Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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HUS' VARNA'DEIlVERS THE 0 ONE-TWO PUNCH. - SAN RAFAEL, CA, MAY 19-20 1""""4 The Trustees of the American Motorcyclist Association met in San Rafael, and approved an application by U.S. Suzuki I for corporate membership in the As-, sociation. The board also reviewed financial reports which indicate that the Association will fall approximately $60,000 short of 1986 fiscal year projections, due almost entirely to unbudgeted expenses caused by the current liability insurance crisis. A report by AMA ,President Ed Youngblood about the Association's crisis response plan, implemented early in March, indicated that the situation is largely under control, that losses have been minimized, and that the financial position has stabilized. AMA Chairman John Hasty appointed Bill Baird, John Duncan, and Paul Schlegel to a commiuee to meet with legal counsel and sta£( to identify short and long-term changes in procedure and policy that would improve the positions.of the Associa- . tion, its districts, and clubs in regard to the liability insurance problem. The trustees reviewed a government relations report that incl uded recent testimony delivered by the Association to the President's Commission on American Outdoors and to the House Ways and Means commiuee on liability insurance. Hasty reported that the' American Motorcycle Political Action Committee had recently met to authorize contributions to CongJ'essional candidates. Youngblood reported that plans for a temporary motorcycle exhibit at The Smithsonian Institution are developing nicely and that it is expected to open on July 30. The trustees reviewed a membership report showing that April was the largest month of growth in the Association's history, continuing a fivemontl;1 trend of membership increase. Membership currently stands at 139,435 and has grown 6000 members during the last year., ' Youngblood reported that Griffin helmets has committed repeated trademark violations against the Association, even after written promises that they would cease. The company has improperly advertised its product as "AM A sanctioned." The. company has been asked to circulate a news release correcting the situation. The trustees re-certified a series of AMA Speed Endurance Records set by BSA on April 2-4, 1969 at Daytona International Speedway,-documentation for which had disappeared from Association files. Don Brown, who organized those record attempts, reconstructed those files, enabling the Association to permanently post the following national records in a cate· gory recognized at the time as "Siandard Production Open Class 75Occ." miles 131.723 mph 15 miles 131.004 mph 20 miles 130.759 mph ·25 miles 130.605 mph 50 miles 130.014 mph JOO miles 127.625 mph 150 miles 127.528 mph 200 miles 123.140 mph. 1 hour endurance 127.615 mph (Continued to page 28) Terry Cunningham bas earned a reputation as a gritty competUar. That determination helped bring bim the '82, '84 and '85 National Eru/UrO Cbampionships. 'Hlilfway Husqv:una's winning combination of the best bikes and riders left our competition on the ropes yet one more time. Make thal: two more times. gist and 2nd Ovcrall- the gloves and didn't l2ke them off until he and his 400 Cross Country beat everybody to,the line at the National Cbatnpionship lUre and Hound race. Husqvama's Dan Ashcraft used some f.mcy footwork AMA N2tional Championship Enduro in S2linc, Louisiana gIst and 2nd OvcrallAMA National Cham· and a 500 Cross COWltry to finish second. All this happened in one day. And the competition W3S. reeling. They discovered the hard way, thal: the 1986 Husqvamas ~ knockouts. These bikes feature band· welded Swedish chrome moly steel frames, Ohlin shocks, redesigned front forks aDd iDcrcdibly re1iable engines that can' 80 the distalJce So put in a little roadwork---visi your 8usq'rlIm2 dcaItt Get the ***"":tclcs widl the poMl' II) kpocIpJt the pionship Hare and Hound in Cherry Creek, Utah. Enduro whiz 1erry Cunningham and his 430 Automatic took first at the National Cbampionsbip in SaUDc, Louisiana. 1eamlD2te Randy Hawkins rode his 250 Enduro to second. The U1cn':dJ:)ly tousb CQQIX 'ftCdcd out the pIUlCDdcIS and hat 1my and Randy bobbin8 and waving ill fi:oot of the cOMf'Clil ,,_ the whoJe nee. Tbal ill 01ary Creek, Utah, Dan Simitb put OIl througb the, 1986.seQson, Cunningham again' sits atop the point standings. '" Cunningham attributes much of his success to bis parents. 'iVy Mom and Dad never pushed us, but when we started sometbing, they expected us to finish it. 1b do tIN best job we could and tbat was it. That bas stuck witb me ji:Jrever." _._- Congratulations, Terry. ~. METZELER Husqvama Motorcycle Company 4925 Mercury Street San Diego, CA 92111 Husqvarna THE FINAL STEP UP C'OOIiJl"l'.dtion. DYMONDSARE A SMART INVESTMENT On Sunday, May 25th, a polished Mickey Dymond out shined the competition at the rough Mt. Morris Track, in Pennsylvania, to take the overall win. This performance !Jlaces Dymond at the top of the list; first place in the A.M.A. 125 National Outdoor Championships. Call your broker: Honda proves Dymonds are a good investment in '86. eon".atulations /IIlcIcy, and fIIlInks for choosln, /lillie';;'" SmItII as your clofllln, and safety apparel sponsor. • You can win with MS Products, look (or 'em at your locaJ dealer twlS Racing. 7563 Indiana Ave., Riverside. ca -(7141687-1300 5

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