Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1/2&-21 WERA Gron.n. MI 1126·21 WERA O.k H . TJ( ill 1121" AFMSonoma. CA 811·3 OMRllA Ponlancl. OR 812-3 AAMRR PIX..... PA 8/ 2·3 WERA Rockingh.m. NC 8/ 3 MRA Denver. CO 8/9·10 AAMRR laudon. NH W£RA T aJlodeva. Al 8/9·10 AFM Sonoma. CA 811 I" 8/ 23·24 AfM Rosa.....d. CA 8/ 23-24 W£RA Colle Sl. TJ( ge 8/ 30-31 W£RA _ _ F...... It 8/ 30·31. 911 AAMllll laudon. NH 9/ 6·7 MRA SprQs. CO 9/ 14 MIlRA Pont.nd. OR 9/ 14· AFM Sonoma. CA 9120-21 AFM _ CA 9120-21 AAMllll _ PA 9127·28 W£RA kIdoanapaI;s, IN 9128 MRA Denver. CO l D/ 4-5 WlRA fIeIson IHgeL OH 10/4-5 W£RA Radlingham. NC 1015 0MIlRA Partlond. O R AFM Sonoma. CA 1015· 10/ 12·13 WlRA 6<.nan. M I WlRA Oak Hil. TJ( 10/2 5-26 Sle_aa, · GSXR only WERA National Endurance RR Series 4/ 12 4/ 26 5/10 5117 6121 715 7112 8/ 9· ID 9113 9113 912D l D/ 4 l D/11 1111 11/ 15 6lw/lndianopali.. IN 6hr/Radlingh.m. NC 6br/ F""lk.dle. GA 6br/ Sl. lauis. Il 6lw1T. nedelll. Al 6lwI Gr n. n. MI . 61v/ laud.... NH 241v/N. I... ledgtls.OH 24hr/Rasam... d. CA 6Il,/Sa•• m.h. GA 6lw/ Puebl.. CO 8!w /Colleg. SIa"'" TJ( 61v PIX / PA 6lw/Sav h. GA 8lw IT . llodoga. Al WERA National Sprint RR Series 3123 Tafledega. Al 6<.na" MI Savamah.GA 6/8 7120 SI C 5/18 5/18 6/ 1 8/ 1D 8/24 8/ 31 917 9128 l D/ 19 Pacana. PA Radlinghom. NC Ilelson IHge s, OH CaI1ege Sution, TJ( Sl.laui.. l Collesvine. fL SERA Championship Enduro Series Eoan. LA 3/23 4120 5/ 4 5125 618 6122 7121 8/10 10/ 12 1112 CIysIaI Spring.. MS Meridi MS SaIi LA Wiggin.. MS Acadia... MS TusclRObia. AI Goodman. MS Mayle... At Maplesville. At IDBA National Championship Drag Racing Series 4126-21 6/1 4-15 8111·12 10111·12 5/17 ·18 7119-20 912D-21 llV6-l · I Greensboro. NC Cincinnati. OH Unioo Grave. WI Ilinningham. Al Warner Robins. GA _ 1k.OH Alto. NJ • I : r l'IlIItoo Rauve; lA' MRANb esert - •.• - 9/2 1·28 "ID/ 18·19 Se ries Nevada or - " loud•• . NH Pocone. PA •AMA / CCS ce-sancnen 3/16 4/ 6 4/ 20 5/3 ·4 6122 116 8/ 10 9121 lD126 11·16 12·1 la s Vegas. NV 3122 5/3 5124 las Vegls NV . las Vegas. NY us V egas. NV us Vegas. NV las Veg.s. NY 3/2 2·23 3129·30 4119·20 4/ 26· 21 5/ 4 5124-25 6/ 8 6/28 · 29 7/ 5·6 1I 19·2D 1121 8/ 16· 11 Rasamo . CA .d 5oo. m• . CA So...... ca Rasamood. CA Sonoma. CA Rosamond. CA Sonoma. CA Rasam... d. CA Sonoma. CA CA . So•• m• • CA So•• ma. CA 8/2 3-24 Rosamond. CA Sonoma, CA 9/ 14 9120·21 ISlh Annual CMC Pac-West MX Series 6122 1113 8/3 8/17 3/23 6/ 8 6115 6129 ID I19 713 8/2 8/9 8123 9/6 9/ 27 10111 10117 C'I ..c::: ~ ~ Tacoma. WA 3/ 30 Bell. ir. WA 5/18 5/31 Mt. Vernon. WA Bellin gham. WA Bellingham. WA WA WMRRA Road Race Series 4/2 1 6115 9/2 1 lDI1 9 Seanll , WA Seanle. WA Se.ttfl . WA Seattle. WA SMX Yamaha California Classic Series AMA/CCS U.S. Endurance RR Series (tentative) 4/ 5 5/3 5/ 11 5/ 31 6/ 14 ~ c..o u .... 6/ 1 10/ 19 Rosamond. CA Rosamood. CA Rosamond. CA Rosamond. CA Rosamond. CA RoSimond, CA Rasamond. CA Ro samond. CA Rosamond CA . Rivenide. CA 4113 4120 5125 6/ 1 1112 SDOm St. lc uis. IL 5DOm Elkhalt lake. WI 5DOk 5ooom•. CA 50Dk Brim MN erd. Soak laudon. NH 25Dm O.ytona Beech. fl 50Ck lexi gt .n. OH . 500k Faulblle. G A 50Dm Summit Pt.• WV 500m Ch.rl.tte. NC 50Dk De CO 50D Sebri.g. fl k ayr. 5DOm O .. Beech. fl sc 00 E raccma. WA . HS. Tenino, WA ISOE. Bellinqham WA . ISOE, OIympi•. WA E, Belll. gh. m. WA 3/23 ARRA RR Series Califomia .~ ...... Reddi.g. CA Roseburg. OR Semi e. WA Z;.n. UT Northwest M /C Assn. Enduro Series "Endurance .. ~ O'l Northwest M /C Assn. Off-Road Championship (Washington ) So••m•. CA Scacm• . CA Rosamond. CA Rosamond. CA 4/5 ·6 513·4 5/ 31·611 115·6 8/ 2·3 9/ 6·7 ID/4·5 1111·2 121&- 1 12I2D-21 ~ ~ O .. UT gd. Rack Spring.. WY las V s. N eg. V Rosamo CA nd. lD/ 12 l DI25-26' ID 125·26 11/ 22·23· ~i KawasMi AMA /D-26 Tri-State MX Series la s Vegas. NV las Vegas. NV las Vegas, NY La Vegas. NV s la s Vegls, NV AFM RR Series California (Rosamond events include Toyota / Budweiser Formula USA and Kerker Superbike Series) .-c .-c WORLD CH~MPIONSHIP MINICYCLE MOTOCROSS PARK. CAMPING AT SUPER SOUND PA. SYS TEM STEEL TRACKCROSSOVERS FINEST FOOD & DRINK CO NCESSIONS CL£AN ~rrATfON FACIlITIES INONIOUAl. BACKWARD FAl.UNG SfART GATf APRIL 18-19 -20 1986 ~~~~$ 51]! i'#\~i( l1~::g:$ GreatProd~C~;;' ~~ ([faD t#\$ P ~DUNLOP f7f75)~ IIIIIJ ~ mr••on Perris, CA Sunnyrn• • d. CA San Ber nardino. CA Sunnyrne.d. CA Pe rris. CA = == c::::::xJ 0 D:::'== -- . Y' . ~ CLASSES FOR ALL! Pee Wees Minicycles Jr. Cycles Motorcycles ~ Westwood Motorcycle RR Club (Canada) TA.~Vi ~LJ,.!....f\.S,'0::::7 ~ 300L 70 WORLDCHAMPlONSHIP TROPHIES CALL OR WRITE FOR ENTRY FORMS CALL N O W! NMA. P.O. Box 46. Norwalk. Ca. 90650 (213) 868-8112 • WIS lWaad. ac WeslWaad. B.C. WeslW.od. B.C. WeslWaad. B. C . WlSlwaad B.C. . We"wa.d. B.C. 4/ 2D 5/ 18 6/8 6/ 22 116 8117 AMA/CCS National RR Sprint Series (tentative) 8/ 31 Westwood. B.C . 9/1 9/ 28 10119 Westwood B.C. . WISIWa.d. B.C. We"wa.d. B.C. 3129·30 4/19-2D 5/ 1D- 1l 5124-25 6120·21 6128·29 7119·20 7126·21 812-3 8/9 ·10 8/ 16·17 8/23 ·24 8/3D·31 9/2D·2 1 9/2 7·28 10/ 18·19 MRA Road Race Series (Colorado) F.ulkvtlle' G A S...... h. GA Summit Pt. WV Sa.....h. GA B1.dd1.wk Farms. Il Faul1Mlle. GA B1ackh.wk Farms.ll s..n m;1 Pt. WV B1ackh.wk Farm.. Il le xi"ll'.n. OH Sebn. g. fl B1ackh. wk Farms. Il Sav mah. GA . Sum Pt. 'NY mit Sl. la ui.. Il aayr. .. Be. ch. Fl 5/ 4 5118 6/8 6/ 22 116 1120 8/3 8123·24 9/6-1 9/21 9/28 Canadian National Supercross Series 5113 5/17 5/2 3 5124 6/1 CO CO CO CO Denver. CO Asj>en. CO la"llm... t CO Alpin. C O(6 hrl Steamboat Springs. CO Denver. CO (6 !wI Denver. CO MARCH SMTWTFS 1 call1l'Y. Albert. V.ncawet. BC M ontreal Quebec Montre. l O1Iebec Toron Onlario to. 2 3 4 5 678 9 1011 12131415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3031 AAMRR Florida RR Series 4/ 6 5/26 1I 2D 8124 1015 11/3D Pueb lo. De nver. langmont Asj>en. West Palm Beh. fl . Wist Palm Beh. fl We" Palm Beh. Fl We" Palm Belt. Fl We" Palm Belt. Fl WISI P.lm 8ch. Fl • Den ot es Pro Payba ck PRO & SPORTSMEN REGISTRATION FIE: MAil POST $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 Me mbers non -me mbers INCLUDES: * 20% Trophies Finisher Pin * Magic Mountain * Magic Mountain G.P. Hat Additional Tickets to Magic Mountain! SA V£ $6.00 (for (lrst 250 ri ders to enter) Reg ula rly $1 4 .95 ...... - -,,~ eRe - - - INFO: (213) 830-7519 RACE SCHEDULE AT V Cla 5se s At All Event!t . .. 15 - .aTIIC1IOSS Glen Helen Cycle Park .,...5 - lIOrocaosS Perris Rlceway 1 CAUFORN CLUB MEETING IA O. k1, nd MI CC1ubh.use. 742 451 h Avo. O,kl••d. CA. 415/ 537· 5392 or 835·8521. laud... NH PIXon•. PA laudon. NH laudon. NH PIX..... PA laudon. NH laud... NH I'DCana. Pit 1 .,. . CAUFORNIA MOTORCYCLE DRAGS Bay lands Raceway Part. Fr1ImonL 1 10 4151851.2545. . t •• ......iiIiiIiI~ . .. 3G - .aTIIC1IOSS L A. County R.cew.y Mal colm Smith .2000 Su nriae Cyc~ P.r1t 5/1 0·11 5/ 17· 18· 611-8· 115·6· 812·3' 8/9 ·1D 8/3D·9 / ' · 9/2 D -1., .... . - .. ·21 $8.95 Mall entries and two (2) leg" size selt·addressed. stamped ennlopes (SASE) to: CALIFORNIA RACING CLUB, 24518 Island, Carson , CA 90745 1 . - --(213) 830.7519 March 12 MAGIC MOUNTAIN TICKETS INCLUDE A FUU DAY OF UNUMITED RIDES. SHOWS AND ADVENTURESI * Ad m ission t o Magic Mountain Mar.23 - IIAGK:.Tll. G.P . AAMRR Road Race Series -If t ick ets cannot be used on specified dates. they wi ll be honored throughout 1986 with 53.00 surcha rge at gate on day of visit. - - Speedway MARCH 1 5 ..... BEGIIIIER All 20 IL 8:0D AI CYCLE 40 It g:OO AI All 40 II. 11:30 AI "EASY 20 MILE COURSE" a' 100% Fini her Pins & Super Trophies to 30% 125. s 2DD. 250 & Ope•• Plus Y outh, J r. Vet. Sr. Sup. Sr. & P.P. Coo cessions. RestrDOm~ Medical Sla". Free Campmg FREEWAY. FOO D & LODGI G CLOSE BY N 525.00 Mad· $30.00 fils! - ATV Non-MemberAdd 55.00 MemberSlip Not Required SUIOAY liAR. 16th. For Entry B1lnb & Rider's In . $tructions. Send U S E 10'ARA, Box 443, H_ t CA 92343 . DirKtio ns: 18 miles n/ o V,t!orvil.. Hod Rd. 0" ramp of l ge Long Beach Info - (714) 492 -9 9 3 3 • Im _~'~•. 15 . Further Info. Call (1141925-8608 59..

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