Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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" . 1. VI ~ 1:5 « ~ e z z ;: '" w ~ ~ e, (Above) Kurt Liebmann (52) took t he lead from Dave Roper (1 ) on the last lap to win the 750cc class, Roger Reiman won the 500cc Premier class. Daytona Invitational Historic Amateur Road Race Uebmann, Reiman score Historic wins By Henny Ray Abrams DAYTONA BEACH, FL, MAR . 3 Amol Precision's Kurt Liebmann waited until the last corner of the last lap to gas his 1970 H on d a CR750 f acto ry- kiItte d f ourcylinder p ast Team Obsolete's Dave Roper on the ex-Dick Mann factory BSA triple to wi n the Formula .. 750 class of the Invi tat ional Historic Amateur R o a d R a ce on the short co urse of the Daytona International Speedwa y. Peter Johnson on th e Rob North-framed Triumph factory repl ica finished third. The race, th e third of th e six 12-lap events on the 1.76-mile course using th e infield and part of th e banking. was th e most co m pe titive, with Li ebmann winning in a photo finish after leading earl y in th e race th en drop- 14 h b ki id b ide." L ' b on t e an .m g Sl e- y-si .e, " te.mann exp la ined , So I walled unti l th e last corner a nd go t o n th e ga s a liule sooner. " . Th e victory was a phot o-fin ish, . h Li b " W ' I David wu re ma'.1 n on top. 11 I ~ VI I 1.lav,~ to Wal.t for th e lap, he s~td. I had him for a while, b';'t I I,~I him by to see ":here he was gomg. ~lt hough he d won th e 500cc I.'rerrner class th e,last two years: Li ebmann wo,!ldn t be as lucky thl ~ year. R;oge~ ~elman on th~ 1957 KR750 side -va lve H arley-Da\ld.son led ~he en u re race and won by a lm?st rune '\ . .. .. · ··d " " "" " away at about a secon a lap. Roper was almost eight seconds ahead of Cronshaw at th e same point and Ron Darnaren. th e Canadian Production Cha mp ion on a GSXR S uzuki , was com forta bly lapping hi s 1954 Norton Dom inator 500 twin in fourth. " I had just a lillie horsepower o n th em," Reiman sa id a fter hi s easy win. " I had a lillie troubl e with traffic now and then. Th ey sa id th at old people don't have good reaction time, but I proved them wrong toda y." "T ra ffic was pretty hairy, " Roper began. "T h is is th e cla ssiest field we've had yet. Roger put it together. He 's th e class of th e field and he 's du e. The first lap I took it easy, then it became clear he was pulling aw ay. I was still pushing because I didn 't know Liebmann a nd Frank Mr azek had dropped out." Syd's Cycles' Mal colme Tunstall took his 1970 Du cari Desm a to th e overa ll win in th e Li ghtweight One and Two com bined rac e. Tunstall led Dave Roper for three laps before Roper dropped out leaving second to th e lon e front-running two -stroke, Joe Lachnier's 1966TD- IC250Yam aha . Lac h n ie t held second for most of th e race. but was overtaken at th e end by John Cronshaw on th e 1962 AJS 7-R . In fourth was T eam Obsolete's Marco Polo, on th e 1964AJS 7-R that Rod Co leman rode to win that year' s Isle o f Man Tourist Trophy race . Gary McCaw [inished fifth on the 1971 Ducati just ah e-ad of Michael Green who, though sixth overall , was first in the Lightweight Two race. J ohn Long o n a 1964 TSS Bul taco was second a nd Ed Culbertson was th ird on a 1965 Ducari. Long came ba ck to win th e Lig ht weight Three on the Bultaco, while Beno Rodi finished second overa ll , but won the Pre-World War II class in th e rac e, which co m bined threeclasses, with th e Lightweight Four class taken by Reinhold Winkler on 'the 1959 Ducati. Rodi , who entered five of th e six vintage races on his co llection of Indians, BSA's, a nd Nortons, had his best finish in the two-rider Pre-World WarIIclass.GeorgeWilsononasimilar bike finished second. Rodi's second best finish was a third in the Veteran (Pre- 1950) class ona l947Norton.TheManxNorton swe p t th e field, with Tom Faulds winning with his 1949 model and Mark Samuelson second on th e 1947. The Vintage " C" combined cla ss featured 350-500cc and 501 -750cc classes. The overall winner was expatriate Am erican Ri chard H aas on ~ ~ the 1963 Norton Dominator Twin. H aas . wh o lives in Paris , France, a nd has raced ex tensivel y in Europe fori 5 years, mad e h is Ameri can debut a winner by taking th e 501-750cc class on a 1963 Norton Dominat or Twin. John Zwerican o n a 1967 BSA beat R.N. Root for second. In th e 350-500ccclass, Danny Lindsey, fifth overall , put hi s 1970 H onda ahead o f Dennis L iggett o n a 1968 BSA. • pin!? back . . ~~~~~s19~9 ~~~mM~~;I~:~~~. sF~"':~ Results L b led h f h I LlWT ONE: 1. Malcolme Tunstall (Due): 2. John re mann t e irst tree aps Obsolete team member John CronCranshaw (AJ S); 3. Joe Lachniet (Yam): 4 . Raben before Ro per took over on the fourth shaw took third on the 1961 G50 Ronchetto (H·O); 5. Gary McCaw (Due). lan.Bv then the front ru n ners had 19 LTWT TWO: 1. Michael Green (Due); 2. John ap. y -. . Matchless. Liebmann, who'd won Long (Bul): 3. Ed Culbertson (Duel; 4 . Bobby Voho seconds on J.ohnson in thud , who the race the past two yea rs, dropped (Han): 5. Jeff Hecox (H· OI· had about SIX seconds on fourthout on the first lap when th e flywh eel LTWT THREE: 1. J ohn Long (Bul): 2. Joey Stradi M Ca R ~ (VarnI: 3. Johnny Szoldrak IMotl . I pace. G ary. c w. oper, turrnng on his Ren nsport RS500 BMW ca me LTWT FOUR; 1. Reinho ld W inkler (Duel: 2. David lap nrnes in the I:27 rang~ on the loose. Huges II.a). h t k th t L b F-750 ; 1. Kurt Liebmann (Han); 2. David Roper S or course. new a ie ma nn "When they said to go, I dropped IBSA I: 3. Pete r Johnson (Tri); 4 . Gary MeC8w (Due); had a horsepower advantage a nd the clutch and I went" the three-time 5. Frank Shockley (Tri). waited for the inevitable pass . Daytona 200 winn e~ Reima n said. 500 PREMIER; 1. Roger Reiman (H·O); 2. David Roper (M at); 3 . Joh n Cre nshaw {Ma t i; 4 . Ron Oam "He had a li tt le top end on me and Riding th e motor cycle th at made aren INor l: 5. Mar co Polo (MaU. ' I11m t h e Iirst rid er to go over 150 mp II ' VT : 1. Tom Fau (Nort; 4 ); 2. Ma rk Samuel son a littl e •..-u er acce Iera t Ion. It' s h a rd I uc irst n (Nor); 3. Beno Rodild s (Nor . Pal Moro ney (H.O); 5. [or me to fo llow so I decided to try to at the Speedway, Reiman sell led into BUIC Boer (lnd). h get by him and build up some kind of a patter n of 1:26 h p t im es and VINT C 350 ·500; 1. Richar d Haas (Nor ); 2. Jo hn ' ' 11 Zwerican (BSAI; 3. R.N. Root (Tri); 4 . AI Gaskill lead, " Roper said, . stretched IliS Iea d a t wru. By t Iie (BSA). Liebmann had two choices a t the ha lfwa y mark he had a bo u t four VINT C 50 1-750 ; 1. Oanny Lindsey (Honl; 2. Oen. ' h nis Leggett (BSA); 3. Robert Ba tstee r (BMW); 4. en d 0 f th e race. " E' h er I pa ss on I Iie It seco n d s on R d , ~m ce til m e oper a n Frank Smith (BSA); 5. J ohn Donahue (BSA). banking.or.en rh e lasi zum .•Wc wen • •• traffi f th tl6- rideJ Iltld , -pulled ••• • • ,pRE lI\lWl~ 4.-Beno Rodi (Ind). • ••• .. ALABAMA Dixie Cycle Birmingham , AL 205/ 833-6299 ARKANSAS Rainbow Honda Ben ton v ille , AR 501/273·9449 CAUFORNIA DHCycles Modesto, CA 209/524-1432 Jones MX Walnut , CA 714/598-1985 KTM of San Jose San Jose, CA 408/ 258-0750 Performance Cycle An aheim, CA 714/ 991-7210 Snyder's Chainsaw Service BumeY,CA 916/ 335-2828 Warren's Harley-Davidson, Inc. Salinas , CA 408/424-1909 COLORADO The Dirt Broker Lakewood, CO 303/234·1051 CONNECTICUT Suburban Cycles Shel ton , CT 203/734-6273 Willow's Kawasaki- Yamaha Cheshire, CT 203/272·7201 FLORIDA A.J.S. Sport Cycles Pompano Beach, FL 305/428-6666 GEORGIA Cycle South, Inc. Ri ve rdale , GA 404/991-6642 Fredericks Cycle Center Wind e r, GA 404/867·4563 H&HKTM Husqvarna Can-Am Mableton , GA 404/941-9184 Layton Motorcycle Sales, Inc. Cartersville, GA 404/386-8965 IWNOIS Action Cycle Litchfield, IL 217/324·6031 Bike Barn Morrison, IL 800IBIK-BARN; IL-815/778-3641 Bob's Cycle Sales Crossville, IL 618/966-3731

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