Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 1 of 79

.' demands' 0( environmental groups because those groups are more organized better disciplined. more vocal. and'more generous with campai~ contributions than is the commumty of off-highway vehicle owners. For example. the ierra Club's lobbyISt in Sacramento recently was ranked fourth among "non-profit, public interest" lobbyist considered to be most effective at promoting the intere ts . . they represen t. We must begin to act now. Within the legislative time frame, there is too liltle time to be complacent as mdlviduaJs and as a community of interest. It is time to develop appropriate and effective strategy and tactics. It is time to fight. America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Claylon. PublishnMike Klinger.Compl!,oller . Skip Johnson. AS500aJ.~ PublJsh~r National Stzles Manager Jack Mangus. AssociGte Pubh\Jlrr 'enior Editor Rheba Smith. Circulation MantJger Caroline Cendry. £xecutM Secutory to the Publisher J. MICHAEL STUSIAK Fresno, CA Senator McClure on wilderness Editorl.1 John Ulrich. Edit~r . Kit Palmer. ASsOCtaie Edrtor Mau Hilgenberg. Associate Editor Paul Carruthers, Associate Editor Farren Williams, Associate Editor Adwrtleing Terry Prall Sdles Manager Tim R.yan. &Jles Managtl" Mark Thome. S.les M .... geT Mike Church. EAslrn Sales Mand,n Thomas R. Cooter, Wlm Sdks M."',eT Linda Brown W,.ntm Ad. CoonlmaeoT Carla 1Iorden, £.sinn All. Cooslli_ Nancy WaSlcli. Advntisin,1Etlil.orilJl Gf'IIphlc:8 UId Production Gin8ft' Machado. Gr.IJIric Anisl Malcolm Wilson. Craphic Artist Diana HiJgm~. Gra"hic Artist Marion Hatashita. TyfHSdter Carolyn Branham, T'11>

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