Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'. HONDA RACE SUPPORT COMPLETE RACE PROGRAM Includes: * * * * * * Free Jersey Parts Discounts Accessory D isc. Financing (O .A .C.) All Factory Bulletins Mailed To Racer Racer-Oriented Service Department Offering Fu ll Support Boody, on th e College Bik e Shop H onda , took o ver th e lead in th e race for th e $3000 top prize in the series w ith 4 1 po ints. G F Ra cin g 's j ones is second with 35, a nd Carr mo ved in to a tie wi th Da n In g ra m , l l th to n ig h t. with ~3 points. Onl y Sa turday ni g h t' s rernams. Super Deal In gram a lso did somethi ng no o the r On Cycle Purchase rider co u ld : he passed so meo ne , a nd it ca me in h is ni nth- heal-race win ni ng performance. Through th e 10 hea ts, fo ur semis, a nd th e main , th e first rider int o turn one won th e race, maki ng for a n entirely predicta ble o u tco me. Goi ng into turn th ree on th e last lap of h is hea t race, In g ra m Slu ffed under j u ni or Brya n McDo well , rode th e low line u nder h im , a nd gassed it for th e win . II was the h ig h poin t o f th e ni ght. T he o the r heal races were won by Terry Poovey, j ones, Aaron H ill , Bood y, Carr, Bill y H erndon , Pete Ha mes, Tim Mertens a n d Bruce joh nson. Rand y Green was just comi ng OUI of tu rn four wh en Carr took the checkered flag to win th e fir st sem i. H erndon held off fell ow Texan a nd former series win ner T erry Poovey for th ird . j ones, who won all three nights h ere last year, made short wo rk of th e seco nd sem i with Samm y Sw eet hol d Clean o ut your ga rag e this i ng off M cD o w el l for seco nd. weekend wit h a Cycle Ne w s - McDowell wo uld be th e o nl y j unio r Want Ad . a n d n on-N a tional number in the final. The th ird semi wa s a Pete Hames runawa y, wit h SCOIl Pea rson inh eri ting second and Ma rk Hanley thi rd whe n Ca nadian jon Corwell bobb led o n th e last lap . T he fin al semi went to Ing ram , wit h Boody seco nd . Mickey Fa y look From '69 to Current over third o n th e fourth lap, but LARGEST STOCK IN THE EAST never made a move on Boody. UPS DAILY Referee Freddi e Ephrem kep t the p rogram running quickl y a nd efficie n tly and br ought th e riders 10 th e sta n line for th e fea ture race at 9 :15 p .m . Fourteen, IS-secon d laps later, it would be o ver and Ca rr would be grin ni ng and shouti ng in th e winner's circle. " I had m y bad sta rt in the scra tch heal ." Carr said after th e seemi ngly effortless wi n . " I cu t a harder co mpound lire in practice and iI wo rk ed . ~1.i,I;,"'.iiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiliiili"'.ililllIIiiII. 1 I Th ~ iI c'J m e fib h b ig I PLUS : (80S) 526-4122 (818) 702-0662 ONLY AT SIMI HO DA ~ **PARTS** ,44 Griswold Racing's Dan Ingram (H -D) won the opening night of Junior/ Expert short track racing at round two of the Daytona Dirt Track Series. a nd th e groove was a lillie wider . The track didn't break up. I don 't know what they did 10 th e track , bUI I h o pe th ey keep il up for tomorrow night." Changes in sus pension, wh eel s and tires o n Boody's H onda h el ped im prove hi s race fin ish 10 second from l Orh o n th e previous night a nd from second 10 first in th e point sta ndi ngs. " My bike hasn ' t been right at a ll a nd I hav en't been a ble 10 work ir OUI," Boody sai d. " I went 10 the blue Performance Mach in e spun a lu m in um 4.5-inch ri ms , changed th e sus pe n- . sion set -u p a nd ti res, I was trying 10 keep up with Chris, bUI wa s mak ing 100 many mistakes, My stra tegy was 10 nOI mak e a ny m istakes. If I ca ugh t him , I couldn't have passed him a nyhow. H e was sta ying on th e fast pan o f th e track. " j ones sa id that h is machine " was working well in th e semi , bUI it took a long time 10 gel working in the m ain . I wasn 't gelling off th e co rners well. I don 't know if it wa s th e rims or what it was. I was gelling fru strated fo r a while. Then th ey started ge lli ng a way from me." After a quick tall y of th e p oint standi ngs Boody realized that h e'd gone " From six behind In gram (3 125),10 six ahead o f J ones (4 1-35)." Wit h o ne race remainin g a nd eigh t points separa ting the to p fo ur ri ders, iI 'S a ny body's ballgame, As long as they get to turn o ne Iirst , • Results FINAL: 1 .Chr iscarT(W-R ~ 2. Ted Boody (Honl; 3. RonnieJones(Hon~ 4. Randy Green (Hanl; 5. seen Pearson (H- D~ 6. Mictey Foy (H-DI; 7. Pele Hames (H- D~ 8. Mart< Hartley (W-R~ 9. Sammy Sweel tHo D); 10. Bmy Hemdon (Han~ 11. Dan Ingram (H-DI; 12. Bryan McDowell (W-R~ POINTSTAHDINGS; 1. Ted Boody(41 ); 2. Ronnie Jones (35~ 3. rne Chris carTlDan Ingram (33); 5. Pete Hames (2Bt 6. SI..... Morehead(24t 7. Sammy S_el (20t B. Will Davis/SCon Pearson (13); 10. TerTy,,-(11 ). mEl Wiseco DaytOlfa Dirt Track Series: Rnall'OllH Jones tops finale, . serIes - By Henny Ray Abrams DAYTONA BEACH, FL, MAR. S GF Raci ng 's Ron n ie Jones of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, ea rned the $3000 top prize in th e $36,000 Wiseco Daytona • IYi lt h Ywi n ' on the third and final n ight of junior/ Expert short track ra ci ng a t Da ytona's Memorial Sta diu m while prerace poin ts lead er Ted Boody fini shed seven th , j ones, wh o won a ll three junior/ Ex pe rt shor t tracks h ere la st yea r, added th e win 10 hi s th ird - a n d seco nd -p lace finish es o n th e previ ous two ni ghts to give him 55 points for the four-race series. Boody fini shed second in the final stand ings with 49 p o in ts a nd Dan Ingram . fourth 10ni ght, was th ird with 46. . " Di d I win th e series?" j ones a sked when h e entered th e winner's circle after h is impressive wire-t o-wire win on th e sli p pe ry sta diu m su rface. " I can 't believe it . I j ust rode the same wa y a ll night. Some guys were riding up high , working the cushion. I stayed low and kept the bike set up for th at line." jones' Kn ight-framed Honda was ,built by GF Racing's Den n is Harris, and Skip Marett was on hand 10 keep it running crisply. Second tonight went to Will -Davis on the Avery Davis/Harris Merrill/ Yamaha East of Goldsboro , NC Harley 500R thumper, Davis had the second-fastest sem i win next to jones, followed him int o turn one and was nev er serio us ly challenged. Third, also from th e first lap on, bUI with less securi ty . wa s Billy H erndon on the Nava H elmet/Karl Klem ent Ford! j emco Pipes/D .M . Best H -D Honda XR500. In a n a ttem p t to provide for a less follow-the-leader racing, sho rt track p ersonnel wa tered th e track hea vil y, th ereby delaying th e program a n hour a nd making th e limest one tra ck an ex treme ly wet , slick surface . " We a lmost gOI rai ned OUI by the water tr uc k, " H erndon co m me nt ed . " T he lap li mes are IWO 10 three seconds a lap slo wer," j ones sa id. " We' ve been dong m id- I 7s a nd today we're righ t aro und 20 secon ds a lap: The track is co ns ta n tly cha ngi ng, but i t's still g rooving up. You 're going 10 see a 101 of g uys making mistakes because it's ha rd 10 be co ns is ten t OUI th ere. It wi ll make for a beuer sho w for the fans, but it' s really slip pe ry ." T erry Poo vey ska ted to the firstheal wi n o f th e night , diving deeper into turns o ne and IWO and squaring th em off, bu t Slicki n g 10 the groove in turns three a n d four. Charlie Orr won the next heal, with Dan Ingram , H erndon, junior Bryan Vill ella, Chris Carr, T ed Boody, Will Dav is, Mi ck ey Fa y a nd j o nes winning th eir respeclive heat s, Poovey's was th e fast est , putting him on th e pole fo r th e fir st semi. H e spe d fro m the green 10 th e checkered flags with Villella seco nd. Ingram and Fl oridi an Ma rk Mann schreck battl ed fo r seco nd until Mannschreck bobbl ed a nd wen t down face-first in turn th ree, u n hurt. In gram was in th e main. . j ones, th e wi n ner o f th e seco nd fast est heal , wa s a blur to th e rest o f his lO-rider semi. H e h ad a quarterla p lead befo re th e h alfway point a nd went o n 10 POSI the fastest sem i win . O rr was an unch allen ged seco n d a nd Fa y pulled away fro m P.j . Sa nc hez fo r third. The bes t raci n g of th e ni ght ca me in th e third sem i with H erndon trying every tacti c he kn ew trying 10 pa ss ea rly lead er Boody. Boody, o n th e Coll ege Bike Shop H onda. was a ble to hold him off until th e ninth of 10 laps, wh en H erndon went past in turns three a nd four. Sammy Sweet ca me int o tur n o ne to o hot on the n ext lap , runn ing Bood y off th e groove a n d th en laking himself o ut of th e race and giving th e third transfer spot to SCOIl Pearson. Davis won th e fourth sem i handily ahead of Ca rr , who was trying the high line. " I tri ed m aking th e high li ne wor k in the 's i x ! I~P h ear' race. I

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