Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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J tiebreaker, two specials, and a toral of 28.9aClual miles. Many riders dropped out due to the combination of energysapping whoops and heat, including several A riders. Chris Salum took the overall loop two win and 200cc B-16 class, at5.136 on his Yamaha. Glenn MacDonald followed at6.129 in 250cc C, winning his class on his Suzuki. Same for Randy Benneu, who thumped to the Four·Stroke win and third overall on his Honda, dropping 6.143. Fourth overall Doug Krausman took the Vet win at 6.155, followed by surprise A Woman rider Kathy Labrum to round out the top five. Loop three found temps in the low 90s in the shade, a smaller field of survivors, and the first 12 miles of loop one bumped LO 30 mph. Despite the high loop three speeds, the terrain was much more enjoyable and forgiving (read less sandwash whoops), and had a beuer finisher rate than loop two. It included four checks. two ties, and beuer comments. The Puckerbush found more puckered bodies than bushes due to heat dropouts. It is the year's only threeloop enduro, included a record 13 checks, and ran 84.3 actual miles. Overall winner Ingersoll almost didn't finish. "I crashed about IO miles into loop one, and broke my odometer and cable. Ron Webb from CRC signup let me strip the XR stu£( o£( his CR500. I was still two minutes late starting loop two in the special, but was able to catch up by the first check. The course was great." ...... ...... • Results OVERALL. LOOP 3: 1. Jeson Ingersoll (Hon); 2. John Ferro (Honl; 3. Rendy Pr81zer (Yem); 4. Scott Or_on! (Yem); 5. Jock Lebrum (Yeml; 6. Bryer Holcomb (Hon); 7. John Uh.,.n (KTMI; 8. TIE Dove ~/Scott Sinnig(Hon); 10. Milte Smith (yem). OVERALL. LOOP 2: 1. Chris Selum (Yem~ 2. Glen McDoneld (Suzl; 3. Rendy sennett (Hon). OVERALL. FAMILY LOOP 1: 1. Chris Anderson (Kew); 2. Don Sevens (Hon); 3. Dericlt (Hon). Stovall ru'es BunnMX By Linda Brewer ZEBULON, NC, MAY II Bobby Stovall used fast riding and some plain 01' good luck to take home three wins in the 80ee and 125ee Pro and 250ee , Amateur classes today at the Bunn Motocross. Rusty Coleman's Yamaha finished second in the 80cc class ahead of Wayne Guinn and Troy Brewer. Cris Brewer salvaged a second place finish in the 125cc Pro class with Jamie Miller raking third and Bobby Houser ourth. Stovall's final win came in the 250cc Amateur class with Allen Buchanan and Howard Land finishing second and third, respectively. Caven Woodruff was the winner of the 60cc Pee Wee class on a Kawasaki wbile Lisa Williams rode her Kawaki to the win in the 80cc Amateurs. Tim Langdon LOpped the 125cc Amateur class with Alan Lavore taking second and Brad Porter third. The 250cc Pro cla s had twO different moLO winners. The first moLO went to Steve Mendenhall with Timothy Barnes taking the second moLO and the overall. Barnes held his position the entire eight laps LO the checkered with Mendenllall taking second. Cris Brewer and Eddy Penny finished third and fourth, respectively. Tim Huffman won both motos in tbe Open class to take the overall win from Shannon Hawkins and Greg Bunn. Results PEE WEE: 1. Ceven Woodruff (Kew). 8OAM: 1. LiseWilliems(Kew); 2. WerrenAusley (Yem); 3. Lee Welslon (Suzl. 80 PRO: 1. Bobby StoveII jKew); 2. RuSIY Colemen (Yem); 3. Weyne Guinn (Suz). 18240 So. Ve~mont, Gardena CA 90248 213/515-5115 Now for Ihe first lime. you can change a tire or replace a tube easily! The re,olulionary NRG SAVER won'l scratch, dent or crimp rims, and it avoids pinching tubes. Mosl imporlantly - NRG SAVER breaks the bead and gels Ihe lire back on withoul breakin' your back! Simple 10 use, the world-wide palented NRG SAVER fully adjusls 10 slreel and molocross rims. Perfect for off·road/slreel riders. service departments and mechanics. LJ~fd4\fI-::1& EXCl.IJSIVfLY IMI'Of(TfO BY --WIR Westlake Village. CA The NRG SAVER kit comes complete with. High·resistance Teflon®hook attached 10 high·tensile Slrength sleel rod. Teffon®-coaled combinalion lire iron/Ie,er • Teflon®-cOaled tire iron. Bead breaker/inslaller (long) • Bead breaker/inslaller (shorl) • Ca"Ying pouch. limited lifelime warranly Ion main body I. NRG SAVER ... Designed to change the way you change lires. Easily. Effonlessly. Duickly! D.... Ceolect: Cydo.P_ Diet. C•• Go Cydo. fI... USA (CAl. fI.... USA f I _ ...... w-._r . (WA~ f I _ ....... bIl. 33

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