Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"WINNERS" In every area of competition riding, whether ir s road racing, Moto-X, hil l cl imbing, enduro, drag, hare scrambles, tri als, whatever, . . "THE WlNNERS". . . Eventual Vet Pro w inner " Ro ck et " Rex Staten (1 r) puts pressure on ATK-mounted Randy Rodriguez (55) . th ro ugh lap 10. When Ph il got by o n lap II , it look ed as if h e wo u ld han g on u nt il th e checkers, but Mike foo led h is brother with a q ui ck dive u nderneath , m id wa y th rough the fin al la p , a nd h e too k th e win with a three bi kelen gt h a dva nta ge over Phi l. Wageman held th ird in th e ea rly go ing over Will y Simons (H o n). bu t Simo ns rever sed that o rde r o n lap five. Jim Ell is (Ya m) passed Wageman o n th e six th la p 10 set th e top five fin ish ing positions. P h il clai med a n im mediate adva ntage a t th e beg inn in g of the seco n d rnot o , with Mik e rig ht o n h is ta il a nd S ta ten runn in g a close th ird . S ta ten stayed with th e Larson broth ers for two la ps, but dropped from co m petition wh en h e ran o ff th e track o n la p th ree. P hi l m anaged 10 h old th e lead o ver Mike every la p , but co u ld n' t sh ake hi s ha rd- charging broth er no matter how he tried . Mike co nt in ua lly p ressured h is broth er . sti cking h is front tire underneath Ph il in a lm ost every tu rn. On the 10th la p , less than o ne bikelength separa ted Ph il a nd Mik e a t th e fin ish lin e; th ey were just as close wh en th ey took th e whi te flag on lap 11. Mikefinall y got by P h il with a fast, down hi ll pass m id wa y through th e fin al la p , but Ph il retoo k th e lea d for good with a powerf ul in side pass fo ur turns from the fini sh . Simo ns a nd Wagem an again battled for third pla ce with Simons co m ing o u t on top, Ellis fin ish ed fifth behind Wagem an. It wa s th e sa me o ld storv in th e Vet Pro class - S ta ten won bOlh m otos to claim ihe o vera ll win. after Zah n na bbed holeshots in both races. Randv Rod rigu ez follow ed Zahn o u t o f th e ga te in m ot o o ne, with Sta ten close behind, " Rocket" Rex got around Rod rig uez o n lap three wh en th e rea r shock wen t a way o n Rod rigu ez's big ATK, the n Sta ten m oved .pa st Za hn for th e lead o n lap seven. Zahn fin ished seco nd: J o n Mi ller (Kaw) took third: Rod rig uez fad ed 10 fou rth a nd Paul Th ede (Yam ) crossed th e lin e in fifth . Zahrr 's lead in m ot o two last ed u nt il th e th ird la p , w hen bo th Rodriguez a n d Sta ten p ow ered by. S ta ten ha d problems wit h Rod rig u ez. wh o o bvio usly had rep aired h is bik e's rea r suspe nsio n . The duo battled for th e rema in der of th e ra ce wit h th e lead cha ng ing several tim es, Staten took th e ad vantage fo r good o n la p nine to lead Rodriguez a nd Za hn acro ss th e li ne. Miller fin ish ed fou rth and Thede na bbed fifth . Lewis do mina ted co mpet ition in the fir st m otu o f th e 80cc Expert divisiOlJ' JHe won th e race even though I 1( " , f l: ) I ' /J j~ '; I J(r h e su ffered a poor stan and a third la p ge to ff that left h im runn in g in six th p lace with seven lap s to go. H e m o to red across th e fin ish lin e, followed by Sha ne Trittler (Ya m) , Jimmy G addis (Suz), a nd Pau l Winn (Ya m) . Gaddis wo n th e seco nd mot o wh en Lewis cras hed in the lat e-going . Lewis led th e race for severa l laps. but went down wh en a spec ta to r hurl ed a large rock a t h im a nd knocked him o ff his bik e, acc ord in g 10 a CMC spokesma n q uoting Lew is' mother. Desp ite the in cident. Lewis fini sh ed th e fin al even t wi th enoug h points 10 ea rn th e GSN 80cc series title. Winn took seco n d in th e final moto a nd R ick Simmet (H on) fini sh ed third. • McClure Waddington Pantalone Skidmore Roloff Vrieke Nitto Tournabane Coen Szuleckl McMillen Conrad Ouimet Ulizio Mann Egloff Bean Moore Ellersten Clemence Dunfee Wolfersberger Trey Roe Meenan Stites Tessier TInney Ross Kurzeia Lojak Yurejeflc Kirk Peterson Lupkas Melton's Jones Lazor Wallace Duguid Brown Fisher Brown Renz Butler Trett Sheak Rudin icki Sinkoff Mayo Scott Weber Kelly Bradshaw Driscoll Strobel Stankiewicz Wallace Egan Denton They all use and recommend SPECTRO lubricants fOI performance and reliability, For them irs a prove n fact that SPECTRO lubrica nts Improve their , motorcycle's performance. Lers face It, everyone can't win all races, BUT YOU CAN'T WIN IF YOU DON'T FINISH ! You'll never not finish with SPECTRO. BE A WINNER USE SPECTRO. • Results 80 EX: 1. Jimmy Gaddis (SUl) 3· 1; 2. Paul Winn (Yam) 4 -2; 3. Shane Trinler (Vam) 2-5 ; 4. Dennis Step henson (KawI 5-4 ; 5. Rick Sim met (Han) 7 -3; 6. Chris Neal (Yam) 6-6; 7. Paul Vlach (Sul l 8-7; 8. Kyle Lew is (Han) 1-16 ; 9. Terry Sw anson (Vam) 10·9 ; 10. Paul ccrtez (Yam) 12-8 . 125 PRO; 1. Jim Tarantino (SUl) 2-1; 2. 80b Moore (SUl) 1· 2; 3. Ty Davis {Hon) 3·3 ; 4. Jeff Matiasevich (Kaw) 5-4; 5. Shaun Kalos (Han) 4·9; 6. Doug Gentry (Vam ) 6-7; 7. Vince War ren (Yam) 12 -5; 8. Tony Tost e (Kaw ) 9·8 ; 9. Gregory Wu rster (Kaw) 8.10; 10. 8r uce Maynor (SUl ) 7 -16; 11. SPECTRO OILS OF AMERICA ~o,..""~;:';''' .:;: O;;:::I;: .::~C; . O' ' '.~';'' O:;: '' OL:'; . T.:";=~ "OUT 7 P . . I I OJI 71 .-12 11 0 ••04 James Cha mbe rl ain (Hon) 11· 13; 12. Lanc e Burges (Vam) 10 · 15; 13. J immy Palmer 15- 11; 14 . Chris Heinrich (Kaw I 16-1 4; 15. Dennis Ostr iem (Yaml 26 -6; 16. Dann y a c res (SUl ) 20 -1 2; 17. 80b DOllini (Han) 14 ·19; 18. SCali McElroy (Han) 19-17; 19. Joh n Posca (Vam) 18-20 ; 20 . Joe Hopkin s (Han) 13 ·2 6. 250 PRO: 1. M ike Larson (Han) 1-1; 2. J im 'rera ntina (SUl) 2-2; 3. Mik e Kiedrows ki (Kaw ) 5-3; 4 . Kelly A nd r is (Hon) 4 -4 ; 5. Russ W ageman. (Yam) 3-5 ; 6. Kevin Allman (Vam) 7 -6; 7. 80b by W hite (Han) 10- 8; 8. How ie Ross (Sulll' -'5; 9. Jim Perry (Han) 14 -13 ; 10 . Dan 8erg (SUl) 19 -9; 11. Damon Webb (Han ) 18-10; 12. Tim Winslow (Vam) 22 -7; 12 . Timoth y Hanna (Kaw) 20-1 1; 13 . Gary Sa il or s (Kaw ) 16- 17; 14. Tommy Combs (Kaw ) 12· 23; 15. Corey Cope (Kaw ) 9 ·28; 16 . Manin Klossn er (Vaml 25 · 14; 17. Derek 80rg (Yaml 24 -18 ; 18. Darr en Sharuga (Sul) 17-26 ; 19 . Joe W right (SUl) 6·3 8; 20. 8rad Toms (Sul I 33-12 . 500 PRO, 1. Phit Larson (Yam) 2-1; 2. M ike Ler son (Han) 1-2; 3. Will y Simons (Han) 3-3; 4 . Russ Wageman (Vam) 5-4 ; 5. J im Ell is (VamI 4 -5; 6. Greg Torgerson (Hus) 7· 7; 7. Randy Rodriguel (A TK ) 8.8 ; 8. Jo hn Ray (Han) 10 -11; 9. Mi ke Watson (Han) 12 ·1 0; 10. Pete M urray (M -Sta r) 9-13 ; 11. Terry McG innes (Vam) 17-6; 12. Tim Cauby (Vam) 11- 12; 1983 175 U,'OURO 13 . Howie Ross (Su z) 15 -14; 14 . Da rren Sha ruga (SUl) 22 ·9 ; 15. Devon Joos(Y am ) 16- 15; , 6. Man,n 1 Literally tho usan ds o f riders arc: now t:lIdng 2 gamble by buring used mot orcycles through the cbssificds or fro m 2 friend o f 2 friend of 2 friend. Tbe bike: Ill:l}' appear to be: in good shape, but m2l1Y times you won't know for sure until It '. too we. Husqvarna now pULS the odds in yo ur f.n'Or. by offering fo r 2 limite:d time, br:mdnew 1983 and '8 4 HU5

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