Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 05 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IRESULTS I lIIotDcross OPEN JR Ron Fischer Randy Eckstein Keith Morgan C...... MX C..... GA M., 11 ByJ.tfJICIBae PEE WEE A Kaw Jamie Kendall Nolan Gray Hon Shawn SatterfieldHan PEEWEEB Kaw Juan Winter Preston Moon Kaw Yam Ma'" Moon JRMINI Adlim Mercure Chris Oys Han Preston Moon Kaw SRMINI D. BIa,*enship Yam Kevin Abernathy Suz Gabriel Queen Hon NOV 125 Tommy Elliott Hon Yam Kevin Beaver Hon Randy Hendrix NOV 250 Richard ShasteenKaw Hon Joe Reppert Randy Beasley hon 125 Hon Gene Ridings Danny Christy Cag Mike Butler Hon 250 Suz Kippy Marlts Mike Davidson Suz Oalon Pettigrew Suz OPEN Suz LaneJanes Bill Mizelle Kaw ENDURO Kaw Jim Wehunt Billy Adams Han Yam Eddie Wlters OVER 30 Thomes Day Han Mei Bill Mercure JMf Risner Cog tr ...... V.., Kaw Yam Yam Kaw Kaw S. Weatherington Hon 50 Jason Moses Yam Shanen Ross Yam David Guerra Yam PRO Steve Brunelle Hus Joye Balcom H'om Mark Lynch Yam OVER40 Bill Canion Hus Kenneth Wilson Hus OVER 30 EX Dale McCullough Kaw Andrew Trott Kaw Yam Tom Williams OVER 30 B Gary Rice Kaw Tom Tysl Hus Frank Taylor Hus OPEN Carlos Gonzalez Hon Rick Pittman Yam Gerald Huegel KTM 250 Pat Hohman Suz Jamie Gardner Pen Van Landingham Yam 125 Steve Herrera KX Luke Hardy CR MarltJasper Suz WOMEN Barb Russell Suz Karrinka Lawson Hon BEG Tony Humphress Yam John Bresenham Suz Rodney Wilson Hus MlItlIcross , P"'lItlIl M/C Perk G.ra.ruill•• KY MlY II By Jim OlrlillglOll JRMINI Kaw Randy Barger SR MINI Hon Robin Parker Mike Houseworth Suz 125 B Timmy Skidmore Kaw Darren OarlingtonHon Han Vince Miller 125 C Jeff Boeckmann Kaw Kaw David Russell Mike O'Hara Kaw 200 David Fantini David Kimball Allan Heinke 125 NOV JR Scott Cha.. Alan Baynes Hank Boschen 125 NOV Dan White Jeremy Ennis Andy Slater 250 NOV Joe Hurley Chris Sl8ndlte Russell House OPEN NOV Gary William Dan Latford Robert Hokans 125AM Tim Lemire Andy Catanzaro Todd Richotte 250 AM Ted Blacltmen Tom Schwab Chris Ennis OPEN AM John Harriman Ed Longacre William Wynne SR David ClemenCe Larrin Lapalm David Rudnicki Scon Ryan Man Berry B5NOV Patrick Waitt Steve Harris Ken Lyons B5AM/EX Han Kaw Suz Yam Han Hon Kaw Han Kaw Suz Suz Hon Hon Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Hon Yam Kaw Hon Yam Hon Yam KTM Han Han Yam OPEN BO Chris Ryan Mike Moses Grag Cernosek 60 Daniel Trott Hon Kaw C-A Joe Waddington Hon Yam Wemyss Scott S. A8bIlIie. TX May 11 ByS_W.W.... C-A 250 Corky HouseworthSuz Carson Bentley Suz Ron Fischer Hon OPEN Hon Oon Lewis John Lang C-A Yam '-!nce Wade ~: M-.c,.. IESC l.lMIa. IH M., 11 EdLo~e ItIIn Sa..... 11IE EAG!! CE!!BRATES FIVEYEARS Kaw years of independent operation since 1981.we're offering unheard-ofmotorcycle finarx:e rates on some new models from the series we launched that year: The FXR SuperGlide~ with style from the heart of America The FXRS Low Riders,'" including the Sport and Liberty Edition,'" all the best of the new HarIeys. The FXffT Sport GIide.4I> the definitive American sport tourer. And the FXRD GrancllOuring Edition,'" combining touring comfort and handling in one tidy package. They're all po.vered l¥ Har1e':fDavidson's 00 wbic inch VZ Evolution'" engines set in computEr- designed frames with rubber isolation engine mounts; and they're all available with 9.5% financing from }OOf p;rticipating dealer May 15 through June 3:>. see him for complete details. Whether you're cruising or touring. roN is the time to check out a Har1ey~ 1tlu r:tNe·it to yourself to ride one. One test ride will prove it to You: They're the best Harleys ever. And with 9.5% financing. you may never see a better deal on these bikes. The time to buy one is I1CM£ ~I"'~ MIIIr.UlftIII: IN (,IIUU; .JUMlill1UIIL It was ~ 16. 1981. A small woop of ~ employees. nders all. purchased the compal"1Y from AME. After 12 ~ under ~~ ONnerstllp. Har1ey-Davidson, Americas only ~~e manufacturer: was once agam an Irx:leperxlent compa~ A ~paf1Y run l¥. deI.utEd ~ists with a ~ m~ to .quaI~ A. ~pal"1Y with a new direction, buIlding bikes the THE IUVTHE 200 Joe Powers Kim Quallich Craig Betz 250 David Alexznder James Kalleker Ray Vagarsona OPEN Scott Braden Tom Cozza Cain Blackwood SR 1 John Gallagher AI Benedict John carlin SR 2 Tom Davis Clyde Wagner Guy Bartolotti for riders. fllfllIE IIJEIIEIJEIE .1VEI5AIY~* And to help you get into the Independerx:e spirit. Har1ey-Davidson is holding an Independence Anniversary 9Neepstakes. FJrSt Prize is the FXRS Low Rider Sport Edition. second Prize is a Fly & Ride vacation to Frankfurt, Gerrnal"1Y for two. And over 40 other prizes will be given away-Get to your participating Har1eyDavidson dealer and fill out an entry form before June 3:>. 1986. A complete prize list is on the entry box. While you're there, check out the Low Riders. Super Glides. Sport Glides. and Grand lburing Editions. and get the complete details on our 9.5% financing. Join Hartey-Davidsoris I~roence Anniversary Celebration. And do a little celebrating of}OOf C7tIIll. • ArruaI pertentage rate. Qffemj by Harley-0.mCJ1 may affect rna! ccrl5UmerC05t AawI pru. ci>Nn payment. C1JraIICll of r~ ard pi¥lll!nlS Wlil depErd (Jl Clealer. "No PJret'il5e necessa~ see y::J.Jf partJcJpaIJ~ dea1er for H SC,..... •• S"M.C. S..... OH M., 11 By M.L. MiA" OVERALL Flip Jendre JR MINI Brent Abel Doug Fryer Mark McGath SR MINI Jack Steele Tandy Friley Bridget Ulizio 125 Fred Horuat Nick Zanella Dale Pritchard wt1i they should be built: By riders. details ard ruJes, \bod where prohbIlEd by law 01986 Har1ey-lBJidsoo MotorCo..lrc C·A Kaw Suz Yam KTM Kaw Kaw Hon Hon KTM Kaw Hon Yam Suz Hus Hon Hus Mai Hon Hus Hus Kaw Yam Han KTM M"'cr_ G",'s Wlrrior MX Wlrrior. At M., 10 JR CYC Scott Allums Richie Ingram Jeremy Salter SR MINI Chris Cornelius Kevin Billings Scott Wilson 125B Clay Harris Kevin Billings Eddie Fine 250B Darrol Peck roger MacKay Don Whisenant OPEN B Wade Gordo,! Mark Phillips Mitchell Phillips ENOURO Scott Stone Ken Helms Keith Collier 19B4 & OLDER Tim Williams Jody Stridar Roy Dugger Jr. SR Jim Stewart Earl Loyd Bruce Williams Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Hon Kaw Hon Kaw Kaw Suz Yam Hon Hon Yam Hon Yam Kaw Hon Hon Hon Yam Yarp • Cook, Gaddis, Kalos Win Five 1986 Phoenix Amateur Supercross Titles with PJl Oils BRIAN COOK Uses PJ1 Goldfire Pro 2-Stroke Oil and Octane Plus to win the 60cc Intermediate class. JIMMY GADDIS Uses his PJ 1 Goldfire Pro 2-Stroke Oil and Octane Plus prepared bikes to win both 80cc Stock and 80cc Modified Expert Classes. SHAUN KALGS and DREY DIRCKS also use the Winning Line of PJ1 Oils and Lubricants to Sweep 151 and 2nd Place Overall in the 1 25cc Pro Class. SHAUN KALGS also wins 250cc Pro Class. Make the Switch In '86 to P J 1. It's time fOT you to switch uP! Ask for PJ1, the exact hi-performance blend of oils and lubricants that factory race teams use. ~,51 • J

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