Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 04 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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fiY PtiPti WftlLfY Dutchmen Davey Strijbos (Cag) a nd J ohn van den Berk (Ya m) finished 1-2 in th e Ap ril 13 125cc MX GP in Mills. H olland. St rijbos won both mot os, foll owed h om e by' Berk bo th tim es o ut. Defending I25cc MX World Cha mpio n Pekka Veh ko ne n (Cag) -was third overall wi th a 3-3 dav. The point standi ngs after two round~ show Vehkon en leadin g with 70 poi nts. follow ed by Arto Pantil la with 52. and Meko Kouki with 50. mond. ·ND, Hi -Point and Marzocchi. Goss missed the Houston Ast rodome' season opener because of a second leg operation, but returned t o action at the Sacram ento M ile . " The leg feels a lot better since the bone graft, " Goss said . " I will be doing eve ryth ing but t he TIs; they're too hard on my leg." Griffin Vehicle Service of Chatsworth, New Jersey, a Can-Am dea lersh ip . will host an open house on Saturday, May 3 f rom 10:00 a.m. to 2 :00 p.m. Can -Am 's AMA National Hare' Scrambles Champion John Martin and support rider Bruce Dengler w ill be on hand to set up new Can-Ams and to offer technical advice. The Magoo Invitat ional Old-Timers C ha m p io ns hi p motocross bei ng held to ben efit injured mo tocro sser Danny " Magoo" Cha n d ler o n J u ne 14-15 , will include a n AMA Distri ct-36 m otocross on Sa turday, June 14. Sat urday nigh t will feat ure a live band a nd th e tradi tio nal Rich m o nd Ramblers • a nyth ing-goes mi ni bi ke MX GP. Su nday , J une 15 will incl ude a Dick Man n -organized vintage dirt bike ra lly a nd m o tocro ss. followed by races featuri ng past stars o f m o tocro ss. The event will be h eld at th e Pra iri e City OHV Pa rk near Sacra me nto, Cal ifor- • Joey .Land a nd -}a-rR1'S- T ucke-- o n -a r H·on d a. We a lso fail ed to me ntion that H on da- mo u nt ed Mark Van xou rt a nd Joe Bol ton wer e early lead ers of th e class before th ey suffered a flat rear tir e. Sorry. guys. T he Flo rida Mo torcycle Deal ers Associa tio n donated time a nd manpow er for th e third co nsec u tive year to orga n ize a lobbying visit to the sta te legi slature a nd a ben efit banquet for Mother s Aga ins t Dru nk Driving (MADD). " It is' th e staff's desire to dona te th eir tim e to benef it MADD ," said FMDA Execu tive Director Bob H arris. " We a ll believe in their efforts to reduce the death a nd tragedies relat ing to d ru nk drivin g." ili a . Theopening round of the 1986 World Championship Endurance Road Race Series. the 24 Hours of LeMans (France), took place over the April 12- 13 weekend and was won by Gerard Coudray. Patrick Igoa and Alex Vieria (Hon), The team covered 1971 miles at an average speed of 82.3 mph. and finished six laps ahead of runner-ups Bolle/Battist ini (Han) . The Cla ss 2 1 (250cc) results we ra n from theApri l5SCORE Great Mojave 250 were in error. Th e official Cl ass 21 winners wer e Scott Mo rri s a nd Darryl Fo lkso f Las Vegas, Nevada , who rode a Husqvarna to top Hondamounted Mike Eckardt an d Phil Gorgo ne by 4.3 seco nds , T h ird went to ...- . 2 Two-time Grand National Champion Randy Goss called Cycle News April 8 to announce his rac in g plans for 1986. The Hartland, M ichigan rider will compete full t ime in the AMA/Camel Pro Series. excepting TIs. Goss has been reunited with his mechanic from his championsh ip years, Brent Thompson, who will tune Goss' Harleys with sponsorship from the Harley Owners Group. Portco Sprockets. Bell Helmets, SuperTrapp. Works Performance, Dia- Baylands Raceway Park in Fremont. Cal ifornia will hold a speedway practice and sign-up on Thursday night. April 24, a week prior to the May 1 opening of the 1986 northern California speedway sea-son. Fans a tte ndi ng ra ces a t Road America Racewa y in Elkhart Lake, Wisco nsin ca n n ow bu y a VIP ticket good for reserved sea ting in a BF G oodrich/ca me l Med ia T ow er lu xury su ite. T he ticket allows a person to wat ch races fro m th e a ir-co ndi.Ioned su ite , loca ted a t the start/ fini sh lin e, which is eq ui p ped with closed-circuit tel evision m onitors; ca tere d meal s 'a re incl uded; reservat ions are limited . Northern California speedway announcer and 1985 U.S. Speedway Team member Mike Rooney is recovering from knee surgery at home in Sacramento. California. Rooney was injured while riding in Ii Grand Prix recently; he's recup_ erating at his parents' home, 3210 Balmoral Dr., Sacramento, CA 95821 , ca n -Am 's 1985 AMA Nationa l Hare Scram bles Champion, J ohn Mart in ,' did not co mpete in th e Ap ril 12-13 ope n in g ro und o f th e Rel ia bility T ria ls/ ISDE Qua lifier T wo-Day Series in Ski atook; Oklahoma ; due to an on-goi ng wri st injury, acco rding to can -Am's J eff Sm ith . Smi th said th a t Martin inj ured th e wri st befor e la st yea r's ISDE in Spain a nd has been h a vin g troub le ever since . Martin deve lo ped tendo nitis a fter Spai n a nd

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