Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"- GIANT HEAVY DUTY INFLATABLE BOATS 2 MAN $38 3 MAN $50 4 MAN $65 ....... Belore Midnight For The Next 30 Deys As part of an adv erti sing test, Dunlap Boat MIg. will send any of above size boats to anyone who reads and respo nds to this test befor e the next 30 days. Each Boat Lot No. (Z·26 PVC) is constru cted of tough high density fabric (resistant to abrasions , sunlight, sail & oiQ, elect ron ically welded embossed seams, nylon safety line grommeted all around, heavy dUty oar locks, 3 separate air chambers for extra safety (4 air chambers in 4-man) , self-loc king safety valves , bow lifting & towing handle and are recommended for marine, ocean and fresh water recreation, camping, fishi ng or a fam ily fun boat. Each boa t will be accompan ied with a UFETIME guarantee that IImust perform 100% or II will be replaced free. Add$7 handling & crating for each boat req uested . Dunlap Boat Mfg. pa~ all shipping. tt your order is received with in the next te n days you will rece ive FREE a co mbined hend I foot inflator I defi ator bellows style pump for each boat requ ested . Should you wish to retu rn your boat you may do so for a refu nd. Any lette r post. marked after 30 days will be return ed . UM IT three (3) boats per address, no exceptions. Send app ro- priate sum together with your name and address to: Boat Dep t. '707·B, Dunlap Boat MIg.. 2940 W. Pico Blvd., LosAngeles, CA 90006. Or for fastest service from any part of the country call 1-lKJO.824-9988 for Boat Dept. ' 707· B (Calif. residents call collect 213-735-9363), before mid night seven days a wee k. Have credll card ready. Grayson Hart won both 125cc Pro motos atthe Albany SX in Oregon. by McG ee a t th e fin ish for a sweep both h eat and final. Results (samp le of sa le ite ms) $19.00 Piston, forged YTM-200 11 :1 67mm PEE W EE: 1. Mic hael Gibso n (yam ); 2. Brad Fla men t (Yam ). 3 . Kye Ybem a. 60 : 1. Karter Busse (Yam ); 2. J ason Sensa ba ug h (Kaw); 3 . J .C. Blu m (Yam) . 80: 1. Rob McG ee (Kaw); 2 . Tom Fosl er (Kaw); 3 . lee Eppler (YamI. . 125 : 1. Chad Bierle (Kaw); 2. Frank Kaiser (Kaw); 3. Ji m Bulloc k (Yam ). 200: 1. Bill Sh oem ake (Kaw) ; 2. Steve Sw a tsch eno (C·A); 3 . Tom Coste llo (Bu ll . 25 0 : 1. Do n W ald bu e sser (Yam) ; 2. Ti m Klou ser (Kaw); 3, Dan Peterson (Hon ), , O PEN : 1. Larry Piek os (Yam ); 2. Tom Cost ello (Hon); 3. Jeff Pich a (Yam) . SA: 1. Larry Piekos (Yam); 2. Dave RaWli ng s (Yam); 3 . J eff Parks (Kawl. SUPER SR: 1. Carm en Oel Sa sso (Tr i); 2. Norm Gr ube r (Yaml; 3 . Ric h Waldbue sse r (Yam ), PAB ST 250 CHALLENGE: 1. Ricky Gruber (Hon) ; 2. Vern Bro wne (Yaml; 3. Ma rk Grube r (Hon). PRO: 1. Vern Browne (Rot); 2. M ark Gr uber (Rotl ; 3 . M ike Drdla (Han). $45.00 CAM #12501 Honda 750 CB, K Glen Helen OTHG MX to Comstock $10.00 Valve spring kit HVS-250 XL -250/350 SAN BERNARDINO , CA:, FEB. 23 Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki, Triumph, Norton parts & MORE. Call or send for 3 page SALE SHEET. FREE MEGACYCLE T-SHIRT with $ 100.00 sale order . FREE $2 cat alog with $50 sale order MEGACYCLE CAMS 90 MITCHELL BLVD.. SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903 PHONE (415) 472-3195 Dealer Sal es Informat ion213/ 427-7433 ER IC JEN !>EN s ERIC'S MOTORCYC LE CO. 1986 MODELS IN STOCK! Still some ' B 5s left at u nre al prices. Ask I bout our special SI I-up Ind clollIing PICUge. lel HO~;~;;~~ 'leJ (81 8) 449-ERIC 1361 E Walnut St.. Pasadena, CA 91106 . 48 ERIC'S ~gTORC'rCL E By Glenn Worrall Yamaha ace Tom Comstock was the O ver The Hill Gang's big winner a t the opening race o f the all-new G len H elen R aceway . hosted by SMX. Comstock posted a 1-2finish to take the Intermed ia te class win, riding a n ew 1986 YZ250. . Ski p Ski nner bla sted out into the Iirst-rnoto lead ah ead of Comstock and J ose Rod rig uez aboard an a ll n ew C R25 0. The lead remained th e same for most of the first moto until Rodriguez decided to ma ke his move. With two laps remaining, Rodrig uez cha rged past Comstock a nd pulled alongs ide Skin ner. Neither rider wou ld concede the lead. and after a short battl e. th e two leaders tangled a nd bo th went down , a llo wing Com stock LO tak e a cool Iirst-rn oto win. Rodriguez jammed into the front of th e pack in th e seco nd moto, follo wed by Dan LaMere a nd Comstock. Rod riguez stalled , then LaMere, riding a borrowed Honda, took a soil sample, allowing Comstock to once again tak e co n trol. Yamaha pi lot Bo b Ziegl er ro osted past Comstock to tak e th e lead , but Co mstock stayed cool and waited for Ziegler to make a mistake. T he white flag appeared a nd Comstock dived under Zieg ler to charge back int o the lead on ce again. Meanwhile, Gale Webb (H on) , recov eri n g from h er Iirst-rnoto endo , wo rked her wa y th ro ugh the pack to edge out Comstock on the last lap for th e second m oto win , but it was Comstock with a better first moto per- form an ce who too k home th e Interm edi at e gold . Randy Kla ssen (AT K) sm oked th e Amat eur class with a 3- 1 for hi s first wi n o f th e year. Guest Dave Hassel wo n th e fi rst mor o by more th an half a lap , earni ng h imself a pl ace in th e Expert divis ion for th e second m ot o . Klassen closed the gap o n Ya m aha m oun ted G len Co x in th e fin al lap of th e first rno to , bu t Cox ma naged to ho ld on to seco nd , As m ot o two got un derway, it was Klassen nai ling th e h ol eshot a head of G reg PreSIOn (Hon) a nd Husky rider Randy Wessels. On th e seco nd lap Pr esto n sta lle d on the downhill, allowin g Klassen to stre tch hi s lead. Mik e Langness moved into seco nd a nd started 10 reel in th e leader. La n gness event ua lly pushed hi s Honda in to the lead o n ly to bai l on the las t lap , a llowing Klassen th e overa ll victory. . Expert action saw Greg Hum ber (Yam ) edge o u t Jim Belrn ick and H onda-mounted SCOll Freeman in the first tu rn , but, before the lap was over, Freeman h ad inher ited second a n d wa s g lued to H u m ber 's rear fend er. Freeman stuck wi th Humber for a few more turns, th en pounced to ta ke over the lead. Humber pushed hi s Yam aha to th e lim it but could not gai n any grou nd o n th e H onda flyer, who slow Iy extended hi s lead . Hum ber sudden ly dropp ed back to fourth as Beltnicka nd Ron R yer (Ya m) roos ted pa st. Free m a n , now way o u t in fro n t, relax ed a liule too much a nd got o ff o n th e down hi ll. Beltn ick sneaked past while Freema n was restartin g. bu t Freem an wo u ld n o t be sa tisfied wit h seco nd p lace a nd berser ked h is wa y back into the lead to tak e th e first rnoro win ahead o f Beltn ick a nd R yer. As the seco nd mo to got under wa y, it was H u mber once aga in who na ile d th e h ol esh ot by a cou p le of bik elen gt hs, follo wed by th e hard-ch a rging Freem an. Th e two lead ers di ced th roughout th e wh ol e m ot o , tra di ng th e lea d, but th e gn arly track co nditions began 10 tak e th eir toll on Freema n, wh o began to make mis tak es trying to hang o n 10 Hu mber. Humber cros sed the fin ish line first bu t had to settle for seco n d overa ll as Freem an , so far unbeaten this yea r took th e overa ll first. Novice sta r Tim Join es went 2-1 for the overall win ah ead of Pet e Klas sen and Iirst -rno to wi n ner Bon ni e Collins, Results EX: 1. Sco tt Free m an (Honl; 2. Gr eg Humber (Yam) : 3 . Ro n Rver (Yam) . AM : t . Randy Kla sse n (AT K); 2 . M ike Lang ness (Han); 3 . Fred Collins (Han ). INT: 1. To m Comstock (Yam); 2 . Bob Ziegler (Yam) ; 3 . Ga le W ebb (Hon). NOV : 1. Ti m Joi nes (Han ); 2. Pete Klassen (Han); 3. Bon ni e Colli n s (Yam) . Hart crushes Pros at Albany SX By Clay Light AL BAN Y, OR, MAR. 2 Ka wa saki-rnoun red G ra yso n Hart took his green mach ine into the winner's circle a fter sound ly h and in g h is fellow 125cc Pro fession a ls defeat at Alban y Supercross, which is 75 miles south of Port land on 1-5. Hart went I-I for th e 125cc Pro win, whi le Alaska 's Jeff MacDonald (Ya m ) won .bo th 250cc Pro o u tin gs u n der clear O regon skies a t ro u n d 10 of the AMA Winter/ Sprin g Mot ocross Series. H art and fell ow Kawa saki speeds.ters Kenn y O lsen (AT A K / Ka w) and John Woodley (ATAK/Kaw) led the 125cc Pro class out onto th e gnarly, siltv, sa nd- lined co urse in th e first maio , Hart was quick to pull away, but O lsen was right there to brea th dow n Hart 's neck after mounting a sp irited charge. O lsen was to be de nied th e lead and foll owed Hart across the fini sh lin e a t the completion, while H onda ride rs Gary Beyer and Keith Foi del fill ed th e th ird-and fourth p lace spo ts a fter Woodley bailed off , Woodley fini sh ed in fifth ahea d of Wash in gton 's J on David son o n a Yam aha. H art boogied into the lead in moto two . wh ile Olsen was buried in the pack. Beyer , Foi del, Woodley a nd Ol sen fill ed a fast an d furi ous top five ea rly in the m ot o , but it wa s Hart putting a good- size d efici t between himself a nd seco nd-p lace Beyer. Foi del fell prey 10 bo th Ol sen an d Woodley la te in th e race, wh ich dropped th e Honda pilot to fifth at maLO'S end. H art took a I-I for first aboard the LRD / Pro-Ca libre Ka wasa ki ov er Beyer (3-2), Olsen (2-3), Woodley (5-4) a nd fifth pl ace Foidel , who went 4-5. MacDonald, who now calls Ro seburg. Oregon home after recently m o vi n g down from A nc horage, Alaska , put his Yama ha of Roseburg YZ into the lead in the first 250cc P ro co ntest on th e rough . pounding 1.5mile tra ck , MacDona ld didn' t let off th e gas as h e was bein g hounded by fellow Yamaha pilot Don Bisceg lia. Bisceglia did all he co u ld to ge t aro u n d th e " Alaska Kid ," but was doomed for th e runner 's-up spot after posting 2-2 rid es in both motos, In moto two , Biscegli a ran a close second. but en ded up with th e short end of th e stic k ahead o f KTM -mounted Hart. Bob Leach (Alba n y SX / KTM) and Da ve Eaki n (Port la n d AT V Hon ) d idn't let th e spec ta tors down in ei ther mo to of the 30-40 T ro p hy class. Leac h a nd Eak in fini shed a close 1-2 in th e first moto a h ead of Hondam ounted Mike Holbrook. Old T imer Money portion winner Bill Cook (Ya m) and Kaw a sak i rider Tom Pilche r, winner o f th e Trophy class. Mot o two sa w Eakin leading while Lea ch was buried midpack. Leach ca me from wa y back 10 sett le wi thin in ches o f Eakin with a la p to go and pres sured th e Honda rider from that point until three turns from the fi nish, That's wh en Eakin un loa ded in some loamy sand and lost the position to Leach, who went on to win wi th I-I rides over Eaki n (2-2) a nd Ho lbrook (3-3) . Pilcher pou n ded mota two in the Trophy contest for a l -L o ver dese rt speedster Glen Wei nsz (H a n ) and Jay La udigan, also o n a Honda. Ea kin di d. how ever, come back blazin g 10 win the overall in th e 250cc B class wi th 5-1 fin ish es. Mo to one went the way o f rival Leach with Rob Annen (Kaw) and Kell y Wh elchel (Kaw) ta kin g seco nd a n d third in th e 17-ri der fie ld. The seco n d ti me ou t. Ea kin was u n ca tch able, jammin g h is way in to a lead he wo u ld n ever rel inq u ish. Leach was the victim of a crash early in the mota a nd was locked in an unfam il iar 10th -place battle with Ray Bru ington (Kaw), Clay Light (Suz) and J oe Ca sey (Hon) . Leach breezed past th e trio, but thai was as far as h e wou ld ge t and went 1-9 for sixth. Ea ki n took the overall ahead of Whelchel's 5-3 rid es and Joel Jamison , who posted 7-2 rides for third brass. In 125 C action, 26 riders entered chaotic tu rn o ne, but on ly 17 riders exited. Dan Beyer (Kaw) led Da ve Livi ngs ton (Ya m) an d Honda rid ers Jon Wi ley and Aaron Boehmer on the opening la p, bu t Beyer wo ul d on ly en joy his lead for two more laps. That's when the KX p il ot bailed off a n d handed Livingston the lea d for th e wi n over Boehmer, Wi ley a n d Shaw n Co langelo. Colangelo cam e roari ng back to take a wi n in mote two . thanks to th e demise of bo th Li vin gsto n and Beyer. Paul Rosenaw (Ka w) used the chaos to n ab seco nd

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