/30-31 8/30-31 9/6- 7 9/6- 7 9/6· 7 9120-21 9127·28 9128 10/18·19 Aspen. CD Brasenon. GA Brainerd. MN loudon, NH O.""r. CO Braine,d. MN S. Beloi.. Il Asp.~ CO Summit Pt. WV S. Btloi.. Il Pocono. PA lllngmon.. CO lexington. OH Brai_d. MN SttIring. fl Sulnmit Pt.. WY S. Btloil. Il FauHMUe. SA loudon. NH CIIa<1otte, NC SI........' Springs, CO Brainerd. MN Summit Pt.. WY SI. l.oui~ Il D ....'. CO OIl'fona Beach. Fl AAMRR Florida RR Series 8124 1015 11/30 8/22 7/13 8/3 8/17 6/29 7/27 8/31 10/5 11/2 1216 Northwest M/C Assn. Off-Road Championship 6/15 6129 10/19 ISO£, BeUingham, WA ISlIE. 01"","., WA E. Bellinghtm, WA Belling/llm, WA WMRRA Road Race Series 6/15 9/21 10/19 Slmlt, WA SImi., WA SImi., WA SMXYamaha Califomia Classic Series· 7113 8/17 8/24 10112 11/2 11/9 Penis, SunnvmOld. San Bemtrdino. P.rris, SunnymOld. P.nis, CA CA CA CA CA CA 'Tentative WesIWOOO. B.C. WesIWDOO. 8.C. WeslWOOO, 8.C. WeslWooo.8.C. WeslWDoo, 8.C. Wesrwood, 8.C. WestWOOd. B.C. MRA Road Race Series 6/22 716 7120 8/3 8123·24 9/6·) 9/27 9/28 Aspe~ CD Denwr. CO Asp.n. CO longmont. CO AStle~ CO (6 hr) Steamboat Springs, CO 00",.., CO (6 hr) Denver, CO AMA/Wiseco '00 Miler Hare Scrambles Series 6114-15 10112 1111·2 Bruceton Mills, WV Bruceton, WV • Tarentum. PA AMA Regional Championship Dirt Track Series Eastern Region 6/13 6/14 6121 7/12 7118 8/1 0 911 HMllroV,OH HM/O.yton, OH HM/GrOl",iIIe, OH HM/Hagtrstown. MO HMlOrrvilie. OH HM/Morysvill•. DH HM/bn.svill•. OH Central Region 6122 7/4 8130 IT/Gr M1 HM/Dde MO STISprinvfield, Il Western Region 6/27 7125 8/9 8/10 8122 CllcIltrnlS. CI.cIltmlS. STISlurgis. HM/SlUrglS, CI.cklmlS. OR OR SlI SO OR Mexican Motocross Series 7/ t 9 Wesl Palm Beh. fl We" Palm Beh, fl We" Palm Beh. Fl 715·6' loudon. 812-3' Pocono, 8/9·10 loudon, 8/30-911' loudon. 9120-21 Pocono. 9127·28 loudon. 10/18·19 Pocono. °AMA/CCS co-sanction 1 . . J , .. t· .. NH PA NH NH PA NH PA St.dium. ERsenlda Magoo Invitational World Old-Timers Championship 6114·15 3J~'tr flJ OMRRA Road Race Series T~~ _SSAN A~ 00 0') Portl.nd, PDI1I.nd. Portl.nd, Portl.nd, OR OR OR 0R WRA Canadian Road Race Series 716 8/17 8/31 9/28 West_d, BC W.st_d. BC W•..-d,BC We..-d.BC BRA Motocross Series 6122 7/6 7120 8/3 8116 8117 8/31 9/6 9114 SlUfllis. SO Sp.trlish, SO Alliance. HE Sturgis, SO Rtpid City. SO Citv, SO .Spetrlish, SO CilV, SO TeA 6/14-15 715-6 812·3 8/31·911 AnchOf Pomt AK Fllrbonlu, AK Kenai. AK Arn:hotagl, AK NESC Championship MX Series 6115 6122 6129 7/6 7/13 7126 7127 8/10 8/17 8/25 8/31 9/1 9/7 9114 9/21 9128 1015 10/12 10119 10126 11/2 11/9 11116 W.'erboro, ME C. V', Cl Southwidt MA Southwid<. MA Southwid<. MA W.terboro. ME W.'erboro, ME Southwicl<, MA Wlterboro. MA loudon. NH Wllerboro, ME Wllerboro. ME C. ViII. ge. Cl Southwid<. MA llludon, NH Southwick. MA llludon, NH Southwick. MA'o, MA Southwick, MA Middieboro, MA ST IHarpersvllle, NY ITIHarpersville. NY HM/HarperSYllle. NY I (flit l3eac:h Vete.-an\ ~em( .-ial ~tadium June'll Spm . Tickets available at Ticketmaster - SC_e: ':00 .:3Ot 1:30 ~ '. I... . • +411 , C _ each Class Race 45 Minutes 20% Trophies. Superb Finisher Pins CASH TO PROS EJ Mirage. CA EI CA No post entry penalty for 2nd cia. entered. MAil ENTRY '20. Non·Mtmbtr .25. POST ENTRY '25, Non·Mtmber .30 1986 CRC Mtmbtr1hip AWliIIllI. EJ Mirage, CA Moil entries ond two (2)legol size self-.ddrossed, sllmped envelopes (SASE) to: CAUFORNIA RACING CLUB, 2451B lund, c........ CA 90745 INFO: (213) .-751. W.nd Wend ~ r, UT ,. UT_ EnglishtD'Ml. NJ Indi'Mpolis. IN Pomona, CA CMC Dodge Truck Summer MX Series 7/13 2:00. El Mirage, CA 715-6 Westwood, British Columbia 7/26-27 • Shannonville. Onlario 8/30-31 San Air, Quebec 9127-28 Shannonville, Ontario 7/11 12:30 P.... ltp 1:18 ClIC VIII (+30. Wendover, UT Sidecar Racing Association Road Race Series 7/6 P.... ltp AIIM. Out• • OOY AII... 10:30 3: _ . 11:30 3--. 4:OOT_ ..... Daubl",o.., AMA. SllA. Oesen Buicks, CMC, District 37, NMA - WELCOME! NHRA Pro Stock Championship Series 7/10·13 8/28·9/1 10/23·26 , !l Overnight Camping OK • Must be in by 8 p.m. Middleboro. MA USFRA Speed Trials 7126·27 10/4-5 (714) 492·9933 SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 1986 PERRIS RACEWAY, PERRIS, CA DON'T MISS IT. Membership Not Required MX·GP·ATV POINTS SCTA Land Speed Record Trials 7113 8/17·23 9121 10/12 11/9 For Visa or Mastercard call MEADOW MUFFIN GRAN PRIX Middleboro, MA Sacramenlo. CA AMA/Am/ Youth National Championships 7119·20 7123-24 7126·27 Al Al Al Al Al ~lVjJI •• AZ Alaska State MX Championship Series Westwood Motorcycle RR Club 6122 716 8117 8/31 911 9128 ! 0119 Snowtla.... Flags"H. Heber, Young. Wicllt.....g. 6/22 8/3 9/14 10/5 Northwest M/C Assn. Enduro Series 10119 ~ ADRA Desert Championship Series 6/15 Sucro Track. Chiromo'fl R.llCh 6/29 Sucro TrICk. Chiromoy. R.nch AAMRR Road Race Series ~ CMC Pac-West MX Series Carlsbad Raceway Carlsbad, CA Ascot Part Gardena, CA Sun!lse Cycle Parle Adelanto, CA -.c ~ ,,-.c 2nd ANNUAL *' ~ 4 * TOP OF THE NATION SUPERCROSS S3000 CASH A PRIZES c:.h to Pro'.1IIcIucIIw v-r•• fIIduro8 T..............othen Kiw.nia B_1t 8:30 : 10 •. m. P of IIilcea 10 •. m. (c.J1 to< Rn.) Am Sign-up 2 p.m.. Pro 7 p.m. Fireworlt. DUlle - W.... & c.mpinll Avallabla Pro'. 820. Am.•15. G.t. S5. Senior Discount a. ILC.ILC~""Ha"".r. Alttmo...CO 81101 (303) 589-17J7-DwfIht, 589-2765-5.. ~• • ~ California Schedule ~,P ~.' Sat. Jun. 14 Perri. ~ Sun. Jun. 15 DeAnza Sat. Jun. 21 Perri. Sun. Jun. 22 Glen Helen _ _ INFO (714) 831-3482_-.1 ~ .... ~ I.IICE .1 BErni m:LE U Illt:• •1 CYCLE 41 Il I'" .1 .11 41 It 11:. All "EASY 20 MILE COURSE" 100% Finisher PIns & ~ TrophiOs to 30% of 125. , 200. 250 & Open, Plus Youfh. Jr. Vet. Sr. Sup. Sr. & P.P. Concessions, Restrooms. Medical StaH, Free Camping FREEWAY, FOOD & LODGING CLOSE BY s25.00 Moil - s3D.00 Post - Non·Mtmbtrs Add s5.00 Membership Not Alquirld _Y._I5.", ',_ _ u.s.•. AlIA. . . W. _ CA IUQ ~ lucttne V""'". CA. An'a-d tram StIJI Stgn an Hwy 241 III lucarne, CA. Go Nonh on Racit Road. 10110- 11"_ Further Into.Ctll(7141 925-8608 _15-_ _21-_ ,,---. CRC CALIFORNIA RACE SCHEDULE ATV Cla.,~e~ At All E... rnh ~=S:... _Z2-_ _ cr "'''1-_ Sunri8e Cycle Partt Pwri8 ~y P.rriIi RecewlIy 67 10---(213) 830-7519---1 I.. ~E t SI .J J '-. ..~-I IjO

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