Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 05 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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". Rick Mitchell finished second overall on his F-1 Ducati two minutes behind Anderson and a minute ahead of Dave Roper's G-50 Matchl.... . .. . ".' .... : .; '.. , , ' .. " (Above) Winner Steven Anderson (right) of Cycle World magazine talks with Mexican Champion Jesus Rodriguez (center) and Mark Brelsford; Anderson averaged 106 mph. (Below) Cagiva-mounted Nick lenatsch topped the 650cc class at f'lfth overall. lenatach works for Motorcyclist magazine. Of the American front runners, only Anderson had pre-run to determine gearing and refueling points. ing Reams disappear in the distance and I left the pits and my refueling buddy Phil (notan appropriate name considering I left with half-a-tank) behind. While my gas stop 3't the 75-mile mark wasn't perfect, it wasn't painful either. That's more than can be said of Mark "High Octane Underwear" Brelsford's gas stop. With former Superbike rider Steve McLaughlin at the helm, gas found its way from the can onto Brelsford's waiting lap. No problem - until he noticed his leathers had split at theaotch. "When I came in, the Mexican, Jesus (Rodriguez), was just right in front of me," Brelsford said. "So I waited and waited and finally I couldn't take the pain anymore. So I saw a tree and whipped it over and just started throwing clothes off. Before I know it the winds got my top and I'm not wearing any britches, so . here I am running around wi~h nothing on. One car came by and two bikes come by as I'm running around naked out there." During Brelsford's Tarzan impression, Nixon took advantage and, after checking on his parmer's condition, .wok over second place in the On/Off Road class. Iwlidn't last, however, as Brelsford got dressed in time to get his Pemex/Fruit of the Loom/Van Leeuwen-'sponsored Kawasaki across the line before Nixon. (Nixon, meanwhile, claimed they shortened the race and his unnecessary fuel conservation cost him the battle with Brelsford, plus a last-minute switch of bikes gave Brelsford the faster of the twO Kawasakis, plus ... - Brelsford didn't buy any. of il.) lowe my not s.pending the after- . noon in the Mexican desert to an unknown "man who filled my bike with pre-mix. While trying to chase down Reams, I was forced to go onto reserve 40 miles before the finish; knowing I would never see San Felipe, I thought I was doomed. But Mr. Unknown saved me with the last of his gas and after a few minutes I was on my way again. Mashburn caught me after the unplanned gas stop and we did our best NASCAR impression for the last 40 miles. My perfect draft at the finish wasn't so perfect and Mashburn became the third, out of three, former National dirt track and mad racers to arrive in San Felipe ahead of me. With the race track stuff behind us, it was time for some serious racing of the verbal kind. Long-winded race stories that would make a fisherman cringe - good stuff this La Carrera, Thing's to watch out for at future La Carreras: Getting.passed by Dave Rope('s G-50 Matchless is like spending the night at LAX; unless you like pushing, never pit by N.ick Ienatsch and his iII-starti~gmotorcycle; if you want a stiff neck, wear a motocross helmet'to a road race; leave Hussong's Cantina early .on race night; bring extra money for bribes (one racer spent $60 on his way to the race - switctling lanes without using turn signals is an expensive habit -south of the border); when you see a crowd of laughing locals in a blind corner, slow down; if }'our bike will only do 100 mph, seri'ously consider cruise control and a good book. • Results OVERALL: 1. Steve Anderson (Duel; 2. Rick Mit· chell (Due~ 3. Deve Roper (M8I); 4. Fred Eiker (Norl: 5. Nick len.tseh: (Ceg); 6. John Winslett (Tri); 7. G.rne.u Weld (Due); 8. Willi.m 8yrnes (Due); 9. P.ul R.ssmussen (Han); 10. Morgen Bailey ( 1CX>Occ: ,. Fred Eiker (Nor); 2. Williem Byrnes (Due); 3. Scott W8Iers (Nor). 75Oce: 1. Steve Anderson (Due); 2. lIick Mitchell IDue); 3. G.rne.u Weld (Due). 65Occ: 1. Nick lenatsch (C.g); 2. John Winslett (Tri); 3. G.rne.u Weld (Due). 600ce: 1. Roper (M.teh); 2. P.ul R•••• mussen (Han); 3. Morgen B.iley (Y.m). ON/OFF: 1. Jesus Rodriguez (Cog); 2. M.rk Brelsford (!Caw); 3. G.ry Nixon (!Caw). SIDECAR: 1. Jeff Smith/Jerry Cornelliu.(BMW).

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