Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Husky 430WR-Woods Torquer Illin ois De al e r Misso uri De al e r ACTIONCYCLE - Tri. n &Tllm Gr••n C. nt. r. 3 & 4 wheeledATVs. strll' bikes,. 1 hiI.,. it all!Suzuki. SWM KoW.Slki, Can-Am, 8.ta. Fl nlie. 8ultoe. & . MonteSi. UPS daily. Can for fru catalog. Machine shop servici. prices! 817 West Union. Utehfi. ld. IL62056. (217) 324-6031. DAVE MUNGENASr S DIRT 81KE HEADOUAR· TERS & ST. LOUIS HONDA - H.nd•• nd H.sq - - 1981 mountain and woods ma chi ne , ideal trail bike for Gorman and other tr ai l riding. Sen ior rider. must sell NOWI $500/0 BO. (B1BI 362· 53Bl . ..rnl SlI.s and.service. MidwlSt's Il r" l st parts and (4 10) '8 5 Hus. 2 5 0XC-excellent cond. accessories in'lt ntory. UPS daily Open Mondly· . S.tu rd.y Ir. m 9 en, 5935 S. L indbergh Bl.d .. St, Louis, MD 63123.13141894-1330. 1986 updates, O-r ing ch ain, Boves ens, end ur o re adv.$ 1900 . 1 15) 6 5 1-4 572 . 4 1110 ) WANTED: S INGLE AXLE ENCLOSED TRAILER. 10 '. Also wonted Showa fork kit. 17151 693-669 6. (110 ) Illinoi s Dealer Mi ssouri Dealer THE 81KE 8ARN - Can·Am. Husq..rn. & SWM. Hi-Pointproducts and Ohlins shock r.pai r. Compl, .e in", ntory of parts. Olily UPS s,rvici . Enduro & cross countryI xperts to ser.. your needs. BikeBarn. Rt. 3. M.rris.n. IL 61270. (815) 778·3641. ONE DAY SERVICE - Pts.!.ee. in Sloek. Dmnl/r.g. UPS Visa. MIC, AmEx. C.ll lor blSl prico. on cycles. W. trad, ! Can del•. 10 Nat'ls.l Qualifi rs. , Ohlin. r.bldg. FREEDOMHONDA 1816) 761· 2220. HUSKY KAW IB I6 ) 761·6621. FREE DOMHUSKY . . KAW.. MAICO. KTM 1 816) 747·2053. 4 Int o 1 Eliminator Header Ninja 900 performa nce f rom your Elim inator. Also save 22 1bs. on e xhaust sys tem . Unpa inted. $219.95; chrome. $259.95. HOT BIK ENGINEERING. Fre · E mont. CA. 1415) 656-B27 5. (11 0) ' 8 5 KX125 Runsgreat and looks brand new, 51000.( 81 8) 88 2· 5275. Illi no is De al e r Ne w Jersey Deale r HALL'S HUSOVARNA - Huskydlll.r l.r 12 Y . II" lI,,1 intlntary - ne. . . old model pl rts. UPS d. ily. C.mpl.l••• ni e. d.pL Ohli...h.e k SlI• • & Slrvici . 22y.a rs in enduro" dirt rlcing. cln J IYor SI.n H.II. H. II·s H·D S.I.s, N. Dirks.n Pkwy . Springfi.ld.IL62707. (217) 528-0542. LEGEND CYCLE. INC. - C ..... n•• C... Am Triumph. lI . ieo. 8SA, IIX-Enduro-Ro.dAee••. . Porting. eyt b.r ing, er.nk r. bldg.. w.ld ing. UPS. Tu.... Thurs.. Fri. 10-9; Wid. 10-6. S. .. 9-4. Clos.d Sun. & Mon. 444 Route 23. Pompton Plains. NJ 07444. (201) 831-0535. Illinois Dealer M.C.C. - MOTOR CYCLE CENTER. INC.. HUSQ· VARNA &LAVERDA SlI.s& SI" . P.ns INSTOCK. bp.n sh.ek Slmcol.r DHUNS .nd .th .... Disc br.k. rnurf.cing. p.rIormo... moeli .. sh.p . FAST UPS DAILYlt 1015 E. SL Ch.rl.s Rd.. Lombard. IL 60148. (312) 495-2273. New Jersey Dealer MR. CYCLE PARTS - Your MIC Slor. hIS grown! Grin Prix le.the rs, d.nt.d to Mit .I,f, rold to ri ce, in stock. why wl it! Sayingtim. & Hard I.rned • • is what Mr. Cycle Parts is about Sidecar Spoe. We.kl, Sp.ei.I•• UPS D.i1y. '84 Cal. 58 Throekmon.n SI.. NJ 07728. (201) 462· 2016. 13 101 1 968 BSA Victor - 441 cc Or iginal. very clea n. incl udes pan s bi ke. 5800. Wanted: pipe for 400 Moico. 160 1) 63 2-1246. 1 0 /1 1) 31 We Pay You to Ridell 64 02 Homewood Ct.. Simi Valley. CA 930 63 . (B0 5) 564 -2B60 . (110) 1986 RM250. VET RIDDEN. R&D s us pe nsion, 7 You ca n earn S50 pe r day ri di ng Goldwi ngs and BMWs. Minimu m 500 mil es per day . M ust be 25 ye ars or ol der. mature . 5 yea rs m inimum riding exper ien ce. M u st apply in person fo r interview . (2 13) 530-03 14, ask for Terry or Dennis. Torrance . Calilornia. NANKAI GOAT· S KINS PENCER REPLICALEA THERS. Call or send $1 for bro ch ure to: Sunbridge. (30 9/1 1) ri des. w ell ma intained, $ 18 50 . (21 3) 324·3274. (110) MT125 R ROLUNG CHASSIS. complete w ith pip• • carbotra ns mission gear set , $400; or w ith Honda 175ec engine set-up. $675 lor a ll. (815) 935·2628 day s. (110) HONDA 750F SUPERBIKE EPSMs. LOCKHART, . On tario. mu ch mor e. Very re liable. top fi ni sh er 1984-8 5 AMA Nat iona l Endu ro s. Call for details . have all street part s. $17 00. 1213 ) 373 -3 29 2. 1110 / 12) 1 9 8 6 Suzuki RM125G ROADRACE LEATHERS. very good cond ition. lits 57". 140 Ibs .. $1 50 . 1 131733 -4 763. 4 (110) Suzuki XN85 Turbo 'S3, super cle an. only 3800 m iles, Sport Elites. great ha ndl ing rare factory turbo. $3200/080. Ridde n 3times. must sell . $1650/ 0 BO. 1213) 324617 1. (310/121 New York Dealer O hio De al er HEID'S HDDAKA AND BMW - N.w .nd us. d Had. ka p.ns. N.w 8MW p. ns, SlI•••nd •• me•. Cr. ... robli ldill1l. eylind b.r ing.nd p.rting. UPS& .r P....I Post dally 9-B M..d. y thru Frid.y. S'L 9·2. . G.rn.1 Lakl Road. J.hnsburg . NY 12B 43. (51B) 251-2110. HUFFMAN'S COMPETITION CYCLES - Riders' Ho. K TM.Husky&ATV. I. &S. " . N.w &us.d pIS .. 3-whl lr rl Ci Df ranch Itces. Hi-Point M. Smith .. On&: oH-rOldI CtiS. e ye!.boring.crankwork.wheel oIign. &truing. UPS d. ily 9·9 M· F. 9·6 s. t. Loretll A. . .. M. ynard. DH 43937. 1 614) 695·569 2. 1 18) 761 -75 17 . 8 ' 8 4 RM250 New top end. pro port ed. 38mm ca rb o factory fork RACING LEATHERS, BLUEAND WHITE. 2 piece. 5' 10 ". 32" wn ist, 40 " chest. $1BO (9161534-093B . . 1110 / 13) and shock mod by Enzo. First $900.(2 13)42B·B597. (110) 84 FJ600-Less than 1000 miles ' 8 5 Honda 700' Int ercept or New Elites. $2000. (415) 864 -58 21. ext. 171. leave message. (11 0 / 13) Excellent con dition, l ike n ew. all st ock . $2600. (2 13) 86 4-5267 . (1 10) 1 0 /12) 31 FOX S HOCK. FORKS PRINGS FOR FJ600. nev er us ed. $200. (41 5) B64·582 1. ext. 17 1. (110 / 13) FZ750 W /Fox Shk - KX80 New York Dealer Ohio Dealer MICRO BORE RACING -•• KTM & n,.r SlI•• & parts. UPS,. WIS1I.ko & Gadd.n Speldway 1I/t'•. lI.n.-Fri. 10-6. S. L 10-2.6041 - EISt T.h Rd.. N.rth Syr.e .... NY 13212. (315) 458-2406. GLENN JDRDAN'S MOTOR SPORTS - H.rl.y· D••idson & Yom. h. SlI.. & Sln ie•. 3760 Snoulf.r Road Worthington (Col mbus). Olio 430B5. c.n . u GI. .. ,.. th. da.1 .r..... (614) 764-2453. '84 FZ: Low miles. Fox shoc ks. Elit es, also more , $3200/ 0 BO. KXSO: good r unner, watercooled. monoshock. (41 5) 864·6821 .lea v e messag e at ext . 171. . North Carolina Dealer Ohio Dealer HARPER CYCLE & lIARINE - Y m. ha. Husq . ...n. IIln & sam sinel 1969. La..s. prien .nywher, .n ••w Huskys. CampI... machin. shOll Sin. Fist um. day parts Uri. Old lWtKo lad Husky pll nl. & ...d. 11Des,.na_ur, Hw,oo H..... r...IrilI • NC • 2B739. (704) 692·1124. LAIDIG'S CYCLE - Racing/P,rformane. S,.cillists. lIoto Guzzi. B.n.ll l KTII. MORtua. Buhaco. ",ieo, lave. C Am Sp..d • .uP.. "r.. ..... . puts inYilltOry. UPS daily plrtl/ .. ni Ci. W. IIm el aU ......" motorcycles. 364 $. ArlinttoR 51.. AIlrtl... OH 44JOB. 218/253-7555. North Carolina Dealer Ohio Dealer HONDA OF WINSTON SALEII -Lar,.sl H.nd. ......r i. WlStlm N.C. W. ship pans; 1 lily Slnie. ; ....I.r dioc...L W. spaciai.. i. eyli.dar b.ring. OpenlI·F 81. 7 .... S.L 9 to 4 pm. 591 Stratf.rd Road, W _·S.lem. NC 27103. (9191 76B·1880. LEWIS HUSKY8ARN - Hu_r•• sis.& nc. 1D% p.ns di.e•..,11OAliA UPS doily 1101.' . Fri. 4-8 pm. W••ko.... by .ppoin ...nt. 3 mi. S.E. Dhi. Tpka.. lIIil .5. 2210 R.ehr. P. rrysburg.OH 43551. c.nAIIout Our RilI.r H.lp Progr.m. (419) 837·5465 . (110 / 13) LEATHERS CLEANED; RECOND mONED . Fast service. Mike . (60 6) 7B7·5029. (2 10/1 5) ez. Go The Ratl Fully impo rted Rat Racin g motoc ro ss clothing is now available in t he US by mail orde r. Supervent pan ts . $119.95; Su pervent jer sey. $29 .9 5. Make chec k payable to Rat Rac ing USA. P.O. Box 864, Hunt ington Beach. CA 92648. (7 14 ) 960·8252. (1 101 Boots Need New Bottoms? Your boo t uppers sti ll great but your soles shot? Don 't t hrow 'em away. Reso le w ith eit her H i ~Po int MX or en duro sales. Hi -Point sales $30 /pair, ot her brands S35 /pa ir. Add $3 fo r fr eight. Sh ip your boots to: Hi-Po int Boot Sales, 3709 We st Erie A ...en ue . Lora in , OH 44053. Be sure to inc lude your ret urn addr ess. (210/13) Motoplat Testing & Rebuilding Ohio Dealer North Carolina Dealer IIEUDN 1I0TORCYCLE CD - HllSqYllrR•• II.... lISI. Cb.perrol pans. SlIn &SlfI. sinel '75. Enduro spleill. eamplel.liM of top quaity .ee••. Dhlins Sin. D.ily UPS. 2·6 1I...· Fri.. 9·1. S... 1401 C Eostwoy Dr.. Ch.rlona. NC 28205.(704) 536·9943. MATHIAS CYCLE SALES & SERVICE - BMW, KTM. H......r... Tri....,h &Husq ..... ChainSaws. Largo i. n ntory01pons. wall.quippld SI"ie. shop. UPS. lI.n.. W.d .. Fri. 9-6. T••• &Thurs. 9-8; SaL 9·5. RL 2. D...r. DH 44622(2 mi. N.n S.R BOO). (216) 343-6411. North Carolina Dealer PENTON HONDA - H.nd. mDtoreyel•• & S.ehs " plrts. "om. of champions! Hi Point Icclsson.s & UPSSI"ie•. Closld Su•. &Mon TulS.. W.d.. &Fri. . B:30·6; Thurs. 8:30-9; S. L B;30·5 . 1423 F.rlSt P.rk Rd.. Amh.rst, OH4400 1. (216) 282-51DB. Erie Avenue. Lora in. OH 44053. (2 16) 244-4101. (2 10 /1 3) Oh io Dealer IIDUSE'SCYCLE - C.,i••• II·Star & S.IIS & PIs. AI typlS.friding gllr. IIX. Enduro. T.ur•• ll: . Support progrlm 'Dr 'ICIrs. ATV Prods. S. n ice Factory au thorized testi ng and reb uilding serv ice cen ter fo r all Motoplat igni ti ons. W ri te or call f or complete in fo . Motoplat Service Center, 3709 West Ducati 900 BoTT Readyll Race ready , excel lent condition I Former AMAAmateur Nat ional #1. Cam s. big valves, sl icks, ported heads, mag . Don't miss t his opportunity l Only $3250. e.1I toda yl (5 13) 741 ·4295. (310/11) Wanted: 1980 Yamaha DT1 25 Must be a 1980 and in stock tr im. (312)299-2060. (310/1 1) 1957 Ariel Square Four Original and complete. good runner, $3000 firm . (2 13 ) 37B-2954. (110/11 ) '83 Chevy Cube Van 6.2 diesel. a/c. pIs, p/b. cru ise . am/fm cassette, sl eep s 4 . can car ry 6 bikes. The cube is 12 'x7' . 6 ' high with 4 ' s lee pe r. $13.000/ 0 BO. Rob.(Bl B)244· 3401 .hor 6 p.m. (3 10/ 11) Interceptor 750 roc. or str.1L Sh.ek r.builllin,. UPS D.i1y. II-F N_·1Dpm. Visa&1I1e. 166 Duail PL Dr.. Hob.n, NC 2B539.(919) 328-4219. Modified for production rac ing, ready to race or be the fastest Int ercep to r on th e street. W rfe pregnant and she says bike must go l $2975 buys it incl udi ng lots of goodies. Trop hy winner guaranteed, only 3000 miles. Call Phil Sm ith . (805) 642-0276 dayS. (B05) 646·3987 evenings . (310/11) 86 racer series #1 0*GSXR750 (Red or blue mode l) Custom handmade airbrush T·s hin s (w hite)heavyweighl 50/ 50. $24 .9 5. Crewneck sweatshirt s. $29.95. S,M .L XL 3 weeks deli... ery . New Ser ies inf or mat ion, call or writ e: Spray North Carolina Dealer Ohio Dealer TWIN CITY KAWASAKI /811W -b.lie .,.n bih connectionfor BMW. c.giYl. ki Ilnerda. AfuU rang. of IIdusiw maclliaesandequipin stock. w.n worth. wisit. UPS daily. T·F 9-7. SIL 9-s. 5600 U.iY.rsity P.rkwa, . Wioslo..SoI.m. NC 27105. (919) 767-2021. WHEELS PORTS INC. - Y.ur Dft·R•• d Sp.e! Husq,.rnl sl l,s & s.rvic• . urg. pins inventory. Ohlins shock Slr'fici. UPS daily. TUls.-Fri. lpm 10 8pm.. S.L 1O.m 10 4pm. 7959 E. lI.i. Slr.e~ R.ynoldsburg. DH 4306B. (614) 864-0010. North Carolina Dealer Ohio Dealer YAIIAHA OF RALEIGH (919) 772-5979. Compl... Y ...ha pans & Simco. UPS. COD parts (n.w & . USld) .nd .e ri.s in lb. U.S.A.PrielS quolId ...r DrdorsrlCliYod by2 pmwil go 011 _ d., UPS. T••r.... ATV. molDeross & strolL WIDDER SHELLSERVICE - lI.i../ M·SI. r. Cagi•• 2 &3 Wh• • I. rs, C2 plus J .w. & D.rbi m.p.ds saln . &: accessorils &: Slnici. MoD.-SIt. 7:30 om109;00 pm.. eloSld Sun. 102 North Br••dw.y. SuB.rer• • k. DH 44681. (2161B52-2232. An. P.O. Box 3894. Vencouver. WA 98662-8B94. 1206) 693-B74O. (11 0) 19 B2 GPz550. SHOW ROOM CONDITION. Under 5000 miles. st ock. SI200. (714) 472 ·4597. (1 10) WANTED: MOTO GUZZI 850T. T3 rac ing pans. Also w anted rac ing sidecar in need of r epair or com plet ion . (20 7) 667-7369. (20 7 1 667·8337. (110 ) Speedway Bike For Sale 70 ,.rts Custom Triple Clamps Ja w a 4 · . nick el frame, fr esh motor. new mag . e M ade to your meas ur em ents. FRANKS RACING. plus extras . $1300. 1714197B-1549. 1714 )546-3464. (110) (110/12) New '83 Husky 500CR-$1295 * * '85 VF500 Interceptor * * Li mited t o 4 on th e fl oor. also opt ions a...ailable - 6 Excell en t condit ion. looks brand new , never raced .' box stock . red. 4300 miles, no scr at ches, m ust sell, s peed geo r box. $2 50; '64 upda te kit. 8150 . At Flyin Ryan 's KTM -HuSQVarna, Las Cruc es. New Me xico . 150 5) 523·9401 . (110) $2 200. (7 14 ) 970-5493 alter 6 p.m.. ask for Kit. 15A)

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