Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 45 of 71

~ ~ ~~ M()T()fl ll\'llLE VI []E () ~ WO RLD OF MOTORCYCU SPORTS ON VIDEO c..o 00 O"l ...... c..o ~ C'J ..c:: u l-o C'\S ~ The 0riginII Sl8vo ~ Version The SIory of two men who love.-re topped Thomson 's 1-2 for the win . Results 600-8 : 1. Lanny Turner IKa w); 2. Terry Kennedy (Kaw). 60 9-11 : 1. Jesse Tewksbury (Suz); 2 . Rya n Huffman (Kaw) ; 3. Dann y Nelson (Kaw ). 80 BEG : 1. Nick Morgan (Vam); 2. Kenny M adde n (Kaw) ; 3. Joey forte (Yam). 80 JR 9 ·1 1; 1. Moose W in e (Suz); 2. Chr is M cCallie (Yam) ; 3. Ryan Spurgin (Kaw) . 80 JR 12 · 16 : 1. J oel Albrec h t IKaw); 2 . Duane Benner (SUl); 3. Bri an W alt ers (Yam). 80 INT 8 -11 : 1. Se an Thornton (Kaw); 2. Jesse Tewksbury (Suz); 3 . J immie Johnson (Suz). 80 INT 12 - 16 : 1. Ra nd y M ood y (Honl ; 2. Chad Peder son (Hon); 3 . Br ian Gip son (S uz). 125 BEG DIV ONE: 1. Davi d Russell (Hon ); 2 . J im Lehnertz (Yam ); 3 . Steve leonte (Hon ). 125 BEG DIVTWO : r . Br adford Tow nse nd (Hon); 2 . M ike M enn ing (Kawl; 3. Robb ie A itken . 12 5 JR DIV ON E: 1. Jason Davenport (Hon); 2 . Brock Sut er (Honl; 3. Lanc e Good man ISuz). 125 JR DIV TWO : 1. Steven Hunter (Ho n); 2 . Michael Brown (Varni; 3. Guy Deckert (Suz). 125 1 DIV ONE; 1. M i ke laRocco (Varni: 2. J im NT Spo tt s (Hon ); 3. Tro y W elt y. 1251NT DIVTWO: 1. Lowell Thommson (Kaw) ; 2. Kvle Lewis (Hon); 3. Chr is Young (Yam). 250 BEG : t . Ch uck Gun ter; 2. Brian Bonds (Han); 3 . Ron Lee IKawl. 250 JR : 1. Br ia n Fountain (Yam l; 2. Tom Brown (Kaw) ; 3. M ike Schex nyder (Kaw) . 250 INTDIVO NE: 1. M ike laRocco (Vam) : 2. Sea n Bla ncha rd IKaw) ; 3 . Kenny M add u x (Yam).

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