Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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9 · ..- . .. _ • • • .. _- . .. ... . ~ ..... .... . ... . .. . . . '82 Laverd a Jota America 1200 ' 8 4 Suzuki RM 5 0 0 Excell ent condit ion , stored. 6 1350. Ap ple Valley. (61 9) 24 2· 9078. or (6 19) 242 -9123. (307/101 Ninja 600 A luminum Frame 1983 HONDA XL600R. 2000 m iles. like new. SI I00 fi rm. Keokuk.lA. (3 19 ) 524- 9 592. (309/ 10 ) M etalli c blu e w it h red stripes, 3 100 mi les, $3 500. (4 19 128 9-8 259 after 5 p.m . " (30 9 / 10) 1985 YAMAHA RZ500. 2200 KM . MU ST SELL NOW. Ext ra spro cket s and sus pen si on parts go wi th bike. S3200. (50 2) 821 -0037 days . (50216837 590 eve nings. (30 8 /15) Co mplet e kit . S795 . RS C. (4 0 4) 953 -6851. (206 /EFI) 198 1 MAI CO 4 90 . PERFECTSHAPE. S800 .(81 8) 98 9-1589. (109/ 10 ) 1984 IT490 . PURCHA SED NEW 1985. 300 actu al miles, mint conditi on. $ 1700. (714) 962-2970. (109/ 10) KT M 495 Lou 's Leathers 19 84 KTM 495, W hi te Power sh ocks, upside dow n White Pow er forks . SI590 / 0 BO. (215) 48 3-2836. (309/101 GS X R, N inja , FJ , RZ, FZ ** *** ****** ******************* Eurostyle Motorcycles ************ ***** ** ****** *** *Ducati - 1000 Hailwood Mille *Laverda - 1000 SFC *Bimota - DB-1 * Bim ot a - SB-5 *Benelli - 900 Sport Other Models Available Call Nowlll (415) 485-192 1 . (309 / 12) W ant ed: Mit c hell Rims VF500 Steer in g damper kits. S69 .95 . RSC. (404195 3 -68 5 1. (206 / EFII ******** **** **** ************ Delivery Now - New in Crates * Honda - NS400R V-3 *Suzuki - RG500 Gamma Sq-4 * Y am aha - RD500 LC V -4 *Kawasaki - KR250 *Suzuki - RG250 A ll types of competition & st reet le at hers. Cat alog available . Lou's Leat hers . 300 Peck Road. Elkh orn. KY 42733. (606) 787-5029. . (2 10 /1 5) 16 " f ront, 18 " back. al so 13 " disc set -u p with 4 pi sto n ca li pers, would like Perf ormance Ma ch ine. Ask for Mi ke. (8 18) 99 1- 1892. (3 10 / 12) 2 We slake Speedway Bikes Br it ish Leag ue standards, 1 s ide po rt. 1 ce nte rpo rt. M ike. (9 16) 4 8 5- 8 6 19. keep ca lling. (109/ 10) '8 1 490 MAICO. W ORKS PERFORMANCE sbccss. W heelsm ith mod s. clean. S575. (71 4 ) 689-4171. (31 0 / 13) ' 8 5 KT M 250MXC Rick Johnson's Pro Circuit Pipe Th e same Pro Circ uit Pow er Pip e use d by Team Hon da's Rick Johnson on his CR250 to dom inate the 19 8 6 Supercross Seri es is ava ilable to you . It provides more bottom -e nd and m id -range pow er fo r serious acce leration wit h no loss on to p. Pro Circuit Power pip es ar e t he choice of every fa cto ry team for th eir '86 prod uct ion bikes . Honda , Yam aha , Suzuki. Kawasa ki. S13 8. PRO CIRCUIT. 4 212 East LaPalm a. Ana heim. CA 92807 . (7 141 9 93- 54 00 . (2 10 /11 ) -========== Low hours, in jury for ces sal e, $ 1900/ 0 BO. (70 7) 792 -0 105. (309/10) 19 8 5 KTM 250MX Excell ent co ndition, gre at for MX, desert . $ 1900. (81 8 ) 333 -843 5. (10 9 / 101 Kawasaki Funny Bike - 1980 Kawasaki Z1 R '85 & '86 KX125s On e owner , or iginal, new, $3000. 1974 Yamaha TOI 3 5Dec road racer. S1500. (2 171 824· 2302 . (106 /11 1 '86 like new, $1400, some spa res . '85 good condit ion . S1000. (6 19 ) 724-6007 evenings. (11D) '83 Husky Four Stroke 51 one, 6 speed, engin e rebuilt. M ikuni flat slide , 2 Over -The Counter New , 33 miles, ready to ride, $6400. 1975 Su zuki RE-S rotary, tons of ext ra parts, new engi ne, 3 5 mil es, $ 1200. Losing storage, need to sell . Off er s considered. Call (40 8) 426-2 222 7a.m.-6 p.m. Pacif ic time. (1 10 /1 1) 1965 KA W A SA KI 125. A REA L CLASS IC. 1978 65 0 Yamaha , low mil eage, A -1 conditio n. (714) 8 59- 6383 . . (30 8 / 101 (106/ 1 5) O's LEATH ERS. (4 19) 729·9639. SAFETY WIR E PU ERS: Top qu al ity . with a utoret ur n and cu tt er. Very limited q uantity at $49.50 each . UPS. COD. (3 12 ) 541-9630 days . (30 8/1 2) Harley PD/N Drag Bike 10% extr a hp. saves 25 Ibs.. 4 / 1. (800) 32 7-1 109. (2061TFNI '84 Ducati Hail w o od Replica int o 1 exh aust, new Metze ler Perfects. new cha i n and Si dewinders. SI500. (703 ) 830-2197. (30711 0) Dear Dea ler: ATV New s is th e stock to t rade over the counter in yo ur pla ce of bus in ess. ATV News recen tl y spl it tw o-t or-one I Nowyour sto ck of A me rica's All Terrain Veh icl e New spap er tu rn s over twi ce a month i nste ad of only once. If you are no t handling A TV News alr eady, j ust call our Dealer Sales broker now at (21 3) 595-4 753, or write to ATV News . P.O. Box 1030 . Long Beech, CA 9080 1. (541TNF) Ii,;: 0&0 1000R 900, 600 N inja New 2 spare mo to rs , 1 co mpl et e, 1 sho rt block. M aganson, Ende rle, B&J trans, ma ny spare pans. $12.900. (619) 323-3837. (6 19) 320-0872. (109 / 10 ) 19 65 BMW R69S. FLAWLESS PAINT. sto red 12 years. S1600/0B O. (7141985 -0815. (109 / 10) _.. ~ ~ New: ATK Bike Shoe us Pat ent No. 44375 97. Sec ures and locks t he bik e on your pic k-up , va n or trailer w it hout the use of t ie-downs i n seconds. Bik e never mov es becau se suspens ion of moto rcy cle absorbs all i mp acts. By means of a pad lock. bik e cann ot be stolen even if front ti re is flat. Introduct ory pr ice, $7 9 . ATK Leitn er Cor po rat i on, 723 l ag una Cany on Rd ., lagun a Beach . CA 92651 . (7 141497-7525 . (2 10) 96 cub ic inch, True tt f ram e, Ax tell cyli nder s, S&S fue l cerb. Kar rata pr imary belt dr ive, Truett slipp er clutch, Cer ia ni front end, all ne w motor, Perte rmance M achine brak es, ready to ru n, pric ed to move. (41 9 128 1- 17 84 . (31 0 / 11) RD 400F/RD350B - Fire Sale 1979 RD400F, 6000 mi les, never raced, $1 100/ OBO . 19 75 RD350B sto ck prod uct ion rac er, rough but restorable, $350 . Bates leat hers, 5' 10 " , 165 Ibs.. blue. yellow . S300.(7 13 1376- 0057 aft er 6p.m . in Texas. (110/ 1 1) Legend for Sale r-----------------------~------------------------~ I WANT AD BLANK I Cycle News, P.O. Box 498 , Long Beach, CA 9080 1-0498 I 213 /427-7433 I WANT AD RATES PricesAre For One Issue Only COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED PRIVATE PARTY Per word $1 .10 Headline in bold type $10 extra Blind Box Service Charge $5.00 Photo (No larger tha n 5x71 " $1 5 extra Per word 45¢ Headline in bold type . . $5 extra Photos (No larger than 5x7) . . $7 WANT AD DEADLI NE 6 2-p iece zip tog ether suits, 6 t -p tece roadracing su its. Pr ices, $3 25-495. Call fo r inf ormation and catalog. CYCLE RACER. (81 8) 574-7625. (21 0 /11) '86 YZ125 - Sacrifice M in t condit ion-used 2 hou rs. $ 16 50. (2 13) 5331023 day s. (213) 3 7 5-6057 evenings. (210) New 1981 TZ500H Motor C R ED IT CARD LIMIT M INIMUM 85 .0 0 PLUS .5 0 PO ST A GE end HA N DLI N G Comp lete in crate, cares, ignition. YPVS controf. Never run . still in cr ate, $2 100. (206) 398-7824. . (109/12) Sig natu re _ 1979 Dodge Maxi-Van _ 1 ton, full power, set up t o haul 2 bikes and 5 people . S3500/080. (70 2 ) 384-2353. Lee or (207/10) Hen ry . lOne pho to per ad - Printed im age size li m i t ed to 1 V,' high. 2 V." w id e.) I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I 'I Helmet-Hair Cure Print name. add ress and ad copy clear ly. Ever t ake off your he lmet on ty t o find you look. like you comb your hai r with a chai n saw? Well Cycl e News has t he cure . . . a new Cycle News Baseball Cap. For on ly $5 .95 yo u get t he cap and an en d to the " Did you j ust stick your fi nger in th e lightsocketr' jo kes from your fri ends. Order yours toda y by using t he Cycl e News, Inc . Products Order Form located below th e Adv ert iser 's Index. (STFN) Name State Address I City PRINT BOLD HEADLINES HERE Zip (Leave spaces) ~ACf- . _""" elf 11 13 ,. 20 12 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 2. 30 31 32 33 ]4 35 36 37 38 3. 40 41 42 41 44 45 46 4' 48 4' 50 51 52 53 54 ( Cycle News i. not responsible for illegibl e phone nu m bers o r copy . lit o-c:-. SI.~ ~ 28 " _I---- I 21 is 68 --- EXTRA CHARGE - See Want Ad rates. Wan t Ad m inimum . $2 .50. Bold headlines do n ot co unttowards want ad word count. 10 L va Dainese Leathers FRIDAY 12 NOO N for next w eek 's issu e. No ca nce llatio ns after dead line. Ad s ar e accept ed on a f irst com e fi rst served basis. Cycle News reser ves t he rig ht t o edit copy. A ny di screp ancies m ust be report ed wit hi n one w eek of pub li cat ion to receive any adj ust me nt. Fill in th e Vi sa/Master Char ge bl an k or send chec k or money or der to Cycle News at abo ve add ress . ~ Card Expire s PHOTOS RETURNED ONLYWITH SELF -ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVE LOPE 1983 Chevro let truck, alive and well, t he famed Pans Unli m ited/ M etzeler t ruck is n ow for sal e. di esel , automatic. a /c, sl eeper cab, ca. st er eo, fog ligh ts , power w in dows. cruise. power stee ri ng and brakes. S9500. Call Bob. (704) 298-3218. (1 10) Trade Up and Win 55 Are. Code /Phone No. Phone " counts 8S one . Elim inates need fo r rollchan and clock with TH EE COMPLITER. S200. Trade in your Combo and save . COUNmOWN. (81 8 ) 348-8381 . (20 1/ ALT) 1981 Ducati 900 Super Sport 8500 m iles. nev er dropped, color black. and gold. Excellent shape. S3500/0BO. (209) 962-6234 days. (209) 96 2 -5406 aft er 5p .rn. (307/10 ) ~ 1982 Ducati 900SS Al l or igin al, exce pti onal. better t han new condit ion . Only 5K miles, always garaged and atw8ys covered. Best lookin g S5 i n th e countryl Call John. 1717) 838-5879 after 5p .m . (308/1 0)

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