Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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STATOR REPAIR SERVICE Hr - Y . . . SR&lIO . 115.IIlI H" _ . '11 115.IIlI, II ........... _ 4-cyliIIHr C8HlI lsa.1IO, Y iod"'" XS7Sll1 XSlsa 170.111. W......r _ COl2 eye -llirt lib ......... 145&1 Ar F_II. CA 92335. MBA 125cc. fASTEST 125110AD RACER in US. lois of Ollar... *36B5. (414) 332·39711. (320/22) DIRT TRACK TIRES A' ARACiIS SEIlVlCE - CorIioIo Dirt , TIr. AMA _ ..... 19/51·5 _ _ _ ZOoS _ _ lor _ . • W. oIoip . . , VlSA/IlC ICC"," or C.O.D. 0,.. _.·fri. 1·5 Z9GO ""'" SL 115. _ City. CA MOIJ. (IDO) 551-7755. ' - " CA (415) 311-&259. VF100011. NEW. ZERO MILES. PARTING OUT. Coli for n ' - . (714) 547-1988. (120/23) 1977 FORD BOX VAN. Custom cobinets. AlC. stereo, new motorItires. Loaded. Desi9ned for bikers' needs by • biker. '10.500. (805) 649-4966. (320/25) ......-(714) 829-3084-....... Ohio BREYlEY YAMAHA-IIC. - Y _ . T r i - . o. ol . . Io a.I Y . ,.......... . . . . . , .. U.5.H _ .... ,,",.rt? Colli. UPS "i1y. 11035 S (At. 114). . . . Roy"'- OH 44133. (216) 237-4&43. E_,o Rolcharts JART - E_. RolIckorto -Eooy Ie rood - U~ ~II_,., .._ - ... My ._ro. loy . . . . . - S5 lick ..,. ClIIk Sokscr _ •. 1210 I. J.Ite.... S... S... H. Au CA 92107. (71416&&-0131. "'.,....-I..._ ... _L The Real Thingl There arB cheap imitations available but for the absolute finest in hand protection join the top National riders who insist on Bark Busters. see your deal.r or clli ICO. P.O. Box 1294N. BIYou Lacombe. LA 70445. (504) BB2-3107. (221/TfN) Good Used Dirt Bikes Bolt R.monl SBmc. Engine Buildi. . and R.pair TAP-EX CO. -B_"~-"""_ AIooEZ_lIii.....,.. .... U.S., -otric ....odotI iao.. i......... 1 dey 1Onic•• _ ..... 1125 W. 144l1l, GIno•• CA 10249. (213) 323-3134. -",,_1 Brake CUSTOII MAIIUFACTURED CYlilOER lIIEIS. """"2 CycIoiw I ..... a.- _ _ SoooI1 E.... lI.cIIi.. Worb, lac.. 720 ......... 242. Gr...... OR 17830. (5031117-5224. f9B5Suzuki RM125. S995; 1985KTM 125. 81325; 1985 Klw.saki KOX200. 8995; 1984 KTM 2SOMJ(, $1395; 1984 KTM 2SOMXC. $1395; 1982 Husky Auto. S99O; 19B2 Husky 43OCR. $B95; 1983 Husl

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