Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-, ~ ~ so Calendar listi ngs are a free service for Cycle News readers and race promoters. All information is the responsibi lity of the promoters . We suggest call ing to conf irm detail s before traveling to an event. 00 Q') ...... ~ CHAM PION SHIP EV ENTS C\J ..c u AMA/Camel Pro Series l-I ~ ~ TT/Gatd .... CA 4/ 5 Mrle/Sacramento. CA 4/ 12 4/26 or 27 HM /PhOl'u _IJ. M ile/San Jose. CA 5/4 HM /G.rd.... CA 5110 RR/Sooomi CA . 5/ 16-18 Mile/Spring field. Il 5/25 HM /loui s~II •• KY 5/3 1 RR/81ainerd. MN 5/30·611 RA/E1khlrt lJIkI. WI 6/ 6-8 RR/ loudon. NH 6113 ·15 RR/Poc ono. PA 6120·22 Mile/New Orleans. LA 6/ 21 TTI H insdale. Il 6/27 HM/Uml. OH 6/ 28 K HM/ Oklahoml City. O 7/5 ' RA/Monllray. CA 7/ 11·13 HM/Plrbrshurg. WV 7/19 Mile/ DuQuoin. Il 7/26' RA/lJI.i nglon. O H 811-3 RA/Bros n, G lho A 8/8 ·10 HM/Homburg. NY 8/ 15 8/17 TT/P.oria. Il Milo/lndia..polis. IN 8123 8/ 24 Mil./lndilnapolis. IN 8/ 31 M~./SpriOQli.Id. Il Mill /Syrocus.. NY 9/7 9114 Mil./Son Joso. CA HM/Gordona. CA 9/ 20 Miil/Socrollllnto.CA 9/27 1lfIISobring. FL 10112 • 19 8 6 AMA Supercross Schedule YOU Can Go Road Racing! 4112-13 4/ 19' 4/26 5110 6/7 101TBA' 101TBA AMA Reliability Trials/lSD E Qua lifier Series 4112·13 5/17· 18 6/2 1·22 6/28·29 7/ 5·6 1'tloonil.1J. 716 7120 8/ 3 8/ 10 8124 9128 Madrid. Spain 5125 6/1 7/6 7/ 13 8/ 3 8/ 10 8/2 4 AMA National Championship Enduro Series 3/16 4/27 5/4 5/ 11 5/25 8/3 8117 Make the m ove off the street and onto the race track. For compet itor and event inf orm at ion write: aan .... • • ~ Located 2 m iles north 01 downtown Warrior. take Warr ior exit 280 off 1 . follow s igns . -65 ~~ 205/734-0541 ~ Race With The Best ... ' . . CMC " Skoal Bandt" Golclen sute ....11.. Sa t . !is. Mar . 22 Mar. 23 GSN Perris Sun . GSN Glen Helen _ ___ I!!Fq (7 !4) ~~:~ Quail ~nyoo 5/2 4 5/2 6 5/3 1 7/ 5 7/ 6 M. . 1·2 Sal $pof lSnUIn. Sun Pros HlI'an C't't~ Partl GSN Mab-IIP fiMl Eft'" Sporlsml ,. on DOUBL[ POINTSI AWlrds M.. 9 8123 Sund., _ As Pan. cot s..SOft Opt"" Mar 14 _ Hurricane MiDI. TN CadIZ. KY Redding. CA Wapwallopen, PA 80 .10 1lYUI Sinford. NC Millvilo. MN l Lynnvill•• IN Brucaton M WV ills. AMA/NATC National Championship Observed Trials Series B lo u n t v i ll e . TN. 615 3 23 · 8 128 ~'l,~,.s~~~~~~.e I ~~ ,~ ~- ...... 3/ 23 4/6 4120 611 6/ 8 7120 8/ 31 10/ 5 10112 Eastern Continental MX Championship April 27th Muddy Creek MX Warrior MX Park - Warrior, A L Gales Open 9:00 am• Practice 11:00 am Race 12 Noon Greensboro. GA Twain Han•• CA ChItswM!l.NJ Athans.OH Saline LA . Speedsvine. NY Moorost..... Ml Now W...rty. TX Wint.rntlA OIdlh.... City. OK Ba_. DE Red Mcultain. CA AMA National Championship Hare Scram bles Series C The latest on everywheelsi l =:J Cycle News week two North Alabama Out law Mot ocross Championship Round #4 - March 23 lnf o rm ati on: 912 1 9/28 1011 9 10126 11/ 2 A ssoc. o f American Motorcycle Road Racers 2 6 8 East St r eet Hebron, CT 06248 , 8/ 30 9/ 14 3/16 4/6 5125 10/ 19 11/2 12/7 lJI Mons. Franc. Euoril Ponugol 801ov... ~oIy 8117 8/31 9/ 28 Spa. Balgium HockInheim. Garmany JIm. Spain 8/24 8/30 8/3 1 Pu.blo. CO Casper. WY Mt Vlmon. WA Thielman. MN H ixton. 'M Wranthom. MA HI Middlll..... PA ,f ' ~ IC.'1I11.N,'(I 7120 8/3 8117 9128 3/16 3/30 4/13 4127 5/4 5118 8/3 8110 8/24 8/31 4/6 4120 5111 5/25 4/4-6 6/6 ·8 8115-17 France H olland 11/6-9 ~oIy Balgium Spain Czechoslovakia 3/15-16 5125 3122-23 Austria Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia England Belgium Switl!rtand Germany NEW BE LI . NY RN Sweden 7120 8124 3129-30 3/30" 4112-13 4120' 4/19-20 4/26-27 FnollCl ~e1y 4127 5/3-4 5/4 5/4 ' 5/10·11 5/17·18 5/17-18 5/18 5/ 24·25 500cc 4/6 4/20 4127 5/4 5111 6/8 6/22 6/2 9 7/6 7113 8/3 8/10 Stlrnter. SC Spanal"lburg. SC Hudson. NC Athens. GA Swiuerland Austria H olland Sweden Finland Germany Canada CARLSBAD. CA 5124·25 5/31·611 617-8 617-8 6/8 6114-15 6/15" 6/22 Franc. . Engllnd BelgiOOI luxembourg World Ct\8I"(1pionship,,. "" Groll Mojl" 250 luceme Valley. CA 81ja International Ens'l1IA. Muico Oft·Rood Csllips Rmnill•• CA Baja 1000 Suzuki GSX R National Cup and Honda 500cc Intercept or RR Series ~.llnd Sweden GI......, Fmllnd Argentina Brllil 250cc 6129 716 Athens. GA Vol os... GA d Gflenvin•• st Lenoir. NC 8ristoI. VA Abbovill.. sc SCORE lnt'l Off-Road Series 4113 5/4 5/ 11 611 6/8 6115 O.~ UT Aooo. NY CaIdwoI. 10 Rodry ...... 1J. SE&TRA Championship Hare Sc rambles Series Firenze. haly Hocienheim. Germany ble at Man Isleof Man Assen. Holland Barulona. Spain Villa Real. Ponugal lmatra, Finland Oundrod. Ireland Hodr.enheim. Germany 1 2 5cc 7127 lis NV EI Co..... CA SE&TRA Championship Enduro Series World Cham pionship MX Series 4/6 4113 4/20 5/4 611 6/15 6/28 Pairs H ocking. Germany Individual Klto_a. PolaN:! long Tracll ptatTkirthem. G.nnal1J A MA/AATVA National C 'ship Hare and Hound Series Hocbnheim. Gennany b llWlg. Austrio Suzuki City. J _ 6129 711 3 ~.Iy 8115 Sllzburg. Au Slri. R ijeka Yugoslavia . As n, Ho " llind Sp 811 .. gium lJI CasIl U l FrallCl . Silvorstolll . Engllnd An rsdolll. Swed.n do MiSiIlO. hly 4/6 5/4 5/3 1 612 Saalmen to. CA Boise. 10 Soutllwic~ MA Mt. Morris. PA Denver. CO Buchanan. MI Axton. VA Bi ghamton. NY n MilIville.MN Washougal. WA Austria Sweden Finland World Speedway Championships Milan, ftaly Eifel, Germany 4/6 5/4 5118 Los Angelos. CA New yon. NY Ootlond. C A los Angeles. CA Germany 8124 World Cham pionship Enduran ce Road Race Series 4113 5111 6/ 8 franc. MT VERNON. WA . Ca..da 7/6 7/ 13 8/17 AMA National Motocross Series Races at: Bryar Motorsport Park - LOUDON, NH and Pocono Internat iona l Raceway - POCONO, PA In The South At : Moroso Park - WEST PALM BEACH, FL 6129 World Championship Road Race Series 5/4 511 8 5/25 6/8 6/15 6/ 29 Engl.nd Ireland SpoOl 4127 611 6/8 World Cham pio nship Formula One l Two Road Race Series IlITBA Club Racing At Its Best 3116 3/2 2 4113 Skiatook. OK Rose City. MI hmMI. OR Clpnol Forul WA Chananooga. TN 6122 7127 Pontiac. MI O~lndO. FL Oillos. TX Ob served Trials Series . 6122 6128 -29 6128-29 7/5 ·6 716 7119 ·20 I 71J 9- ~o WEAA SIYoMIh. GA AFM Rosemond. CA WERA CoII.g. St.. TX AFM Sonoma. CA WEAA Summit P oint. WV AFM Soooma. CA OMRRA Portlllld. O R AFM Rosemond. CA WERA Rodinghom. NC WERA G, non, MI a MRA PUlblo. CO AFM Sonom.. CA AAMRR loudon. NH WERA Aockingllim. NC AA MRR Pocono. PA MRA Denver. CO AFM Rosamond. CA OMRRA Portll nd. OR WERA ColI.g. St. TX AAMRR loudon. NH WERA Grloan MI MRA Denver. CO WERA N.bon Ledges. O H AFM Sonoma. CA MRA ASlI'n. CO OMRRA Portllnd. O R WERA Summit Pt. WV .AFM Roslmond. CA AAMRA loudon. NH MRA 01"" . CO AFM Rosemond. CA a ,yitRA Son~ I

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