Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 05 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Formula One THE ANATOMY OF (Continued from page 6) Rainey, on the other hand. had run his heat races on the same harder MicheJins he'd use in the race. His RS500 Formula One bike had a Michelin 1530E radial slick; his Superbike used a Michelin Il45C bias belted. (Ballington and Renfmw ran Dunlop 3.7517.50R-18 KRI33 radial slicks). Which leh Schwantz with two choices: A 726 slick with the same profile as the 407 but a harder compound or an English-made low-profile Dunlop with a harder compound. on a wider, 4.50-inch rear rim. Cutting through traHic in practice. Schwantz liked the way the lowprofile tire allowed him to make quick direction changes; but his Suzulei wobbled a little over bumps with that tire. Schwantz decided to try the lowprofile tire tire in the Formula One main event, and Watanabe had his mechanics adjust the bike's suspension to try to tune out the wobble. Before the start. Schwantz said he planned to run behind Rainey and push him, to ride only as hard as he had to. to conserve energy for the Superbike race. to see what happened. Watanabe told him to pull in if he had to push too hard or was in danger of wearing himself out; save yourself for the Superbike race, Watanabe told Schwantz. Schwantz was gridded 14th, but was second by the end of the first lap. well behind Rainey but ahead of Renfrow and Ballington. Renfrow passed Schwantz; Schwantz passed Renfrow back on the brakes into tum II, a u-turn in front of the pits. Rainey was bumped back to third. and Schwantz led. Ballington was back in fourth place ut still hanging onto the leaders, ithin striking distance, looking very mooth and controlled. Schwantz pulled his advantage to wo seconds on Renfrow, who had nother two seconds on BaUington ith Rainey another second back., iding conservatively. Schwantz was unning 1:49s with Ballington turnng 1:51s and I:505 and Renfrow at :50s. Renfrow dosed back up on chwantz ~ith a I:49.23. a couple of :50s and a I:49.03, the fastest lap of he race. but Schwantz still had a onecorid lead to spare. And just like that Schwaotz was ulling into the pits, on the ninth ap; his Suzuki's engine stumbled, tuttered; the Yoshimura mechanics ould later speculate that the gas ank vent had stuck, causing fuel tarva tion. The mechanics started the ike in the pits aher checking for gas nd spark, and were mystified as to he problem. More serious for hwantz, it would tum out later. as the fact that he never pushed own to I :48s on the low-profile rear lick, and that, based on the tire's perormance in the Formula One race, ould decide to run the same tire in he Superbike final. But more on that lsewhere. . Meanwhile. Rainey went froni third o first in turn 1I, on the brakes; then allington made his move. hitting he 1:49s on the II th lap. suddenly oving in front; Rainey charged and ook it back, but Rainey's race was bout to run its course. As Rainey ccelerated 0[£ corners, his bike's rear uspension compressed and unloaded s the tire stepped sideways; Rainey tarted looking a little frazzled, grimly nging on, not looking smooth at 11 as his bike jumped and pogoedorr he turns. Rainey lost ground here nd there, and wobbled where the thers didn't.. (Contintud to page 27) ·ROAD RACING • AtII4 • • • CT • • • • • THE NISSAN 200 July 12 and 13, 1986 Laguna Seca Raceway, Monterey, CA ACamel Pro Series National Championship • The Bell Superbike Oassie On Saturday THE MEN: THE MACHINES: sulo, Laguna Seta Rocewoy is 0 riden' courw. The proximity of me crowd. ond ils size. 10 me 1.9·mile layout gives I!le riden and fans me feeling of 0 European !elting. The lIVen left and two righl turns, coupled wim rolling hills. offer 0 lJue challenge forme ride~ ond incredible ex· dlemenl lor me spedalo~ . The . . 2GO 1m .... I1Ie sIIowmse The FomUa One IlIlIlhines featured in IiIe far the lIIIIIIIt5 of boIh the besI • in Nissan 200 me 350 pounds of fury. the Unilld Sllll5111l1 the besI Anwimns tapaiJIe of speeds of 140 miles per hour lIIIIIPIIinI it E . . IIIlI WlIlqII(l 1986 hen and pIOdUling horsepower of SIKh . II be • "'-'t. P1IIt -.Is have ... IlIlIgIIiIUde mal brvlol occeleralion ond iijipeiiiWUS by limy Imts. RIIIlIy spine-dliling w!IeeIies. even 011 me top of ..... FIIlIIII E'" lawson. the world famous down hiN "corlcscrew." Waynelainey IGIdwiIIIIlIIDlY beawne commonploce 011 oround !he dr_. To the _. they .1he dIaIenge cui! and oR me way from green 10 The NilSOn 200 at Laguna Seto Raceway " 1he I.- 5em Omlil. And the lIII1l- dIecbred flag. is rated by many as me premier molor· cyde road IlXI in me Uniled Slales 10· pelilion belwwn has beawne 1egeNIwy. Situated on IiIe beautiful Monterey Penin· day. You should be making your plans THE EVENT: THE CIRCUIT: now to attend me Nisson 200 July 12 and 13. 1986. The 3rd 8ell Superbike OOlSie will be featured Saturdoy. Don'I forgel me fun of comping 01 Ihe dltuil. or pamper yourwlf by sloying at one of me mony fine hotels, motels and in~s on me Monterey Peninsulo. ' INFO: Tid

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