Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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of not -cras liin- wi th- Adamo: Lucg ch in ell i held a co m manding 17.6second lead on th e 12th lap while Church started to gain on Lewis. Chivington . mea nw hi le, wa s up to fourt h a fter an incred ible ride co n side ring th e lack of track time o n th e un familiar Du ca ti, bu t wa s sta rt in g to h ave problem s wi th shi ftin g. Sta rt i ng the fin al la p , Church was ri ght o n Le wi s as the tw o ent ered turn one, bu t Lew is gai ned the ad van tage o n th e infield an d stretch ed a lead that h eld to th e fini sh. Chivi ngton h eld o n fo r fourth wi th Ital y's Stefano Caracchi tak in g fift h o n a Cobras-framed Duca ti. Sixth pl ace we nt to Stuart Cooper o n a nothe r T ea m Leoni Cagi va . foll owed by G regg Smrz on the Dr. J o hn 's Tea m Mo to Guzzi LeM an s, Marvin West (M -G ) and a n o u t-o f-re ti re ment Ro bert o Piet ri (Cag). T h e Au stral ia n Du ca ri team was p leased with th e fourth p lace Chivin g to n ac h ieved a fter a lo ng week th a t saw th e tea m having many problem s. " T ha t was my practi ce," Ch iv'i ng to n said. " I learned a lot out th ere and I wa s impressed w ith the bike; it was close to being in the program ." Lucch in ell i said, " After to uc hing with L ew is in tu rn one, I j u st to o k of f." T he 50-mi le L ightweigh t/ H eavyweig ht com bined event started with Denny Turnbull grabbin g th e h o lesh o t and Li ghtweigh t ri der Ro bert H anb ury crash in g in turn two. Bu t by the en d of the first la p , McClure h ad th e lead foll owed by Pa ul lieschang an d Eiker. Mea nwh ile, Joh n so n had the ea rly L ightweig h t lead. McC l ure started stre tching a lead over the battle bet ween 'Bert Stu ckert a nd Ei ker with Ziescha ng d ropp in g to fou rt h. Gi n n had m oved up to ta ke th e L igh tweig h t lead fro m J ohn son s the two began their race-long battle. Eiker shook clear fro m Stuckert and bega n to ree l in McCl u re after allowing the H arley ri der io ga in a I.5-seco nd ad vantage . By lap five th e two were together a nd tradi ng p laces several times-a lap , but by la p seven Ei ker had ta ken the lead for good ; by lap eight, Ei ker led by five seconds . Ginn a n d Johnso n were still going a t it , however, as th e race went into i ts closi ng stages . J oh ns on mana ged to get by to tak e th e win while Eiker went to th e £lag u n ch a llenged. Stuckert put hi s Sh ell y's Kit chen / RK BMW /Team J ersey-sponsored BMW into thi rd pl ace beh ind Eiker a nd McClure whil e Ziesch an g fin ished fourth . En glish journal ist Alan Cathcart fini sh ed fifth foll o wed by Sha ro n Friduss, o u t-o f-retiremen t R on Mas s, Dua in e Williams, Bo b Griffi th s and Bud R iddl e. Ken neth Evan p ut hi s Duca ti into third in th e L igh tweig h t class with Brad ford J o yce tak ing fourth a nd R ick Bu rn ett fifth . • Results GRAND PRIX: 1. Marco Lucch inelli (Cag); 2. Paul Law is (Cosl; 3 . Gene Church (H· D); 4. Dan Ch iving · on (Due); 6. Stefano Caracchi (Cog); 6 . Stu art Cooper (Cag); 7. Gregg Smr.(M-G); B. Marvin West (M·G); 9. Robert o Pietri (Cag); 10 . Kurt Liebmann (Due); 11. Dav id Keiffer (Due); 12. Ken Stephens (Due); 13. J erry Dean (Due); 14. Gianmarco Proch fOW (Due); 15 . Danie l Herrems (BMW); 16. J ame s amo (Due); 17 . Ed La Belle (Due); 1B. A I Hoi · lingsworth (H-D); 19 . Dav id Tardozzi (Due); 20 . Roger Raiman (H·DI. HEAVYWEIG HT MOD: 1. Fred Eikar {M ·GI: 2. David McClure (H-D); 3 . Bert Stuckert (BMW); 4 . Paul Zieschang (M ·G I: 6. A lan Cathcart (Due); 6 . Sharon Fri d uss (M -G); 7. Ron Mass (Cag); B. Duaine illiams (Nor); 9. Bob Gr iff ith s (Gu.); 10 . Bud Rid· dIe (Yam); 11. Gerard DeMOl1 (Gu. ); 12. Sta n Fri· duss (M·G); 13 . Eri c Phill ipp e (Gu.); 14 . Don Garneau (BMW); 15. Todd W elch (Due); 16. Ereno Lawis (H· D); 17 . Robert Hart m an (Yam); 1B. C. David Hudson tYam); 19 . Vic Ban nister (Nor); 20. Danny Turnbull (Yam). LIGHTWEIGHT MOD: 1. Peter Johnson (Cag); 2. Eric Ginn (Due); 3. Kenn eth Evan (Due); 4 . Bradford Joyce; 5. Rick Burnett (Yam); 6. Johnny Szoldra k (Due); 7 . Chr is SCOl1(Nor); B. Russ Ma l1son (M ·G); 9 . Rick Hern don (No); 10 . Ma rk M ercadante (Pan); 11. Jamas McNulty (Hon ); 12 . Charles Wallaca (BMW); 13 . Mike Schn eider (Hon ); 14. Rich ard Haas (Nor); 16 . David M al1hews (Nor); 16 . Peter Kogut (Norl ; 17. Glen n Emarson (Hon); 1B. Robert Hanbury{Hon); 19. A ndy Hole r ITr i); 20 .Joey Keller (Yam). & RECaID·SmlNG DUNlOp·K700 RADIALS K391 SPORT EUTES I)()tv1INATE WlUDW S~ < , ALONG WITH FARL ROLO~ & DUNLOP "SLICKS" Which Dunlop racingtires are the best, K700Sport Radials, K39l Sport Elites, or Dunlop "Slicks" ? In Round One of the AFM Road Race Championship, at Willow Springs, the answerwas, all of them. Dunlop captured 8 class titles in this season opener. Scott Grayaboard a Suzuki GSXR 750 and Dunlop K700 Radials scorched the twisting Willow Springs course in a track recordof 1:32.24" . only to finish second to Earl Roloff who lowered the record to [:31.89on a Yamaha FZ750and Dunlop K391Sport Elites! Roloff himself won five classes on Dunlop tires. The hot set-up in 750cc Modified Production class was the K391 Sport Elite front and K700 Radial rear... that's what the top three finishers used to cool their competition. In Formula One, Two, and Unlimited, Dunlop "Slicks" ruled the day, taking all three events and sweeping the top three spots in Formula.Two and Unlimited. Dunlop is making tireselection easier... whether you choose K700 Radials or K391 Sport Elitesor "Slicks:' you know you'll come out a winner. Dunlop Highlights - AFM Road Race Round One, WillowSprings - Feb 23, 1986 7SOcc Box Stock Series 1st Earl Roloff (Yamaha) K391 Sport Elite 2nd Scott Gray (Suzuki) K700 Radial Formula USA (Unlimited) Class Ist Earl Roloff (Kawasaki) Dunlop "Slicks" 2nd Jim Vreeke(Yamaha) Dunlop "Slicks" 3rd Rich Oliver (Kawasaki) Dunlop "Slicks" Formula 1 I st Don Biava (Yamaha) Dunlop "Slicks" Formula II lst Don Greene(Honda) Dunlop "Slicks" 2nd Marty V ogel (Honda) Dunlop "Slicks" 3rd Rich Oliver (Honda) Dunlop "Slicks" Open Modified Production 1st Earl Roloff (Kawasaki) K391Sport Elite 7SOcc Modified Production 1st S teve Cardillo (Yamaha) K391Sport Elite Front K700Radial Rear , 2nd Kenny Kopecky(Suzuki) K391 Sport Elite Front K700 Radial Rear 3rd Walt Nitta K391 SportElite Front, K700 Radial Rear 600ccSuper Street 1st Earl Roloff (Kawasaki) Dunlop "Slicks" 600cc Modified Production 1stEarl Roloff (Kawasaki) Dunlop "Slicks" 2nd Steve Cardillo (Yamaha) K391Sport Elite (Front) K700 Radial (Rear) , "TEAM NOLAN" IS ROLLIN'• • • . . , IN THE 1986 CAMEL PRO DIRT TRACK SERIES WITH THESE FINE RIDERS USING NOLAN'S NEW N42 SNELL '85 ,., ,r5A #14 HANK SCOTT #92 RODNEY FARRIS #42 STEVE MOREHEAD #33 DA VE HESS SEE TEAM NOLAN IN ACTION - A T THE #41 DOUG DA VIS TRACK ANDAT ''TECHNICAL KNOCKOUT" YOUR DEALER . . . GET ROLLIN' WITH: 1944 N . NAR RAGANS ETT AV E. CHICAGO ILLINO IS USA 60639 19

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