Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 05 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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...... r>(\l NATIONAL :;E . wi ldern ess designa tion in U tah National Park s and recreationa l area s. Altho ugh so me of the areas sure ly deserve wilderness p ro tectio n, a bett er bal ance is needed tha n that proposed by th e BL:\I a nd Pa rk Service . If yo u are interes ted in keep ing some of America's most scenic ar eas open (0 motorized recreation . get in volved and review the BLl\I DEIS. Pu bl ic heari ngs will be held in different U tah cities. For dates a nd times ca ll BLM offices. In U ta h copies of th e DEIS are on file at the area BLM o ffices an d some local publi c li braries. Personal or group co pies ca n be o bta i ned at no COS I from th e BLM Uta h Stale O ffice. A wilderness sta tus map covering a ll agencies in Utah is a lso ava ilable separa tely, Wrillen co m me nts shou ld be sent to th e address below . The co mme nt period ends Au g ust 15. 1986. There may be a 60-day ex tens io n , but meet th e deadline if poss ible. Writ ten co mmen ts sho u ld go to : W ilderness Studi es ( U933) Bu reau of Land Managem ent U ta h Sta te Office 324 South Sta te Stre et , Su ite 30 I Lak e city, U tah 841I 1-2303 For DEIS cop ies and map s, co nt act: BL M Utah Stat e Office P u bl ic Roo m 324 Sou th Stat e Stree t Sa lt Lake City, U ta h 9411 1-2302 Phone: 80 11524-5330. For fu rther in fo rma tion a nd questions . contac t Dr. Gregory F. Thayn, EIS Team Lead er . 801/524-3135. . . .- --------1 America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sh aron Cl ay ton , Publisher Mik e Klin ger, Comptroller Skip Johnson . A ssociat e Pu blish rr t .\'atianal Soles Manager J ack Mangus.lA.u oc iat t' Pu blishers S enior Editor Rhc ba Smi th . Circu tntion Ma nag ,., Caroline Oe nd ry. Exe cu ti ve Sr crem rv to tht' Publisher Editorial J o h n Ulr ich . Editor Kil Pa lmer. A.uotia tt"Editor Mall H ilJ;t·n bCr~. A ss" Dcialr-Edi to r Pau l Ca rrut he rs. Associatr Edi tor Far ren Will ~m !lO •• f~·.m(i,,1t" Edi tor Advartising T erry Prat t, It' ,...l tnn Sa lt'.~ Ma nager Tim Ryan . W t'st ""'n Sa tes M a nag er M ar k Thome, lI't'stl"'rn Sates lHanag,., ~fi k (' Church , Eaurm So. 1 ." .uana~n' 1' Thomas R . C omer, Easte rn Sales Manager Li nda Bro...n. W,..dl"m Ad. Coordinato r . ea rtl Borden. Eastern ..,d. Coo rdinator Sa oC') Wasld l. Adverusing t Ed itoria! A nt . " Graphics and ProdlJction G inJ;t'r Machado. Prod uction .\la na~n' . \f.alrol m Wilson. Graphic Artist Dia na Hi lgen berg, G'faphic A 'fllst Mari on H a ta sb ita . T yp esetter Carolyn Branham . Typ~sd t~r Den nis G rttn.~. Lab. T ech n ician Accounting / Oats Processing Don na Brya n , ACCLJ. R u riw bk Coordiruuor Ge nM:.a Re pa ss. Assistant Fran Hamwev. Crrdit Circulation Sarah Taylor A ssistant Alm a An g uia no Assis tant Linda " arri p a Assistan t . Clwr i Chapma n Assistan t Laura Aldri dge , A SSLsI4 JnI Want Ads Sta n St'Ol Wa nt Ad Sales Sarvice and Support Chr is Aitch l'SOn . IH mdquarters , R eception isl Leo na rd He rr ing , Service ~nd Suppor t Nationel Ha.dquartars 220 1 C he rry Ave.• Lo ng Beach , C..A 90806; mai linKad d ress P .O . Bo x 498. Lo ng Beach . CA 9080 1·0498: 2 13/ 427-7433. 213/ 636-8844. Ea.tern Offica 4190 Fir st Ave.• T ucker , GA 30084; mailing add ress P.O . Box 805. Tucker . G A 50085· 0805: 404/ 934-7850. Cyc le Now, (lJSPS 141·340) is p u blished weekl y e xce pt th e Iir st a nd lasl wet'k oCthe ca lenda r yea r for S 25pn-ya - )0 • In c.. 220 1 Cherry Avenue. Lo ng Beach , CA 90806 . Second clas s po stage pa id at Lo ng &ach.CA. POSTMASTER : Send form 3679 to Cycle News. P.O. Box 49B. Long Beech. CA 90S01 -049B. Su bscription rain: One year, second class mail . S25: IW O years. seco nd class mai l. S4's; three yea n, secon d cia" mail. $68: 25 wee ks, $13. For eign rates a vai la ble o n request. Cycle l':' ~ s. welcomes un sol icit ed editorial mater ial in cludi ng stories. cartoons , pho tos , ere. Such ma terial. I • sb exclusive property o r Cvc le News . Such accepted m at er ia l is subjec t to revision as is necessary in the sole discretion o r Cycle News. Unso licited materia l which is n OI u sed will be ret urned if acco mpanied by a self addressed sta m ped envelope. All u nsolici ted m at eri al will be ha n dl ed wi th reasonabl e ca re. ho wever, Cycle News ass u mes no responsib ilu v Ior the sa rety. lo :\sor da mage to such material. Re p sint in g in whole o r part o n ly by per mis sion or th e p ubl isher. Ad ver u sin g rat es a nd ci rcu latio n in formatio n will be sent upon request . See S.R. D.S. Copyright t!l Cycle News. Inc. 19Se. Trademart< Cycle New. rllQiaterad U. S. Patant Office. All righU reserved. ON THE FRONT PAGE: Chris Carr flies his Wood -Rotllx dirt tracker through the night air at the Ascot TT National. A close-up look at the Wood -Rotax begins on page 16. Photo by Mitch Friedman. 2 Write to Cranston Foll owing is a letter I wro te to Senator Cransto n whichI al so copied to Sen a tor Wils o n. T his took a tota l of 15 m in ut es! T h in k how m uch tim e yo u spe n d fixing yo ur bike. Ca n yo u spare an extra 15 mi nutes to keep you r ridi ng area open? Senator Cra ns to n a nd hi s cron ies ' are well -or gan ized a nd powerful. We ca n' t expect someo ne else to do it . Don 't lea ve it a ll to th e Phantom Duck and frien ds. Pick- u p yo ur pen a nd let your Co ngress man and Senator Wilson kn ow you a re opposed to S206 1. DO UG ERLEMANN Manhattan Bea ch , CA Letter to Senator Cranston I a m followi ng up my p hone ca ll, made Ap ri l 17, wi th a lett er to exp la in the reasons I a m adamantly op posed to Senate Bill S206 1. th e "Californ ia Desert Protection Act of 1986.'· First - Protection of th e Ca li forni a desert wa s manda ted by Congress through p assage of th e Federa l Land Pol icy a nd Managem ent Act o f 1976. a nd furth er stren g then ed with passage of th e Deser t P la n in 1980. The Bu rea u o f Land Management has been carry i ng out th e provisions o f section 60 1 o f th e FLPMA which sta tes " to provide for im media te an d futu re protection and adm ira tio n of th e public lands in the Cali fornia deser t withi n th e fra m e work o f a progra m o f mult ipl e use a nd su sta ined yie ld, a nd th e maint enan ce o f en viro n ment a l qua lity." Seco nd - in dra ft in g S206 1,lomy kn owledge no off -road group, suc h as the Am er ican Mot orcycle Associa tion' Ca lifo rn ia Off Road Veh icle Associ ati on (CO R VA ), Cal ifo rn ia Racing Club (C R C) , ana o thers were cons u lted . Onl y conservat io n ists were co nsu lted . You sir, a re morally obl igated to represent th e interes ts of a ll yo ur co n stituents. not just o ne segment of th em . T hird - S2061 is a bill which wi ll require la rge a mou nts o f money to im p lement . Accordi ng to a park service spokesman in Wash in gton, D.C.• Du nca n Morrow, th e National Pa rk Service must absorb a 39 million cu t in its 1986 bu dget. In order to implement S2061 will you propose to close Yellow sto ne or Yosemi te Parks ' to save th e money? In co ncl us ion. I feel Senate Bill S206 1 is' a hastily constructed bill des ig ned to fu lf ill th e wis hes of a small m inority of th e users o f publ ic land and shou ld be immediately withdrawn . . DOU G LAS ER L EMANN Manhattan Beach , CA BLM Utah wilderness 'I n February, 1986 th e Burea u o f Land Management released th e "Uta h BLM Sta tew ide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Stat em ent.,. This six-vo lu me, 18-pound document reviews 82 " Road less" areas (3.2 million acres ) m anaged by the BLM in th e sta te o f U tah . The BLM p roposal would designa te 1.89 mill ion ares as wi lde rness. Different wilderness groups have p ro posed from 3.8 to 5.0 mill ion acres as BL M wi lderness. W il d ern ess designat io n wo u ld eli mi nate tra di tio nal mo torized recrea tion in m any o f U ta h 's mos t scen ic a reas. Four wh eel drives, mo torcycles . ATVs, sn owmobiles, mountain bicycles a nd even hang g liders are a ll illega l in wilderness areas. T'O meet th e federal defination, a road must be regul a rl y maintai ned by mechanical mea n s. "A tra il maintai ned solely by the passage of vehid es does not const itute a road ." T he term "way" is u sed to descri be unmainra ined roads, primitive roads a nd trails. Most of the WSA boundari es are existing ro ads and m any co ntain cherry -s tem me d roa ds . T he BLM ide nt ified 675 miles of ways wi thin th e WSAs . T h is is an estim a te since it represents map study an d in complete field measu rem ents of road s and trails. Man y wash es a nd slick rock tra il s were not inve ntoried as existing ways. Wh ile th e DEIS id ent ifies a reas which are p opular for ORV use, m an y larg e areas h ave had on ly limited da ta co llected on recreational uses. The Na tional Park Service earlier recommende d 1.35 m illi on acres for DAVE J AR VIS Logan, ur What say, Daytona7 Many opi nions were expressed after the a n nou ncement that th e 1986 Daytona 200 wo ul d be a Superbike race and th at no Formula One event would take pla ce d u r ing Da yt ona Cycl e Week. Most wri ters were strongly for or against th e change, n ot too man y had a " wai t a n d see" a tti tude. Of co u rse, th e maj ority of th e letters were from co mpetitors so th ey would sta n d to benefit if th ey were a Su perbike rid er or be stuc k wi thou t a race if th ey were th e owner of Formula One ma chinery. No w that th e results are in and even th e winner (Edd ie Lawson ) expressed h is o pi n ion of th e cha nge in form at , it would be interesting to kn ow if th e new ra ce was a success. I th ink that the true a ns wer is determ ined by th e spectator auendance. Su re, th ere were lots of riders, af ter all th e requirem ents to ge t a Su perbike licen se are not very stringent (so me Novice cl u b racers ha ve managed to obta in a n Expert Superbi ke licen se). None o f th e ra ce reports I've seen have referred to th e size of the crowd or reponed specta to r figures. Let's hear from th e Speedway no w th a t they ha ve been a ble to try th e new concept. STEVE ROSS H ebron, cr Accord ing to a Daytona I nterna tional ,Speedwa y spo kesm an, spectator attendance in 1985 was u p 7-10% over 1984, (t he last year of a Formula O ne Daytona 200), and 1986 att endance was up another 7-10%ove r 1985. That adds up to a 14-20% in crease in spe c-tato rs since th e shift from F-l to Superbik e for th e Daytona 200 . .. Ed itor. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cyc le News. In c, Send letters t o Voices. P.O . Box 498. Long Beac h. CA 9 0 8 0 1 .

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