Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Boremaster 1 3,4 Less than 20 holes, $1700 firm. Also Spacemaster microfiche. best offer. (601) 841·1338 evenings. leave message for Larry. (118/20) Porting PORTlIG TOOLS - Meton/_/C1IllsrslstDnnl kits/......Is/• •sift./p.ns/.CCIS. '"'Ill\' M/C, ATV. c.r or dun. buggy pon j.... #1 US Mlr.!Oi... portilll teols. CC SpeCIIIty, At. 4. Bo. 204, TN 38464(615) 762-6995. MOTORCYCLE TRAILER. THREE RAIL. $450. (213)428-1158. (319/201 HELP: NEED INSTRUMENT PANEL FOR '83 GS750ESD/ES. desperately need tach. (616) 7598582. ask for John. (119/20) 'LEATHERS: ONE PIECE VANSl3N. 6'0". 200lbs.• very good condition. Call John. (207) 465-7970. (119120) COMPLETE TUR80 KIT FOR GL 1000. chroma manifolds, two carbs. Ray J turbo 40 hp+ at 10 psi, $400. (3091688-3884. (119/21) 'B5 & '86 FZ750 Owners Lowers liquidation. Suggested retail was &399.95, now S189.95 plus $6 s&h. Color sheet available. Call or write to: I.e. E., Box 355. Hackensack, NJ 07601.(201)487-3213. (119121) '84 & '85 FJ 1100 Owners Jeb's lowers liquidation. Retail was $199.95. now 899.95 plus $6 s&h. Info available. call or write: I.C.E.. Box 355. Hackensack. NJ 07601. (20n 487-3213. (119121) • fw quoIl1y molDtqcll spponlh i l I . - ' " 61-. CGld. . . . CIsllII.., ....... PontI· fa< _ .... snd _ . PI.. CaIlItn l.NIIIsrI IIId I nIWIInI., stII, Iiad IlSIlIy III RlICS _ _.1IId Conyan King _pi... sullL MllIIl1IIM In I1IIck I'IItly PRO-FI1.ELSStreet/race RD350 - Must Go! Extra. tool $1000. Barney. Atlanta, (404) 4554342 days. (3191211 Boxer Bike - Lawson Replica S1 lDr fGlIla try on snd buy. Setld 53lDr camp.... CIlIIotI. High performance ga.oline 108 oc:1ane. LagaI for all racing org8nizationa. Attention Speedw.y .. Drag Racers: Methenol now w. ahip ct.ily - UPS. motor freigh1. QpeIr IH ~:30, Wed 'W I, Ial "2::111 (213) US 1551, lID Wll111 11.. LolItIleocb, CA, Hr. laftg iacb FWY (T1O) & Pecffic Coal Hwy. '--(.%0) 830-4D"7IJ--" Completely rebuilt, new head, new cylinder, new clutch. Aluminum frame. 5wingarm, wheels. Brembo brakes, 360 pounds dry. Very fast. ready to race, two to choose from. (415) 883·3233. (119121) SinglBshoc~ S.mce Radiator R.pair SHOCK REBUILD/REPAIR/TUIING. CaoopIolI .... _ OHLINS " sli JIp IIiIts si S~afII, "os. __ ,0_" PAUL THEDE'S RACE TECH -Repeir cr..kld & bo.. . - _ r s & oil c_rs. W. til ...... - . .sIs, _ . UPS ....y """"'.... 3227 P....cor .127. ·P...• CA 91768. (714) 594-7755. . . - - . . 2 Doy UPS illl.riu iaI. .DTDOESIGII941 H Tl381D4. 11 . .-6........-SII. (901) 276-9IlII.•• '1. AI worllpr_._. & _ _. Honda 500 Interceptor Shock Twin Clicker Fox shock, only 300 miles. like new, pay shipping. $200. (415) BB3-3233. (119121) DOl, GSXR750/11 00 - 30 in Stock Including three Limited Editions. Lenin' Loose Suzuki, Toledo, OH. (419) 476-3331. (219/21) R.ntals New in crate, mag wheels, floating brakes, 4 piston caliper, pearl white paint. Best offer. (81 8) 999-5396. (319/21) Aluminum Brush-Gards $39.95 , Trim, lightweight. rugged. Free replacement warranty. At your dealer or direct. Enduro Engineering, Inc.. 3635 Hillside Road, Ypsilanti. MI48197. (313) 434-0650. (119122) Pro-Lap leather repair and reconditioning. Altera:' tions. knee scuffs. lettering, padding and zippers. Quality work. Thoma. Hardy, (215) 696-4994. (319126) 1981 GPz550, excellent condition, 51500. (408) 735-7040 evening.. (118/20) '86 KX250 e..cellent condition. R&D shock. must sell. 52ooo/0BO. (714) 661-691 5. (318120) 19B3 HUSKY 250XC, CLEAN, well cared for, great pley bike. 5800/0BO. (805) 831-6450. (118120) WHITE BROS - 11750 So_nl Circlo, S _ CA 90680. C_ rwic. "..,••, I I III si....• ......., Uei·T Pro-l.ioll " F.....r & WIoifo .....r. 1-2 _ r o " . (714) 01-2221. F.. pens cal (714) '95-1"1. ' .' PRO-TEC - St••1SItoe Sillllieshoc:k S.mCI _ Ill. Mooty, siocs 1950. Din SIlIII bolt. s,..;ry .... type. 14" Ioc. NOIs 'IS. EIIfYlIiaI '"' s,mwoy. ISI8 ....... 1IaWwIy, Car-. CA 91nD. (7141 735-0i40. STEEl SHOES - ridsr ......, robuiW or r.pair 11 ..... . B_1lI _osioo· c_ _ p. ....~" 1 ........Ii... 0Mic~ tII r.... '82 CRBO. MINT CONDITION, very low miles. 5400. (213) 327-8732. (319/22) Bare Skin? Don't Be Exposed Singleshock OFF ROAD REITALS - ./C -dirl••tr•• I, ATC70-35OX/lldys/Tri.Mo.. 6D-225DX/....-41 Soz. lIIId Spons/jot ski•. P.nsl aeclfoll ... /Ir.i..... Los Alillitas (213) 594'901. (714) 121-1500, Or.... (714) 771-739D. Bimota KB-2 D&D Kawasaki 750 Turbo Exh. (714) 738-0631. (2131 697-6759, 212 G IIraa, CA 92&21. T...~ 575. Lt. WI. , ~y 'IS. 10% extra hp. saves 20 Ibs. 4/1. (800) 327 -1109. Injection boost kit also available. (210/TFN) -1983 Husky XC500 Excellent condition, $15OO/0BO. (806) 85B-2121. (119120) WANTED: COVERED TWO PLACE SNOWMOBILE or covered motorcycle trailer about the same size. (309) 342-4034. (119/20) '85 TZ250N - Mint Condition Singleshock S.nic:. .rwic. SCOTT'S - e-,lo.. loR & _~ 01 sII ..... " . . . _ ......... FlNItr, PraUok. IIoiInk. Ololia, Fos, WI"" Po ....,. .. MO,IIlI. 2127 Iloao.... A , CA 91820. (818)248-&747. Only nine races. Marvic wheels. Ohlin shock. spare crank. cylinders, heads, gearing. pistons. rings. clutch. battery. plugs. wheels•. rotor. shock and new . body work, 56300. (317) 852-798B dlYs. (317) 852-7106 evanings. . (318120) CUSTOM TRAILERS _I'ay ~ Diel _ _ ~1IiIII SICIIriIy lniIon. "-12··1.·-20·.... _1IC1iw, _ _ .../...... uto 323 E. II1II ,.;-. _ 7"'yo. S..,/ . 1IlI_ Ao-. CA 12805. (714) 951- 2150. A1aba_ O ....r Riding Apparel W_,.... OFFIlOAII .OTORCYCLE APPAREL REPAIR - DIXIE CYCLE - 1lTII, Cao-AII, .·S...., ...... e- IIiaICClS. . . . 1984 NINJA 900, ""t, rack, bars. 9ODO miles. 52750. (415) 372-6202. (118/20) ••n ........... r.,.;r I I . . br.... oINOIs. .... Lowers/mispaints: GPz/lntrcpt peOll .r ........r ,... _ yoo ..e I " . _ .._.11 01_ old ....r .r ..... I I .m.1OI1 For __ iol. col 0 . - 503/671-5175. ql Ifi· 801. Sia 1lsIIllI.·&-.1 UPS doily, T-f 1:311-':30. SOl. ':38-4:30. 1110 lSI A... I .. 8irnoiaa_, AL 352D6. (2051136-0232 or (2051 B33-&299. Color off or slight scratches. Suggested retail was $99.95. now $49.95 plu. $6 s"h while they last. (201) 487-3213. I.C.E.. Box 355. Hackensack, NJ 07601. (119121) ATK Motorcycles sesalona: June 3D-July 8 Ind July B-14. Limited to five rider. only per ....ion. CIIi today, RUSS DARNELL MOTOCtlOSS SCHOOL. '(714) 244·1213. (219/21) Lou's Leathers All _ of compe1ition " street leelher•. catalog Ivaileble. Lou'. Leathe..., 300 Peck Roed, Elkhorn, KY 42733. (~787-5029. (216/21) Wanted: RZ500 Motor And fuel t.nk. Will consider purchase of entire (running) wrecked bike. Project, RI. 1, Box 130. Harlem,.MT 59626. Sorry, no phone. (319/20) OUCATl RACIIG " STAJIlIARD - _ I rotoiI; IWiIIo lilly. CIIli/DslanolYorliI:cIoi/....... AUIY; •••••'l/ferk-..'.cll/ll,.cklta. Clutdon/elbl•• /llsll.ts/slli. ./co.oIts/..e. T•••.·S.t. 10:30·6:3D. O.clli AII.ricl. (714) B9I·1211. Californi. O••ler . RUSS DAIIIlELl.X/ATV SCHOOLS - . . . '69 lsi _ 01 011 ..... fIdooilIoo: .X/.-.I 1rIiI/ n. ATV rill.r/..eor ......... SVlA cart. 1lIIIon/ 1. . . 1 _ . P.O. Bas I0Il4, 1aU. CA 92310 (7141 244-1213. OUCATl SPECIAUSTS - pens..-s.1Ich. eo""", . TZ25OF: LECTRONS, DYMAGS, SPONOON,_e rims. new fairing'. r.ce ready. tons spares. 524OO/trade RZSOD. other .treet bike. Two RD350s plu.thir!l motor, $300. (616) 924-4616. (119/20) Seven day camp includes - food/lodging, training, CaliforniB O....r VERA'S LEATHERS -'- Bnt r 11 ..r.... 1 ..../...hI" .... ~ ""'r.l/_ • Ir/llorlill. T" ./ _ ....... prien. (714) 512-4735. Hopair/....r IllY " _ r 111_01. 486 W. Arrow Hwy. #11. So. 0...., CA 91773. Riding School Over The Counter Dear Dealer: ATV News is the stock to trade over the counter in your place of business. ATV News recentfyspfittwo-for-onel Now your stock of America's All Terrain Vehicle Newspaper turns over twice a month instead of only once. tf you are not h.ndling ATV News already, just call our Dealer Sales broker now at (213) 595-4753, or write to ATV News, P.O. Box 1030, Long Beach. CA 90801. . (541TFN) . coaching. weight training. mini-triathalon. Two 01 II . . - 01 Riding Appar.1 Now in stock. New northern California dealer, Saitone's Power Products. Petaluma, CA (707) 762-3190. (319/22) *** Ultra Advanced *** ** Motocross Training ** .od ..pair . . . _ III IWiIIo/...... F _ d_ ..... ....... ' 0 _ or Gu..' __ GIzzi, Tri"'ports. Ups...,. ~ 1157.SW . . . . Singleshock Californi. O• •r HOlDASNOCIlSPECIAUST -'Toe T..~Rec r· .. ... r _ I FOR THE EITHUSIAST. AoIdIerinlI ....r lor .... T....., OR 97223 (5031245-1377. RUM Darnell Motocross School Moy 24-25. Bakersfield, CA; May 31-June 1. Glen Helen Park, San Barnardino, CA; June 16-19, Rock Springs, WY; June 23-26, DeAnza. (714) 244-1213. (2.14/21) 1972 500 Honda Fresh 553 motor. 8IIrnett. Spitfires. Magnums. K"N., 4/1 Ind morel Cleln, nevar abused, '850 firml (714) 828-0247. . (419/20) '"'-_. I . F .,.... - . rHlIy. 000 Uy ..... IIicIl ...._ 1.333 Sla_ Dr. Tw· ...... eo_ s...- 103111 &onII 0-. s-o -.. EM.- CycIo , ports. ICC_iss. GanlII G.... CA 12843_ (7141530-2712. . - . CA 1lIlilI3. (2131371.3187. 1975 Ducati 900SS Complete restor8tion. Frame/motor zero miles. Needs slight detailing. Brembo. Marzocchi, Tommaselli. The lot 53900 US firm. Colin, (416) 9647080, leave (319120) Killer Deall '83 Suzuki 650E Must sell. hardly ridden, stock tires. stock everything. 2700 miles. fe.t sell, $1500. (714) 4921013. (714)492-8745, San Clemente. (319/20) Singlesltock S.mC' OHUIIS SPECIALISTS - Factory _ .....1 . . . . lIfIIios /_ G..... pens Ie l -.....lIlIias .sdasiso U.S. lIisI. ~ 2570 ......... SL CI, .... Viow, CA 94D43. (415) 912-81". .... llelIIiIdiaI/n ..I Soudt C.roilll RArs SUZUIlJ/IlAWASAIlJ - 1lnMolIi & ....... pens I SIIIII, 1IIIoItrs. Repairs I I _ . .r br Dlily UPS sonic•. T-. ... Fr. !l-&, Sol. 9-3, s., & _ . 1050 Sod PiIuI W...., SC 2!l151. (183) 469-2573. ........... - eo.... blIoro IDEAS, INVENTIONS, TECHNOLOGY WANTEDI Call free, (800) 528-6050; Canede. (800) 5286060. ext. 831. (119121) GPzll 00 MOTOR WANTED FOR PROJECT BIKE. '83 or '84 only. No n.sty lumps, please. Bob Sinclair. 7B Bridle Trlil, Fairfield. CT 06430. (203) 255-9982. (119121) '84'12 Husky 400WR Low mileage••tock, 51600. (201) B91-8382. ,lsc""tuS T.naesse. O.aler ............ r _ . . r.... _ _ _ e-,IoII ,_ ..... 1Ii-_ s,ocn _ _ -.. 3227 ~ Mini Box Van N_ motor 9ODO miles, the lirst 53200 tlkes it. Cell (B1BI~I5-2090_n lD-8 M-S. (218/21) 1:1 Siagleshock S.mC' PAUL TH.EDE'S RACE TECH __- ' " b bPJ~~2?! #127, ........ CA 91711. (714) 594-7755. CYCLE PRO RAClIG - ......_ .... ,.ns " " c.........roica _ t . H....y~bo ..' """l1IIrs. Fin I I I'I'1S " ICC_iss. tIoy UPS. COD• • 3601 SIIIo.A.... ~ . TI 37911. (615) 522-2050. s.. e. "... 83 ·,:lH