Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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.. , ...;"_._-----_._.- _...:..". ._._' '..;'..;..;..; . ~..;,-'..;...;...;. '----------..;-' Illinois O.a1.r Missouri O.".r 1951 ARIEL (500 VCH) REO HUNTER. (213) 641-2078. 1122/23) ACTIOICYCU- TrioIs .. T G c...... 3 .. 4 ........ \TV......... bi it II' Sulllli. S_, -...u. c..-AM. Bota. FOIlic. 1Iahoc .. Mo.-. UPS ...~,. ColI lor " .. co.... III..... .... _ •. Bost pri..., 817 Will Uoioo. lilt.. fiold. IL 62051. (217) 324-1031. DAVE IIUIGEIlASrS DIRT IIIE HEAOOUARTERS ST. LOUIS HOlDA - H tluIq.11i••. II. . . "rts .... i_ry. UPS Oily. 0,.. SaIo'N, tr.. 9 _ 5935 S. L_.... II..... St loois, 110 &3123. (3141'94-1330. Grand Edition. 810 miles. '5100. (919) 362-B821 or 19191362-0435. ask lor Bru.e B.own. (322/23) a .........1" "._00 Missouri O Illinois O.... r THE BIKE BARI - .,.Io Coo-Aon. H_ _ .. 5_. r DIE DAY SERVICE - Pts./ i. SlDek. 0 ...III.... UPS v- 1I1e. AIaEs. ColI for _ "itn ...ydn. W , Ceo .... ID ...11.1_.1. Ololias FREEOOII HOlDA (Ill) 711-2228. HUSKY. lAW (Bll) 7&1-1621. FREEDOII HUSIY. lAW.. MAICO. KTII (Bll) 747-2053. Ili-P... ,'-tls ... 0IlIi0s _ k . . . . eooo,Ioll _....., 01 pons. IIoiIy UPS llnic.. ~ .. .... - , 'JqIIf1III _ _ , . . ..... _ 11-,- 80... RI. 3. 1IIorriooo. ILI1270. (BI5) nB-3641. Illinois O....r 1_ O -,_Ior '84 Harley Davidson FXRT It Was A Very Good Year 1974 saw Nixon nosedive in the political world and Kneivel nosedive in the Snake River. What a year. and now you can have a piece of it courtesyof Cycle News. We have a limited number of very special Posterbook Newspapers available from that memorab~ year. The photographs and illustrations in the Posterbook will conjure up wonderful images and memories from that enigmatic era. Save a bit of history for yourself. Order your Cycle News Poster· book Newspaper today for only $2.00 from the Cycle News Inc. Product Order Form located below the Advertiser's Index. (5TFN) PERFORMANCE, 1230 La Lorna C... Anlheim. CA 92806.(800) 854--9134, (7141630-5471 Clliforni•. (216/ALTfTFNI r c.. USEIO CYClE, IIC. - c. H_. Aoo, T IlSA.IIX·EMo.o-IlooiIAttn. ....... eyl UPS. T-. Fri. 10-9; W 18-1. Sot. 9-4. C _ 500. II... 444 ...... 23. "-'"" IJ 07444.(201) 131-l15J!j. HAll'S HUSOYARIIA12 " ••. lo... - , - _ .. oM _ ,.u. UPS UiIy. eooo,lolo llnic..... 01ol. . _ k ....... _ _•• 22 yoon lIir1 ...... ColI Joy .. 5... Hoi. HoIf. H-O I. DirbM PkWY. StorioIfioW, IL62787. (217) 521-0542. io.-... 1986 Suzuki RG500 Gamma Naw Je.sey DOT .nd EPA. New Metzele.s. braided brake lines, Sleering d8mper and jetting. '5000/080. Call 1201 ) 217-9200. (3~/231 _I. non.. a s.m. DG 'RCM' Slip-Ons - $139,96 DG 'RCM' slip-ons are true reverse cone rneg~ aphone exhausts. Custom fit and polished to a mir~ ror finish. Up to 20% horsepower increase" Made from 6061~TG aluminum alloy. From 1139.95, A.ail.bility: FJ. F2. Ninjll, GPzll00. IntereeptOll. GSXRs. Dealer/~iS1ributor inquiries invned. DG Illinois O•• I.r N_ , O I.r •• M.C.C. - 1I0TOR CYCU CElTER. IIC.• HUSQVARIA" LAVEROA . . . . . "". Ports II STOCK. Espert .....k " " " 10. OHUIS .... Dill: ................._ _ ...... FAST IIR. CYCLE PARTS - Yi. IIIC D.,.. Stor. koo . _ , G Prio L._... H ..... lD ./C ... . '"01. io.lDdl. wh, . .it, Saoriot HI'~ ......... is _ I I•. Cye" P_ is _ _ Sido•• s,... WnIdy s,.tioIo. UPS Doily. '84 Cot. 51 T1lr..- . SI., F......... IJ 87721. (201 )4122011. _no UPS OAiLYII 1015 E. Sl CIoorln Rd.. 10141. (312) 415-2273. .00iI" . . - t IL Rifle's Nightflight Fairing Rifle·.lightes•• 14W' wide. 19' lOll, 31bs.. adjustab'e collet mount struts, choice of round or rectan- gular headlight modell, ., 29. For free inform..lon. c.1I (805) 239-4235. ~110/EFI) 1966 Triumph TR6R 660 Collector's item, 20K mi• • showroom condition. '1000.(814) 238-9401. (32.2/23) Ohio O.a1.r 1_ York O,"er HUFFIlU'S COIIPET1Tl.. CYCUS - 1liiIon' HD.IlTII.H ' a ,.... 3-_ .-_ 1IiSooitlI + _Cyd _ UPS lIoily g.911-F. 9-1 Sat.lorotto AIO. ~ OH 43937. (114) 195-5&92. .ICRO BORE RAeIIS - . - ,. . . . . ITII .. T_ . . . UPS lIoily. Wadob s , . - , IIlC·1. __-F•• 10-1. Sot. 10-2.1041 EIIl TIlIIIlI. . . . . Syr_. IY 13212. (315) a "rts. a..... ooa"' .... a 451-2401. Bolt On Horsepower '81 Suzuki RS175 Trail Bike GSXR Suzuki 1100 0< 750. Ninja 6001I, III yea... Mikuni 33mm smoothbore, round stide and flM- My husband and I don't ride anymore, and we are moving. Best offer oYer 8350 takes it. This bike is a steal. The Works Performance shocks cost that mu.h. Call Sherry 1119161366-3283. (122/23) slide carbs with Vance & Hines exhaust. As seen in Motorcyclist magazine Mey in... 1100 incre. . 21 hp. 750 in••ease 29 hp, 800 Ninja 10 hp. We have them all nowl Call us before they're gone. Vance & Hines Performance Center, Torrance. 1986 RM125 (2131530-0314. IlSk fo< Denni.. Super clean. low hou.s. musi ....,. '1100/080. (213) 316-9932. (12.2/23) Brewer Yamalul • Inc. At.. Ollio O• •r ...... a lorth Car. . . O.... r a 1AI81G'S CYCLE - E.._ IIocioe/hrl..-. s,oe-. _ Go..i. _ lIT... _ . C2. ..... _ _ry.UPSIIoily,.... I..nic•. W .. .... -ttdos- 314 S. ArIioIIoo St. Ak_ OH 44301. 2'1/253-7565. .. _......,.. eooo,lolo - . , .... Fat. ........ 1Ioit•• ~. C_M. s,oM _ . , ......... Olol ........... '-Y"'_ ... Ohio O lorth C.rolifll O....r HOlDA OF WlISTOI SALEII ""lorgnt HoMo .-e... W I.C. W. slii, "rts ...,......; , . , .nic.; ~ diot_ W.....tiU.. i. ey..... booi... .,.. II-F BID 7 ,... Sot. 9ID 4,... 591 S.....- IIood. w_·s..... IC 27103. (919) 711-1880. ~ Ohio O••I.r a MAinE - Y - ' " " - ..... a_ . . I • . ~,ne..",-, HARPER CYCU '.Hwy.. ,...... 21739. (704) H2-1124. r _no a.... LEWIS HUSKY BARI - H_ 111% "rts diot_ ID AlIA UPS ~.Iy. II...• F.i. 4-B ,... Wilko. . by opp.i._. 3 iii. S.E. Ohio Tp......1it .5. 2210 Roell.., P...,..., OM 43551. C•• About 0... R• • HoI, Pr...... (4191 137-5415. Trade Up and Win Eliminates need for roUchart and clock with THEE COMPUTER, $200. T.ade in you. Combo Ind se.e. COUNTDOWN. (8181348-8381. 1201/ALn Vintage Motorcycles '66 Triumph n Special, matching numbers, very rare nem; Vincent series C, Rapide, call on this one if you want an extraordinary Vincent; Rickman Tri~ umph eight~v.lve road racer, brand new, never raced, mint, incredi~e bike; Vincent Black Shadow series C, very good throughout; Perilla 250cc Gran Sport road racer'. 1985 Daytona Vintage Race winner, totally ready to race; BSA Spitfire, com~ pletely original and correct including Gran Prix carbs, rare fast example; '62 BSA DBD Gold Star, very nice throughout. Other fine European motorcycles for sale. Particularly interested in competi~ tion machines. Kirk White, Villanova, PA. (215) 687-0468. - . ClloporToI,.u. "-<-. __ a....... '75. E-. "". Ou, UPS. 2-1 ".-Fri. 9-1. Sot. 1401 C haw., 0 ... CIiorlano, IC 21205.(704) 536-9943. .OUSE·S CYCU - e.w;.. ..s.. alloico Solos .. Pts.Altyposof .... _ ••X._.T...... __ ~ _ I o r _ A T V .... • _ _ SIlotIl ....... UPS 1IoiIy. II-F _ID,...v-..a./e.l.. ~PlOr......... • 21531. (919) 321-4219. Ohio O.a1.r -..,e "rts._ . 01 . . .500." __ T-. w....Sotlls _ CIoseiII .IIaooIoIli-P _aa . .' UPS Fri. .;:JD.I; ....... 1:30-9; Sot. ':30-5. 1423 F _ ...... 1IlI. AooIlonl. OH _1.(211)212-5101. w_s.-. Daytona Winning Ducati Oucl.i Fl engine, won 1986 Deytonl Lightweight Bon. Falicone crank, dry clutch. extensive head work, starting new project, $4500. Also F1 heads. Delorto carbs and other paru for sale. Call (717) 689-2687 days and nights. (322/25) call (4041 (32.2/2~) ,. ..D '83 HONDA CR125. MY HUSBAND ANO I don't ride anymore and we are moving. Best offer over '500 ..ells i•. Sherry. (916)366-3283. Il22/24) ** Patraco Dyno - $900 793-6262 after Sp.m. COT. I- Bike has two rides on it, too fa.t for me. Paid 83000, ••king '2500/080. (714)826-5118. (422/23) 10% ext.. hp. saves 25 Ibs.• 4/1. (800) 327-II 09. (221ITFN) PEITOI HOlDA - lorth C.rolilll D.... r '86 CR600 - Brand New 921-3958 .fter Sp.m. ** Rear wheel roller type. Water brake with direct hydraulic torque re.dout. 100+ hp. call Brian, (615) Mil CITY IAWASAII/I_ -Emtic: .,.rt bill. _ 10••_ . eop.. 1_lIki alnonlo. A...... 01 ...... _ ............ i........ Wol _ I Ilisit. UPS lIoily, T·F 9-7. Sot. 9-5. 5100 u.iNnity PI_,. IC 27105.(919) 7&7-2821. 727-7220.•. (800) 523-8205. US. (110/EOIITFN) Like new, two hours riding time. $1995. Ni~a1000R.900.600/D lorth C.roliu O....r 2 Pair $99 or 859.95 each. These are not ecano type pants. SOO Denier nykJn, leather knees, sewn on leners, full lining, spandex sides, knee/shin guards. hip pads, your choice of colors. 24-40 even sizes, bike brand or plain 6eg. Satisfaction guaranteed. (619) 1985 Husky 250WRX MATHIAS CYCU SAlES .. SERVICE - BMW. ITII T"""",,""-IM Clloio Sows. lo ......-,oI,.u. ........... _ ..... UPS. _ .. W... Fri. 9-1. T_ • T1lon. 9-8; Sot. 9-5. At 2. 0_•• OH 44622 (2 iii.• I I S.R BOO). (211) 343-6411. 01..,....,_ 0IiIi0s --. (320/23) Ohio O....r Iordl C.rolina O ....r IIEUOI 1I0TORCYCU CO - FJ600 PARTS: MEGACYCLE CAMS. SPEC 2 h _ , Fox shock. Rob. (3011 171-6759. (12.2/23) GlEBl JOROU'S .OTOR SPORTS - HooloyY _ ..... sonioo. 3710 Soooflor IIood. Word' I (~~ Olio 43D15. ColI _lor .. _ _ -(114) 714-2453. Team Vameh. 0 -..... Greet price. on YZ'. and Ira tor.a r8C8fS. Plus 20% dilCOLW1t on pub. F_ bilut ... -up. Located on Norlina Rd.• Hendenon. NC 17536. (919) 4928553. a".ll1l1s,. (322/24) 1984 Husky 500 Auto Ohio D••I.r 011-_ WHEELSPORTS IIC. - Y ••, s,.ciolllIl "-1M 11";01. lor.. ,orIS ........,. OIili k .11ic:•. UPS UiIy. T_.-Fri. I ID 1Ipin.. Sot. 1... ID 4joo. 7959 E. II.. S l 1\oyooIlIIburg. OH 43068. (1141 BI4-0018. Excellent woods bike. perfect condition. call t:tusky of Dayton. (513)293-1071. (322/24) California Superbike School Course fee includasle.thers. helmet, boots, gloves and Kerker equipped Kawasaki 600 Ninjas, Riding seminar by Keith Code, and 40 miles on the track. P.O. Box 3743, M.nhan.n Bel.h. CA 90266. (213) 484-9323. ADVANCED RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. (21B/EDIITFN) GSXR1100 FOR SALE. 1300 MILES. CONSIDER trlde 10. new Goldwing. (919) 274-6070. (322/231 Northeast PA or Within 1 Hr7 Road racer in Northeast Pennsylvania looking for ot"er riders to woods ride Sunday or Saturday mornings to stay in shape between events. (717) 689-2687. lorth C.rolilll O....r YAIWlA OF RAlEIGH (919) m-5979. eooo,Ioto WlGOER SHEU SERVICE -II ....r·..·_.. .., U.SAPricn iN 2a3 o.rlii . ., . . .........a . . C2 .. _ •. _.-Sat.7:3O _ a . . II 9:GO,.. 500. 102 ..... 81......'. S......... OH 44ilIl. (211) 152-2232. -- """'" _ . . ,IiMo .. 11II_ . , UPS. T 62 n by 2,..1IiIl ATV. _ .... (32.2/24) Bound For Glory , , . Ohio Olll.r y _ ,..,." _ . UPS, COO ..... (_a (22.2/24) I.·SII•• c... MIKUNI FLAT-SUDE 33MM CARB FOR GSXR750 available. All Mikuni CIIrbs and parts available for low prices. We're the Mikuni carb lP8Cialiat, SUN- 8RtDGE.(805) 584-2860, (122) That's what all your issues of Cycle News will be when you put them in a new Cycle News Binder. These great looking binders are designed to preserve your Cycle News collection for years to come. Each binder holds up to 2S issues, and costs only 816.95 or 2 for $30.00. To order your Cycle News Binder, plalse u.. the Cycle News. Inc. Product O.der Form located below the Advertiser's Ind••. 15TFN)